Mr.Kapoor Sir
Question &
Contact - 7718065806
JUNE 2024
Kapoor Questions
1 .Asked about introduction, types of ship
Question. What is RO CODE? why came ?
Question. Why class Required ?
Question. IACS and Structure ...What is function IF not what will happen? What is Full and partial membership in IACS?
Question. What is IMO structure
Question. MEPC 81 related to goal based fuel standards?
Question. Difference between MEpc 79,80,81 specially asked on Measure and ImoDCS What requirements?
Question. Difference between ME and MCC engine, Types of ME engine.
Question. NEW amendments of Marpol Annex-5 ?
Question. What is HME in Garbage management?
Question. What is C? What are the types of MEC engines? How does ME engines works? What is special about it? Why IMO is focusing on these ME engines? How does a ME engines controls GHG emissions?
Question. Name 4 IMO conventions n code.?
Question. Have u done drydocking? Y a ship need to do drydocking? What is the DD requirements?
Question. What is IACS? What they do? How many types of membership? Criteria to become permanent member. Name some permanent members? Name associate member?
Question. What do u mean by class notations?
Question. Why is it required to have a class? Is it possible that a ship is without class?
Question. What is the system for conducting surveys for machineries?
Question. Have u done any survey on ship? How will u do Bottom end bearing survey as CE?
Question. U mentioned Risk assessment. What is the meaning of risk and how u do risk assessment? What were hazards involved in bottom end bearing survey?
Question. What is IMO? Where is
headquarter? Who is Secretary general? Any Indian Secretary General? Basic
structure of IMO? Name those 5 committees? How many members in council?
Question. What do u understand by organs of IMO?
Question. What is an amendment?
Nitin Kakwani
Attermpt 3
Kapoor Sir (Ext) and Chaki Sir(int)
Generai Introduction on which type of Ships sailed and Engines done
1 Which kind of fuel used on ME Engine you sailed on
Question. What all is the future of shipping with respect to fuels being used.
Question. ME GI and ME GA Briefly
Question. LNG Bunkering, Precautions and safeties
Question. MLC 2006,
Question. What is EEDI. how to improve EEDI as per guidelines from IMO ?
Question. Asked regarding IGF Course, does it need endorsement ?
Question. Tailshaft survey how done? How Tailshaft removed ? and how to order spares and storage of spares safely
Pauras Surve
Attermpt 1 (steam)
Kapoor Sir.
Chakki sir
Question. Which solas is in force
Question. MLC 2006
Question. UNCLOS and all the areas
Question. Green ship.
Question. EEDI. And guidelines by imo to improve it
Question. BWMS why not ratified by
Question. SRF
Question. Tailshaft removal procedure
Question. What is NCV and certificate
Question. STCW chapter VII
Question. 5 april, 26 june, world maritime day why they are celebrated reasons?
Question. CBA and INSA. What facilities provided by MUI
Kapoor sir (Ext) chaki sir (int)
Question. Imo structure and committee
Question. Mepc 80
Question. Eedi and how to improve EEDI as per guidelines from imo,
Question. EEXI
Question. Hkc convention,
Question. Class, IACS
Question. Bwms convention, why not
ratified by
Question. Coc,
Question. MOU,
Question. dd preparation,
Question. Tailshaft survey,
Question. seq survey certificate
Question. coW - why C0W in crude oil tankers
Question. unclos purpose and zone
Question. h&m exclusions
Question. methods to reduce fuel consumption to reduce C02 emissions
Question. What kind of training that a seafarer need to have with regards to MASS
Question. SEQ survey
Question. life raft is having a extra strap on it i am visiting your vessel as psc and i am insisting to cut it what YOu will do as chief engineer
Question. Lifejacket carriage requirements
Question. p&i club
Question. h&m
Question. IWS requirements
Question. Laytime and Laycan
Amit Kumar
Internal chakki sir
External kapoor sir
1. Intro and work experience
Question. All u know about convention and and discuss
Question. ISm code in detail
Question. STCW in detail
Question. MEPC 79 and MEPC 80
Question. RISK ASSESSMENT- risk profiling
Question. Latest design innovation in engine and engine components
Int srivastav. Ext kapoor.
[Forwarded from Kunal Pradhan]
Internal: Wankhede sir
External: Kapoor sir
Result: Pass
Experience as a 2/E, types of ship done,
Written status
Arshit Varma
Internal : Chakki Sir
External: Kapoor Sir
Attempt 2
Chakki sir:
kapoor sir :
Question. Last ship - class notations and meaning of each
Kapoor sir and chaki sir
abin joy
Kapoor sir and chakki sir
Feb 2023
Int chakki sir ext kapoor sir
Attempt 1
Only kapoor sir asked Result repeat
Duration - 30 to 40 minutes
Started with ship company
Types of ship
Types of engines - in detail and x question
JAN 2023
Date : 16/01/23
Internal: Chaki sir
External:Kapoor sir
Attempt no : 3
Result: Pass
Introduction/ Ship type : Offshore
DP vessel
Question. STCW , amendments , Manila amendment, STCW code/ STCW chapter
7 and 8 in detail
Question. Solas ch.15
Question. ISM code , how many parts , how many elements , explain in
brief / ISM code element 16 all
certificates in brief
Question. MEPC 79
Question. Structure of IMO , committees and sub committees
Question. GI engines
Question. What are NCV ship's
Benson Sampath
Internal: Chaki sir
External: Kapoor sir
Attempt: 2
Result: Pass
What type of ships. Chemical
tankers. Only chemical? No others also before. Tell me all types you sailed.
What type of engines done till now
tell me all types.
Question. What are the latest engines used to reduce ghg emissions.
Explain how MEGI and ME GA works. Which one came first Gl or GA?
Question. What is LNG made of composition?
Question. Tell me about IGF code. Does IGF code cover LNG? Bunkering
procedure for LNG. What constructional features for LNG bunkering.
Question. What is IMO's Greenhouse gas strategy.
Question. MEPC 79 - Tell me all the things adopted, not jut proposals.
Question. When I came to Annex V GRB/How many types of GRB are there.
What is HME? What does it cover? Who confirms the contents of hazardous cargo
when loaded on vessel?
Question. What is Ship recycling, what is IHM, how many types of IHM
Question. What is the difference between Audit and Survey?
Question. What is the list IMO maintains about all the ships of member
states in the world.
Question. What is UNCLOS, what are the sea areas. Tell me all the zones
and limits.
Sundeep Naik
Chaki Sir internal
Kapoor sir external
4th attempt
Question. Imo committee/ sub committee names
Question. Convention definition
Question. Instruments of imo
Question. Psc inspector what he will start inspection with What all
conventions according
Question. Then he asked mepc 79 amendments approved ones
Question. Then difference between survey and audit
Question. what is csm
Chetan Minhas
Chaki sir
kapoor sir
. Types of ships done. Chemical tankers, oil tankers, one
container ship as trainee.
He focused all questions on
container ship. TEU, FEU dimensions.
Question. Parametric rolling, how to mitigate.
Question. STCW convention, amendments, stew code
Question. Stcw chapter VII explain
Question. Dry docking rules, docking plan.
Question. MEPC 79 latest discussions and passed amendments.
Question. Electronic engines ME, Rt flex.
Question. Marpol annex IV and V. Amendments to annex V.
Question. Gas fuels- How LNG used on container vessels.
Question. What is IGF code.
Ankur Gupta
Internal Gopi Krishna or Bala may be the same.
External = Kapoor
Attempt= Second
Int. Asked type of Vessel
External asked me asked type of Engine worked.
1.Ask me about type of ME Engine.
Question. What is MEGI engine
Question. Type of fuel used in MEGI
Question. How to do bunkering.
Question. What things to be changed when using LNG.
Question. Why we are using this type of Engine.
Question. Why we are using LNG as a fuel.
Question. What is the purpose of Load line convention. Why we need it. What is alternate tonnage. What benefit owner will get for multiple loadline. How you will prepare loadline line survey. How you will check integrity of vessel. What is river or canal dues. What all things need to be checked in engine room during load line survey.
Question. Name Four Conventions & Four codes.
Question. Number of chapter in solas. What is chap 14 how parts are there. How many chapters are there in each part.
Question. How many Annex in Marpol. What is Marpol Annex 4 & Annex 5. Latest ammendments wrt to Annex 5. What is HME cargo. How we will know cargo is dangerous. What are others ammendments in Annex 5. What to be recorded in Non HME Cargo.
Question. How many chapters are there in STCW. When it came. How many parts or chapters in STCW code. What is NCV. How the certifications to be carried out for NCV.
Question. Have you done drydock. What is docking plan and what is contains in it. What is docming survey. How willyou carry out docking survey. What all to be checked in docking survey.
Question. What is UNCLOS.
Question. What is Recycling. Why we need it. What is SRF. What is the purpose of SRF. Is there is any survey required in Recycling.
Now internal came.
Question. What is III code.
Question. What is G8 & G9 guidelines.
Question. What is EEZ.
Gaurav Kalia
Attempt 2
Mr Gopi krishan
Mr Kapoor I guess
Question. Pr17
Question. What is an instrument. What all is included under imo instruments III CODE
Question. Convention difference with treaty
Question. Right ship inspection
Question. How you II prepare as CE for right ship
Question. Give name of convention which is not by imo
Question. What's mlc
Question. What articles under it Fifth article
Question. Who is responsible for implementation
Question. What is port state duties
Question. Diff between port state and costal state
Question. Port state comes under which authority
Question. Give me other convention by ILO
Question. Why mlc came .. was there anything before it
Question. What all amendments under it and by amending what conventions
Question. Parametric rolling and it's effect What you will do to contain it
[Forwarded from Sumit Singh]
Attempt 2:
Wankhede sir Kapoor sir
Question. Hkc
Question. Dasr full form
Question. Stcw ch 5
Question. latest amendments to GRB
Question. Solas ch 11-1
Question. Tailshaft survey/ How to remove tailshaft
Harsh Chandok
Int. Wankhede Ext. Kapoor
Question. Drydock and requirements. Dd plan and contents. What all will be done for DD? What all will be checked on ship’s hull during DD.
Question. Checks on anchor and chain, D shackle.
Question. TCM and method 1. How tailshaft is removed, propeller removal, what all checks?
Question. HKC in detail.
Question. ISM element 16.
Question. STCW is a code or convention? Chapters in STCW. Chapter 7 and 8 in detail. How many codes in STCW.
Question. Details about NCV in STCW and their license.
Question. BWM D1, D2, G6, G2. Applicability dates.
Question. Role of IACS, how to become member of IACS
Question. Solas Chapter 14 and polar code chapters.
Question. Load line convention and requirements/applicability.
Question. How to do load line survey.
Int. Wankhede Sir
Question. Difference between MEB and MEC.
Question. NOX reduction methods on MEC.
Question. As you have done LGIP, explain in brief but cover all aspects, from tank to engine.
[Forwarded from Bhushan]
Mr.Wankhede & Mr.Kapoor
Sailing experience, Type of ships, Engines sailed, written result.
Question. ME engines in detail.
Question. Difference between
Question. Latest developments in ME engine.
Question. EGCS and fuels used onboard.
Question. BWMS
Question. STCW
Question. 4 conv. & 4 codes
Question. Dry docking, TS removal procedure, regulations.
Question. SOLAS Chapters, in detail about Polar code.
Alex koshy.
Wankhede/kapoor sir.
Types of engine worked company etc. written result.
Question. What is TEU & FEU. / Dimension of teu and feu.
Question. Torsion box and its use.
Question. Why dry-docking required for a ship. / What does solas and class say about it.
Question. Why classification society required for ship. Can a ship be out of class. What will be the consequences of being out of class.
Question. What is condition of class with example.
Question. Name 5 conv and 5 code.
Question. what is iacs.
Question. Criteria to be a member of iacs and criteria to be an associate member of iacs.
AUG 2022
External: 17.08.22
internal: wankhede
External: Kapoor
Question. Stcw all chapters name, chapter 7 in detail, competency related questions
Question. psc, who decides about port state inspection and inspection criteria
Question. Drydocking
Question. Tmon
Question. Classification society, need and it's role
Question. if Lady second engg on board what all problems can be faced by crew and how to tackle, in detail
Question. Anchored lowered cannot heave up. Pump is fine relief valve of pump IAS also lifting because of too much pressure.
If you're going from
Kapoor sir
Result: Repeat
Question. Container spreader Working
Question. Reefer capacity of ship
Question. Reefer sockets damaged. action as CE
Question. Torsion box
Question. Stcw code ..chapters ..asking randomly with chapter 7
Question. Annex 5 new amendment/ How many garbage record book on ship
Question. Solas chapters
Wankhede mumbai
Question. Me engine types and advantage over mcc.
Question. drydocking
Question. tail shaft survey
Question. scrubber types
Question. marpol annexe 5
Question. marpol annexe 6
Question. Stcw
Question. Ism
Int: Wankhede sir
Ext: kapoor sir
Kapoor sir started asking Type of ships sailed, written result.
Question. U did DD? I said no. So he said tell me a everything about DD, how u will prepare DD SPECS, what all repairs and inspection done in DD.
Question. Then he asked have u seen tailshaft removal? I said no sir. So he said tell me how will u remove tailshaft? What all checks to be done on TS and how u will prepare for tailshaft survey.
Question. What is stcw nd How many chapters in stcw? Names randomly.
Question. How many chapters in Marpol? New amendments in ch V. What to enter in GRB II.
Question. What is ODMCS? How it works?
Question. How many chapters in Solas? What is chapter 14 ? Details about chapter 14 including what all parts and their chapters. Again asked tell 5 chapters name of polar code
Question. What is MOU? Why It is formed and how it is formed? What all MOUs/ Why need PSC
Question. What is ISM ele 16 and details about it. What all forms In ele 16 and why given there.
Question. Smc audit
Internal Ashish sir
External Kapoor sir
Intro name of company where
Question. Name any 4 different convention and 4 code
Question. What is HKC, who is the stakeholders of Hkc, where is given list of hazard material
Question. U ever done DD, what things
Question. Tail shaft removal method , how to remove propeller shaft, how to remove tail shaft, who r the stakeholders of Dd
Question. Stcw chapter VII Details about that
Question. Latest amendment on Annexe –v
Question. Certificate required for annex vi. What is Annex vi
Question. What is eexi, Eedi ,cii details
Question. Dd requirements as per solas and as per class / Why we need to go for DD
Then Ashis sir decider
Question. What is Risk assessment
[Forwarded from Saurabh]
Shirish Sir, Kapoor Sir and Vad Sir
Started with general introduction, followed by which company, what types of engines worked on, what types of vessels etc.
Question. What are green house gases and what are the effects of it on the environment??? How does it affect us??
Question. What is being done to reduce these GHG??
Question. Last ship class notation, what are class notations in general?? Are they same for all? Which all class ships have you done and their notations??
Question. Marpol annex vi fuel regulations, alternate means like EGCS??
Question. Types of EGCS?? What all you will do if you have to fit new EGCS plant??
What are
Question. Specifically to BWTS, what all parameters are recorded?? What is the unit of UV intensity and minimum value required?? What will you do if a UV lamp fails during operation, where will you Question. What is pinching point??
Question. What is MBM?
[Forwarded from Mahesh Mahapatra]
Attempt 2nd
External - Kapoor sir
Internal - Srinivas sir
Result - Pass
Introduction - said sailed on VLGCs(LPG Carriers) throughout as 1st Assistant Engineer,
was asked by surveyor - Have you ever done any other vessel apart from Gas Ships,
I said yes and first 2 quesns of my orals started from there. I said one container
vsl as 4th Engineer.
Asked about the type of Engine worked as 1st Assistant: Said MAN B&W ME and WIN GD engines( earlier called as RT-FLEX)
Kapoor Sir
Question. What is TEU and FEU in Container Ships? Please define
Question. What is box girder in container ships? purpose and location.
Question. What is docking requirement? drydock plan, stability before entering drydock, Requirement for EDD vessels, Name & type of paint with characteristics applied on underwater hull. What all underwater structures to be examined in drydock? Where the keel blocks are positioned as per the ship structure?
Question. What is STCW? Is it a code or a convention? How many chapters are there in STCW? Explain Chapter 7 of STCW. Why STCW 2010 came into force?
Question. What is MLC 2006? How many titles are there in MLC? Explain minimum requirements for seafarers. Is MLC a ILO or IMO Convention? What was there before MLC?
Question. How many chapters are there in SOLAS? Name the two new chapters. SOLAS applicability.
Question. How many annexes are there in MARPOL? Name all. Name all Annex VI regulations for Bunkering apart from SOX regulation. How many chapters and regulations are there in Annex VI?
What is Annex V all about. Name some categories of Garbage. What are the latest type of Garbage Categories? What is the latest amendment related to Annex V?
HKC Convention in detail.
Question. CII details
Question. After Bunkering you got 100 tonnes short. Action as CE. How to revoke license of supplier?
Question. What is the difference between ME-B and ME-C Engines? Tell about the Gas Injection engines of MAN.
Question. What is WECS and function of it in RT- FLEX engines?
Question. What is MUI? What all benefits are provided by MUI?
Question. Why PSC was formed? What do you mean by Detainable Deficiency? What is MOU? Why MOUs were formed? Name some.
In addition to these MOUs, the United States Coast Guard also operates its own PSC regime.
Srinivas Sir
Question. How to cut off one unit in conventional Engine and in Electronic Engine?
Question. Requirement of Emergency Generator as per SOLAS. What is the flash point requirement of fuel for Emgcy Gen?
Question. ORB entries for FO and LO with codes. Is 200 ltrs drum bunkering entered in ORB? Said NO. Then asked why?
Question. What is BUNKER convention? How is it different from CLC' 92 ? Why it came into force? Applicability of BUNKER Convention. Who provides the compensation
and how the financial security is established as per BUNKER?
Question. EEXI and details. Difference between EEXI and EEDI.
[Forwarded from Yogen Kulkarni]
Internal ashish wankede
External kapoor
Result - Pass
Types of ship
Question. IMO. Structure.
Question. What are classification society. Why is req. Role of class
society. Where is it written on need for
Question. IACS . Purpose. Requirements to become iacs member.
Question. PSC in detail. How it came? state the regulation nos under
diff conventions? How PSCO carries out inspection? what checks? Defination of
clear grounds. More detailed inspection. - Almost 15-20 mins discussion
Question. Stcw . Detailed
Question. MLC - Titles name . Under which convention. Explain Title 5.
Question. MUI.
Question. Solas. Diff chapters.
[08.05.21 06:27]
[Forwarded from
VenkataS Elangovan]
Mr.Kapoor Sir
Mr.Ashish Sir
1.Types of Engines worked.
Question. ME C and ME B diff
Question. STCW Amendments
Question. IMO structure Council
Question. Tacit Acceptance
Question. Classification society, classification compulsory or not
Question. IACS membership criteria
Question. EU MRV, DCS
Question. HME
Question. IHM
Question. Latest activity in our EEZ
Internal Sir
Question. U join as C/E
[06.05.21 06:38]
[Forwarded from
Ext Kapoor Sir, Int
Wankhede Sir
Question. UNCLOS where is
Question. Recent happening in Indian waters
Question. COC and affect on Insurance
Question. What is coc, give an example
Question. 4 conventions and 4 codes
Question. ME RT flex basic difference
Question. WECS what it is what it does
Question. IHM What it is, you as a surveyor are going to carry out IHM Survey what to do.
Int Wankhede Sir:
Question. How to prepare for external audit? Discussion on nc and what it is