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CONTACT 7718065806

Question of

Mr. Upendra Sir + Deshwa + Mr. Shrivastava sir + Mr Kar. + Mr. Mehrotra + Mr. Anil + Mr. Dilip, 


Dec 2025.


Forwarded from
Suman Akireddy Akireddy Suman
Internal Anirud chowdary External mahotra
Attempt.2 Result:Pass
1.introduce,written result and No.of attempt, experience as 2e?

Question. difference between blue and green ammonia any other types?
Question. SUA in detail?
Question. MLC-DMLC part 1&2 in detail

Question. issues with bio fuels onboard and x qns
Question. Requirements to class to become an RO
Question. withdrawal class why and how to explain?


Question. Registry of ship 2nd hand. documents reqd. Sale deed provided by whom?
Question. Unclos Duty of flag state
Question. Unclos provisions for Land locked states
Question. EGCS discharge criteria, what is Pah? Value of Turbidity?
Question. Special survey due, can you extend? Owner dont want to do the survey on the date due.
Question. Basel conv vs hkc.
Question. Alternate fuels Blue, green Ammonia
Question. III AND Imsas
Question. BLU code
Question. Entries in Official log book
Question. Class certificate how it can be withdrawn.



Attempt 8

Internal:- arvind choudhary External:- malhotra

Brief Introduction about ur self

Question. how u decide which ship use copt and which ship use framo pump any where written about that?

Question. What is fal convention?

Question.  what is new Jason clause?

Question.. What is III code? What is instruments?

Question. when ur in Engine room BWMS giving what action u take as C/E

Question. discharge criteria for EGCS?



Nasim Anwar 21 Jan 2025

Mehrotra sir

Question. Nox code. Why urea in SCR? Chemical equation

Question. EGCS , what all checks?

Question. 4G and 6G welding

Question. PR17

Question. cyber security implementation onboard? Resolution regarding Cyber security

Question. What is Blue Economy?

Question. Difference between unseaworthy and Unsafe ship.


Amandeep Singh Attempt 2

Internal Abinav Choudhary. E

xt- Robin Mehrotra

Date -21/01/2025

Ask by int tell about urself. -Which vsl- I told Container Ships . 1 ask by internal –

Question. What is sailing effect

By external

Question. What all things u wnte on Official log book.

Question. SUA Convention

Question. Short term Measures, Mod term Measures IMO GHG Strategy.

Question. Different types of Alternative fuel and define about Green Ammonia.

Question. C/O Told you that BWTS is inoperation action as CE.

Question. IF Aircraft hits ur vsl. Under which clause of H8 M u will claim.

Question. how u write ORB as new CE. and where u can see which tanks to be filled in ORB .




Raghvendra Singh 20/01/2025

Internal: Shirish

External: Mehrotra Attempt: 2nd


1. Introduction

Question. Contents in seafarer employment agreement as per MLC.

Question. Seafarer social security benefits. Status of India


Question. Bwts now working provision under IMO.

Question. Incoterms uses other then defining responsibility of buyer and seller.

Question. SUA conversation.

Question. IHM , chief engineer responsibility, list of materials

Question. New jason clause

Question. Spark erosion in main engine





Haston Fernandes

Date 20Jan 25

Int: Shirish

Ext: Mehrotra

Result: Pass

Question. Inchmare Clause and what does it cover?

Question. Sue and Labour clause

Question. Bridge calls and tells you white smoke from boiler, how will you analyze the smoke?

Question. Withdrawal of class criteria

Question. suspension of class criteria

Question. Blue manual

Question. General average criteria and what is covered

Question. CSR

Question. Tell me about GISIS

Question. III, IMSAS

Question. 2nd hand ships Registration process

Question. Damage to generator, Documents to be submitted by CE for insurance purposes

Question. Solas Chapter 8

Question. Solas Chapter XI -1 and XI-2

Question. Renewal survey is due in 5 days, Owner says doesn't want to do, as CE what you will do?

Question. London convention


Attempt 2
Internal:- arvind choudhary External:- malhotra
Question. What is short term, mid term and long term of GHG. What exactly mean of short term.
Question. As a chief engineer how you will prepare your vessel for IHM survey

Question. Blu code
Question. Bunker conversation vs clc

Question. bunker convention clause that I don't remember
Question. Engine power limiter and engine derating


Nitish Kumar Singh 22/01/2025
Internal- Arbind Chaudhary External- Brij Srivastava
Question. Methane slip, how and why.?

Question. Parametric rolling
Question. Scopic clause, disadvantage of salvour, cross questions on 25% uplift

Question. Under water examination & In water survey
Question. Tmon notation
Question. Multiple load line
Question. Fonar form

Internal- Arbind chawdhary
External- Brij Shrivastav
Question. Proximate cause Subrogation and type.
Question. CSR and types.
Question. IGC & IGF
Question. Crew reported FW is non-drinkable. Action as CE?
Question. Interim and Initial SMC audit, Difference, what you will check as CE?

Question. SSA and SSP difference, what to check, how to implement, on site survey why-what-when.
Question. BAllast water plan. What is Ballast water challenging water, what actions, what latest.

Question. EEDI calculation, EEOI.
Question. ME engine introduction. Dual fuel engines(As i have done and told him in starting), just basic structure, components.

Question. Latest in PSC.



AS A. Sagar
Internal: Arvind Chaudhry sir
External: brij Srivastava sir
Brief introduction from second engineer time
Question. Hague visby rule
Question. How will you resolve conflict between safety and security in engine room as chief engineer
Question. 8217:2024 changes
Question. Contiguous zone and eez
Question. Shipping casualty as per ms act

Question. How will you ensure safety in dry dock as ce? (Answer as per fire wallet)

Question. Ship in very bad shape and it is sailing in 2 hours will you take over as ce or not and why?


Internal- Arbind chawdhary

External- Brij Shrivastav


Question. Code17/Code 18

Question. Difference between more detail inspection or extended inspection.

Question. iws survey or under water survey

Question. esp code

Question. 8217:2024 latest change as per winter and summer

Question. difference between bio fuel and e-fuel

Question. Mlc cofs(certificate of financial security) and is it applicable world wide or specific requirements.

Question. Rest hour not compliance due to drill what will u do?







Prashant Mhamunkar 20/12/2024 Attempt 1

Interna! -shrish kumar External- upendra kumar

Brief introduction Type of ship

Mine containers and bulk carrier

Question. Parametric rolling. Why in containers?

Question. California port requirements

Question. Tonnage tax. Requirements and benefits

Question. cyber security measures onboard

Question. Methods of carbon capture

Question. Emission trading system

Question. P-f curve. How to read. Diff between potential failures and functional failures

Question. New vessel takeover. As per ism how will you proceed

Question. 2 generator running in parallel 1 loose excitation What will happen

Question. Engine margins What are engine and sea margins

Question. RCM

Question. Construction diff bet chemical and oil tanker

Question. Types of chemical tanker Cargo carrying capacity

Question. Polar code

Question. Igf code

Question. Polar index electrical

Question. Ip code

Question. Insolation transfer

Question. Omnibus insurance

Question. Sister ship clause

Question. Bunker correction table. Quantity dispute.

Question. Barge checks to be done before bunkering.


Question. What is DOC? What is SMC? How it is issued?

Question. How will you implement ISM onboard?

Question. What is Masters review? What is Masters over riding authority, Give an example.

Question. What is MLC, 2006, History, How many Titles? Which is Title Number for Rest Hours?

Question. Vessel on short Voyage, Rest violation of all crew, how as CE to manage this?

Question. Vessel suffered collision in way of engine room? CE actions (He wanted answer starting with ISM - Emergency preparedness - Collision checklist)

Question. Vessel will be going to Drydock in 3 months? What preparation will be going on now on ship ?

Question. What are flag state duties ?


Question. Oil tanker has caused bunker pollution, under what convention I compensation will be applicable?

Question. Definition of Oil as per CLC 92, definition of Shipowner how is it different from Bunker convention

Question. Who issues CLC certificate, who issues COFS?

Question. What is Fund convention what are its limits, who contributes to this IOPC fund ? What is supplementary Fund? when it came into force? What are its limits?


Gopal Krishnan Sir

Question. What is EEXI, What is EEDI, What is difference between these two.

Question. What are the phases involved, what is reduction factor?

Question. What is Cll, What are various ratings?


Internal.Sirish External.Anil deswal

Question. solas chapter XI-1

Question. sua convention

Question. GHG short and midterm measures

Question. management review

 Question. official log book

Question. seemp         part 2 & 3

Question. ESI

Question. Hydrogen fuel cell

Question. Nairobi wreck convention



Shrivastava sir

Suprateek Chatterji Attempt 2

Chaki sir Shrivastava sir

Company and educational background

Question. Clear grounds

Question. Stat and class survey

Question. Extended dry dock

Question. IWS



18.12.2024 Int-Chaki sir

Ext-Brij Srivastava Attempt -2 Result - Pass

Question. Fire fighting arrangement for specific to container ship

Question. Types of Audit in ism, explain Interim in details

Question. In IMO structure what is Council and what is Cat A and Cat B in the council

Question. delta tuning in reflex

Question. Reflex Engine injection system in details

Question. IWS and

then he asked the difference between the

Question. Underwater Examination and lws

Question. Name various compensation conventions and explain CLC And Bunker in brief

Question. Principles of insurance, subrogation in detail.



Rahul Ahirwar

Brij sir Chakki sir 18-12-2024

Question. What are bulk carrier SOLAS requirements? To which convention it is additional?

Question. What are GHG targets of IMO? How to achieve that? What is GHG intensity?

Question. What is 8217? What are the new fuels added to it?

Question. What are different kinds of agreements between shipper and carrier? Explain Hague visby?

Question. What is SCOPIC? Why it was introduced? One advantage and disadvantage of SCOPIC?

Question. In your opinion how an auditor carries out ISM audit? What is MNC & NC? Give example of each? Actions required to rectify MNC?

Question. India's stance on SUA protocol?

Question. Explain annual survey? It's window period? What is anniversary date? Can an owner ask surveyor to carry out survey out of that window period & What if survey happened before the period and what if after the period?






Internal: Chakki sir

External: Brij Srivastava sir

Question. Crew member comes and reports to you that drinking water quality is bad. Your actions?

Question. Ill code

Question. Scopic clause, what is the disadvantage for salvor in scopic.

Question. Main components of VDR

Question. Critical period during DD

Question. DMLC part 1 and Part 2

Question. Latest amendments under ISO 8217

Question. Auto tuning of ME engine.

Question. What are the technical files onboard.

Question. Difference between special area and PSSA

Question. Types of audit for SMC



Praveen Yadav 18.12.2024

External - brij Srivastava Internal- chakki

Attempt -2 Result-pass

Question. Esp code

Question. Multiple loadline

Question. Latest amendments to BDN

Question. Synthetic fuel, e fuel, biofuel.

Question. Hague, Hague visby difference

Question. Preparation for interim SMC audit, what extra in initial SMC audit.

Question. Latest amendments to marpol annex VI

Question. Multiple load line.

Question. Types of coating in ballast tank. What is the meaning of fair poor. What to be done if poor. Implication of poor coating .


Mumbai mmd

16/12/2024 Internal‐ Brij Srivastava  External ‐ Arbind choudhary 

 Intro Present company Pre sea college and attempt number,type of ship

Question. Safety with regard to fire on container ship 

Question. Parametric rolling

Question. ESP overall summary

Question. Critical period in DD

Question. What is GHG intensity

Question. Tailshaft survey and Tmon notation 

Question. Rest hours violation action as C/E

Question. Grey water temporary storage in Ballast tank.

Question. Ms act in short. Which section deals with casualty procedure.

Question. Salavege convention art 14. sopic.



Question. What is special area eca area pssa area.

Question. Inputs to vdr, s-vdr.

Question. Latest in iso 8217

ans 8217: 2024.

Question. how many grade of fuel oil are there.

Question. during smc audit, mnc can be given.

Question. CWQ.  

Question. Unit of eedi.

Question. Safety just before entering dd. Safety in dd. How will you ensure safety of dd people.

Question. Hvr. Diff between hv and hvr. Which comes earlier

Question. Ghg intensity, what it means. Ghg target.





Date-16-12-2024 Int-Arbind choudhary Ext-Brj Srivastava Result-Fail

Question. Multiple loadline

Question. PSC initial inspection and detailed inspection

Question. On ship any incident that created a conflict for safety and security

Question. As a chief engineer implementation difference between intial SMC and Interim SMC

Question. TMON requirements

Question. Complaint procedure and just say

Question. On scene survey, ship security plan and ISPS

Question. As per the salvor point of view what are the draw back of SCOPIC

Question. LLMC

Question. FONAR


Aditya Anand Date-19.12.2024 External-  kar Internal- chakki'sir

Question. What is maritime salvage and its objectives

Question. What is periodical surveys

Question. What is technical cooperation and promotion of technology for the improvement of efficiency of vessel?

Question. What is vertical and inter-organisational conflicts?

Question. what all changes you do to all the components of engine if one of the exhaust valves gets faulty?

Question. What is hongkong convention and what is statement of compliance?

Question. What are mbms i told as per mepc 82 all mbm then he told i am missing one more important.

Question. What will you in case of single sensor failure in EGCS?

Question. What will be the effect of long lead in inventory management?





internal" chaki

ext: kar

introduction, written result,attemp no 1

Question. sar conv framework

Question. time charter ce responsibilities

Question. what is downtime

Question. isps bimco guidelines

Question. gfs

Question. shot term measures

Question. why ship is classed

Question. Emergency preparedness methods


Internal Chaki sir

External Kar

Question. WHO regulation for drinking water

Question. Kyoto protocol. Kyoto GHG MBMS

Question. SUA convention

Question. What is there in ships official log book

Question. Differentiation between ICS and... don't remember

Question. ISM code define NC, Hazardous Occurrence and accident

Question. Working of alpha lubrication system.



NOV 2024.

Nikhil Raj Attempt 3 Date : 22 nov 2024

Int: Sirish sir

Ext: Mehrotra Result: Repeat

Question. Blu code

Question. URN

Question. CIF incoterms details

Question. ISO 8217:2024 details

Question. Minimum age for employment onboard with all clause

Question. Coastal state responsibility as per UNCLOS/Contiguous zone

Question. IMSAS details, went into depth



Date: 22-11-2024 Internal: shirish External: mehrotra Attempt: 2nd

Introduction, types of vessels sailed, experience as 2E

Question. what is imo doing about CWQ ?

Question. what is gisis and how is imo dcs data collected

Question. psc inspection going on, and psco finds ism related deficiencies can he do ism audit ? Why cant

Question. class audit going on, can class detain a ship ? If no then which code is it written in ?

Question. what is imo doing about underwater noise ?

Question. what is IOT ? Use on board ? what is big data ?

Date 21/11/2024


Question. Definition of product tanker and chemical tanker as per solas








Question. MEPC 82

Question. PSC found major ism non compliance, how you will process or next action.

Question. What does III code purpose/How you ensure III code is implemented on board? Who does the IMSAS audit

Question. Scope of PSI and FSI              

Question. Criteria of calling GA Who pays in GA.

Question. Class found ship unseaworthy can it detain ship or if yes then for how long time?

Question. PR17.



INT. Aravind Chaudry

EXT: Mehrotra

Attempt 2 Result: pass

Question. SUA convention

Question. Basel convention

Question. Actual total loss and Constructive total loss

Question. BWTS Failure action as CE



Kamal 18/11/2024

External: Mudit Mehrotra


Question. ghg measures, mid term and short term measures

Question. what types of bwts, not working what to do

Question. what criteria u measure while discharging ballast water.

Question. scopic clause

Question. how many BL are issued

Question. what is jason clause in charter party-

Question. what is sister ship clause

Question. unclos coastal state duties-

Question. Sodium and tin in LO analysis report-

Question. class surveyors wants to detain the ship, for how many days can he detain? –

Question. Renewal survey date is on 5th dec 24, owner wants to avoid, what to do?

Question. what certificates need to register old ship after buying-

Question. how it is made sure that same ship is not sold to multiple buyers at the same time.-


Internal: Shlrtsh Sir External: Mehrotra Sir

Question. Any incident accident on-board your vessel

Question. Three basic principle of ISM

Question. interim Certificate ISM - new vessel delivery, how you prepare as CE/Certification/ Survey ISM and validity

Question. Stem tube seal leak

Question. Sea water pump heavy vibration- Immediate action           

Question. Contents of fire plan

Question. which MEPC session going on 

Question. What all things being considered in MEPC 82

Question. Instructions as CE to EO. prep for shore power supply

Question. Vetting vs PSC

Question. Life boat davit checks and tests

Question. How IMO and UNCLOS related What all in Undos wrt IMO




Mehrotra sir Shirish sir

28.102074. Mumba: MMD

Question. Two technology  to reduce green house emission.

Question. Alternate fuels with merits and demerits.

Question. What is inchmaree clauses .?

Question. When Is class withdrawn?

Question. Two ship same company collision, how ship insurance will be dealt, under which clause

Question. MMSI number

Question. Differ between AIS and LRIT.

Question. Solas chapter 11.

Question. GHG short term, midterm and long term measures

Question. Noise code how measurement are taken.

Question. Cyber management latest amendment.

Question. Iii code.

Question. Special survey is due owner doesn’t want to do it action as a ce.

Question. Unclos territorial sea.

Question. Sodium in Stern tube analysis

Question. Mepc 82 URN

Question. SCOPIC

Question. ordering Lifeboat wire rope

Question. PSSA         eligibility and latest addition

Question. Basel          convention and HKC

Question. Liability     conventions

Question. What          all fund conventions you know

Question. if CLC there then why BUNKER

Question. Condition of class and memorandum


Question. Audit scope of psc regarding

ISM implementation onboard

Question. As per load line vessel is unseaworthy, vessel can be detained or not, if yes for how many days

Question. Latest amendment in cyber security

Question. How you implement Hkc onboard. As chief engineer.


Int: shirish sir, Ext: Mudit mehrotra

Shirish sir

Question. SUA convention full name, what you know about it?

What is considered crime under sua convention.


Mehrotra sir

2. Introduce yourself

3. What chemicals your vessel were carrying, which route your last ship?

Question. What is there in UNCLOS for land based pollution?

Question. London dumping convention? What are the contents of the reverse list?

Question. Your vessel is due for special survey, but the owner is getting good freight in charter, he is reluctant about it, your action as chief engineer?

Question. During annual loadline survey, surveyor find a defect in the hull which makes ship unseaworthy, can surveyor detain the ship, for how many days?

Question. Two ships belong to same owner one is suezmax other one chemical tanker both collided, claims will be settled under which clause? And how?

Question. What is loss ratio?how the insurance premium is fixed?

Question. What is new Jason clause?

 Int: wait in the lobby


Question. in what cases RO should inform flag state? Which rules give authority to RO? Who can not be an RO?


Date- 22 /oct/2024

Internal Aravind

External - Mahotra and kamat

Question. C02 bottle requirement if 10 % is less in each bottle will you sail out as CE

Question. As per PSC deficiencies PA and. CA and company action as per PA

Question. Quick closing valve what you check

Question. What documents needed as per ISM and what as CE you will check

Question. What action you will take if ISM not followed on board

Question. Suppose one generator failed no spare will you take the ship to sea and requirements as per Solas

Question. Emergency generator requirement as per Solas

Question. Black out on ship how will recover your ship



MMD Mumbai

Internal- AK Chaudhary

External- Mehrotra and Kamat

2nd attempt

Experience as 2E

Types of vessel sailed

Oil/Chemical tanker


Question. Procedure for Cold Layup

Question. Market based measures, what all, what all in recent mepc, from where u read,

Question. Ship in Mumbai, sea chest valve crack, engine room flooding, what action as CE

Question. Principles of ISM

Question. What is COW, why done


Question. What is load line and what is subdivision load line.

Question. HART protocol

Question. NEMA (I briefly told about IEC also)

Question. Type A, Type B ships.



Attempts 3 mehrotra sir and arbind sir Result-pass

Introduction types of ships sailed route of vessel written result asking when you start preparing your classl

Question. As i told i sailed on vLcc .they started with discussion in oil tankers type .crude oil washing, venting ,ig systems safety. pv valve and pv breaker, mast riser . precautions you will take in loading and discharging. ig valve what parameters are recorded during cargo operation. static charge everything related to tanker 

Question. During        drydock as per chief engineer as per environmental aspect what precautions you will take

Question. service        space definition as per solas

Question. Cii details

Question. cic  

Question. fsa  details 

Question. Mepc          81 guildines of untreated sewage

Question. seq survey supplement. As a chief engineer how to prepare seq survey

Question. hns  convention

Question. Ro quarterly listed items cross question

Question. eca definition.what do you mean by and how distinguished global and eca

Question. Alternative fuels in details what are they why we require Thank to hate specifically rajiv sir and sushant sir .murthy sir


External - Mehrotra sir

Internal - Gopi sir

Result - pass

Introduction - types of vessel and experience in rank

Question. What is cold lay off of ship/What all things you have to do as CE. What all certificates withdrawn

Question. How do you dispose gray water if collected in ballast tank

Question. What is IGC code in short

Question. What is IMO GHG strategy in 2023

Question. How do you know your vessel is detained by PSC

Question. ISM all elements    How do you ensure that ISM element 10 compliance Onboard 



Attempt 3 Ext. Mehrotra Intarbind chaudary.

Date 20.09.2024

Started with introduction exp as 2e and type of vessel sailed on. - Product tankers

Question. As chief engineer how will you comply with marpol in US Waters

Question. OPA ACT 90

Question. VOC effects' on product tankers

Question. significance of 0.5 sulphur and what limits in eca

Question. MEPC 81 circular on sewagetransfer to ballast tank

Question. interim ship audit Ism , validly of SMC

Question. C02 maintenance 10 yrs r bottle weight when it is checked, why clamps for securing on bottle

Question. DRY DOCK hot work precautions

Question. how will you deal with AFS paint renewal in dry doclT

Question. latest IMO Convention in force this year,

            ans BwA, d2 standard and d4 standard d4 cross questioning

Question. how will you deal IMDG cargo on product tankers


Int- Arbind Choudhary

Ext - D Mehrotra

Result pass

Type of ships, experience as 2E

Question. TANK venting concepts

Question. VOC operational hazards

Question. Lifeboat testing

Question. Fast boat vs rescue boat

Question. Seq survey as CE

Question. Cargo Discharging as CE

Question. Fixed fire fighting records

Question. Why clamps in C02 bottle

Question. Latest fuel regulations

Question. Casualty Investigation code

Question. Cll ratings/ CE role

Question. Cyber security as CE

Question. Statutory cert


Question. How a Convention is enforced by any country after ratification.

Question. Difference between Tacit acceptance and explicit acceptance.

Question. What is major NC. Your emergency fire pump is not working what all records you will show to the auditor.

Question. How will you order lifeboat hook. Certificates for hook. Lifeboat davit load test as per SOLAS.

Question. Difference between A class division and A-60 division.



Mehrotra sir

Vaibhav Singh Attempt 4 Ext- mehrotra sir Int shirsh sir Result repeat

Question. Dali incident

Question. LLMC 76.

Question. bulk Carrier carrying coal in cargo hold fire

Question. Hague, hague visby, Hamburg differences

Question. COC and memoranda difference

Question. emg generator not working

Question. Cif and fob

Question. SCR advantage and disadvantages




Internal .-Sirish sir

Extremal - Mehrotra sir

Written result, sailing experience after class 2

Question. Solas Chapter 15 in brief?

Question. IMO GHG startergy- Short term and mid tenn measures?

Question. Noise measurement in engine room?

Question. Can class surveyor give ism deficiency?

Question. PR-17, whom to inform?

Question. What is subrogation- its types?       

Question. Role of tech committee in IMO?

Question. Territorial sea and contiguous zone as per UNCLOS?

Question. Coastal state duties as per UNCLOS?

Question. Sterntube lub oil analysis showing sodium, ur action?




Internal shirish External Anil Deswal


Question.  What do you know about EDD you have joined ship and find out

Question.  cii rating E. Your actions

Question.  High proficiency propellers

Question.  What do you know about IEC and NEMA

Question.  What P & I covers.

Question.  Paris agreement and India’s NDCs

Question.  E record book.

Question.  What is cyber management

Question.  What is MBM for mid term GHG

Question.  Scopic

Question.  HART protocol.

Question.  Unclos 3.

Question.  NAVE.

Question.  Ammonia.

Question.  CII calculation.

Question.  IAPP certificate survey.

Question.  LNG bunker storage problem.

Question.  GTTP. Green tug transition programme.

Question.  Green shipping policy.

Question.  GHG VISION for India.

Question.  Ip code.




23 Aug 2024 lnt:Shirish Kumar sir Ext.Mr Deshwal sir


Types   of vessels done and experience

Question.  Casualty investigation code

Question.  cap and cas difference

Question.  s and p global

Question.  imsas

Question.  latest iso stds for bunkers

Question.  Ships identification no in detail

Question.  Djibouti code of conduct

Question.  cat fine content high actions as a chief engineer


sinsh kumar anil deshwal

Question.  Substantially interested party definition as per CIC

Question.  Imsas

Question.  swiss cheeze model

Question.  How P and I clubs collect funds

Question.  LNG storage, Transportation and use as fuel (concentrated on type of pump)

Question.  Entries in official log book of ship Result - prepare and re appear.




Deswal Questions


Internal Shishir. Ext. Deswal.

Int: senthil

Ext: Vishwanathan kamath and deswal

Question. Umbrella convention

Question. Umbrella seal

Question. flag state duties

Question. ISO certification, where used

Question. Eiapp certificate content

Question. Hart protocol

Question. Nema

Question. propeller curve

Question. As a c/e how you will manage power always all the times onboard.

Question. Human Resource mgmt

Question. One day arrival port ows 15 ppm fail ur action as a ce.

Question. related to stcw all function what is written in column 1.

Question. Dj bouti code of conduct

Question. High cat fines in fuel during bunkering action as chief engineer

Question. Solas ch 11.1

Question. Fta analysis

Question. Ro, why does the flag state approves ro?

Question. What all load line you know? Sub divisional load line?

Question. Bwts Standard, D1 and D2 , criteria for bwts approval.

Question. Out of 3AE ,1 is not working, can class give coc.

Question. what is ihm , name some ihm material, how survey conducted in ihm?

Question. Yearly lifeboat maintenance?

Question. unseaworthy and unsafe?

Question. Dual fuel engine working

Question. Nox technical file contains

Question. Eiapp

Question. Skew propeller

Question. Ghg strategy.

Question. Class survey report contains

Question. MEPC 81.

Question. MLC Latest amendments.

Question. Social security as  per mlc. Government of India steps for social security of Indian seafarers.

Question. LNG BUNKERING and Storage

Question. Difference between internal and external auditors. Chief engineer internal audit of ship. Can c/e do internal audit of engine room.

Question. Lube oil report shows main engine lube oil critical, what all papers you will prepare as chief engineer.

Question. Fuel oil high catfines action as c/e.

Question. Solas ch xi-I. your vessel in dd yard peole working on your vessel does this chapter apply now.

Question. Difference between mepc 76 & 81. 

Question. Paris agreement outcome.

Question. Psc has given mnc/detention. Action as c/e, mnc can not be rectifed. Now what.

Question. detainable deficiencies/ How to downgrade a Detainable deficiency ?

Question. Ammonia or methane as fuel will be the future.

Question. Difference between laytime and off hire.

Question. External audit preparation.

Question. Hongkong convention. Why called cradle to grave.

Question. bunker convention.

Question. Ip personal.

Question. Imo number vs official number. 

Question. Methane slip

Question. ESP for tanker

Question. Currently in use bunker sampling process

Question. COC

Question. Swiss cheese method

Question. ows not working actions as a ce

Question. big data

Question. Psc inspection regime ?



Srivastava Questions

July 2024.

Question.  New advancements in engines to reduce NOX.

Question.  Miller cycle/Demerits of miller cycle.

Question.  Difference between class suspension, automatic class suspension and withdrawal of class

Question.  Letter of credit. Bill of lading.

Question.  EEXI, EEDI units.

Question.  CII Rating is D. You have just joined as CE. what you will do.

Question.  What is shipping casualty as per MS act. What is marine casualty as per shipping act.

Question.  How a convention becomes a law of India.

Question.  Difference between risk analysis and risk assessment.

Question.  As a CE, how will you ensure that the loadicator is working correctly.

Int- Arbind Chaudhary.

Ext. Brij Srivastave.

Question.  OPRC

Question.  DIFF of inspection when hull gets damage by class and administration.

Question.  Aft peak tank special survey what all survey You will carry out. 

Question.  Rest hours which two regulations for it.

Question.  PSC deficiency 18

Question.  when ship is outside port how psc will conduct Inspection.

Question.  Audit and survey difference ?

Question.  Why Model test are being done. Details about stabilty curve.

Question.  BWTS discharge sample.

Question.  TACIT Acceptance.

Question.  Multiple load line. why and when



Mr Arbind(internal) n Mr upendra (external)

Result: Pass

1 Asked About yourself and pre sea done Which ships

Question.  where in SOLAS bulk carrier is mentioned/addressed.

Question.  what is damage stability criteria Stopped and asked tell me for new BC only?

Question.  FWD dewatering system

Question.  floodable length? what is permissible length and its ratio with floodable length?

Question.  what is conditional of assignment?

Question.  what is POS1 and POS 2.

Question.  what is type A. B. b60. b100

Question.  III code and scope?

Question.  RO Code? what is oversight of RO. purpose and what they check

Question.  What is right ship survey? what is ratings/classes of right ship

Question.  EDD scheme and its prerequisites? where edd not applicable.

Question.  types of charter. Laytime and demmurage

Question.  ESP in detail, Latest amendment in esp.

Question.  Structural fire protection other than tankers.

Question.   Sister clause.

Question.  How to register in India.

Question.  Tribology.

Question.  Aframax meaning.

Question.  Coating what are you check.

Question.  Grain code fumigation. Fumigation precautions as per CE



Question.  Baltimore incident and what convention it comes under

Question.  Sale and purchase of ships and what prevents sail to multiple people ( did not accept PODA)

Question.  Methods to dump things in the sea

Question.  GZ curves how they are made and how they are approved

Question.  Ghg measures and who gives incentives to whom and how incentives given

Question.  Iso 8217 : 2024 features

Question.  Challenges as methanol and ammonia and hydrogen. Which is the worst to handle as CE

Question.  ESI and credit rating                     

Question.  Stability how it is assessed

Question.  Loadicator

Question.  what is total loss?

Question.  Inch merry clause and why it came

Question.  Derating, epl, shapoli,

Question.  If LL survey is going, if he finds ship is unseaworthy, can he detain the ship?

Question.  If ship CII rating going down,what all can be done to improve the rating.

Question.  If ship is china , how can psc detain the ship on ISM deficiency.

Question.  Duties of Flag state as per UNCLOS

Question.  General average particular average.

Question.  Bridge informed smoke is bad. How can you make from the colour.

Question.  As per unclos what is Contiguous zone and responsibilities of costal state. Countries adjacent to each other how their share will be decided. How to distribute

Question.  Fal  convention

Question.  Unseaworthy ship.

Question.  Running down clause       

Question.  Loadline surveyor found hole in sounding pipe can he detain vessel.

Question.  Crude & oil tanker difference as per solas

Question.  Maritime lien and if vessel sold where you will find it.

Question.  Basel convention/ London Convention

Question.  China ism auditor comes and find NC, where is plan for survey. what is that survey

Question.  Memorandum vs coc

Question.  kn curve

Question.  can psc conduct ism audit?

Question.  Ing bleve and methane slip.

Question.  III code. How many instruments In Ill code?

Question.  Safeties with biofuel

Question.  Special survey

Question.  CE responsibility with respect vessel having TMON notation

Question.  How will u show to PSC vessel compliance with AFS convention

Question.  Difference between towing in emergency condition and under salvage condition

Question.  Why Bunker convention came in. What is liability limit in general. Why it is provided.

Question.  cop -28 What is there in it for shipping ?

Question.  In Bulky what kind of coal fire?

Question.  Continuous zone is territorial sea shared between 2 neighboring states? what jurisdiction of coastal state . As per unclos what is Contiguous zone and responsibilities of costal state. Countries adjacent to each other how their share will be decided. How to distribute ?

Question.  Carrier rules difference under Hague n Hague Visby rules.



External: Mehrotra

Internal: Nair




Question.  Discussion about Baltimore accident.

Question.  Co2 maintenance - what action if 5 bottles are not clamped and you have to release Co2?

Question.  interim ism implementation preparation

Question.  SEQ survey details - what is the certificates to check and what supplement to SEQ cert

Question.  as CE what is your action when you join onboard wrt Marpol Annex 6 chap 4

Question.  DD preparation

Question.  lifeboat maintenance

Question.  MEPC 81

Question.  GFS

Question.  Life cycle analysis

Question.  Eexi reduction factor

Question.  Armed robbery & piracy as per SUA convention



int: Shirish sir

Ext Mehrotra sir

1.Written orals status, Intro, types of vessels, experience.

Question.  Difference between oil product tankers and aframax crude oil tankers   wrt SOLAS and MARPOL (didn’t accept any of the points)

Question.  COC and memoranda difference

Question.  Out of 3 AE, 1 c/shaft broken, new spare will come after 2 months,  rest 2 gen working in good condition only thing is CLASS not informed. Will u takeover?

Question.  How will you present this broken c/shaft condition to get insurance cover?

Question.  Generators worked on? MAN and Daihatsu, types of overspeed trip? Explain how mechanical overspeed device works?

Question. GA Vs PA, any example? 

Question.  Bridge calls and tells you that smoke from funnel is BAD, How do u decide bad/good quality?

Question.  SCOPIC 


Internal : Shirish Sir

External : Mehrotra Sir


Question.  Class and RO difference.

Question.  FAL convention basic details, only key points.

Question.  Noise Code basic details, only key points.

Question.  Why Bunker convention came in.

Question.  What is liability limit in general. Why it is provided. Limits of LLMC, CLC Tier 1, 2 and 3.

Question.  Difference between Engine Derating and Engine power limitation. Only key points.

Question.  Nairobi Wreck Convention basic details.

Question.  What specific documents carried on crude oil tankers.






Senthil and Mehrotra sir

Question.  Difference Between marine insurance and general insurance.

Question.  Dry dock checks in shore connection box.

Question.  Interim SMC audit preparation as CE.

Question.  'Service space' in Solas which chapter.

Question.  Aux Engine Requirement as per Solas.

Question.  Emergency Generator Engine Requirement as per SOLAS.

Question.  How class will become RO.

Question.  ME jacket water temperature controller working principle.

Question.  MGPS working principle.

Question.  How will you prepare ship for PSC.

Question.  OWS malfunction in ECA area. How will you act as a CE.

Question.  IG alarms and trips.

Question.  3 elements of ISM.


Int senthil Kumar

Ext Mehrotra

What all qns u could not answer before.

Have u done dd after 2e

Incident on your ship

Question.  Routine maintenance on boiler

Question.  Boiler survey prepare as CE (only bullet points)

Question.  Diff between Basel and hong kong

Question.  Unclos. How is it related to imo

Question.  CO2 5 bottle clamps not in place will u discharge CO2 in case of fire

Question.  Frequency of generator is varying reasons.

Question.  You joined ship as CE ,from which document u will come to know what is the status of the machinery.

Question.  Have u seen imo site. What latest updates.

Question.  Have u done audits. What us frequency of internal and external audits

Question.  How many mou's

Question.  derating

Question.  Checks regarding paint before DD

Question.  Checks before releasing CO2


External deshwa

Internal shirish

Question.  Lng bunkering

Question.  TCM

Question.  Modern salvage law

Question.  Umbrella seal in ME engine

Question.  Observation, nc, mnc differece

Question.  Convention, protocol, treaty difference

Question.  Noise code and measurements and checking as chief engineer

Question.  Vessel grounded action as CE

Question.  Iso 5001

Question.  Contents of IHM

Question.  Iso certification

Question.  Two fuels that you can use in duel fuel engine,

Question.  amonia slip

Question.  Situational leadership

Question.  Under water hull survey inspection in detail

Question.  Is ISM Internal audit mandatory.

Question.  Hongkong convention xques

Question.  Duel fuel engine modification required

Question.  contra rotating propeller

Question.  main dd specs

Question.  SEZ


FEB 2024.


Internal: Gopikrishanan Sir

External: Upendra Sir, Brij Shrivastava Sir,

Umashankar Sir(No questions asked)

Result: Repeat

Question.  Difference between product tanker and crude oil carrier, what is the difference in coatings? Whether full tank has coating in crude oil carrier or only some part of the tank is coated?

Question.  LRIT

Question.  VESSEL under time chartrer and not getting desired speed..

Question.  Compliant fuel not available in next port. Action as chief engineer.

Question.  IBC code latest amendments...

Question.  What are type 2 vessels.

Question.  What is difference between expanded inspection and detailed inspection.

Question.  what is CBDR.

Question.  Chinese PSC inspector detained your vessel, review procedure.

Question.  Procedure for Registration of 2nd hand vessel in Mumbai.



Surveyor: Upendra, Mehrotra , arbind chodhary

Attempt: 3 Rd

Question.  UNCLOS , various Area, distance

Question.  marine insurance and general insurance

Question.  Imsas audit

Question.  non compliance F.O , action as C/E

Question.  Basel and Hongkong conversation, where they contradict each other?

Question.  c02 maintenance, testing hydraulic, criteria to discard bottle ,how much buckling or expansion allowed in hydraulic test, why 85% in 2 min.

Question.  BWM , SOC and no more favourable treatment

Question.  III code

Question.  inventory management, what we use onboard, how much L.O and F.O extra we keep onboard, what is IMO requirement for minimum extra



nternal: arbind choudhary sir external : mehrotra sir

Result: pass

Question.  As a chief engineer how you will reduce emissions and improve Cll rating

Question.  As a chief engineer will you take over a ship if one generator crankshaft is broken and new one will come shortly

Question.  AIS, VDR & LRIT difference ,what is recorded & transmitted

Question.  Noise code and ratings

Question.  CLC Liability and tell limits

Question.  Sistership clause

Question.  Registry of ship and how you will tell if the ship is not sold to it's not sold to more than 3 people

Question.  EPL and derating of engine

Question.  Hageue, Hague Visby , Hamburg and Rotterdam rules carrier responsibilities

Question.  In UNCLOS flag state responsibilities




Internal - AK chaudhary sir

External -Malhotra sir

Attempt- 2

Introduction /experience after class2/written result/attempt

Question.  Latest technologies to reduce c02 on board( asked by chaudhry sir)

Question.  Cii in brief .. Rating D.. Ur action(asked by chaudhry sir)

Malhotra sir

Question.  PR 17..

Question.  Can Ro detain ship.. Agreement between admin and RO where written ( he want to listen - in solas, RO code)

Question.  Running down clause...

Question.  What is GA n PA.. who covers in GA

Question.  PSC.. can psc do audit... Can he detain on ism... Nc and mnc.. How psc give deficiency in ism..




Suveyor: Senthil, Mehrotra and umashankar Singh

* introduction.

Question.  Bunkering procedures, precautions, instruction to juniors.

Question.  how to check quality & quantity of bunker.

Question.  Explain FONAR

Question.  Marine insurance types.

Question.  General avg/ particular avg differences. Qx who pays

Question.  what is no more favorable treatment.. Qx example.

Question.  classification society

Question.  what is dual class and double class.

Question.  what are differences between CLC, and bunker

Question.  inventory principles

Question.  explain JIT: just in time




Int: AK chaudhary

Ext: mehrotra

Intro and questions

Question.  Your superintendent asks you to suggest 5 methods to improve Cll

Question.  Engine derating and EPL definition. How done and differences

Question.  Hague, HV and hamburg rules. Duties of carrier as per all 3 and differences

Question.  Sistership clause

Question.  RND clause

Question.  No more favorable treatment

Question.  You joined as CE and company asks you identify critical equipment and spares. Name of methodology used.

Question.  PSSA

Question.  Duties of coastal state as per UNCLOS

Question.  You are CE and 3E refuses to come on watch. Your actions.




IntAr in C au ary

Ext Mehrotra

Question.  Difference between Oil tanker & oil chemical tanker as per Solas

Question.  Alt fuel hydrogen and methanol

Question.  Difference between Basel and London convention

Question.  IMO GHG strategies

Question.  CII

Question.  III code

Question.  Imsas

Question.  Joining as CE onboard one AE crankshaft broken not reported to anyone will you takeover

Question.  Five different practical ways to reduce C02 emission






Int - Mr Arbind Chaudhary

Ext-Mr Mehrotra + Mr Umashankar Singh

Attempt -2

Result- Pass

Question.  Fire safety requirements in car carrier

Question.  ME abnormal stop during maneuvering actions

Question.  IOPP annual survey prep

Question.  Cert related to ism to new ship

Question.  Procedure to release c02

Question.  Carbon capture and storage

Question.  Shipping note

Question.  Unsafe unseaworthy ship

Question.  Dd specs for anchor windlass

Question.  Anchor windlass single shaft or multiple shafts




Internal - Senthil K

Ext- Mehrotra

Question.  Latest PSC circular

Question.  India BWM status

Question.  Can India inspect foreign flag vessel.

Question.  Hart protocol

Question.  Documents for second hand sale.

Question.  Coc Memoranda

Question.  How to train Junior

Question.  ISM audits, SMC DOC.

Question.  H&M P&l difference




Mehrotra and uma shankar

Question.  Auxiliary engine overhaul going on. dont have spare part What is ur action as chief engineer?

Question.  Fuel compatibility test

Question.  Ism complete 

Question.  What is marine life raft

Question.  Auxiliary engine requirement as per solas

Question.  Latest developments in life boat

Result : repeat



Attempt 1

Senthil sir & Mehrotra sir


Question.  no more favourable treatment.

Question.  Can PSC give ISM deficiency

Question.  Will you take over as Chief Engineer if 3 generators on board are not working?

Question.  Inchmary clause other than 3 points what else

Question.  sistership clause.

Question.  if ship is going to California what you will do as chief engineer?

Question.  IHM Part 1 Actions as c/e to maintain.

Question.  CII to improve what all things will be done as C/E.

Question.  COC & Memoranda .

Question.  if BWMS plant needs to be installed on board what will the class give?

Result: repeat



Int- Mr Chaudhary

Ext- Mr mehrotra+ umasankar

Attemp-l st

Result pass

1 . asked me in about experience type of ship, experience in 2E , written result

What you know about imo latest,

Question.  Mepc 80

Question.  C02 capturing

Question.  What is CII exactly, no formula and explain in basic form why CII

Question.  As a ce how to implement ism on a new ship, certificate, validity, audit requirement of SMC,

Question.  In ism preparation what all for crew specially, looking for drill, emg equipment

Question.  What do u mean by fully conversant in ism.

Question.  Time charter party, master ask to increase rpm now more fuel burn, then who will pay for that fuel cost

Question.  What special as a ce in time charter party, what all things owner will provide.

Question.  How will u ensure communication between crew.

Question.  Tell me about tool box meeting, what all in meeting , why and what as a ce will look into tool box meeting

Question.  Marpol annex 2 discharge criteria. For x y z and persistet floater, PA manual What means of chemical tanker ship.

Question.  In drydock what all important for CE ( like drop clearance, deflection before after) / Why deflection important before after DD

Question.  Ism objective and explain them





Mehrotra, chaudhari, and 1 more.

Feb 19.02.24


Question.  Cyber security measures on board

Question.  seq survey in detail, form e with certificate , whats surveys.?

Question.  Fixed c02 system maintenance 10 yearly.

Question.  steering gear failure action as ce.

Question.  emcy fire pp failure in front of psc what action as ce

Question.  2e not reporting all details related to e/r operation action as ce

Question.  hongkong convention details

Question.  Basel convention

Question.  garbage categories as per annex, garbage that can be thrown ovbd.

Question.  incinerator requirement as per annex 6

Question.  flag state, coastal state duties as per unclos

Question.  Carbon capture.


Jan 2024.

Satish Varma Reply



lnternal:Arbind sir

External: Upendra Kumar

Question.  IGF code and IGC diff

Question.  Omnibus clause

Question.  Causa proxima

Question.  Sea margin and engine margin

Question.  Running down clause

Question.  ME fuel consumption increase to 45t from 40t.

Question.  Extended dry dock scheme

Question.  COC and MOC / COC Application procedure and dispensation procedure



Parmeshwar Bhokare

Date:22Jan 2024.

Internal: Arbind sir

External: upendra sir.

Result: Pass.

Attempt: 4 th.

Question.  What are catfines.

Q x: Why we add . what are the limits. Present F O standard for cat fines. Limit for Engine. How to remove cat fines.

Question.  Why we need Class ?

Qx procedure to get Class for vessel, IACS how many members, latest changes in IACS, objective of IACS.

Question.  As per MLC 2006 preparation As CE for psc inspection.

Question.  What is mean by young seafarer?

Qx. Working requirements for young seafarer, what are the requirements for young seafarer.

Question.  Bunkering safety.

Qx how to calculate received bunker quantity. What are the different corrections for calculating received bunker, formula for corrections.

Question.  Heavy weather damage preparation.

Qx. What are the checks to be carry out upon safe arrival of vessel at port.

Question.  IMO structure? Councils ? Function of meeting? Latest Assembly meeting.



Attempt 2

Internal: Arbind C

External: Upendra Kumar

Question.  What is Johari Window?

Tell me How you will deal in conflicts as a CE when you go onboard ?

Question.  What is Sister Clause In Insurance

Question.  OPRC Convention ? What Certificates ? How will an Indian State Deal With It?

Question.  Type of Manifolds on Gas Vessel?

Question.  How many ESD Links On VLGC Vessel?

Question.  What is IGF Code ? Significance? Why IGF?

Question.  What are Cargoes ?

Question.  Significance of Propeller Curve ? Sea Margin & Engine Margin ?

Question.  As a CE how will you investigate frequent Cyl Head Cracking ?

Question.  LRIT ?

Question.  VDR? What all are the inputs ?

Question.  What is CTS?

Question.  What are requirements on Oil tanker if Using LNG as fuel for Piping System ?

Question.  What's Special About ESD Link ? What's it called ?

Question.  Trip Levels HC If Oil Tanker Using DF Engines? ( Mentioned LGIP Levels)

Question.  As a CE when you have just joined vessel how will you investigate a machinery failure ?



Pauras Surve 23.01.24

Internal- praveen nair

External- melhotra Attempt 2 Meo Class 1 (steam)

When was last oral? What are not answered questions from last attempt. Have you prepared.

Question.  Ask me about tailshaft inspection and removal.

Question.  how you manage boil off on LNG carrier / Lng as a fuel. Is a alternative option ahead?

Question.  SEQ survey

Question.  Interim audit for taking new vessel

Question.  Service spaces as per solas definition

Question.  No more favorable treatment

Question.  How to train juniors

Question.  difference between cs and ro

Question.  brief about imsas and vimsas. Duty as a flag, port and coastal state


PATIL, [22-01-2024 15:48]

Question.  What Safety for bulk carrier on forward part of cargo hold,? How to test from bridge?

Question.  Spark erosion? How avoided?

Question.  Safety management system? Advantages?

Question.  While taking bunker safety? What precautions while taking sounding on barge?

Question.  Static and dynamic test of crankshaft?

Question.  What certificates need to have to issue smc? Process to issue smc?

Abhishek Deshpande

Question.  High density cargo can we carry. Where given . Procedures. What all changes.

Question.  Important things in lo report. If 0.5 percent by engine manufacturer, we get 0.45 is it okay.

Question.  Inputs outputs in masters review

Question.  What is cfu in bwts. What does it mean

Question.  Non treaty instruments of imo

Question.  Polar region where is it

Question.  Gen frequency is continuously changing your action as ce, when 2e calls to cabin.       




Virendra Dubey:

Question.  Imo slogan

Question.  Management of change

Question.  Annex 5 be amendment latest

Question.  Eedi eeoi difference

Question.  H&M and P&I relationship


Sushant Raghav

Question.  Condition assessment scheme

Question.  Gbs standard

Question.  Alternate fuels

Question.  New technological innovations to reduce eddi

Question.  MEGI. MEGA

Question.  next UPCOMING MEPC no.

Question.  Headings in MEPC 80

Question.  Psc review mechanism against deficiency



N Sha

24 Jan 24

Gopi Krishna sir and external (forgot sir's name)

Introduction, experience, type of vessel and number of attempts.

Question.  As c/e. u join a ship, how u know Ism is implemented. Which documents u check to verify it without wasting any time.

Question.  Latest guidelines on psc and number. What were the latest changes made. How many MOU, Documents for PSC inspection, name all

Question.  Takeover a new vsl as ce. Interim ism audit .how to proceed

Question.  Cyber security amendment. Role of ce

Question.  J/e joining ship, responsibility of ce and how will u motivate him

Question.  Sire vs psc. Differences

Question.  Alternative FO. types and development






Mehrotra / Nair

Mumbai 23 Jan 24

Question.  As C/E Prepare vessel for HKC Recycling

Question.  As a C/E Prepare vessel for IOPP Survey

Question.  As a C/E Prepare vessel for Interim ISM, vessel taking over as new in the company

Question.  As a C/E Prepare vessel w.r.t MLC

Question.  Latest Resolution of IMO with respect to Port State Control

Question.  Define / Explain Service Spaces as per SOLAS

Nair Sir –

Question.  Explain SEEMP Part 3; Action as C/E with C Rating.

Question.  Life boat water fall action as ce??

Question.  Functional requirement of ism

Question.  Explain design of contra rotating propeller

Question.  High Voltage safeties

Question.  GBS functionality

Question.  PMS

Question.  CMS




DK S, [18-01-2024 16:08]


18 Jan 24


INT- Srish

EXT- Mehrotra

Intro and which type of ship, size and trading area etc

Question.  Subrogation

Question.  Running down clause

Question.  Maritime lien

Question.  Critical spares

Question.  internet of Things

Question.  CE duty in IHM


Chetanya Gupta

Internal: Arbind Chaudhary

External: Upendra Kumar

All Questions by internal only

1)         Give your technical introduction Gas carriers throughout

Question.  In IGC code what are the types of tanks?

X Q: how are independent different from integrated?

X Q: what are the temperatures between these types?

X Q : how long can the secondary barrier hold if there is a leak in cargo tank?


Types of Tanks in the IGC Code

Question.  IP code

Question.  PF curve?

Question.  what is carbon capture?

X Q : what are the methods

X Q: how do we sure carbon captured?

X Q: what is carbon sequestration?

Question.  difference between zero carbon and carbon neutral fuels with examples?

Question.  What is biofuel ?

X Q: why we are using it? What advantages?

XQ:whats biodiesel?

Question.  you have joined as a ce on just a new yard delivery at shipyard, how will you implement ISPS code

Question.  Coc

Question.  El. Officer to instruct in DD


Dec 2023

Shekhar Sharma

Internal.-Senthil sir External.-Mehrotra sir and Mr. Umaparkash

Question.  RO, Flag state, Classification society.

Question.  C02 10 yearly maintenance, pressure test for flexible hoses, C02 line. Relief valve.

Question.  C0P27 and COP 28 basics.Why international shipping is considered in COP.

Question.  EFFORTS by IMO in reducing GHG.

Question.  Methanol as fuel. Properties of methanol.

Question.  Why methanol engines emits less nox

Question.  How as CE will maintain inventory.

Question.  ISM basics.


Int: Shirish sir Ext: Mehrotra sir Attempt:2

1.         Introduction, written result, type of ships.

Question.  What are GHG development with respect to Annex 6 ch 4

X 20% of what

X what you mean by net zero concept

Question.  Noise code

X accomodation measurements and dB value

Question.  Sua code.

Question.  Diff bet Coc and memoranda of class

Question.  GA and PA

x how proportion is calc in GA

Question.  ISM deficiencies

Question.  International Hull Clauses

Question.  Light running margin of propeller



Sirish kumar and mehrotra

Question.  Running down clause

Question.  III code

Question.  LNG as fuel, what constraints?

Question.  IMO GHG strategy               

Question.  Cll, EEXI




Question.  chemical type 1 and type 2 construction difference Stripping requirement

Question.  Light running margin

Question.  London and basel convention

Question.  B/L

Question.  Marpol annex 6 regulation 23

Question.  SEEMP parts

Question.  Bwts D1 and D2 standard

Question.  PSSA

Question.  Running down clause





Sandip Patil

Shirish kumar External dont know

1.         Introduce yourself, written result/cargo carried,

Question.  veg oil carrying requirements,

Question.  framo monthly checks,

Question.  pssa, in india how many pssa, who decides

Question.  unclos, territorial sea, EEZ, function of coastal state

Question.  kN curve

Question.  BDN, as per bunker conversion what should be there

Question.  as CE how you make sure that complies with IHM, IHM convention

Question.  registration of ships, what certificate required

Question.  London convention

Question.  running down clause

Question.  III CODE, how many instruments of IMO in it




Attempt 4

Mumbai mmd

Internal: Shirish Kumar sir

External: mehrotra sir

Result: Pass

Question.  IMO GHG strategy, New levels of ambitions. Why 2008 is referring year? Year of old GHG strategy and revised GHG strategy

Question.  Difference between COC and memoranda. Does memoranda time validity?

Question.  Special survey requirement due in one month, and owner don't want to do, then what is SOLAS requirement for it?

Question.  Dry dock requirements as per SOLAS

Question.  As a CE, responsibility for maintaining IHM certificate.

Question.  Difference between explicit acceptance and tacit acceptance

Question.  III code in brief. What all conventions it covers?

Question.  Subrogation clause

Question.  What doe FAL convention deal with? In brief. How many forms, declarations and documents.

Question.  Difference between CLC, fund and bunker


Senthil, Mehotra, Singh.

Question.  Inventory principle. Jit.

Question.  Fonar.

Question.  Bunker procedures, precaution, instruction to junior. How to check quality and quantity of bunker. 

Question.  Marine insurance tpes.

Question.  GA/PA  difference.

Question.  No more favourable treatment.

Question.  Classification society.

Question.  CLC, bunker difference.
















Nov 2023

Ashish Kumar

Murmbai mmd

1st attempt

Internal: Nair sir

External: Mehrotra sir

Motor and steam

Nair sir started with introduction n all formalities.

Question.  Which code Ing carriers come under, what about IGF code, if applicable to LNG carriers or not.

Question.  What are goal based standards

Question.  Is LNG the future fuel.


Mehrotra sir

Question.  Near miss increased on your ships, Your action as ce

Question.  Why Co2 bottles are secured and lashed. What will happen if lashing not ok.

Question.  What are service spaces

Question.  Certain flagged vsls getting detained at certain ports. What could be the reason.

Question.  NC and MNC as per ism. Give some examples.

Question.  Discuss ammonia and hydrogen as future fuel.

Question.  Who benefits outs of general average

Question.  What is no more favorable treatment. Give some example.

Question.  What is main diff between annual and intermediate survey. Give example

Rasheed Gaibi

2nd attempt Mumbai mmd

Internal shirish sir

External don't know

1.General introduction

Question.  What is Basel convention

Question.  what is no more favourable treatment in MLC.

Question.  Institute time CLAUSES

Question.  H&M what all CLAUSES are there

Question.  If damage to ship because of navigation happened in Hugly river, will be covered under perils of sea

Question.  what is scopic clause, how much is the security to be given, why scopic, if salvage operation took place outside territorial waters will it apply

Question.  what is HV, Hamburg , some differences

Question.  difference between ISM and TOM, Principles of TQM

Question.  Which article in unclos talks about Flag state duties, and what are the duties of Flag state


Gagandeep Singh Bawa

Intern Gopi External: Anil Choudhary.

Question.  Salvage convention. article no.13,14 and 16.  LOF. Scopic. If salvage convention is there why LOF is required. suppose your vessel grounded and tug is on the way for salvage but even before tug reach, you able to refloat the vessel then in this case, is tug is eligible for remuneration?

How general average is incorporated in salvage.

Question.  Protection and indemnity

Question.  As a C/E u have received log book, what are the things to check in the Night order book what r the things u write

Question.  De registration of vessel  

Question.  FAL and SUA convention  

Question.  Floodable length, permissible length

Question.  National board of shipping structure  

Question.  Latest amendments in IBC Code   

Question.  Explain IMSBC CODE

Question.  LATEST amendment in liner, piston ring and crown  

Question must be latest Developments for ship engine liner, piston ring and crown

Question.  Meaning of AFRA MAX tanker


Internal gopi External: anil

Question.  Diff btw dfde and sdf

Question.  Seemp

Question.  Functional requirements of ISM / 2022 amendments in ism

Question.  Mepc 80 importance

Question.  What to do in case you received less bunkers and out of spec bunker

Question.  SUA

Question.  What is limited liability

Question.  MLC 2006 importance

Ankit mehra

Internal: Gopikrishnan

External : Anil



Type of propulsion.

Question.  Future in marine propulsion, man b&w me-GI AND me-GA engine. Material injector design, LNG Bunkering, DESIGN of tank, type of pumps relief Valves

Question.  Ship Propeller curve in detail, How used in engine derating.

Question.  GA in detail

Question.  ESP/  Check in details as Ce and surveyor

Question.  MLC 2022 amendments




Question.  Hong Kong Convention.

Question.  Diff between EUSRR and HKC

Question.  HBCDD

Vaibhav Sharma

Attempt 3 (2011.2029) MMD Mumbai

Surveyors Arbind choudhary and upendra sir

Result Pass

1.Type of ship

2.Experience as 2nd engg,

Question.  ME Engine and RT Flex diff

Question.  Right ship (Rating in rightship, CAP, SIRE)

Question.  NSB

Question.  Detention review, (Chinese PSC detained the vessel giving false deficiency)

Question.  CSR(Usage and purpose), flag change

Question.  VDR Where located, what records, and how much storage time.

Question.  AIS where in solas (regulation) what information LRIT gives

Question.  Difference in AIS And LRIT

Question.  Principle of insurance, subrogation Types.

Question.  H& M [what all cover), P&I (what all cover ), difference between both,

Question.  Vessel suffer damage by fuel oil who will ask for claim if fuel was supplied by owner and what if supplied by chartered? And who will take insurance?

Question.  BOL, letter of credit, contract of affreightment, what is link between BOL and contract of affreightment

Question.  Additional safety of bulk carrier, what is pumping requirement

Question.  Parametric rolling

Question.  Trim optimisation/ Weather routing

Question.  Your vessel is not going at charter party speed action as CE

Question.  VFD, cycloconverter

Question.  High voltage safeties

Question.  Polarisation index, insulation resistance

Question.  How to change speed of motor






Int. shirish sir. Ext. mehrotra sir.

Question.  III code.

Question.  Noise code. Mlc area noise in db.

Question.  Pssa. Is Andaman and Nicobar Island

Question.  Code 30, 17.

Question.  clear ground definition and example.

Question.  Which certificate required during registry.

Question.  What is subrogation.

Question.  What is cif, and fob.

Question.  Diff bet ga and pa.

Question.  maritime res and maritime lien. 

Question.  Latest changes in shipping.

Question.  running down clause.

Question.  Psc deficiency code 17, 30.

Question.  what is PR, PR 17, PR 5.

Question.  cold ironing, alternate shore power challenges and factors to consider.

Question.  EEXI, EEDI, IEEC Certificate and validity. 

Question.  Cappuccino bunkers.

Question.  Fuel treated as per which iso standard   




Internal shirish sir. Ext. ?

Question.  Precaution while loading grain cargo. Gas after fumigation. Process safeties.

Question.  Scopic clause.

Question.  III code.

Question.  How many chapter in stcw.

Question.  Audit and survey difference.  

Question.  Contiguous zone and EEZ as per unclos. 

Question.  Special survey due next month super don’t want to do what will you do.

Question.  Chapter xii solas.


Name - Bipinkumar halwai

Int- Shirish sir

Ext - mehrotra sir

Attempt 3


Question.  Difference between GA and PA
Question.  PSSA, is Andaman under PSSA
Question.  Condition of assignment
Question.  Maritime lien. How to know vessel has lien before buying.
Question.  TQM



Chandan Kadam

Internal-Shirish Sir

External-Mehrotra Sir

MMD Mumbai


Verification Of Documents
Brief Introduction about yourself
Question.  Which was the Last Session of MEPC & Discuss some important points from it
Question.  You are joining a vessel As C/E after reaching onboard Handing over C/E informs you that out of Three Generator one is non operational Due to Crankshaft completely Damaged Will you take over the vessel or not
Question.  Reason For Suspension Of Class
Question.  Difference Between Condition of Class & Memoranda
Question.  What is LOF & Why Scopic clause was added in LOF
Question.  Principles Of Insurance & Explain Principle of indemnity, Principle of Subrogation, Principle of Proximate Cause
Question.  Difference Between Explicit Acceptance & Tactic Acceptance
Question.  What is PR-17? Who can raise PR-17
Question.  Vessel Approaching a port and 24hrs Before Ballast water system Fail? Ballasting operation is needed urgently How as C/E you will deal with this situation                                                                                                    
Question.  What is Honk Kong Convention and C/E Role in Hongkong Convention





Ajaypal Singh Maan

Internal: Sarish Sir

External: Mehotra Sir

Attempt: 2nd

Mehotra Sir Intro. Type of ships Sailing experience.

Question.  IMSBC CODE/as per this code type of cargo.?

Question.  Running down clause.

Question.  Subrogation/ Types of Subrogation

Question.  What is PR , PR for change of Flag , what it says.


Question.  Grade of steel, where used , what is tensile steel u know about it..?? Where used on board.

Question.  Owner want to extend special survey what u suggest.

Question.  Intermediate survey. Special and renewal, example and any requirements for Dry dock..??

Question.  PSSA full form and definition . Andeman...?? PSSA Any new ...???


Belal Sultan

1st attemp

Sirish sir (int)

Not sure (ext)

Result: pass

1 introduction

Question.  Propeller    curve engine margin and sea margin

Question.  lmo            instruments in III code

Question.  grim           vane wheel (working)

Question.  General      avg and particular avg

Question.  condition   of class and memorandum of class

Question.  bwts          not working. Action as chief engg

Question.  Fal convention (fal forms), single window





himanshu madhra

Int- Mr Shirish Ext- Mr Mehrotra


Question.  Propeller curve 

Question.  MS Act

Question.  ISM in detail.

Question.  PR-1A, Transfer of class

Question.  III code

Question.  Noise code.

Question.  Marine Insurance.( Subrogation in detail)

Question.  Polar code.


Date 17.08.23

Arnab Bose

Upendra kumar sir

Sirish sir

Question.  What is the purpose of oprc

To whom it applies

What is required for various parties as per oprc

Question.  eedi technical file contents

Question.  Gbs what it is whom applies to what is tier 123

Question.  Esp code latest ammendments

Question.  H&m inclusions

Question.  Inchmaree clause

Question.  Omnibus clause

Question.  In time charter offspec fuel has damaged machinery. Who will cover the costs of repair

Question.  What is current fuel standard. Which standard was there before. What is new in this.

Question.  What is the difference between bmp4 and bmp5

Question.  Two AE on parallel load. In one AE excitation fault occurs. What will happen due to this.

Question.  What is substantial corrosion. Give example of max allowable corrosion with relation to hull.

Question.  What is IP code. What is IP. What is special personell. What is supernumary.


Additional q by sirish sir

Question.  what is edd requirement for containers. Why not applicable for other ships

Question.  Mepc 80 what came. What are the revised ambitions

Question.  What is IMSAS




Menghraj Chhablani

Attempt 3

Question.  III CODE


Question.  CLF AND FOB


Question.  HIGH SEA







Question.  IMO DCS








Attempt 1

Internal Mr. Pravin Nair

External Mr. Mehrotra, Mr upendra. Mr Anil and Mr. Mr Shrivastava sir

Question.  CO2 maintenance In detail

Question.  hkc actions as ce when ship goes for recycling

Question.  ism Interim certificate for new company

Question.  off hire laytime demurrage

Question.  mlc2006 certificate

Question.  nor






Internal: Mr Pravin Nair

External Mr. Srivastava. Mr. Anil Mr. Dilip

Question.  Vetting and psc difference? Why both required?

Question.  Name any 5 detainable deficiencies on board?

Question.  How PSC will go about ships Inspection?

Question.  How PSC will give deficiency. (Codes and proof)?

Question.  Last PSC inspection on your ship? under which MoU?

Question.  Difference between class and RO?

Question.  How flag state monitors RO?

Question.  Can we discharge oil through 15 PPM in special area? What regulation.

Question.  Where to find which all responsibilities given to which RO under IOMoU? Any specific document or reference?

Question.  Difference between PSSA and Special area with examples?


Alok Alhat.

Mumbai mmd Attempt 05

Internal - Mr Pravin Nalr

External - Mr srivastava.Mr Anil,Mr Dilip

Result - Pass

Question.  Mepc 80 latest amendments wrt ballast water system.

Question.  Experience of any major incident on ur vessel. why it happened?

Question.  Why psc inspection is required, if u are chief engineer how will u prepare for it

Question.  Diff between internal and external audit why needed.

Question.  Diff between MNC and NC conditions for rectification

Question. If vessel is detained by psc how will it affect company and ship

Question.  what is no more favorable treatment



Forwarded from ankit mehra

Attempt 2

Result: Repeat


Internal: Mr. Pravin Nair

External Mr Anil. Mr Srivastava and one more.

Experience as second engineer

Written Result

Question.  MEPC80/BWMS Amendments In MEPC 80

Question.  Dry dock checks for electricians before entry.

Question.  Co2 maintenance.

Question.  If 2E has removed damp for 15-20 bottles and there is Engine room fire. What to do?

Question.  Bill of lading

Question.  Documents to be supplied under H&M. Also for hull damage in case of collision.

Question.  Restricted area and Prohibited area.


Apurv S

17th July.2023

Attempt 1

Internal-Mr Praveen Nair

External-Mr Dillp. Mr Shrivastava, Mr Anil

•written result •type of vessel(LNG)

Question.  have you experienced PSC. Which MoU. Why MoU. Details about Codes.


Question.  If OWS failed before arrival, how will you deal to avoid detention.

Question.  how will you tackle bunker disputes. who all to Inform.

Question.  Intervention convention significance.

Question.  C/E action few hours before DD. What all specific things you will make sure.

Question.  SEEMP

Question.  EEDI vs EEXI

Question.  how to improve Co2 efficiency of the vessel


Bapu Rane 19/07/2023



Internal-Shirish Sir

External-Don't know

Introduction, sea time

Type of Ships-PCC only

Type of Engine-UEC60LSII

Question.  Type A-B ships

Question.  GZ curve

Question.  Parametric Rolling

Question.  Sea Margin/Light Sea Margin, Heavy sea Margin. Engine Margin

Question.  Nox Code and technical file

Question.  Hongkconv

Question.  ISPS audit preparation for New Ship

Question.  Condition of assignment

Question.  Omnibus


Dipak Pawar.




Internal - Shrish sir

External - Dont know the name

Introduce yourself, type of ship, technical specifications of Engine worked/Sea Time

Question.  flag state responsibility regarding UNCLOS

Question.  Propeller cut on the tip, can do repair or not

Question.  How to remove Tail-shaft SKF coupling

Question.  Omnibus Rule explain

Question.  Types of Grades of steel used for ship / hull construction-


Valbhav Sharmj

Attempt 1 Result Repeat

Question.  Noise survey report, when is this survey done

Question.  Various inspection test in drydock

Question.  endurance Test. Why carried out

Question.  SPS Code (related to special purpose ship)/Salient features of SPS code -Why SPS came into picture

Question.  In  biofouling what is their with regards to thickness coating. (Specific Values)

Question.  what are requirement of firefighting for containers stowed above deck (special mention with values)

Question.  Chartering in and chartering OUT




Devendra Shankar


Mehrotra and Shrish Sir

Type- Lpg ships

Question.  CO-MINGLING of gas cargo and safeties and precautions

Question.  Convention and code diff

Question.  III code

Question.  FO sulphur more than 0.5 in fuel report, Actions

Question.  Tqm and ism difference

Question.  Eexi and cii

Question.  What’s in the nox technical file

Question.  Role of ce in maintaining IHM certificate

Question.  Lrit and frequency of transmitting

Mayuresh Kadekar

Internal Mr. shrish kumar

External Mr. Malhotra.


self assessment for previous failure attempts.

Question.  MLC detainable deficiencies.

Question.  STCW C/E competency, managerial skills

Question.  CBDR

Question.  PSSA/Difference B/W PSSA & special areas

Question.  Class survey, Statutory survey

Question.  Condition of class/ Memo of class.

Question.  TQM principles.

Question.  Arbitration, maritime lien.

Question.  R.O. code

Question.  bunker quantity received less .. action as a c/e.

Satya Prakash



Internal -P.raveen Nair sir,

External - Mudit Merhotra sir,


Questions -

1.         Introduce yourself, / How many experience you have as a 2/E.

Question.  MLC details and what is financial security in MLC get seafarer.

Question.  What is DP vessel and what is the difference between DP 1,2 and What is open circuit and short circuit.

Question.  What fire extinguisher you will use In  case of electrical fire.

Question.  What is ISM, and what are the documents under it and details.

Question.  Suppose you are going to take the shore electrical connection, what you will check and why.

Question.  What is SPS-1 was not able to answer this questions..

Question.  As a C/E how you will handle to your juniors on board.

Question.  What are the new amendments in MEPC.

Question.  Name the 05 codes from SOLAS.

Question.  What is ODS and details.

Question.  How will you prepare your vessel for DP survey.



21 Feb 2023


Internal : Shrish sir

External :   Melhotra Sir

Started with introduction, experience and types of ships sailed ( oil Tanker)

Question.  First question was situational based question, AS a CE you joined vessel , and one of the DG is totally opened up for repairs, spares are expected after one months, will you take over as CE or Not .....If yes then what all things you will consider, and if not , the why? - X questions- where is it mentioned or which document will tell the normal sea load

Question.  GA and PA differences, how GA is calculated

Question.  what is SCOPIC/ What is LOF

Question.  How will you identify critical equipment

Question.  MEPC latest session

Question.  What is CBDR

Question.  What is PSSA

Question.  What is CII

Question.  What is EEXI

Question.  what is cold ironing

Question.  what is IMH ?How will you implement IHM onboard? Responsibility of CE wrt IHM

Question.  What is TQM, 8 Principals of TQM


Shrish Sir

Question.  What is the definition of PSSA (Exact Definition)

Question.  What all documents are checked under Marpol Annex 1

Question.  What all operations are done on tanker

Ravi bisht

21 -02-2023

MMD Mumbai

Internal : Shrish sir

External :   Melhotra Sir

1.         General introduction, ship type sailed and seatime, written result

Question.  Container lashing arrangements.

Question.  Fire detection & fire fighting in CH.

Question.  CSC Convention.

Question.  HTS benefits, drawbacks.

Question.  GA vs PA, how GA is calculated, how contributions are made.

Question.  Nairobi Wreck convention.

Question.  FSI vs PSI

Question.  III code



Swapnil M. More

Oral Examination 21 Feb 2023

Location: Mumbai MMD

Internal : Shrish sir

External :   Melhotra Sir

Attempt: 2

Question.  Container arrangement and stowage?

Question.  Bunker received with 0.52% sulphur action as CE?

Question.  Condition  of class and Memorandum?

Question.  Vessel is due for special survey and owner says not to do now ..later we will do. Action as CE?

Question.  For IHM action as CE ? Later on said Joined as CE onboard, action regarding IHM.

Question.  Bunker convention what all docs and certificate? And who issues them?

Question.  GA and PA ? Breakdown of ME, it will come under what?

Question.  Registration of Vessel bought from other owner, how to go about it?

Question.  Scope of FSI and PSC inspection.?

Question.  Who gives IMO number ?

Question.  Basel convention?



Prashant Srivastava

21 st Feb, 2023

3rd Attempt

Internal : Shrish sir

External :   Melhotra Sir

Started with Introduction, Experience etc..(my background LNG ships)

Question.  FF arrangements on Deck of LNG tankers /How to prevent caking in Dry powder system.

Question.  Purpose, type and number of B/L .

Question.  Dealing with non-compliant fuel

Question.  Implementation of ISM & ISPS

Question.  Compliance with Hongkong Convention

Question.  Type of SEEMP

Question.  How engine power (KW & BHP) are determined and what is done in sea trial.

Question.  What all you will check on BDN as C/E

Question.  Outgoing C/E - what documents & certificates you will check as C/E.

Question.  Propeller damage - How you will come to know

Question.  What is power requirement for NOx technical code

Question.  Difference between Salvage & Towage.

Question.  Why do we have cofferdam on ship

Question.  Difference between ISM & TQM. No. of elements in TQM & list them.

Question.  Cold Ironing

Question.  Definition of PSSA

Question.  Criteria for TMON notation, what all documents to be maintained.

Question.  Detainable deficiency as per MLC.






Abhay Sinha

Int sirish sir,

Ext mehrotra sir

Question.  2nd hand vessel being taken over. What documents needed for registration.

X q. What is there in proof of sale? What all is there in it.

Question.  In yard what types of steel plates used. Yard tell you we need to use hts. How you’ll decide. Where will we use high tensile steel. Why not used all over the ship?

Question.  Types of bill of lading. How many copies and who all will get copies.

Question.  IHM role of ce in IHM.

Question.  iii code. Details.

Question.  Pr 17. Details.

Question.  difference between survey and audit.

Question.  Going for DD. What all plans need to give to yard. What is there in docking plan.



Deepali K

Shirsh kumar Sir

upendra sir


1.         Introduction

Question.  How will you implement isps on new ship

Question.  PR 17 - deficiency on ship, actions as CE

Question.  Ism how you will prepare new vessel for interim certificate

Question.  Eedi eexi cii

Question.  Psc - which all conventions

Question.  III will focus on which imo instruments.

Question.  MLC implementation on ship

Question.  How you will prepare for iopp survey

Question.  Scopic clause


Varun Raghunath

Internal: Shirsh Kumar Sir

External : Upendra Sir

Attempt: 4 MMD Mumbai

Question.  Vessel frequently calling Long Beach. Requirements?

Question.  Parametric Rolling

Question.  Insulation Resistance on High Voltage Equipment

Question.  Type of Earthing on HV System. Function of NER./Type of Earthing on Steering Gear Motor?

Question.  Condition of Assignment.

Question.  Type A and Type B ship. B-60 and B-100 ship

Question.  Ship Constriction Plan. Contents

Question.  Biofouling Management Plan - Entries made in manual.

Question.  Block Chain Technology and how it is used in Marine Field.

Question.  Requirement of IWS.

Question.  CIF and FOB.

Question.  Various methods of Charter

Question.  Contract of Affreightment.

Question.  CBDR.




Internal Mr.Shirish Kumar Sir

External..Mr.Upendra Kumar

Attempt no.3

Result: Pass

Give brief technical introduction of yours

Question.  definition of GA/ Give me examples of GA/ Who all contribute to GA

Question.  P& I what is P and I?

Question.  What all liabilities covered under P&l ?

Question.  What is Omnibus clause?/ Give examples of Omibus clause?

Question.  What are goal based standards? On what type of ships are the applicable?/  What are functional requirements of Goal based standards?/ Are the applicable to new ships or applicable to old ship?

Question.  What are contents of eedi tech file?

Question.  What are energy saving devices you will propose to improve eedi of your ship?

Question.  What is PR 17?

Question.  MEPC 79 what all was discussed and what all is adopted?




Alston Ambrose

Attempt no: 3

Result: reappear

Internal sirish

Question.  Imsbc code latest amendment

Question.  Eedi tech file contents.

Question.  Calculation of eedi.

Question.  Nox tech file content.

Question.  Ce on second hand ship isps implementation

Question.  Mepc 79 amendments all of them.

Question.  Contents of SRP.

Question.  Cbdr

Question.  Scopic clause complete. Award calculation.

Question.  Omnibus cover

Question.  Blockchain and uses.

Question.  Tacit acceptance.


Introduce yourself, After brief introduction, I said sir this is my 4th Oral attempt. Then he started Oral.

Question.  Time charter speed requirement is 15knots, your speed is coming only 10-12 knots. You have to write a letter to company giving reasons and your findings. What you will write.?

X questions

           what you will check in engine performance.

           How you will calculate SFOC

           How you will calculate slip. Which data you will refer.

           From which data you will refer that ship hull is fouled

Question.  Do you know what is propeller curve? Explain in detail

X questions

           What is on x-axis and what ix on y-axis

           What is LR margin-Exact value(%)

           What is Heavy running margin- Exact value(%)

           What is Engine margin- Exact value(%)


Question.  Your vessel is going for sea trials. As a C/E what all sea trials you will witness in engine room.

X questions

           What document you will refer.

           What tests carried out on main engine during sea trial.

           How you will do sea trial of windlass


Question.  Main engine cylinder heads are cracking frequently. As a C/E how you will present your findings to company.

X questions

           What is bad quality fuel.

           What you check in cooling water analysis.

           What are the values of different parameters.

           What chemical you add to cooling water.


Question.  What is LRIT. What it reports. To whom it reports. What is reporting frequency. What is long range.


Question.  Your charterer have supplied bad fuel and main engine is damaged who will pay for the damage.

X questions

           To whom you will report

           In case of time charter, to whom you will report


Question.  What fuel standards you are using onboard.

X questions

           What are the changes from last version.


Question.  What type of vessels you have sailed-Crude and product tankers.

X questions

           You had BWTS onboard

           Explain ballast water performance standards.


Question.  Your vessel is going for DD in 6 months and BWTS to be installed on your vessel.

           As a C/E how will you decide what type of treatment plant to consider.

           What all things you will consider wrt installation.


Ext Mehrotra Sir + Upendra Sir

Alok Alhat

Shirish kumar

Ext: Upendra Kumar

Question.  what is cargo liquefaction

Question.  diff between time and bareboat charter.

Question.  modern technologies to improve engine efficiency.

Question.  sea trial tests for engine room.

Question.   rudder repair


Nov 2022

Avinash Singh

Mr Vikrant Rai and Mr Melhotra

Result: Pass

Question.  LNG tank construction

Question.  Marpol Annex 6 regulation 28 what is about ,what we calculate, formula and what is at top and bottom

Question.  low CII is good or high,

Question.  How to improve CII if rating is low

Question.  Alternate fuel and names

Question.  Ship Due for special survey, how to extend it .how many days we can extend.

Question.  intermediate survey extension possible and how many days ?

Question.  BWTS non functional, what has to be done

Question.  TQM and application on board ship

Question.  Principles of TQM

Question.  Difference bet TQM and ISM

Question.  PR 17

Question.  Scopic clause covered under which Article

Question.  vessel to be recycled  as chief engineer how to prepare

Question.  after getting IC (IHM Certificate, obligation as chief engineer

Question.  Subrogation and types of subrogation

Question.  Most critical point during DD related to stability

Question.  How to identify critical equipment onboard




Forwarded from Deepak Gupta

Attempt: First

Ext: Mehrotra Sir (very supportive)

Int: Vikrant Rai Sir

Mehrotra Sir

Introduction about yourself Type of vessels Sailing after class 2

Written result (appeared in Nov itself, so result not yet announced)

Question.  IMSBC Code in detail. Various Groups. Example of Group B & C. What is TML & FMP For what purpose. What is TML is high/What is Dynamic Separation./Effect on vessel?

Question.  Triangle assigned to Bulk Carriers (what does it signify) What are the restriction?

Question.  MEPC 78

Question.  TQM, principles of TQM

Question.  Difference between ISM & TQM

Question.  Subrogation in Insurance and it's type?

Vikrant Rai Sir,

Question.  Vessel is 15 years old, unable to maintain CII, what can be the reasons, what all factors are not in the hand of ships crew, what will u as a CE do to reduce CII

Question.  Vessel on a Ballast Voyage, BWMS fails, how to deal with it, what all permission recorded, what is Ballast water Management plan and its content?

Question.  Marpol Annex 1 criteria for discharge of bilges in Special Area, what is Enroute?




Anurudh Sahu

Internal: Vikrant rai sir

External: Upendra kumar  sir


Question.  TQM, how to apply on ship as CE.

Question.  TMSA and its various elements

Question.  Scopic clause, and ship owner duties, if amount from article 13 more than how is it calculated

Question.  Management techniques used by chief engineer-

Question.  Bunker checklist missing, how to close NC.

Question.  PR17

Question.  Complaint fuel not available, how to go about it.

Question.  Bareboat charter explain

Question.  What is COA in chatering

Question.  Various subcommittees of IMO

Question.  Various instruments under III code-

Question.  Msc 105, when did it happened and outcome.

Question.  Solas chapter 14.-polar ship requirements

Question.  Propeller curve all points, torque rich condition, why sea margin, how much, why engine margin.


Avinash singh.


upendra kumar / vikrant rai.

Question. LNG safety.

Question. Time charter speed not matching action as ce.

Question. Running down clause.

Question. Convention India not ratified.

Question. What is p&I and covers.

Anbhav Rai

Vikrant and upendra kumar.

Question.  Oprc.

Question.  Substandard ship.

Question.  Lay time and lay days.

Question.  Fire structural plan/what all information.

Question.  If you are going to Los Angeles continuously what all documents need to be submitted.

Question.  Which ship can be Indian registered ship.

Question.  TQM.

Question.  Correct fuel bunker standard being used what is the difference.

Question.  Cross head bearing damage how will you get to port.

Question.  Cross curve of stability.

Question.  ISPS how will you implement on new ship.

Question.  Preliminary inquiry.

Question.  Latest MEPC MEETING.

Question.  How Will you reduce nox emission.

Question.  What is CCAI.

Question.  How you get registered in irs.

Question.  What management techniques will you use as C/E.  



Internal : MR Vikrant Rai

External : MR Upendra

Question.  Draw Propeller curve and engine layout curve. Cross Question like LR margin, Sea Margin, Engine Margin,

Question.  Peril Included in P&I. Omnibus Cover and example.

Question.  Types of ship acquisition                                                                            

Question.  MSC 105 in brief.

Question.  IP code and applicability.

Question.  Process of Carbon capture and sequestration.

Question.  Taking over as CE and no CE present onboard. Vessel at anchor very short time.

Question.  How much AE how much load and consumption there in port or at sea. Which document it will be given.

Question.  Describe IMO structure. How many members

Question.  TMSA. why is it used and what are the parts included.

Question.  HSSC introduction. What surveys included ?

Question.  PR the report is made? Who the report goes to?



Ameet dusal.

Question.  ME & Convention engine difference also pump difference. Sulzer engine.

Question.  STCW  code or convention. Chapters in stcw. Ch 7 & 8 in details. How many codes 

Question.  BWM  D1, G6, 7,8,9.

Question.  solas ch 14 and polar code ch in detail.

Question.  Load line convention and requirement / applicability. How to do load line survey.


Aug 2022



Clint Coutniho (Int Gopikrishna Sir , Ext Mehrotra Sir + Upendra Sir)

Question.  Salvage convention, difference between salvage and towing? Contents of LOF?

Question.  SCOPIC

Question.  CIF and FOB, if cargo transported from foreign to India which is beneficial?

Question.  Types of insurance - what is covered under H&M and P&I?

Question.  If compliance bunker is unavailable and you have a voyage of 10 days - action as CE.

Question.  recently bunkered fuel BDN shows S = 0.48%, lab report shows 0.54%, what action as CE?

Question.  CII E ratings -action as CE

Question.  Different costs?

Question.  Hague Visby rules

Question.  GBS - different tiers

Question.  if damage to main engine due to poor bunker, under which insurance is it covered?

Question.  Load line survey - What all checks in E/R ? What is Type A, Type B?

Question.  What is CBDR?


Manuj Singh (Int: Gopikrishna Sir, Ext Upendra Sir and Mehrotra Sir)

Question.  CLC 92, all tiers and contributors.

Question.  Bunker convention, usual questions - why, when, where?

Question.  conditions of assignment of loadline.

Question.  Type A and Type B ships.  B-60 and B-100 bulk carriers

Question.  Implementation of ISPS onboard

Question.  Implementation of ISM onboard

Question.  Mid sea M/E OMD alarm. On checking found cross head pin, cross head bearing and guide shoes damaged. What to do? how to reach port?

Question.  What is PR17?

Question.  Meaning of triangle on the side of Bulk Carrier.

Gopikrishna Sir

Question.  What is SCOPIC


Rajendra Chaudhary (Int Gopikrishna Sir, Ext Upendra Sir)

Types of vessels sailed

Question.  Container ship going to California, what all things to comply?

Question.  Flag state duties and responsibilities

Question.  Types of steel

Question.  Use of HTS steel

Question.  M/E piston seized at midsea. Actions as CE

Question.  In Water Survey requirements

Question.  IMO GHG strategy/Candidate measures

Question.  HSSC and cert under it

Question.  HKC preparation for IRRC and actions as CE


Varun Patwardhan (Int Gopikrishna Sir , Ext Upendra Sir & Mehrotra Sir)

Question.  HNS Convention

Question.  Methods of ship acquisition

Question.  Sea trial tests

Question.  Details about OPRC convention

Question.  ISPS on new ship and 2nd hand ship

Question.  Sister Ship Clause


Sylvester Andrade (Int Gopikrishna Sir, Ext Upendra Sir)


Types of ship sailed as 2E

Question.  Different types of charterer and functions

Question.  IMO’s full structure and India’s stand in it. explain category 1,2 and 3 in the council.

Question.  Function of MEPC

Question.  III Code in detail and which convention it covers?

Question.  Unseaworthy and Unsafe ships. exact definition.

Question.  CIC - how will you as CE ensure no deficiency in STCW

Question.  PSC - why required and details/Vessel is detained for wrong reasons - how will u go about it?

Question.  Energy Efficiency Technologies



Question.  What is CBDR?

Question.  Functional Requirements of ISM

Question.  As a CE, how will you prepare your vessel for Right Ships?


Date-16-08-2022 Result-Repeat

Intemal-Gopikrishna sir

Extemal-Upendra sir Mehoratra sir Gopl Krishna sir-

Type of vessel done and told me Upendra sir will continue with orals

Upendra Sir-

Type of vessel

Question. Dry Docking

Question. EDD

Question. Type of insurance

Question. Principle of insurance

Question. Explain Principle of Subrogation & Principle of Proximate Cause & question on P&I

Question. Explain CIF FOB

Question. Explain Condition of Class

Question.Fuel is with sulphur content more than global limit Action as C/E



Oct 2021

Date : 21/10/2021

Internal : ashish wankhede

External : mehrotra

Date : 21/10/2021

Internal : ashish wankhede

External : mehrotra

Intro in detail

1. Major incident on yor ship during career.

Question.  RCA, Correction, corrective action and preventive action

Question.  Detainable defficiency with examples

Question.  If vessel arriving port and u found lifeboat engine is not working. Action as chief engineer

Question.  While taking over 2nd hand vessel action as chief engineer…

Question.  Ism certification for new take over vessel

Question.  How will you prepare a vessel for recycling as a chief engineer.

Question.  If a vessel has ratified bwm convention and vsl arriving in Argentina (who has not ratified convention) will psc check for bwm compliance ???





-Dilip Mehrotra and Ashish Wankhede

-Attempt 4


1- Intro , Ship types done, pre sea , experience ,written status

2- Failing questions from last time. Told him  Fire division definitions he stopped me mid way through the definitions  and said just tell me

Question.  purpose of A class division.

Question.  Checks to be made at shore connection box before dd ?

Question.  Types of fixed ff system worked on ? CO2 fixed ff sys maintenance? What is the weighing reqt.?

Question.  ME lube oil consumption going up , action as CE? ME lube oil consumption increases?

Question.  Decarbonisation action taken by marine industry ? Latest developments ?

Question.  No more favourable treatment ? What position does Indian psc take if foreign ship calling port does not comply with bwms ?

Question.  E/R crane checks before piston overhaul. What certificates you will check?








Int. Wankhade Sir

Ext- Dilip Melhotra Sir

Brief intro - said what he asked

Result: Pass(1st Attempt after Joining HATC)

Question.  Before ship going to dry dock, As C/E what will you brief to your junior/Engine staff about safety.

Question.  Before undocking, what  checks to be carried out with respect to propeller & rudder.

Question.  Latest regulation for special area w.r.t Annex VI.

Question.  Indian flag ship went to Singapore, Whether singapore PSC will check for BWMS on board the ship?

Question.  Explain no more favorable treatment.

Question.  How many limit switch in lifeboat & their functions

Question.  Check to be carried on E/R crane before decarb

Question.  Latest amendments w.r.t Annex V ? What change in  record book w.r.t. above amendment.

Question.  Main engine system oil consumption high ?




Int: Wankhade Sir

Ext: Dilip Melhotra Sir

* Introduce yourself and experience as 2/e.

Question.  Safeties on chemical tanker.

Question.  Limit switches on life boat- location + functions.

Question.  decarbonization or decarbonisation

Question.  MBM .

Question.  Hole on sea chest, Action as CE.

Question.  MNC example, Action as CE.

Question.  Fire pump not working at arrival port, As CE how will you present the in front of CE

Question.  ISM audits.

Question.  BWMS fitted on last ship, safety check as CE, what PSC will check.




Wankhade Sir int

Dilip Melhotra Sir ext

Result :Pass

Brief intro, written results,  how many attempts?

1.accident or incident on your ship

2. Could system on ship? I said bulk system so he asked

Question.  how we know how much CO2 to release in each compartment?  What are the maintenance routines done on bottle systems?

Question.  Sea trial reason and  tests.

Question.  Fire in dry dock what you will do? What are the documents you will give the fire fighting team.

Question.  Checks on shore power junction box before we reach dry dock.

Question.  New marpol annex v and iv amendments..

Question.  Out of 3, 1 gen is not working, can you take over and where is it written?

Kushal Arora


Mumbai Mmd

Lng steam candidate

Ext: Dilip Melhotra sir

Int: Wankhede sir

Started with checking if Indos number which is mentioned in CDC ,

Wankhede Sir could not see my video to which he confirmed from Dilip Sir and he said Okay .. and Orals started on casual note ..

Where do u stay .. temperature .. must be cold here .. etc etc ..where did u do your pre sea .. which year .?

What type of ships ? Why only steam ?? Why did not appear for motor ?

What were failing questions last 2 attempts ..what did u do after these attempts ..?


Question.  What is action as CE on grounding ?

Question.  How will you know ISM implemented ?

Question.  How will you familiarise yourself with bulk carrier ..?

Question.  Annex 5 of Marpol .. what are the latest ammendments.   ?

Question.  Unclos Why it is required ?



Oral 21 October 2021

Mumbai mmd

Internal:Ashish Wankhede Sir

External:Dilip Mehrotra Sir

Document verification asked me to show Indos no. in CDC, as I am having old Cdc, Indos no. Is not mention their, then ask to show passport and coc, Indos no. Neither mention on coc.

Introduction in detail. Which year came to shipping.

Which year cleared class 2

When did you class 1 cleared written. which type of vsl sailed and which all companies.

Did you sailed with multinational crew.

Question.  What all difficulties with multi national crew and how to overcome as c/e.

Question.  How will you implement smc on ship.

Question.  Check for full term smc and interim smc  as c/e.

Question.  Importance of intermediate audit.

Question.  What is de carbonization of shipping sector.

Question.  How to achieve de carbonization.

Question.  What are Future fuels?

Question.  PSC inspection. What all things psc looking for during round.


Question.  How many MOU are their?

Question.  What all Difficulty with fuel change over in ECA area after introduction of 0.5% sulphur fuel

Ashish sir

Question.  How to prepare vsl for drydock as c/e



[Forwarded from Pramod Kapale]

Date: - 27 Sep 21

Time: - 1400 Hrs

Duration: - 43 Mins

Attempt: - First

MMD: - Mumbai

External: - Mr. Mehrotra

Internal: - Mr. Wankhede

Ship Type: - Product Tanker


All the questions were asked by Mr. Mehrotra except the last two which Mr. Wankhede asked himself.

Q1. Introduction. Starting from cadet ship till 20 month exp as second engg. What all emergencies you have seen in the career.

Question.  How will you prepare vessel for SEQ?

Question.  Your last ship was a takeover (which I told him) so how you will implement SMS before sailing.

Question.  Last ship notation and from there went to ESP, purpose, types of survey.

Question.  What all conventions regarding environment.

Question.  Last ship – EEXI requirement, MEPC 76

Question.  What is MOU, how many MOU, what is the purpose

Question.  Have you heard of BLUE card, cross questioning on CLC why is it required, limit.


Wankhede sir intervened & asked 2 questions.


Question.  Salary not paid 3 months & food quality is very bad.

Question.  2E is a lady of other nationality and not getting respect and being mistreated.



 [Forwarded from Ritesh]

Date : 27/09/2021

Attempt 1

Internal : Wankhede sir

External : Don’t know

Introduce yourself, which Company and college

Experience at second engineer -12 months

Types of ship - Chemical tanker

Asked about attempt number and written result … I told I gave written last week and awaiting result

Question.  How you’ll train a junior engineer onboard ?

Question.  Prepare vessel for Seq survey

Question.  You are entering dry dock and water is being pumped out ; as a CE your most important check before and after

Question.  explain imo conventions related to pollution any two

Question.  Ism code …explain mnc nc and observation

Question.  Explain features in you as CE

Question.  Boiler being made ready for survey ,what will you do ? Wants to hear about Gas checks

Question.  Latest technologies to reduce CO2 emissions… explained CII

Question.  What is the meaning of “decarbonisation “ in GHG strategy

External told wait for Wankhede sir


Wankhede sir : Are you confident to take over as chief engineer ?

I told yes straight forward


Question.  You joined onboard and found the second engineer is not having a valid CoC …your action … How you’ll apply for dispensation ,put second as oicew

Question.  Explain Managerial and leadership skills as CE

Question.  Tqm

Question.  CO2 checks and what will be your action if out of 200 bottles 50 bottles below 90%… explained the calculation part as taught by Rajiv sir .

Internal asked which attempt and status of writtens and when signed off.

Question.  Explain Eca rules fuel latest amendments,



 [Forwarded from Diwakar R]



Intl : Wankhede



Intro, exp as 2E, types of ships

Major incident faced as 2E. How you tackled?

Question.  Taking over vessel as 𝒞𝐸. What’s your immediate concerns.

Question.  Name codes wrt environment pollution.

Question.  Explain BWMS onboard. Maintenance schedule. Did PSC check? What they checked-

Question.  HK convention- in general. Who has ratified, India’s stand, IHM . What you had onboard in this regard

Question.  Regarding Quality of fuels- what’s going on in the industry.

Question.  Measures to counter GHG. What measures you followed onboard.

Question.  Latest technology in use

Question.  MBM in ports etc..

Question.  List the MOU’s

Question.  PSC - name some deficiencies you have faced?  What is the common format of the form used by PSC.