Class I Foreign Going Oral Questions

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Vikrant Rai Q&A


Question. Ship recycling action as a CE, 35 years old ship [Nov 21]

Question. Why COA required [Nov 21]

Question. Zero carbon fuel and net zero carbon fuel [Nov 21]

Question. Bilge tank full , reaching port in 2 days . Action as Ce [Nov 21]

Question. Sewage discharge criteria [Nov 21]

Question. Can Renewal survey possible without drydocking…[Nov 21]

Question. What plan is there onboard for emission control, [23/Sept 21]

Question. Bilge transfer pump not taking suction what you instruct to 2nd eng  [23/Sept 21]

Question. Causes for peak pressure fall down, [23/Sept]

Question. boiler water accumulator test why it is done. [23/Sept]


Question.          Take over a second-hand vessel. All crew including Master joined together at the time of change in flag surveys. After completion of Change in Flag surveys, the Superintendent is forcing you to sail out as next charter is waiting. What minimum checks will you carry out prior sailing out the vessel?

Question.          Your IOPP equipment is not functional for the want of spares awaited in the next port of call. How will you present your case to a PSCO for the voyage permission till next port?

Question.          You are approaching a port and Oily Water Separator is found not working? Spares are required which has a delivery time of 1 month. Action to prevent detention and get exemption from Flag?

Question.          You have joined a ship as Chief Engineer. What checks you will carry out to assess effectiveness of implemented Safety Management System on board? In e/r how to assess SMS effectiveness.

Question.          Who are Young Seafarers under MLC 2006 and What is your responsibility as CE if any of these Young Seafarers are working in Engine Room?

Question.          You joined a ship as Chief Engineer and found that one of the three Auxiliary Engine is non-operational. The out-going Chief Engineer informs you that spares are ordered and it will take another one month to receive the spares. Will you take over as Chief Engineer and if yes, under what conditions?

Question.          Your Company decided to re-cycle the vessel on which you are the Chief Engineer? How shall you prepare the ship for re-cycling under HongKong Convention?

Question.          A newly take over vessel goes for MLC 2006 Certification? What is the type of inspection and requirements for this type of inspection?

Question.          A Company intends to extend renewal survey by 3 months. What are the requirements to get this extension from the Flag?

Question.          Are there any ISM related Clear grounds during PSC inspections? If no, how it is determined to give ISM related deficiencies?

Question.          Engine can be de-rated to a low power with rated RPM or to a lower RPM with rated power or to a lower power and lower RPM. Under what conditions will you prefer each of the options?

Question.          Your vessel is on a short run and you are frequently unable to adhere to Rest hour requirements. You call up Superintendent, who ask you to manage as the vessel will out of the short run within one month. What will you do?

Xq He told me company tells to manage

Xq Who will take corrective action

X Question. How a inspector would come to know that your are violating as you can update wrong

Question.          Your vessel is going to leave a port for next charter where you have to reach in limited time. The vessel has only one-day fuel and the fuel available in this port is with sulphur content more than the global limit allowed by MARPOL. On the way there is no area where MARPOL compliant fuel can be bunkered. What will you do?

Question.          f.o not available of 0.5% s what u will do.

Question.          Your vessel is going to a port in a region where number of Indian Flag vessels have been detained in last few months. How will you prepare for the visit to a port in such a region?

Question.           During your tenure as CE on a vessel, you noted that there is a sudden increase in near misses in last two months. What will you do?

Question.          You have joined a newly constructed ship as CE. The Company wants to implement complete Condition Monitoring system of maintenance on this vessel. What is your view point?

Question.          In accordance with UNCLOS a flag should exercise its jurisdiction and control in administrative, social and technical matters over ships flying its flag. How this jurisdiction is exercised by different Flags?

Question.          Various P&I clubs treat accidents and casualties as an iceberg.

According to various reports for every one death on a ship and 30 lost time injuries there are about 3000 near misses and 30,000 unsafe acts.

Taking this statistics into consideration, how on your ship you can prevent casualties and lost time injuries?

Question.          India is not still a signatory to Ballast Water Convention. Can foreign ships visiting India be inspected under PSC for Ballast Water Convention?

Question.          What is a Master’s review of Safety Management System? What statistics are used to make it effective?

Question.          An Indian Flag vessel managed by a Company (with excellent PSC records of all the vessels managed by this Company in every port) is inspected each time she visits Paris MOU region ports. What can be the reason?

Question.  CII , how calculated.

Question.  Wages not paid for 3 months

Question.  CIC

Question.  1 generator is not working, what are your actions

Question. How to know propeller damaged

Question.          Ism tools for implementation.

Question.          Role of ce in master review.

Question.          Qualification of internal auditor.

Question.          Marpol applicable to which ships.

Question.          Nox applicable to which ships

Question.          disadvantage of ism

Question.          EGS fail action as CE..

Question.          Tst tank found with crack ship listed on one side. Now what action you will take as a ce. Which repair method u will do.

Question.           Con rod bolts of AE are breaking again and again, u r sent on-board for investigation, how will u go about it.

Question.           Why various PSC’s have formed a group together, advantage and disadvantage for doing like this.

Question.          Diff bet crack and corrosion

Question.           What is sustainable corrosion?

Question.          Scopic

Question.          corrective action preventive action difference

Question.          What is static and dynamic stability

Question.          serious casualty defn as per casualty code

Question.          what is FSA

Question.           BWMS plan contents ..

Question.           Stability booklet contents..

Question.           EEDI and applicability?

Question.           Imo dcs and what certificates as per it?

Question.           0.5 percent sulphur fuel? why owners are worried and what technical difficulties can face?

Question.           Indian flag vessels due for drydock loading in India and going to China for discharge and then drydock? How will you u convince pac not to detain the vessel at discharge port?

Question.           Docking survey intervals.

Question.           Advantages of high voltage.

Question.           Rest hours requirement.

Question. What is non conformity and major nonconformity

Question. what is subdivision load line,were it is used./ why LNG used compared to other fuel

Question. LNG advantage and disadvantages.

Question. if ship is loaded more than load line then it is unseaworthy or unsafe ship./For unsafe ship do PSC can detain the vessel?.

Question. Low risk;  high risk and standard risk ships

Question.  Relationship between safcon and load line.

Question.  what is condition of assignment.

Question.  dry-dock requirements ,, statutory , where written

Question. what is anniversary date

Question. ism applies to which ships

Question.  Qualities of RO?

Question.  RO code, qualities of RO?

Question.  Can RO do PSC inspection?

Question.  BWM applicability?

Question.  ESP definition applicability?