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Yadav Sir 2024-2019

Question & Answers

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Yadav Sir



Yadav sir

Question.  Derating of engine

Question.  BIMCO in detail

Question.  Main engine forward vibration as CE how will you investigate

Question.  As a CE what things you will check in deck log book

Question.  As a CE what things you will do in take over new yard delivery vessel

Question.  Tonnage survey , what certificates to keep ready

Question.  Damaged Stability.

External Arbind Choudhary

Int- Yadav

Question.  What are ILo related convention details of element and COFR.

Question.  Latest amendments to cyber security, bunker sampling.

Question.  ship in restricted water OMD alarm action as CE.

Question.  ESP code what is it and latest amendments.

Question.  bunker pollution how you will react as CE, what convention cover liabilities.

Arvind sir

Question.  What is costal state flag state and port state duties?

Question.  What is duty of High commission as per MS act.

Question.  Ship grounded checks to do as CE . Why take defection ?




Internal Mr. Arbind Chaudhary

External Mr. Yadav

Result : repeat

Question.  CLC

Question.  where does PSC get authority to inspect a vessel (i don't know how but I forgot this)

Question.  new 2e has signed on and old returned from airport. As a ce how what will you do

Question.  how will you give 6G certification to a fitter as a ce

Question.  how does IMO control IACS

Question.  why did polar code came

Question.  what is bil of lading


Mr chaudhary and yadav

Question.  surveys on tailshaft

Question.  conflict of interest

Question.  damage stability in DD during flooding

Question.  Derating of engine

Question.  probabilistic approach of damage stability

Question.  deciding premium P n I

Question.  ballast planning for voyage from Europe to US

Question.  Rightship

Question.  Change of class





Question.  FONAR











Internal arbind chaudhary.

External. Yadav sir.

Question.  Latest amendment to marpol wrt nox [may be 2020] and ism in 2021.

Question.  How many mou psc. Purpose.

Question.  Intertanko purpose.

Question.  Unit 1 omd alarm engine slow down no defector fault, no hot spot, what action as you go to half alarm slowdown always what action.

Question.  Types of tailshaft survey.

Question.  Entries in deck log book relevant to c/e.

Question.  bwms latest amendment 

Question.  What is port of refuge.

Question.  Damage stability wrt tanker.

Question. Ammonia ready and ammonia slip.
Question. Diff alternate fuel.
Question. Yard delivery action as c/e.
Question. Iapp validity.
Question. Endurance test in sea trial.
Question. In sea trial what and how you test. /Pull out test.
Question. Amendment to annex iv sewage




First attempt.

When class 2 cleared/  Which company/What are new innovations ur company is doing

Question.  What new innovations MSC

Question.  What is content of class certificate

Question.  What u understand by gas ready notation / what are features of the this ship.

Question.  What is IGF code ( BASIC REQUIREMENTS)

Question.  What is ESP./ New amendment in ESP

Question.  What is GBS/New amendment is GBS

Question.  As CE onboard Anchor is not coming up what checks to do . Also he said anchor lowering operation is ok but not coming up only.

Question.  as   CE how will u carry out setting of EGB safety valve at sea .             

Question.  MARPOL ANNEX 6 NEW amendment relating to sulphur content.2020

Question.  CE takeover new vessel in yard what mandatory checks to witness




Girish Naik

Attempt : first

Int: Gopi sir

Ext: Bijay yadav Sir

1.Introduction, sailing experience n ships

Question.  Latest amendment in ism

Question.  Latest amendment in marpol

Question.  Sulphur 2020 cap for fuel oil, if can’t comply what action?

Question.  If analysis report shows 0.52 sulphur content, what action?

Question.  Bill of lading

Question.  Chief officer called you and told anchor is not heaving up, action as chief engineer?

Question.  Bunkering, u have been given 80 tones short, action as chief engineer.

Question.  IHM,

Question.  Certificates for recycling ship?

Question.  Amendment enforcement procedure



Mumbai mmd

Attempt 1

Internal : Gopi sir

External : Bijay sir


Intro experience . Technical experience




Question.  Chartering / Bareboat charters / S/O liabilities in bareboat charter

Question.  ISGOTT

Question.  BIMCO

Question.  Class vs RO

Question.  Co2 10 yearly inspection

Question.  Lifeboat damage arrival port action

Question.  Cyber security how what and why.

Question.  Marpol tier 2 and tier 3 nox tech code.


Ashish Palkar

24 Apr 2023 Mumbai MMD

Attempt: 3

Int: Nair sir Ext: Bijay yadav sir

Bijay sir:

Question.  General average.

Question.  Bill of lading. Content. Types.

Question.  What amendment to annex 6 as per April 22

Question.  Bunker spill while bunkering in foreign port action as CE

Question.  EEZ as per unclos

Question.  Flag of convenience

Question.  Engine derating

Question.  Situational awareness with exact definition

Question.  CLC in detail

Question.  CE takeover new vessel in yard what mandatory checks to witness

Question.  BIMCO in detail

Nair sir

Question.  As CE how to train juniors

Nair sir

Internal questions (time 08 mins):

Question.  Importance of PSC/.  Who governs PSC./ Where are the rules stipulated for governing PSC/ What is the MOU


Handed over to external (time :24 mins):

Question.  Who is Broker and what are his roles in H&M.

Question.  Noise code how as a chief engineer check the compliance of noise code.

Question.  Oil mist detector alarm as soon as RFA what are your actions

Question.  Nairobi wreck convention.

Question.  CBDR.

Question.  Flag change news came from owner what are your preparations as chief engineer.

Question.  Bunker BDN shown 0.49% but your lap report shown 0.53% what are ur actions and what are ur actions is lab report shows 0.55%.

Yadav sir / Pravin sir

Yadav sir started

Question.  What's the latest amendments wrt to sampling of fuel oil.

Question.  Definition of unseaworthy and unsafe ship. One Liferaft missing is it unsafe or unseaworthy.

Question.  How will you know as CE That SMS is implemented onboard.

Question.  What are the contents of BDN

Question.  Out of control fire in the ER, 3E last seen in ER and is now missing, capt unable to decide and is asking you if we can release C02. Ur actions.

Question.  Who issues EIAPP certificate


Yohann Lobo


Date: 25-04-2023

Internal: Mr Vikrant Rai.

External: Mr. Yadav.

lntroduction: company, type of ship how many months as 2e.

when cleared class 2

Question.  Bimco.

Question.  Esp latest amendments.

Question.  Tailshaft seal replacement.

Question.  Ballast water management systems latest regulations.

Question.  Maritime lien.

Question.  New guidelines for fuel testings.

Question.  Flag of convenience.

Question.  Lifeboat burned down arrival in port in 24 hours what will you do.


Sunil Kumar Mumbai MMD

Gopi Krishna sir

Chandreshakar sir

Yadav sir

Result - failed

Question.  PSCO

Question.  Foc

Question.  ism latest amendments

Question.  how will you check power on shop test

Question.  2022 latest amendment in sulphur in annex 6 on 1 April 2022.

Question.  hssc.


Santosh Pye

Mumbai MMD

Internal: Gopi Krishna Sir

Ext: Chandrasekhar Sir and Yadav Sir

Result: Repeat

1 .Type of ship sailed and rank experience

Question.  ESP code

Question.  BIMCO

Question.  Amendments to ISM

Question.  Amendment to Annex 4

Question.  Sulphur content of fuel 2022 new amendment

Question.  Coating technical file

Sylvester Andrade

External: Yadav

Internet :VikrantRai

Result: Repeat

Self introduction

Question.  Statutory certificate

Question.  Documents checked by CE when joining vessel

Question.  RO code

Question.  General average..

Question.  Deck logbook

Question.  ESP latest amendments 2021

Question.  Marpol Annex 2 latest amendments related to IMO./ New amendments to IBC code 

Shayantan Trafdar


Mumbai MMD

int: Mr. Vikrant Rai

Ext: Mr. Bijay Yadav •

Result: Repeat

Question.  Bareboat charter and ship owner’s liability

Question.  Registration of ship procedure and documents required.

Question.  Adoption of convention and entry into force procedure.

Question.  Objectives of ESP code. ESP code latest amendments and survey preparation as CE.

Question.  What is Bill of lading

Question.  Marpol amendments

Question.  Factors affecting insurance premium.

Question.  What are P&i clubs. Functions of it. 

Question.  OMD alarm while increasing rpm from full ahead to rfa action




Sunil Kumar


Krishna Sir

Bijay Yadav Sir

Attempt :

Result : Repeat

Question.  As CE What action will you take if Emergency Generator is not starting & PSC onboard.-.

Question.  Action as CE if Anchor is going down when lever in neutral position

Question.  What is shock valve in windlass hydraulics

Question.  BIMCO, constituents and work

Question.  General Average & Particular Average

Question.  New regulations wrt Bunker

Question.  Regulations wrt Ballast System

Question.  LAPP explain. MUST BE IAPP

Question.  Tests carried in Sea Trial




Mangesh Raut


External : Mr.Bijoy Yadav

Internal: Mr.Gopi

Question.  Bunker Fuel 2020 guidelines and amendments

Question.  Esp code and new amendment

Question.  Marpol annex 2 new amendment

Question.  Marpol annex 4 amendment

Question.  Solas amendment

Question.  Endurance test

Question.  Bareboat charter

Question.  OWS 15 ppm was not working before reaching us and tanks are full at sea & no spares onboard as ce ur action ?

Question.  Marpol annex 6 amendment Other than EEXI & Cll




Anay Desai



Internal: Mr. Gopi Krishna

External: Mr. Bipy Yadav

Result: Repeat

Question.  2020 amendments in bunkering

Question.  You receive bunker stated as 0.49% S in BDN, but analysis results show 0.55% S. What will be your action as CE?

Question.  Engine derating HOW is it done?

Question.  Noise measurement in the engine room who does it

Question.  Excessive sudden forward-end vibrations- Action as CE?

Question.  Anchor lowering but not up, Reasons? Action as CE?

Question.  Endurance test.




Faraz Khan


Internal Mr Vikrant Rai Sir External Mr Bijay Yadav sir

Attempt 2 - PASS

Question.  Solas Chap 12 - Constructional and stability requirements Additional requirement for Bulk carriers.

Question.  ESP code.

Question.  New amendments - eedi, cii

Question.  OMD alarm action as CE when. You left the port and RFA been given, you checked everything nothing is wrong again you proceed and alarm again .what will u do

Question.  One of our lifeboat engines suffers serious damage in port, will u sail or not

Question.  Economizer safety valve testing onboard during sailing.

Question.  Statutory certificates to be carried on oil tankers .

Question.  Damage stability.

Question.  Marpol sampling points





Internal Vikrant Rai Sir External Bijay Yadav Sir

Attempt 2: Repeat

Started with the written results and types of ships sailed (oil tankers)

Question.  Latest Amendment that came into force in Jan 2021 WRT to ANEEX 1 and annex 6

Question.  Latest Amendment WRT ISM

Question.  What is Pnl club X questions, Off signing 2E was not able to sign off due to immigration issue, on singing 2E has already taken over. Now if the off signing 2E is injured....will the Pnl club provide insurance to the off signing 2E

Question.  Dmage stability, X questions, statical stability X questoin , what are the requiremnt for damage stability

Question.  What is CM           in detail

Question.  2020 suphur cap, whats the requirement for EGCS as per anex 6

Question.  Ship owner responsibility in bareboat charterer

Question.  FWD anchor is not heaving up , actions as CE


Jaydeep D

Sorry guys. Was totally busy with doctor and stuff post orals. Couldn’t post questions.

Bijoy Yadav sir Vikrant Rai sir

Question.  Charter party agreements Bareboat charter GA PA

Question.  Bill of lading, types and purpose Specific clauses and explanations ME Derating, x question about fuel limiter ESP code latest amendments.

Question.  Propeller advancements

Yadav sir mentioned v can pass him.

Later Vikrant Rai Sir asked me 3 questions.

Question.  IMO Measure with respect to emission control through annex 6.

Question.  Emission Factor

Question.  Definition of Global Warming Potential

Global warming potential (GWP) is defined as the cumulative radiative forcing, both direct and indirect effects, over a specified time horizon resulting from the emission of a unit mass of gas related to some reference gas [CO2: (IPCC 1996)].


Husain Zaveri

3rd attempt Int: Vikrant rai Ext: Bijay yadav

Asked about written (have cleared), which type of ships sailed after class 2

Question.  Standards for bunker fuel

(explained about ISO 8217 latest 2017)

Question.  What is QMS

Question.  TQM vs QMS, how will you implement TQM on board as a CE How does PSC detention affect a flag state and the ship (explained about updation to MOU database, WGB lists, SRP )

Question.  BWM G8,G9, Xq: what are active substances, what does "viable" mean, Approval process for G9?

Question.  Derating of Engine, how it differs from EPL, EEDI

Question.  Noise code



Yadav Sir


18 -aug-2022

internal: Wankhede sir

External: yadav Attempt:

First Result: Pass

Question.  Flag of convenience

Question.  Change of Flag Procedure.

Question.  HSSC

Question.  How to measure Engine power in Shop trial. Xq Water dynamometer working principle. How to increase and reduce engine power in this.

Question.  Excessive forward vibration

Question.  Anchored lowered cannot heave up. Pump is fine relief valve of pump IAS also lifting because of too much pressure.



(Ext: Yadav Sir, Int Wankhede Sir)


Question.  Deck logbook contents and its relevance to CE

Question.  Bareboat charter

Question.  What all does PnI cover? new 2E joins and outgoing 2E cannot sign off due to Covid restrictions at port. Will he be covered under PnI

Question.  You have 0.53% S fuel onboard. Will you be able to use it?

Question.  Endurance test of ME

Question.  Continuous rest hour violation onboard. Your actions as CE

Question.  ESP Code and latest developments.

Question.  Not able to heave Anchor. What all checks will you do?

Question.  Polar Code and its relevance


Harshad Tirodkar

(Ext Yadav Sir, Int Wankhede Sir)

Yadav Sir:

Tell me about yourself….Rank Exp….company….types of ships

Question.  As a chief engineer you are taking over a ship from another company... What all things to check... documents ... certificates....more and more and more…

Question.  ism implementation onboard

Question.  Your ship is going for a change of flag

Question.  boiler survey

Question.  new developments in turbocharger...

Question.  how it helps your seemp 2

Question.  what is stc valve in framo

Question.  cii ... what when how ... where .... how would you reduced attained cii... methods

Question.  isgott.

Question.  what is ro

Question.  fwd end vibrations








Asim K

External :Yadav Sir

Internal :Wankhede Sir

Introduction... Experience as 2e..types of ships and with which company.

Question.  Isgott

Question.  Fal convention

Question.  Condition of class

Question.  CII code in detail

Question.  You have joined a ship and one of the lifeboat is completely charred and damaged then how will you get approval for sailing

Wankhede sir told to disconnect and wait.

Question.  noise measurement procedure and noise code in detail.

Question.  Risk assessment in detail.


Tejinder Singh

2nd attempt - Pass

Ashish Wankhade sir,

Internal - dont know..

1. Introduction type of vsl

Question.  Marpol requirements for sulfur content in the fuel.

Question.  Action as CE if u receive high sulfur bunker (0.6%) and at middle of the sea.

Question.  How you will manage a PSC inspection with high Sulfur fuel in use.

Question.  Checks as CE during drydock for checks related to Rudder and propeller before flooding.

Question.  Certificate to Check as CE when you join a vessel.

Question.  What is EIAPP certificate, who issue it, validity, when to change, what is this certificate for

Question.  Action as CE C/Case oil mist detector high alarm just after pilotage.

Question.  Unseaworthy and unsafe ship

Question.  Emergency DG not operational, unseaworthy or unsafe. Action

Question.  How to identify which class items are due for survey?




Internal: Wankhede Sir

External: Yadav Sir

Attempt: 4

Only Yadav Sir asked questions. Started off with Introduction. Experience as 2E. Types of ship.

Company name.

Question.  What is ISPS. Certificates under ISPS.

Question.  Purpose of Vetting inspection? said so many Inspections are there, why again Vetting?          

Question.  ME T/C damaged. Prepare report for H & M.

Question.  SEQ Survey preparation as a CE. Focus on Engine department. Asked related to lifeboat also.

Question.  You are joining as a Chief Engineer. Handing over CE says one of the alternators is out of service. Will you takeover? What all checks?

Also asked about SOLAS requirement.

Question.  SCOPIC clause. Why SCOPIC?

 [01-04-2022 06:40]

[Forwarded from Ramachandran]

INTERNAL : Vikrant Rai sir


Result: PASS



Question.  Annex 6 upcoming amendments

Question.  IMO Dcs vs EU MRV

Question.  Going US  how you take bunker

Question.  After DD checks on rudder

Question.  OMD  high mist action as chief engineer

Question.  How will u approve onboard welder

Question.  change of flag how will u prepare

Question.  change of management how will u prepare                                                            



Vikrant rai sir

Question.  CII RATING D action as chief engineer, what u suggest as chief engineer

Question.  MNC example how u ll handle as chief engineer and how they ll give mnc


[Forwarded from Canute Rosario]


Mumbai mmd

Int: Kamath sir

Ext: Yadav sir



Question.  Sea trail, what all checks carried out

Question.  What is CSC

Question.  Endurance test of engine

Question.  How bhp determined

Question.  CII

Question.  When joining ship as ce, how will you know whether ism is properly implemented

Question.  Duties of RO

Question.  Interpersonal conflict, how u handle

Question.  Procedure for noise measurement, who issues certificate, when and who does the test

Question.  Main engine liner is cracked and stuck. What actions as ce

Kamath sir

Question.  Fire within the container, how do you tackle?


Noel Dias

Date: 21/03/2022

Attempt: 2 Result - Pass

Kamath Sir and Yadav Sir.

1. What types of vessels you sailed on?

2. Have you worked on FRAMO system?

Question. What is STC in Framo? Whats is its function? Can we operate Framo pump without STC if we want to maintain pump at constant speed?

Question. What routines do you carry out on Framo pump cofferdam? What do you come to know from the results?

Question. What material can we expect to come out from cofferdam?

Question. What was the class of your last vessel?

Question. If owner want to change class from DNV to LR what is role of CE?

Question. You have joined vessel and have noticed FWD part vibrations on main engine area. What do you suspect could be cause of the vibrations?

Question. Tell me more reasons for Fwd vibrations of Main Engine and remember these were not happening earlier at same engine speed.

Question. What is purpose of cofferdam?

Question. You find your cofferdam is blocked, can we load cargo in it? How can cofferdam get blocked? Why do you say you cannot load cargo in cofferdam?

Question. You are approaching port and one life boat has been badly damaged due to rough weather. After arrival at port how will you proceed as CE to make vessel seaworthy since no replacement lifeboat is available onshore.

Question. You joined vessel as CE and noticed the working atmosphere is not good, 2nd engineer and 3rd engineer do not get along, 4th engg and fitter always fighting. How will you handle the situation.

How will you motivate the crew to work together having these differences, say 2nd engineer and 3rd engineer.

Question. Name the theory of Motivation. What is power distance? Maslows theory is old, tell me a new one.

Question. Explain to me Johari Window and how you apply it.

Question. What is CII, explain. How do you calculate CII and its unit.

Question. How do you think you have fared in your oral exams?

Question. Which is your company? Who is the RPSL for this company?



[Forwarded from Fayaz Ahmed]

DATE: 24/02/2022





















Atish Mohan, [19-11-2021 00:29]


External:Yadav Sir

Internal:Mukhopadhaya Sir


Yadav Sir:

Question.  Fire on life boat (totally charred) before port, As a chief engineer who all you will inform, what can be reason of fire, how you will carry out accident investigation

Question.  HSSC

Question.  BIMCO

Question.  Nairobi Wreck Conv

Question.  Endurance Test of ME

Question.  EIAPP certificate ,to whom it issued and how

Question.  Anchor not heaving up, but going down and holding is ok?

Question.  IMO structure

Question.  How IMO oversees RO

Question.  Derating of Main Engine

Question.  latest amendment in Marpol Annex 4 and 6

Mukhopadhaya Sir

Question.  You have taken over as CE on yard delivery, after departure one pump not working, how you will make guarantee claim and action if maker of machinery not accepting guarantee claim?




[Forwarded from J]


Mumbai mmd

Int: Jayanta Sir

Brief intro

Question.  Iopc application

Question.  Assembly function

Question.  6g and 4g difference

Question.  Wreck removal convention in brief

Question.  Ows non ops in us water, action as CE

Question.  Change of flag

Question.  SMC withdrawn actions as CE

Question.  Eiapp certificate details

Question.  Esp details

Question.  Flag of convience

 [Forwarded from Vishal Dcosta]

Finally school days are over .



Int: Jayanta Mukhopadhaya

Ext: —


Which ships have you done as second engineer . (VLCC)


Question.  what are high risk observations on oil tanker ?

Question.  Joining as C/E assessment of ISM implementation onboard ?

Question.  Difference between DOC & SMC?

Question.  Role and Responsibilities of RO’s?

Question.  Difference between DCS and MRV? Why both data needs to be reported?

Question.  What is basic difference between RTA & RTflex.?

Question.  How fuel injection timing is adjusted in RTflex?

Question.  Explain Engine Derating?

Question.  Amendment to MARPOL Annex VI.

Question.  Taking over as C/E , bunker quantity figure in engine log book, Hand over figure.100 ton difference . Will you take over as C/E? Yes or No justify your answer.

Question.  You as C/E taking bunker , 100 ton short supply .supplier refusing to sign short supply. Step by step action as C/E?

Question.  During bunkering oil spill action as C/E?

Second engineer advise to use OSD your response?

Master advises to lower lifeboat and use oil Boom … your action?

Question.  M/E liner withdrawal job in hand , second Engineer informs liner is not moving . Your action ?

Question.  Master informs ECR that anchor is not heaving up , calls C/E at forward station .  Your response , check and action to resolve the issue .









Oil, type 3 tanker, NLS.


Question.  What is ESP? What is the scope? What exactly it tells us? What important 4 things?

Question.  MEPC .315(74) what does it tells?

Question.  Latest in annex II?

Question.  P&I club.. What is your understanding? Who is the third party? Give me a short list of 3rd Party.

Question.  G.A. and P.A.  Differences.

Question.  What is new in Annex VI?  Relate ships on or after 2007 with MARPOL annex 2.

Question.  You joined a new vessel in yard, how will you conduct NOISE survey? Who is responsible for NOISE measurement?

Question.  You joined a vessel and found 1% sulphur fuel oil. How will you respond?

Question.  Main engine running ahead, oil mist high level alarm, action as CE?

Question.  How IMO verifies class is working in line with them?

Question.  Class and RO difference?




You told you are working in oil tanker right?

Both oil and chemical

Ok. What all inspections done last ship?

Question.  What is significance of SIRE inspection? What did you follow to carry out checks? Why SIRE why not INTERTANKO? In what way SIRE is better?




Question.  You joined a new vessel which is under guarantee period, after a few days 3 liners crack on the same day, how are you going to save owners?







Questions by External:

1.  Type of Ship sailed after class 2, and have idea about latest amendments?

Question.  What new amendment is going to come in Annex 1 , Annex 5 and annex 6 in Sept 2022?

Question.  BWM code, what is latest in that?

Question.  What is IAPP and who issue that?

Question.  LL survey preparation.

Question.  tell me about Polar navigation.

Question.  How will you change cross head bearing

Question.  Vessel in DD work has been carried out on steering gear and rudder carried bearing, what all you check as CE before flooding? 

Question.  How will certify  6G welder, what is  ’G ‘ in that. Difference between 6G and 4G ?

Question.  what is ISGOTT and OCIMF, Difference between these two?

Question.  Windlass break test. and he wanted to know the parts name where you fit tool.


External said  Mukho sir you can consider him.


Question.  Vessel In DD and you need to renewed the stern tube bearing, what all assessment you will carry out as CE.


Yadav Sir

APRIL 2021


 [Forwarded from Shyam Upadhyay]

23 APRIL 21

Ext- Yadav sir

Int- Ashish sir


Question.  What is MRV?

Question.  What is DCS?

Question.  What is CII?

Question.  VTI

Question.  Multiple violation of rest hours. Action as a chief engg?

Question.  Explain UNCLOS?

Question.  Vessel is in DD and massive fire in engine room. Action as a CE?

Question.  Any major accident/ incident in your tenure?

Question.  Emergency gen not working. Vessel is in port action as a chief engg.


Ashish sir

Question.  Why life boat drill are carried out onboard? All crew already done courses PST and PSCR.

Question.  CO2 release procedure.






[Forwarded from Faisal]





Question.  What is BIMCO.

Question.  What all documents you will take over from outgoing CE while joining.

Question.  GBS.

Question.  Latest amendment coming in force in 2022 for fuel oil.

Question.  Change of flag action as CE and FOC.

Question.  Endurance test.

Question.  RO and RO responsibility.

Question.  After u bunker and found after 3 days fuel report showing high cat fines what action and how you will make sure during bunkering that fuel has high cat fines.

Question.  Missing entry in ORB after you join, Action?

Question.  EU MRV and IMO DCS differences.

Then two question from Ashish sir

Question.  Risk Assessment

Question.  Training of Junior engineer.



[Forwarded from Kadir]

Ashish sir and Yadav sir


1. Intro

Question.  Type of surveys

Question.  as ce how you proceed with complete renewal of aux engine crankshaft provided new crankshaft on-board ??

Question.  Windlass problem with anchor

Question.  Framo purging , leak more than 15 l / day , action , leak only hyd oil .

Question.  Condition of class

Question.  Lifeboat engine not working , action as c-e

Question.  general avg

Question.  Shock valve n counter balance valve working ?

Question.  wreck convention

Question.  Taking over ce , which certificate not doc to check ??

Question.  Entries in deck log book





 [Forwarded from Michael Barreto]


2nd attempt

Intro, which company, how many years as 2/e, which ships.


Question.  what is OCIMF..

Question.  what is P&I, Why required, how's ship owners contributing..

Question.  Amendments to Marpol annex VI on sulphur coming in force.

Question.  Amendments to BWM convention  and D2 compliance requirements

Question.  What is Nairobi convention.

Question.  What is CLC, why required  , what limits , compulsory insurance.

Question.  As C/E  new 2/e onboard and old 2/e signed off and refused  by immigration due to some administrative issues to leave.. now he is also onboard.. will sail with ship...what actions?

Question.  As  C/e you feel vibrations at forward end of the Engine? What Actions?

Question.  As C/e OWS fails and you are reaching US? What Actions?


Wankhede sir:

Question.  You are Indian CE working on Pakistan flag ship? Sailing in Pakistan. now any problem with CE onboard will fall under whose law??



2021 Feb

[18.02.21 16:04]

[Forwarded from Atul Kamble]

Senthil sir and Bijay Yadav Sir

Introduce yourself

Question.  Bill of lading

Question.  Statutory certificates to be carried on board.

Question.  Responsibility of carrier with respect to carriage of cargo

Question.  Isgott

Question.  Define unseaworthy ship

Question.  What if emergency generator has failed / Can u sail out of port

Question.  6 G welding/ Your welder is having 6G certificate. What all you will check before allowing him to proceed for welding?

Question.  Bunker convention in short

Question.  How to confirm if ism is implemented on-board.

 [Forwarded from Sudheer Kumar]


Internal: Senthil kumar.

External: Yadav sir,

Brief introduction.

Question.  cms, pms & breakdown maintenance and where used on ship. Why pms is used extensively

Question.  vessel grounded, bunker oil spilled what are all your actions.

Question.  How will you prepare a claim for machinery damage?

Question.  documents and certificates required as per mlc. Cofr how many required as per mlc.

Question.  seq survey,

Question.  co2 system checks during intermediate survey.

Question.  how will  you ensure m/e in good condition after grounding.

Question.  what will u do if c/o says to use osd for cleanup in oil spill.

Question.  2e already completed 9 months onboard. How will you motivate him.

Question.  coc and memorandum diff.



[17.02.21 17:39]

[Forwarded from A B]


Internal: Senthil kumar.

External: Yadav sir,

Brief introduction.

Question.  Goal based standard

Question.  Difference between CLC and Bunker

Question. m/c damage prepare for h&m claims.

Question. Crankcase explosion, action as CE how will you report class.

Question. endurance test,

Question. Obligation of owner to crew regarding seaworthiness of the ship,

Question. BOL, relevance of BOL, content of BOL.

Question. shippers duties for carriage of cargo,

Question.  Forward side of engine vibration from last 1 month. Action as CE.




A G, [27.01.21 21:36]

Mumbai mmd

6th Attempt


Internal: Senthil Sir  External:  Bijay Yadav Sir, they both wr present whole time

 1. Introduction, Experience as 2nd engg company name and no of attempts

Question.  You are taking over as CE and outgoing CE taking you for engine room rounds what all you will check and ask?                                            

Question.  What are owners responsibilities in bareboat charter?       

Question.  What is BIMCO full form and Role?

Question.  What is UNCLOS full form?

Question.  Anchor not coming up u went and saw hydraulic pump is developing full pressure, anchor can be lowered but not heaving up ?                                

Question.  Ship is in DD and there was some job was carried out on rudder. Now tomorrow is flooding, what all checks you will carry out in steering gear?

X-q: now u found that relief valve in hydraulic system is lifting what to do?

Question.  What is P&I club, what they do? How they fix the premium?                                          

Question.  New 2nd engg joined , current 2nd engg signed off but he cud not disembark the ship. How will you distribute job responsibilities among both of them?                                  

Question.  Last question was from Senthil sir: ur ship is UMS class , do t have 4th engg, 3rd engg is sick and signing off now u r short of engineers what wud u do?                                                   

XQuestion.  he asked what else ?

XQuestion he asked what all risks r there?




[27.01.21 15:10]

[Forwarded from M B]

Ext:Yadav Int:Senthik kumar

Introduce yourself

Question.  What is maritime lien

Question.  Endurance test sea trial

Question.  p&i insurance. How r calls decided

Question.  framo hyd oil leak your action

Question.  Nairobi wreck convention

Question.  unclos features

Question.  BDN shows 0.48%. Tests show 0.56% S. What will u do how will u reach next port

Question.  What’s new in Polar code

Question.  What do u understand by Anniversary dates. Scope of annual surveys


Decider question:

Question.  U r taking over as CE what is the first thing you will see/check while taking ER round.






[Forwarded from Srinivas Nayak]


External Mr Yadav

Internal Mr Senthil


Question.  What is FOC

Question.  Maritime Lein

Question.  Anchor not heaving up

Question.  RO and class differences

Question.  Engine derating

Question.  BDN 0.5% lab analysis 0.59 %your action as CE

Question.  Scope of Annual survey

Question.  Flag change ,as CE what will you prepare

Question.  You are taking over a vessel from yard




[23.12.20 16:23]

[Forwarded from Ramraj Afonso]


Yadav Sir and Senthil Sir


Yadav Sir

Question.  As a CE how will you prepare ship for recycling under hongkong convention?

Question.  Master and chief officer expired onboard, vessel at mid sea, your actions?

Question.  While taking astern ship did not stop and collided with another ship. how will you protect owners intrest?

Question.  Engine overloading reasons?

Question.  What all entries in engine log book? how will you make corrections in log book.

Question.  What all documents kept in CE cabin that are to be handed over to incoming CE?

Question.  Fuel oil shortage during bunkering, supplier not listening, your actions?

Question.  In deck log book what all entries are made that are of significance to CE.


Senthil Sir

Question.  You are about to depart and you come to know that your life boat engine is not working, your actions?




[Forwarded from Winston Rodrigues]

MMD mumbai


Int: Vikrant rai

Ext: yadav


1) Introduce yourself and experience as 2/e

Question.  vsl under cold layup for more than 2 years how will you reactivate the vessel

Question.  anchor not heaving up even after sufficient pr in hydraulic system , actions as ce

Question.  what are maritime liens.

Question.  fire in drydock, actions to be taken.

Question.  actions incase of shortfall in bunkers,qty less than that in BDN.

Question.  How do you go about renewal of smc, during the extended period due to  covid-19 pandemic(wants to know what all preperations as ce)

Question.  what are R.Os and role of R.Os.

Question.  what all actions to be taken in case of a MNC.

Question.  Tailshaft survey in DD,(method2),renewal of s/t seals,  how to go about it.

Question.  polar code, details, why it was required


Sept 2020



[Forwarded from Dhananjay Raut]

Date 14.09.2020

Internal: Wankhade sir,

External : Yadav sir

Started exp as 2E, ships done, company with sailing

Question.  Certificate and documents for new ship registration.

Question.  SEQ survey preparation, want to here equipments comes under SEQ

Question.  EGB safety valve setting procedure, detailed procedure and at what settings you set it with respective aux boiler.

Question.  You are taking over a new delivery vessel from yard, during delivery of vessel certain tests at yard

Question.  main engine running overloaded, causes and how to know it,

Question.  difference between derating and fuel limiter. Why we are not using fuel limiter instead of derating.

Question.  Main engine aux blowers not working no spare blower onboard, bridge want to go full rpm how to go about it.

Question.  hongkong convention .. recycling, how as a CE you will prepare ship for recycling,

Question.  Why polar code, and guidelines

Question.  outgoing ce removed from ship coz of crankcase  explosion, he has not any information how it happened, will you take over, how will you proceed after takeover. If company ask to go full speed,




[15.09.20 10:37]

[Forwarded from Nitish]

14 Sept 2020

Wankhade sir and Yadav Sir

Question.  you join in DD and last CE signing off and rudder not moving ship has to leave tomorrow action as CE

Question.  one life boat damage and you have to leave the port can you leave the port and how you will proceed.

Question.  offhire and demmurrage

Question.  Anchor is paying out without any control when move the lever to lower position and stops when the lever is in neutral position. Action as CE.

Question.  Fire in ER but is in control. You send firefighting team and their SCBA finished and they come out and tell you that 3 persons are inside. Action as CE

Question.  how will you prepare ship for leaving the DD. What all checks to be carried out.

Question.  Uncontrolled fire in ER. Master told you that as CE you decide what to do. Will you release CO2.

Question.  New 2nd engineer joined and last 2nd engineer is with family on-board because customs did not allow him to sign off. Now both are on-board what will be your instructions to last 2nd engineer.

Question.  Your welder is having 6G certificate. What all you will check before allowing him to proceed for welding.

Question.  Tell one incident in your time where you think you contributed towards towards safe running of ship.

Question.  While discussing about fuel problems due to bad fuel you have one plunger stuck in fuel pump. Why only one plunger stuck why not all.


Vikram S, [14.09.20 15:19]

14 sept 20


Yadav sir / Wankhede sir


1. Experience as 2nd engr

Question.  As chief engr what will you do if excess vibrations in fwd end if main engine.

Question.  Non compliant fuel onboard and while taking over u found that u have 100 tonnes short. Actions.

Question.  Boiler survey, hydrostatic test procedure and checks. Survey intervals

Question.  Present a case to the p&I for an injury onboard to crew member.

Question.  Statutory certificates list.



[Forwarded from Amar Chouhan]

14 September 2020

Internal Wankhede Sir,

External Bijay Yadav Sir,


Tell me about your self,

What all ship you have done

Question.  Procedure for interim DOC ?

Question.  Bunker quantity received short as Chief Engineer how you will deal situation ? Cross questions, what check you do prior bunkering to avoid this kind of issues?

Question.  Bunker received 0.48 S, Lab report shows 0.54 S, what will you do as Chief engineer ? PSC inspector came on board, how you handle to protect Owner?

Question.  Owners responsibilities in case of bareboat Charter?

Question.  Boiler Tube leaked  how you will go about as Chief engineer ? What is 6G welder, how will you insure,  who certify?

Question.  You second engineer is not listening not behaving good,  not following order, how will you handle ? What is Emotional quotient ?

Question.  Main Engine derating ? What all things you will do?

What care about fuel vale ?

Question.  Main Engine getting over loaded reasons ?

Question.  One of ME Aux blower failed no spare no spare blower, need to increase r.p.m., how will you proceed ?

Question.  Aux Engine crank shaft damaged, need renewal,  how you will proceed ? What special thing you will check in spare crank shaft received as Chief engineer


Jan 2020.


Varun Patwardhan, [24.01.20 13:18]

DG Kanjurmarg , 2nd attempt

Ext- Yadav and someone else

Internal - rai

Result- fail


Question.  CE taking over new ship, actions and responsibility as COE

Question.  Compliant fuel unavailable- actions

Question.  From CE stand point, what items will you look at during unit overhaul?

Question.  Role of class

Question.  Management of change. What is it and how explain

Question.  Anchor not heaving up. Action if both windlass fail.

Question.  Log book and standing order book contents and requirement


Question.  Sewage discharge criteria

Question.  Vibrations in aft end. Commercial pressure, what will you do

Question.  India is on grey list of Paris mou. What it means.



Yuv Raj, [24.01.20 14:40]




Question.  As C/E how will you prepare for load line survey.

Question.  Diff between rules and regulation

Question.  what is controlled document and  uncontrolled document. Example. what's is standing instructions.

Question.  2/e not obeying your orders and not willing to work. company says you to manage. what will you do?

Question.  explain ISGOTT and what is background.

Question.  List of Statutory certificate

Question.  Class NK to llyods. change of class. how will you prepare your ship.

Question.  explain Miller cycle. Advantage

Question.  What is UNCLOS. statutory requirements of UNCLOS



Gaurav HATC, [23.01.20 19:05]

[Forwarded from Tandel Vivek]






Question.  As per Mlc what is seafarer contract of agreement xq. What is cba., How wages are decided., What is Rpsl, Who pay Rpsl , did you they ask any fees form seafarer, what is ur action if they ask money, whom to report

Question.  What is difference between intermediate survey and annual survey xq. What u check during intermediate survey, what is action if surveyor found some defective condition.

Question.  What is your action as ce when collision in way of engine room, xq what all things you check.

Question.  How u prepare for h& m survey in case of aux. Engine crank shaft broken, xq how h&m surveyor satisfied

Question.  what is pr 17.

Question.  What is condition monitoring, xq give example, what is benefit for owner for obtaining condition monitoring

Question.  what are the tools of surveyor while doing intermediate survey., What did surveyor check in hull part., if surveyor find out defect for example vents which other certificate affected. What is your action as ce.





Yadav sir

Ankur, [18.12.19 18:07]


3rd Attempt 18.12.2019

External: Mr. Yadav sir + 1 more person


Question.  Imo 2020 . Suppose if you have joined ship in this month and there is 5-6 tons of unpumpable oil remained in each tank. You are about to receive 0.48% S complaint fuel. No scrubber system on-board.

Action as CE .

Question.  History of liner cracking of all units since 6 months . Sometimes unit 1, sometimes 4 and so on...You have joined now Action as CE .1 month Later again liner cracked . Action ?

Question.  Shop trail and sea trail . Later deeply in dynamometer test for various loading in shop trial .

Question Ro code, how connected to imo

Question.  Anchor not heaving up but can lower down . Pressure all ok . Action as CE ?

Counterbalance valve working?          

Question.  FoB and CIF .. then which is better ?

Question.  How freight is decided .




Aug 2019

Lionel Rebello

Attempt -3

External - BB Yadav + 1 more (dont know name)

Internal - Vikrant Rai.

Result - Pass


1) U r on time charterer, at mid sea some problem with main engine -  ur action as CE.

2) There is a engine crew with contagious disease . Wat action will u take .

3) In D/Dock hw will u ascertain stern tube seals r in gud or bad  condition. ( test procedure )

4) Polar Code - wat fuel u can carry n wat not .

5) Bimco - its role .

6) SAR convention .

7) Difference between treaty , convention , Protocol.

8) Finally - Passing Qn from Vikrant Rai .

U r sailing on a ship 35 yrs old ship .

Suddenly owners announce tat ship will go to scrapyard.



June 2019

Kushal Arora, [27.06.19 12:52]

27-june 2019

Result: Repeat


Q role of ro

Q how imo monitors functioning of ro

Q What is iacs function

Q anchor not heaving up

Q sulphur 2020

Q what date u will change complaint fuel

Q what will u do with non complaint fuel

Q crew wages not paid how will go about it -cofr invoke ??

Q excessive vibration ahead side of engine

Q survey details , if dnv is giving is only for 4 years .. how will u make it for 5 years

Q ship approaching port lifeboat actions if not working

Q grounding actions s ce .. how will u refloat the vessel ?

Q residual bouyancy

Q compatibility of new fuel

Q navigation in ice not in polar water




Rajendra Chaudhary, [27.06.19 15:02]


Yadav sir

Q 2020 sulphur implementations

XQ role of chief engineer what to do in case you have 2000 mt of fuel after 1st jan 2020.

XQ Alternate methods if not using compliant fuel

Q Noise code, when and how noise measurement are carried out.

Q RO and class difference

Q Role of IACS

-XQ relation with IMO

Q Ows not working during sailing bilge tank and bilges are full what will be ur action

Q Imo guidelines for the ship operating in ice

Q Done maintenance on windlass (renewed brake lining) while trying out brake is not holding give reasons and ur hydraulic system is ok




May 2019

Lionel Rebello, [03.05.19 18:50]


External -BB Yadav

1st attempt

What is FAL.

What’s a bareboat charterers liability.

Quasi deviation.

What’s A1, A2, A3......

What actions will u take if 1 ME auxiliary blower burns n ME slow down alarm comes.

Explain TQM.


What checks will u do just before flooding in a dry dock .



Siddhesh P, [21.06.19 23:52]

External Yadav, Internal Vikrant Rai

1. What do understand by P&I, what does it cover?

2.CLC , what are the application n limitations

3.Unclos basic only

4. Aft end vibration what i do as CE.

5. Propeller curve how so u get, why linear, what is heavy running light running.

6. Obligation of shipper.

7. IMO 2020 sulfur fuel implementation SiP.

8. 4 main functions of class, what is the function of IMO wrt Class IsPS

9. How to change flag, what is FOC?

10. U have hved ur flag to FOC, ur annuals are due in 4 month what will the new flag do, how they will issue new certificate.

11. Why do u ise FOC



1. U have issue with cargo damage,  due this steam heating coil, ull are liable for huge cargo claim, as CE how will u protect Owners interest.

2. U have non compliant fuel now on board which will last till mid jan. How will make SIP for being compliant. Compliant fuel available for u now? How will u go about implementing.

3. NC was raised by Cpt for oil in fie line, company asked u to blank the g.s bilge overboard, can u blank n why? What’s the regulatory requirement, what actions you’ll take?

He said dont tell me straight forwrd answers, ur CE, u analyze, collect all information, come to conclusion n verify. Dont just come to s conclusions based on what i tell u. U need to use ur knowledge on statutory,   management n technical in all questions.




Feb 2019

Joel Barboza, [26.02.19 19:38]

26 Feb 2019

Surveyor : Mr Yadav

Attempt 1

* Introduction

* IACS - history, members, purpose.

*Role of IMO

*types of  surveys with details  .

* How to ensure ISM is being implemented onboard.

*Role of P&I clubs. why ?

*Cargo Insurance.

* Anchor not holding. Reason.

*Brake pad  right of winches  and brief working of Windlass

*Cargo system working in detail. I had framo.

*Framo STC valve-working and how to take local and remote control.

*Framo performance test

*Framo power pack not starting. Reasons?

*Framo alarms and trips.








Chirag Shetty, [26.02.19 02:46]


3rd attempt

First round yadav sir

1.you have joined as ce and u have been informed that there was crankcase explosion recently. ur duties

2.bottom end bearing clearance has been reduced. reasons

3.what is stc valve. how does  it work.

4.tell me about unclos. Need for unclos

5.one of the ram in steering gear has pitting marks .your action

6. function of ro in India, requirements of ro

7.what  is iacs

8.intial audit requirements for full term smc and doc


Second round: vikrant rai

1.code 17 and code 30 difference.

2. purpose of various mou

3.ows discharge criteria

4. sewage discharge criteria

5. fo consumption high, how would you investigate

6.how do you  apply for interim mlc certificate

7. duties of flag state as per unclos

8. gbs

9.unsafe and unseaworthy .

10.aft end vibration .action as ce







Ajit singh, [26.02.19 10:13]


3rd attempt

External : Yadav Sir

Internal : Vikrant Rai Sir


First round Yadav sir

1. P&I club, what,How they work, Hw premium is decided ,who decide premium , Calls.

2. Taking over new ship how you will plan.

3. Taking over managment,ISM,MLC implementation,MOC

4.IACS its role

5. 2/E overhauling M/E unit ,Piston is out,What check as C/E you will do,piston groove clearance and limit.

6. M/E crank shaft deflection report normal reading,limits and report evaluations,

7. Checks on Anchor and mooring Equipments in yard,Equipment No.

8. Anchor not heaving up reasons, how you will proceed the fault tracing.

9. Hydraulic L.O acidity increases reasons.

Few more questions can’t recall right now,will update.


Second round: Vikrant rai


1. Aft end vibrations, Superitendent sent you on ship having history of Aft End vibrations,How u will approach the situation and fault finding.

2. Vessel is doing short voyage between Rotterdam n London, how you will manage waste onboard.

Garbage and waste management

3.OWS discharge criteria, Bilge managment

4. sewage discharge criteria,sewage managment in port

5. Corrosion, substantial Corrosion, action  

6. EUMRV,data to report requirements.

7. IMO DCS, data , Certificate,procedure.




Shivkumar Tallikar, [25.02.19 18:00]


Internal : Rai

External : yadav

Result : fail

Yadav sir passed but

Rai failed.

1. Bunker how much u take and calculate.

2. Bdn latest update.

3. What is significance of  

Flywheel marking and what is purpose.

4. Catfines

5. Anchor not holding reasons.

6. What are the pr reading panel like 120 180 and 220 on windlass panel.

7. MRV


9. Engine room fire. U have to flood how u will do as chief engineer actions.

10.Hongkong convention.


Second round.

Rai sir.


1. Ro code . Cross questions.

2. Code 30 and code 17

3. Boiler derating.

4. Marpol apply to what ships.

5. Me fluctuating after certain speed reasons.





Girish sawant.

Second attempt

Int : rai sir

Ext yadav sir

Result: fail

1. Quasi deviation

2. Statutory lien

3. Latest in iso

    X differance between iso and imo x role of iso in shipping x similarities in ism and iso

4. Latest in imo x  role of imo


    X difference and similarities with ISO

6. Why iso when we have IMO

7. Why IACS when he have IMO

8. Responsibilities of carrier in bill of ladding x which rules governs bill of ladding

9. Main engine one particular unit liner is cracking - reasons?

10. Anchor not heaving x typps of hydraulic pump

11. Working of hydraulic motor

    Types of hydraulic motor

12. Reversal manoeuvring test in sea trial

13. Sea trial tests on windlass.







Suchit Samant: 23 02 2019

4 Attempt























Parul Chand, [22.02.19 18:36]


Yadav sir and Shekhar sir

- Introduce yourself.

- What is high risk deficiency? One S/G ram is leaking, will it be high risk?

- SMC and DOC

-What is IACS?

- How IMO ensures that IACS stds are maintained?

- EIAPP. Who issues it?

- Why dual load lines?

- Objective of Endurance test?

-Cylinder liner has been replaced by new. After 2000 hrs, temperature of that unit is higher. Later blow past

 Occurs. Reason?

-What is cylinder liner Ridge?

- While lowering, anchor runaways. Reasons?

-What is VTI? What controls vane movement? How to initialise that unit? What checks to carry out?

Shekhar sir

-Asked bout liner ridge as I was little stuck in that question.

- What are ppl talking bout Sulphur Cap 2020? Plenty discussion in that.






Yash Rege, [22.02.19 17:42]

Following are the questions

1. Experience as 2nd engineer as guided by Rajiv sir told him about what ships which company and Dry dock and take over experience

2. What is statutory lien?

3. Same question anchor not heaving up and lowering possible

3. What is IACS  ?

4. How many members in IACS ?

4. Why IACS when IMO ?

5.He asked what are the responsibility of IACS?

6. What is seaworthiness?

7. Then what is unseaworthy?

8. Can ship become unseaworthy at sea?

8. Then what is unsafe ship ?

9. AE overhauling bottom end brg renewed and now you can't turn the engine reasons ?

10. How load lines assigned?

Few more but don't remember?? Will update

He told me to wait till further call


Internal Shekhar sir

1.What questions you did not answer ?

2.Then he asked can it be possible to have sister ship with two different load lines??


then the golden words go you are pass....😁😁😭🙏thanks to all in group and High aims keeping my aims high ....





Chirag Miglani, [22.01.19 09:12]

[Forwarded from Chirag Miglani]

Yadav sir, 21 1 2019

Rank experience ,no of attempts

quasi deviations

Ro code, to how connected to imo

function of imo

Who governs psc

 Carrier responsibility as per bol

statutory lien


if t/c damaged, how to run ship


if high temperature alarm of scavenge air, what to do


if both t/c and  aux blower damage




Mohsin Chougle, [21.01.19 13:55]

Yadav sir 1st attmp

1.T/c break down mid sea of M.E action as ce

2.A.e bottom end bearing u found less

3.vti t/c

4.function of shock valve in windlass

5.counter balance valve