Contact 7718065806


Jan 2025.


Suyash 24.01.2025
Int. Chowdhury Ext: Gadkar
1st attempt
Question. Type of ship as per load line

Question. London convention
Question. Human element, human efforts, human factor
Question. How to reduce frictional resistance of hull
Question. PR17
Question. GA and PA

Question. GBS


Adnan Sagheer 24.01.2025
Internal: Arvind sir External: Gadkar Sir

Question. Main disadvantage of Ing as fuel.
Question. Exact crank angle at which gas injected in Gas engine.
Question. Latest Ammended regarding Cyber security.(Not listening to SMS inclusion something new has come)

Question. Iws survey
Question. Maritime lien
Question. Flag state criteria for giving authority to RO.
Question. Suspension of class reason.


Tanay Sharma
Date: 24/01/2025
Int: Arbind Chaudhary Sir Ext: Gadkar Sir Attempt: 1
Result : Pass
Types of vessels done : Oil/Chem Product tanker
Which Attempt
Question. Types of conventions Covering liability and compensation and difference.
 xq. How Funds are collected for above mentioned conventions.
Question. OPRC convention
Question. Responsible authority in India for OPRC
Question. What is unseaworthy ship as per MS act
Question. Flag state responsibility as per UNCLOS
Question. All Principles of Insurance/  What is Subrogation
Question. Why SDA Analysis is carried out 

What are lab methods used to test and frequency of test for above.
Question. Pre swirl Devices.
Question. Criteria for PSSA



Jayesh Sankholkar Internal-praveen nair sir

External-gadhkar sir
Introduction and vessel done
Question. ESP in detail, how to carry out survey

Question. Latest ammendments in ism code

Question. IWS and EDD
Question. TMON in details
Question. Imo guidelines on cyber security

Question. Fixed fire fighting CO2 10 year maintenance
Question. Latest ECA area added
Question. OPRC in detail and India's regional cooperation
Question. Possible reasons for DOC to get suspended
Question. Common structural rules


20 Jan 25
Ext: Gadkar Sir
Int: Praveen Nair Sir
when did you clear Class 2 which attempt
when was the last attempt written result
Which type of ship is done in which rank
Question. 3 cargo oil convention pollution explain clc
Question. latest propeller advancements what is skewed propeller

Question. how cii related to seemp all seemp parts
Question. key elements of ism
Question. unseaworthy ships as per ms act

Question. basic insurance principals
Question. how as Ce implement Cybersecurity onboard



rNikhil Aitawade 20.01.2025 ' 'ntemal : Nair dernal :


1st Asked by internal :

Question. Type of ship done : Gas carrier

Ethane cargo as well as Fuel as propulsion.

Question. explain Relique plan, Cascade system, Safeties, Boiling pt of ethane, Refrigeration system in relique plant, Which refrigerant used, Cargo containment system, GTT tank structure. IS ,IBS what it is?

Question. Related to gasfuel , FGSS system ,working, safeties. etc

From Gadkar

Question. PR1 7 ? who report?

Question. Authorities given by flag state to RO, what are Criteria to become RO, Where is the reference?

Question. Common structural rule ? what is this?

Question. what is Djibouti code of conduct?

Question. Pre swirl devices ?

Question. PSSA criteria? Newly added PSSA?

Question. HKC how to prepare ship for recycling?

Question. CDTR






Gadkar , int- arbind chaudhary

Question. Disponent owner in bareboat chater.

Question. Maritime lien.

Question. Audit on deck as c/e.

Question. NEMA standards.

Question. Ism latest amendment.

Question. Ism element for galley.

Question. CSR.

Question. Multiple load line.

Question. Human element, error, factor.   




Suraj Sasidharan 19/12/2024

Internal: Choudary sir External: Gadkar sir, Attempt: 2

Introduction. sailing exp, type of


Question. SEEMP, part 1,2,3,

Question. LLMC in detail.

Question. Procedure to put vessel on time charter. C/e responsibilities.

Question. Hongkong convention..

Question. IMO GHG strategy in detail.

Question. Hague vs Hague visby..

Question. safcon renewal survey procedure.. CE duties....



Firoz Hussain

internal: Arbind choudhary

External: Gadkar sir

Question. Criteria for pssa

Question. why the concept of segregated ballast tank came.

Question. What is permanent ballast?

Question. Djbouti code

Question. Ro code

Question. IWS criteria

Question. IMO Conventions covering oil pollution compensations. and some






Gadkar question


Praveen N Date 21 nov 2024 Internal chakki External Gadkar 2nd attempt

Question. Principles    of TQM

Question. What is maritime lien

Question. Duties of c/e in time charter. Procedure to put vessel on time charter     

Question. RO code, What is RO

Question. Hull optimisation, purpose

Question. Scope of SEQ,

Question. 5 yearly routine of LB.

Omkar shetye

Gadkar sir external. Internal A Chaki sir

Question. What is ESP and how will you prepare?

Question. GBS

Question. LLMC

Question. Arbitration

Question. Polar code

Question.  Vessel came out of dry dock, not picking up speed , action as a chief engineer.

Question.  At port duty officer reported oil sheen near stern tube. Action as a chief engineer.

Question.  General average

Question. Noise code

Question. Cross curve stability, Why KN cross curve is required

Question. Subdivision loadline

Question. ALARP

Question. supplementary fund details, from where the funds are generated

Question. limitation of tanks in oil tankers

Gaurav Guleria 21/11/2024

Inter chaki sir External gadkarsir

written result and which attempt, what type of ship

Question. parametric rolling      

Question. IMO GHG Strategy

Question. propeller advancement

Question. How as chief engineer you will implement cyber security onboard

Question. multiple load line

Question. internal audit as chief engineer

Question. condition of assignment

Question. Lloyd open form

Question. types of warranty

Question. fuel Oil ccr content is high action as chief engineer

Question. type b60 and b100 ships

Question. csr of iacs

Question. Oprc role of flag state .contact point in india and authority

Question. Unseaworthy as per ms act

Question. Nema






Attempt 1

Internal : Praveen Nair

External : Gadkar

Introduction,Which Company,Rank,Type of Vessel-Bulk Carrier, Written Result

Internal Asked -Why not you have sailed in Tankers

Question. Just in Time Inventory. As a Chief Engineer How you will apply

Question. TQM, How as Chief Engineer you apply TQM onboard ship

Question. Goal Based Standards

Question. London Convention

Question. EEXI. In details

Question. Latest Amendment on Incinerator

Question. Latest Amendment of Annex VI

Question. Scope of IAPP Survey

Question. IEEC certificate. How you will get.


External Gadkar Internal- pravin

Attempt 1 Written result

Types of ship sailed

Question. Requirements for TMON, records to maintain notation.

Question. What is Nairobi convertion, documents required to be onboard.

Question. what is ESP. applicability. Requirements..

Question. Difference between aux steering and emergency steering

Question. Requirements for survival craft as per Solas

Question. What are the effects of psc detention on flag state.

Question. How to measure static and dynamic stability

Question. What are cross curves of stability.

Question. What is propeller curve and significance to CE.

Question. Three conventions for oil pollution compensation applicable for oil tanker and explain.

Question. TQM as a Chief Engineer.

Question. Djibouti code of conduct

Question. Imoghg strategy

Question. OPRC

First contact point in India

Which authority in India responsible?

Question. Difference between RO and class.

Requirements to for organisation to become RO


Internal :- pravin nair

External:- S.Gadkar

Nair started with asking abt the attempt numbr, written results and type of ships i have sailed post class2, i said chemical

Question. Types of ships under LL

2. ⁠x qts abt type a, b and b60 and b100. Wasn’t getting satisfied saying this class2 level answer

Question. ⁠Maritime lien, example k saath i explained.

Question. ⁠ICC clauses

Question. Chemical tanker types, 1,2,3 differences.

Question. ⁠withdrawal of class, reasons.

Question. PSSA, told def. In lay man language and added latest mepc 82 addition , xq- full form of PSSA

Question. Seemp part-III, told- cii applicability, reporting,rating,g1-5,AER,cgdist.,xq- is it a part of sms in ism -I said no because it’s reporting only . I don’t is it right or not.He didn’t say anything.

Question. ⁠SDA,interval of sda & test procedure

Question. PR17

Question. ways to reduce hull resistance

Question. ⁠principle of insurance,xq-what is subrogation

Question. registry of ship




Question. difference between SEEMP and EEDI?

Question. As CE now will you Implement Cyber security onboard?

Question. Principle of insurance?


Question. Convention related to carrying oil as a cargo

Question. flag stare duty as per OPRC, Indian authority deals with oil pollution

Question. Significance of propeller curve

Question. Hull optimization

Question. Noise code applicability, measurement Measuring instrument  hear conservation program

Question. How will you implement TQM onboard

Question. LLMC limits and applicability

Question. V/L out of DD, reason for fuel consumption increases

Question. Propeller immersion

Question. London dumping convention




int-chaki sir Ext-Gadkar 23/09/2024 Attempt-2

Question. lmo ghg strategies

Question. PR17

Question. Propeller curve significance to chief engineer

Question. Oprc

Question. Maritime     line

Question. Steel grade, high stensile steel

Question. CIC PSC inspection

Question. Just in time inventory mgmt

Question. Unseaworthy ship as per ms act


Gadkar sir

Result- Repeat

Question.  Conditions for Intact and damage stability.

Question.  Requirements of IWS. Why surveyors allows for IWS on what conditions?

Question.  Marpol Annex 6 for Requirements of Incinerator.

Question.  LLYODS Open form and Scopic clause relation between them. Advantages and Disadvantages of Scopic clause for owner or Salvor.

Question.  Difference and applicability for IGC and IGF code.

Question.  MS act explanation of Unseaworthy and Unsafe.  Difference and which section.

Question.  What are Notations ?

Question.  Hongkong convention from Recycling yard view Requirements and administrations role?

Question.  TQM and Tmon. What

Question.  IACS common structural rules ?


External: Gadkar sir Internal: Nair sir Result: Repeat

Question.  IAPP, survey preparation, other certificates in Annex VI,BDN Retaining period, f.o sample retaining time, Incinerator document required.

Question.  Demurrage.

Question.  Elements of PSC.

Question.  Unseaworthiness   of vessel.

Question.  Damage     stability as per Bulk carrier.

Question.  Reserve buoyancy and buoyancy difference? More cross question.

Question.  Solas latest amendments as per survival craft. I started with the maximum lower speed formula.

Question.  Purpose of registry of vessel. Other cross questions.


Ext :-Nair sir Intgadkar sir Result:- Repeat

Question.  Maritime lien, In rem and in personam

Question.  Tmon         requirment

Question.  Propeller    curve significant to C/E

Question.  IWS requirment

Question.  Hart protocol

Question.  Human element. Human factor and human error related to maritime accident

Question.  Pri swirl propellor

Question.  10 year inspection of co2

Question.  Different between GZ and KN curves


Int: Nair Ext: Gadkar Result: Repeat

Question.  3 conventions regarding oil pollution damage. Explain each in details. Did not except Bunker convention and said supplementary is Protocol. I Got confused.

Question.  HKG convention, did not wanted to listen SRP and recycling stuff. Only IHM 1 in detail.

Question.  Djibouti code of conduct in detail.

Question.  What is subdivision index.

Question.  Effect of PSC deficiency on Flag state. I started telling flag action, got angry.

Question.  How to implement Cybersecurity on board as CE.

Question.  Purpose of registration of ship.


Internal: Nair sir External: Gadkar sir Attempt 1

Written result: FAIL Result: Pass

Question.  Withdrawal of class

Question.  Principles of insurance


Question.  Difference between seemp and eedi

Question.  Seemp all 3 parts explain

Question.  Cll explain

Question.  Principles of tqm

Question.  GBS

Question.  Requirement for class to become ro

Question.  ALARP

Question.  Vessel out of dd, fuel consumption high reason

Question.  Action as CE Defects on propeller

Question.  Significance of propeller curve for ce

Question.  Requirement for lb to become rescue boat

Question.  Intervention convention

Question.  Alternate fuels





Q1, what conventions deal with oil pollution compensation?

Q2, what is the difference between these conventions?

Q3, which is the authority which deals with oil pollution in India?

Q4, what is ESP?

Q5, what documents are required for MARPOL Annex 6 renewal survey?

Q6, what certificates are issued or renewed in MARPOL Annex 6 survey? Q7, What are the prerequisites before issuing IEEC certificate?

Q8, what is SEEMP? Q9. what are the difference grading under Cll?

Q10, what are the advantages of propeller curve to a chief engineer?

Q11, what is weather routing?

Q12, what are the principles of insurance?

Q13, under what circumstances the SMC DOC or the COC is withdrawn?

Q14. what documents are related to Hong Kong Convention?

Q15, how many parts are there in inventory of hazardous materials?

Q16. EEDI applies to which ships?

Q17.Marpol annex VI renewal survey,

Q18.Crankcase explosion, injury to oilier, claim process

Q19. Scavenge drain analysis,, what are the analysis methods,


Q21. What is IACS

Q22. class certificate withdrawal

Q23. ISM elements as C/E

Q24. ESP in detail

Q25. Vessel is going to be on time charter , responsibilities as chief engineer

Q26. What is EEXI technical file

Q27. GBS

Q28. TQM implementation as chief engineer

Q29. what is LLMC and claim values

Q30. What is Noise code, equipments used for measurement

Q31. what IMO is for GHG reduction

Q32. OPRC purpose, documents onboard





Mr Chaki

Surveyor? Gadkar?

Question.  Coc and memoranda

Question.  Interim doc , how will you prepare a vessel

Question.  Going to drydock, what checks will you carry to receive shore power

Question.  Huge vibration on the ship, what will be your action?

Question.  Test on lifeboat davit

Question.  Intervention convention

Question.  Oprc convention

Question.  Alarp

Question.  Eedi eexi eeoi

Question.  Management  functions



External: Gadkar.

Internal: Gopikrishna.

Question.  Objectives of Ism.

Question.  Tailshaft survey method. What u instruct second engg to check for clearances.

Question.  How class is approved as RO. RO code.

Question.  Functional requirements of Ism.

Question.  General Average and Particular average.

Question.  Loadline renewal survey what things you will check.

Question.  what is special survey.

Question.  Clear ground




Ext - Gadkar

Int - Chaki

Introduction, Experience as 2nd Engineer, type of vessel sailed.

Question.  ESP in details, Chief Engineer role for ESP? What is close up survey?

Question.  RO code in details.

Question.  What do you understand by Inventory Management. Your role as CE. What is Just in time inventory?

Question.  Difference between PSC and FSI.

Question.  What is CIC, duration of CIC, who decide CIC?

Question.  What is unsafe and unseaworthy ship as per MS rule

Question.  Explain BWM convention, what is D1, D2 standard?

Question.  Explain EEXI, EEOI, CII in details.


Chakki and Gadkar sir

Question.  What is ESP and how will you prepare?

Question.  GBS

Question.  LLMC

Question.  Arbitration

Question.  Polar code

Question.  Vessel came out of dry dock, not picking up speed , action as a chief engineer.

Question.  At port duty officer reported oil sheen near stern tube. Action as a chief engineer.

Question.  General average

Question.  Noise code


Question.  Subdivision loal line

Question.  Fatigue on machinery

Question.  PR 17

Question.  Lifeboat engine damaged. Action as CE

Question.  H. W. rules

Question.  Structural fire plan.

Question.  Significance of propeller curve

Question.  Continuous synopsis report

Question.  What does H& M doesnt cover..


Chaki sir and Gadkar sir

Question.  PA manual

Question.  Noise code

Question.  LLMC

Question.  Latest amendment of Annex 6

Question.  SEEMP

Question.  GBS applied to wic ship nd hw implement

Question.  Propeller curve, how you related

Question.  As a CE what are things send in noon report


Chaki and Gadkar Sir

Question.  Principles of Insurance

Question.  Hull Optimization

Question.  Weather routeing

Question.  JIT inventory technique

Question.  EEXI, EEDI, GHG emissions and 2023 IMO GHG Strategy

Question.  Convention providing compensation for oil pollution when carried as Cargo, difference between CLC92 and Bunker Conventions, Liabilities, limitations, exclusion, insurance

Question.  Fund convention, contributions, limitation

Question.  MEPC 80




FEB 2024

Int:- Chaki Sir

Ext:- Gadkar sir

Date:- 20-Feb-2024

Attempt : 3

Question.  propeller curve as per CE?

Question.  What is SEEMP and EEDI difference in specifically , he need one major difference.

Question.  Content of EEXI technical file and EEDI tech file

Question.  Just in time inventory

Question.  OPRC - obligation of flag state and coastal state

Question.  CII details

Question.  psc detention , what effect will be the flag state of the vessel .

Question.  London convention and prohibited list examples and allowed list .

Question.  TQM implementation as a ce




INTERNAL : Aniruddh Chaki Sir

EXTERNAL: Gadkar Sir

Date: 20.02.2024

Attempt : 1

-Introduction and Experience

Question.  RO And Class difference

Question.  Class qualities to become RO

Question.  RO Code, in depth

Question.  GBS

Question.  LLMC, in Detail

Question.  Maritime Lien, in detail

Question.  Ship came out from DRY DOCK, fuel consumption increased, Actions as CE

Question.  IAPP survey preparation as CE

Question.  Incinerator Latest Amendments

Question.  What is Green House Gas, what is GWP?

Question.  ALARP


Internal: Shrish sir

External :Gadkar sir

Asked brief introduction & type of vessel , Experience after class 2.

Question.  Difference between H&M and P&l.  What all is covered under H&M.

Question.  What is meant by scopic clause. Article 13 & 14 with example.

Question.  As a chief engineer how u can reduce Cll.

Question.  IMO GHG EMISSION strategy as adopted in MEPC 80 & different between old.

Question.  Polarization index.

Question.  VDR , What all it stores and what is data stroage requirements.

Question.  PSSA.

Question.  Subrogation.

Question.  Can class detain a vessel.

Question.  What procedure to be followed after vessel detention.

Question.  PR17

Question.  Running down clause.





Mr gadkar brij and Gopi kishan

No of attempts -1

Gas carrier

Question.  Types of p and I insurance

Question.  Tank type for your last ship 

Question.  Hague Visby rule 

Question.  Total constructive loss 

Question.  Tbn high me sump oil analysis

Question.  Tail shaft survey  . Tmon notation

Question.  Difference between ssa ssp and onsite survey

Question.  Status of hkc has India acceded.



Gadkar sir, Gopi Krishna sir and one more.

Question.  Life boat 5 yearly davit test

Question.  after ratifying convention, what next

Question.  OWS failure, action as CE and action as a CE after receiving spares and operational 

Question.  bunker convention in detail

Question.  propeller curve , how you will use as CE

Question.  coastal state duties

Question.  Hong kong convention

Question.  P & I 

Result: Pass


Date- 16/feb/2024

External - don't know

Internal- shirish

Question.  Chemical tanker according to solas?

Question.  What all instrument covers under Ill code?

Question.  GA AND GA calculation rule

Question.  PSC given code 30 what's you action and meaning and code 17?

Question.  PSC expanded inspection

Question.  What are clear grounds?

Question.  Can a PSC detain a ship related to ISM deficiency ?

Question.  IMO strategy related to GHG ?

Question.  Alternate fuels

Question.  Can class detain a ship ? What does class do if they find ism related deficiency?

Question.  What is your recommendation to you supdt regarding the paint for fuel consumption reduction before going to dry dock ?

Question.  Coastal state duties as per unclos

Question.  Article number of coastal duties as per unclos

Question.  Ro code under which instrument and which section ?

Question.  Institute hull clauses

Question.  Difference between H&M and P&l ? Is Collision liability a standard clause or not ? What does P&l cover?





Devender Pathania     

23 Jan 2024

Inter Mehrotra

External Gadkar

Question.  Which is latest convention of IMO?

Question.  IMO WEBSITE what all there?

Question.  How amendment comes into law in India

Question.  Interim DOC PROCEDURE

Question.  bunker more than 0.5 sulphur

Question.  Flag state responsibilities

Question.  Psc latest documents / Psc FORMS A&B

Question.  CII Rating details

Question.  Newly joined and liner to be lifted.... What all certificates you will check on the crane

Question.  Intermediate and annual survey scope for IOPP.





Rajat Dhiman

Ext: Gadkar : chakki

Question. LLMC

Question. Noise code                            

Question. MEPC 80

Question. ALARP

Question. Insurance basics

Question. PR 17                                     

Question. Seaworthiness as per MS act        

Question. Owners obligation toward crew.



Neeraj Rahi 19.12.2023

Internal: Arbind Kumar Choudhary Ext: Don't Know,


Question. Model Test What Material & What All Things You Will Get from Model Test

Question. What Is TPC

Question. Fal Convention, All Forms, Single Maritime Window

Question. Wager Policy Block Policy

Question. Propeller Crack, How You Will Carry Out Repair

Question. Dock Docking Plans

Question. Condition of Class,

Question. Suspension of Class

Question. What Is PR Number for Transfer of Class

Question. Procedure For Suspension of Class

Question. Procedure For Change of Flag

Question. Ism Functional Requirement & Content

Question. NC, MNC How to Go About It What Action

Question. Memoranda,

Question. CLC, Bunker




Amol Chavan

Date: 20 Dec 2023 Internal: Aniruddh Chaki sir External: Gadkar sir Attempt: 2nd

Introduction and attempt details. Written result. Experience as 2e.

Question. Tell me the exceptions given in mlc work rest schedule.

Question. Contents of eexi file.

Question. Cii calculation and grading.          

Question. PR17

Question. H&M AND P&I claims

Question. Marine insurance in detail right from insurable interest to reasons, why marine insurance is different than other form of insurance.



Question. GA and PA

Question. H&M exclusion

Question. static stability and dynamic stability

Question. propeller efficiency factors

Question. what is call

Question. psc under which convention




Anand Sathyamoorty

Question. Charter types..

Question. Inferior quality of fuel causes damage to fuel in time and voyage., what type of insurance would cover it

Question. Cyclo converter

Question. HV system safety

Question. Amendment in Solas effective from 2024

Question. List of all certificates which have annual certificate

Question. Lr margin HR margin/Sea and engine margin/Prop curve significance




Question. ESP

Question. GBS

Question. LLMC

Question. ALARP,

Question. NOISE CODE .

Question. QMS, TQM , ISO

Question. IEEC,

Question. DERATING



Soumya Ojha


Question. OPRC Reporting procedure in India coast,

Question. TQM,

Question. RO code in details, accredited body,

Question. Oil pollution liability,

Question. Alternate fuel and methanol..




Internal: Arvind Chaudhary sir

External: Mr. Gadkar sir

Result Repeat

Question.  How will you prepare your vessel for ESP as a chief engineer? What is close up survey in it? What arrangements are made for close up survey?

Question.  What do you understand by LLMC?/It is applicable to what type of claims?

Question.  Latest requirements of IMO as per MARPOL annex VI ?

Question.  What is Condition of assignment.

Question.  What Is Scope of loadline survey. And also from engine department point of view also, what is Scope. ?

Question.  Difference between weather tight and water tight ? How will you test them, testing procedure for weather tight and water tight

 Question.  What is purpose of carrying out port state control inspection? As per which convention, It Is carried out?

Question.  What are duties of flag state to make sure that their vessel is in compliance with IMO requirements?

Question.  As a chief engineer, how will you prepare your vessel for annual SAFCON survey? Scope of annual SAFCON survey. Who will carry out SAFCON survey?

Question.  How will you come to know as a Chief engineer, existing conditions of class for vessel? What is Condition of class? What is maximum period allowed for condition of class?



Chirag Miglani

Gadkar and Chowdhury

Question.  Nox reduction method

Question.  Bwts D1 D2 stdrds

Question.  Scr in detail and catalyst used

Question.  Fmea

Question.  How you prepare vessel for time charter


Frank Raval.

Gadkar and arvind sir

Question.  EGR, Drawbacks

Question.  Tests carried out on engine in running condition

Question.  Principles of TQM/ TQM. role as a CE

Question.  Additional survey and reason

Question.  OPRC Convention

Question.  DMLC 1 and 2

Question.  Demurrage and dispatch

Question.  Responsibilities of charterer and owner



Lokesh Babu

Internal- Choudhary Sir

External - Gadkar Sir

Result* Pass

Question.  Difference between TQM n ISM

Question.  Difference between TQM n QMS

Question.  Role as CE wrt TQM

Question.  Who Is client for CE

Question.  Spl survey

Question.  CSM n CSH

Question.  How will u instruct 2/E for boiler survey/How to repair if thin down of material between boiler shell n connection to main steam stop valve

Question.  Types of class survey

Question.  Risk Assessment methods

Question.  Class n RO difference.

Question.  RO code



Satish kumar pandey

Internal : chaki sir

External : gadkar sir

Chaki sir started with written results n oral attempt number n thn asked gadkar sir to take over

Question.  RO code purpose , difference in class n ro , structure of ro code in details

Question.  Shell expansion plan details what all co ordinates/ Grades of steel

Question.  ghg strategy what all in initial and mid term ghg Asked in details eedi cii

Question.  hongkong convention , responsibilities of ce how to go abt thm

Question.  cross curves of stability significance

Question.  llmc limits n what all covered under llmc

Question.  Fire protection plan contents

Question.  cbdr significance 

Question.  esp documents

Question.  gbs




Nikhil Carey

Internal: Choudhary sir, gadkar sir and I think it was Srivastav sir Result: pass

Started by asking me to introduce myself

Question.  What is ESP and how as CE you will prepare the ship for esp survey ?

Question.  What is IACS ? What types of surveys do they conduct and what's its role in the IMO?

Question.  What is GBS and how are they implemented ?

Question.  H&M and P&I club explain them to me ?

Question.  Generator is damaged along with injury to crew member how as a CE will you proceed in handling this situation wrt to machinery / insurance and morale of crew members onboard ?

Question.  Explain SEEMP, how many parts are there, EEXI and CII asked about ship rating as well.

Question.  What is noise code? How to implement it

Question.  Unseaworthy and unsafe ship in which section of Ms act and proper definitions.

Question.  Turbo charger advancements.




Ext: Gadkar Int: Choudhary & Shrinivas

Question. Registration of ship in detail

Question. BIMCO indetails

Question. LLMC

Question. IAPP survey

Question. Condition of Assignments in detail

Question. Propeller curve significance to chief Engineer. how will use it


Gadkar sir and Arvind Kumar choudhary

Question. Gbs

Question. Why eedi phases differ , why 5% for some ships , why 10% for some , why 20% for some

Question. 0.53 marpol fuel what you will do

Question. You have come into port with all tanks full and port says no reception facilty

Question. Why will tonnage certificate be cancelled

Question. What is hard stop in sea trial ( he didn't accept crash stop as the answer)


Rameez khan.

Int arbind k chaudhary

Ext. gadkar sir.

Question.  SMC DOC, Reason for withdrawal.

Question.  Oprc in detail, provision in india.

Question.  Derating.

Question.  Tqm action as c/e.

Question.  diff between tqm and qms.

Question.  Diff between ro and class.

Question.  Ro code in detail.

Question.  Pr 17.  

Question.  Seemp part 1, how it is verified,

Question.  Weather routing in detail. Purpose.

Question.  What is the aim of ghg

Question.  General average. What all condition for general average to take place. How to calculate for general average.

Question.  functions   of psc. Why psc is needed.. What does a psc do?

Question.  Recycling in india in brief. Has India ratified Hong kong convention.

Question.  Bwts. Have u encountered any problem Has India ratified. What provisions if a country has not ratified the convention What does psc check in relation to bwts.

Question.  Port reception requirement What happens in port reception





Ritesh Singh

Attempt: 2nd

internal Chaudhary sir

external Gadkar sir

Brief Introduction

Question.  inventory control system. what is just in time in inventory control system

Question.  Define salvage

Question.  Define General average

Question.  What is Maritime lien

By Gadkar sir

Question.  As per solas what is the requirement of life boat

Question.  Scopic clause

Question.  What maintenance you carry out in life boat at 5 year.

Question.  Explain propeller curve in detail and what is there in x axis and y axis

Question.  How Salvage is calculated


Swapnil M. More


INT- Arbind kumar choudhary sir

EXT - Gadkar sir

Introduction and types of ships sailed.

Question.  Condition of assignment? /which surveys for condition of assignment?

Question.  loadline surveys for engine room part?

Question.  sudden slowdown of main engine, Causes?

Question.  condition of class? withdrawal of class?

Question.  what is special survey?

Question.  AFS Convention , and applicability, afs certificate who issues?


handed over to Arbind kumar sir

Question.  how u will come to know after joining that sms is effectively implemented?








Attempt - 2nd

1. No. Of attempt and TYPE OF VESSEL.

Question.  Fixed co2 fire fighting system 10 yearly, routine.

Question.  Life boat davit inspections and at what intervals.

Question.  Static and dynamic load test in detail. In static after applying brake what you will check

Question.  What is non conformity and who gives it.

Non-Conformity – A finding, discovery, incident or occurrence that has come to someone’s attention that impacts the safety of the vessel, its equipment, personnel or the environment.

Question.  What is CSM ? C/E role in CSM. Record under CSM

Question.  What is Condition of class and which authority gives it. Maximum Duration of COC. If not dealt in given time what are the consequences?

Question.  Latest development in IMO GHG strategy.

Question.  What are four pillars of IMO?

Question.  Type of marine insurance?

Question.  What is arbitration?

Question.  What is scopic?

Question.  What is P&I insurance?




Internal-Shris Kumar Sir

External Gadkar Sir

Question.  What is Risk assessment ?

Question.  Condition of class....

Question.  CO2 Flooding system.

Question.  EEDI, EEXI, CII

Question.  Certification as per ISM explain,

Question.  Enclose space entry.

Question.  LoadLine

Question.  Lifeboat survey

Question.  Fix fire fighting system annual and 5 yearly maintenance...

Question.  Sulphure cap

Question.  What is CII and rating.

Question.  Which gases Check in Tank? before you enter in tank, precaution

Question.  Annual and intermediate survey








Prashant Yadav



EXTERNAL - Gadkar Sir

Attempt - 2nd

1. Education back ground and TYPE OF VEsEL.1

Question.  What is-SEEMP

Question.  Nox latest, why important. Sox limit

Question.  Loadline annual check

Question.  Static and dynamic load test in detail

Question.  What you understand condition of assessment.

Question.  Vessel just came from dry dock fuel oil consumption increases what's reason & as C/E what take action.

Question.  Inclined experiment.

Question.  What is BWM Convention D2 standard . Difference between ViVal cell &non vival cell.

Question.  What is GHG, How many have, How to control.

Question.  What is Propeller cure

 Question.  SFOC calculation & unit








Shrish kumar sir

Gadkar sir

Shrish sir checked admit card and CDC then handed over to gadkar sir Gadkar sir,

What type of ships sailed on? Expre as 2nd engr?

Question.  What is TQM, it's principles, as CE how you contribute to it?

Question.  He asked about provision of OPRC? Asked if oil spill abroad then what will u do?

Question.  Nairobi wreck convention?

Question.  GBS standard / scf file content

Question.  what is accumulation press test why we do how we do it?

Question.  What is microdegradation of LO action how to take sample from where to take sample?



Naveen Choudhary

Feb 22

Gadkar sir Sirish sir

Question.  Eedi Eexi

Question.  Ro code

Question.  AER

Question.  Cii CALCULATION

Question.  CIl rating Action on CE

Question.  CO2 maintenance 10 yr / Hydrostatic pressure test

Question.  Engine de rating Purpose of derating

Question.  Ghg emission

Question.  Mepc 79

Parbinder Singh

21st Feb.2023

Attempt 3

Internal: Chaki sir Externak Gadkar sir

Started with Introduction.types of ships done -

Containers.Chemical ,vicc and oil products.

Question.  Tell me types of ships as per chapter 17 of IBC code.

Question.  What is special survey? What is its scope and what all you will check in documents and certificates?

Question.  What Is difference between statutory and classification survey?

Question.  Ro and classification society difference?

Question.  General average and Particular average

Question.  LOF and scopic.


Saurabh Suman

21 Feb 2023

2nd attempt


Question.  CAS, why. Particulars

Question.  Safcon survey in detail

Question.  Inclusions n exclusions in LLMC

Question.  CO 2 10 yearly maintenance told him about bottles hydrostatic test n etc

Question.  Parametric rolling

Question.  Seemp part 2 everything about it.

Question.  Survival craft requirements as per Solas.



Rahul Shukla

20 Feb 2023

Gadkar and Chaki sir

Question.  Difference between Class and RO

Question.  RO  code Flag state authority delegation to RO

Question.  What  is statutory survey and certification

Question.  Safcon Survey

Question.  ESP Code

Question.  Noise code

Question.  GBS complete

Question.  OPRC convention






Daleep Thakur


Shirish sir

Gadkar sir

Attempt 1

Result- Repeat

Question.  What all convention for oil pollution?

Question.  Bunker convention?

Question.  Clc 92 , who will pay, how fund is collected, fund convention, supplementary fund

Question.  Loadline survey ? scope of load line survey? what u as ce will do??

Question.  Life boat davit 5 yearly maintenance and inspection.

Question.  What data collect by imodcs, whom to report and when to report. What they will do with this data.  


Nithin Ullal


Gadkar sir Shirish sir

Attempt no. 3

Type of ship

Question.  Additional safety measures for bulk carriers

Question.  Noise code

Question.  Requirements for LSA equipments wrt solas

Question.  Claims under llmc

Question.  Esp


Naveen New


Gadkar sir Shrish kumar sir

Attempt 1

Result -repeat

Question.  damage stability criteria for bulk carrier

Question.  Engine derating, process

Question.  Esp

Question.  Definition of hazardous materials

Question.  As as ce how you ensure compliance of Afs

Question.  GBS

Question.  Hongkong convention


Gadkar sir,

Shrish Kumar sir.

Attempt :1

Result: repeat

Question.  types of chemical tanker

Question.  Pa  manual (chemical tanker)

Question.  statutory survey / class survey

Question.  Hssc

Question.  tell me about iacs

Question.  Ro vs class difference

Question.  special survey

Mangesh Raut


Shishir sir Gadkar sir

Repeat Attempt 1.

Question.  EEXI/Cll

Question.  Condition of class/ Withdrawal / suspension of class.

Question.  OPRC convention.

Question.  condition of assignment./ How u will check condition of assignment.

Question.  As joining as ce how will you come to know condition of class imposed ?

Question.  As ce how will you prepare e/room for loadline survey ?


Devendra Pandey


Int: Chakki Sir

Ext: Gadkar Sir

Gadkar Sir asked about experience after class 2 Coc

Question.  QMS principles /  TQM principles, how you implement TQM on board

Question.  PR17

Question.  Audit of deck department

Question.  MNC definition as per ISM/ How MNC effect the ship and company/ After getting MNC what as CE you need to do/ What happen to ship after getting MNC/ Your ship got MNC how to downgrade to NC

Question.  Prepare for Time charter of 2nd hand ship, how will go as Chief Engineer/ Time charter what comes under owner and chartrer / how charter party is done

Question.  What is unseaworthy ship


Benson Sampath

Attempt: First

Result: Repeat

External: Gadkar

Internal: Chaki

What type of ships after class 2, what rank how many months. Which attempt, written results.

Question.  What is the role of IMO, functions, structure.

Question.  What are conventions and codes explain.

Question.  What is the difference bw TQM and QMS?

Question.  What are the 8 elements of QMS?

Question.  What requirements to use lifeboat as rescue boat?

Question.  P&A manual - contents and use.


Sanket 1st attempt

Chaki sir and gadkar sir,


Question.  Ro and class survey,

Question.  TCL

Question.  Eexi/Cii

Question.  Llmc applicability

Question.  Tmon

Question.  Bdn requirements

Question.  Alarp

Question.  Arbitration

Question.  Chief engineer noon chit



Int- Chakki

Ext- Gadkar

Result - Repeat

Introduction, written result, attempt,sea time after class2 and as 2E

Question.  How shall you prepare for ESP survey as C.E/ What is substantial corrosion

Question.  What are class surveys and statutory surveys, intervals and scope

Question.  How will you advice 2E to prepare for SAFCON renewal survey

Question.  Certificates under annex 6

Question.  How to obtain IEEC certificate

Question.  Drydock requirements, IWS, EDD, TMON, how to change aft seal

Question.  Condition of assignment

Question.  Watertight integrity test

Question.  Unclos requirement for ships registration

Rajendra Choudhary

External surveyor: Shri SS Gadkar Sir

Internal Surveyor: Shri Aniruddha Chaki Sir

4th Attempt

Result: Pass

Types of the vessel sailed after class 2 Attempt no.

Question.  Difference between load line of cargo ship and passenger ship

Question.  Difference between RO and Class COC and time period

Question.  Withdrawal and suspension with examples

Question.  tail shaft survey Methods, Perquisites Periodicity Extension/How to carry out survey

Question.  IMO DCS methods for data collection SEEMP part 2

Question.  Difference between EUMRV and IMODCS

Question.  ILLMC what all covered limits and exclusions When they will got for ILLMC

Question.  Grades of steel

Question.  Standard fire test

Question.  Structural fire plan details

Question.  Name of the bulkhead between Accommodation and Engine room



Lenon Colaco 25-Oct-2022

Internal Chakki Sir

External Gadkar Sir

Chaki sir started how many attempts, when you passed written, why did you go for sailing in between_

Gadkar Sir

Question.  what is TQM, how as CE you will implement TQM?

Question.  difference between TQM and QMS

Question.  if your vessel gets detained by PSC what is the effect on flag state

Question.  what are the requirements for issue of IEEC certificate / what is eedi/what is EEXI/ seemp contents all three parts

Question.  as CE how will you carry out internal audit of deck department

Question.  your 25 year old ship is going for recycling. As ce how will you prepare



Vicky Rodrigues




Which company.

Experience as 2nd


Question.  SEEMP PART 1, 2 AND 3 CONTENT






Question.  MLC TITLES

Question.  LATEST IN FAL


Question.  Parametric rolling .what action as chief engg








Bhuvesh kumaar.

Vikrant rai. Ghadkar sir.

Question.  IMO GHG.

Question.  TQM and 8 principle.

Question.  Seemp part 123 and formula for cii.

Question.  Gbs and requirement.

Question.  5yearly tesing of life boat davits and 10 yrs inspection of co2 and regulation.

Question.  Alarp.



Vivek chaudhary.

Vikrant rai. Ghadkar sir.


Question.  Eedi and eeoi.

Question.  TQM and 8 principle, diff bet tqm and qms.

Question.  Nox tech file.

Question.  Energy management manual.

Question.  DD plan & records you will send before going.

Question.  Conflict  management strategy.

Question.  Structural fire plan.

Question.  Propeller curve what c/e will make out of it. 

Question.  Imo ghg strategy and mbm and cbdr.

Question.  c/e  role in hkc convention.    




Internal....Vikrant sir,. 

External...Gadkar sir

Question.  what is TQM, principles, how as a C/E you would implement TQM onboard

Question.  difference between TQM and QMS

Question.  Difference between CLASS and RO

Question.  RO code in detail...all three parts , oversight of RO

Question.  If PSC comes onboard, how will you show compliance with BWMC

Question.  What is ALARP

Question.  What is EEXI and CII, in detail about different ratings, ways to achieve eexi compliance and getting the IEEC



All questions by Gadkar sir only.....

Vikrant sir..asked just about

Question.  new energy regulations after 2023.


Forwarded from Saanil.


vikrant and gadkar sir.

Intro typesof vessel sailed.

Question.  Esp what areas to check, as ce how will u prepare for esp survey.

Question.  llmc details what claims under llmc.

Question.  Clc vs bunker conv difference.

Question.  TQM VS QMS. 

Question.  COC  Examples of coc

Question.  iacs brief detail,

Question.  propeller curve significance to ce.

Question.  Ship underway at mid sea suddenly slow down. Causes. What action as ce.


Vikrant sir.

Question.  Ship getting repeated psc deficiencies cause. What action as ce to rectify.

Question.  Vessel not able to maintain speed as per charter contract what action as ce. What could be the causes.




Meghan chitnis.

Ghadkar and wankhade sir.

1sst attempt.

Question.  Your ship is in port and u notice the port side develop a crack 2m above load line what action as ce.

Question.  You are in eng room and u observe the voltage is fluctuating and prime mover is speeding up and down action taken.

Question.  Main engine unit cross head survey csm.

Question.  Fob and cif.  

Question.  Eedi reference curve has parallel dotted line to y axis called cut Off line what is it for.

Question.  Hkc details of srp.

Question.  masters review what are the outcomes.

Question.  What is safety related basic document that gives safety related operational requirements.



Chaki sir

Gadkar sir

Attempt 1

Result : pass

Question.  Tqm principles and qms differences

Question.  Seemp 1, 2,3

Question.  Alarp

Question.  How port state deficiencies affect flag state performance

Question.  NIR for port state

Question.  How to use lifeboat as a rescue boat

Question.  Coc and what happens if not rectified

Question.  Lifeboat davit 5 year testing

Question.  Co2 testing 10 year

Question.  Number of oil pollution liability conventions

Question.  Difference between clc and bunker

Question.  What all claims can be limited under llmc

Question.  What is persistent oil






Anmol (Int Chakki Sir, Ext Gadkar Sir)

Question.  TQM in detail. How to keep Your customers (external n internal) in TQM happy?

Question.  What is EEXI, SEEMP, CII in detail

Question.  RO code in detail

Question.  HKC how to implement onboard? Part 1, 2, 3

Question.  noon report purpose and what all things


Internal’s quests:

Question.  Types of ships sailed : DSV DP2 ….

Question.  FMEA trails for DP1, 2 & 3 ships. what all things you will check and how u go about it.

Question.  Propeller curve , what all information do you get from it, what are the limits, how to find as a CE your limits

Question.  Why RO and Class required, difference between both of them




Pulkit Chetan (Int Chakki Sir, Ext Gadkar Sir)

-           Introduction, rank, exp after Class 2, types of ship etc

Question.  List 8 principles of TQM, for the C/E who is the client?

Question.  How will you prepare for ESP survey as C/E - in detail?

Question.  EEDI & EEXI, explain in detail. What is attained EEDI?

Question.  Explain ALARP

Question.  Noise code - When did it come into force? how and where is noise measured? instruments, specifications etc

Question.  Various tiers of oil pollution claims. (CLC / FUND / Supplementary). Diff between them

Question.  Engine de-rating. Why it is done and how it is done?

Question.  GBS - explain in detail

Question.  IMO DCS - what data is collected, how and when is it submitted?

Question.  SEEMP - contents of Part 2

Question.  IMO initial GHG strategy






Jaydeep D (Int Chaki Sir, Ext Gadkar Sir)

-           Brief Intro

Question.  TQM in detail

Question.  Parametric rolling

Question.  EEXI and CII.

Question.  As a C/E how will you conduct deck dept audit?

Question.  As a C/E how will you assist Master to carryout SMS review

Question.  What will be your actions as a CE for parametric rolling?

Question.  What is IMODCS and EU-MRV in detail?

Question.  Propeller curve

Question.  COC and Class withdrawal.


Question.  What is the latest regulations wrt IMDG?

Question.  What is verified gross weight?





Ankit (Int Chaki Sir, Ext Gadkar Sir)

-           Brief introduction

-           Types of vessels sailed as 2E

-           Written’s result

Question.  Quality management 8 principles

Question.  SAFCON survey wrt engineering perspective

Question.  As a CE, how will you prepare your vsl for ESP?

Question.  Max Corrosion allowance allowed

Question.  IMO GHG strategy

Question.  CII in details

Question.  Diff between IMODCS and EU-MRV in detail

Question.  How is total fuel consumed for IMO DCS?

Question.  3 tiers of pollution and limits applicable, who all contribute to each tier?

Question.  Persistence of oil definition

Question.  Bunker oil pollution from oil tanker, what convention will apply?

Question.  LLMC in detail

Question.  LLMC for what kind of damages is applicable



Sidharth Datar (Int Chaki Sir, Ext Gadkar Sir)

Question.  Contents of SEEMP part 2

Question.  How do you carryout power balancing of engine?

Question.  Factors affecting efficiency of propeller

Question.  Different types of warranty

Question.  Different types of Bills of Lading

Question.  How will you assist Master in the implementation of ISM onboard?

Question.  Grades of steel



Sanket Gaikwad 19/July/2022

Int.-Arvind Kumar


Question.  What is smart Ship

Question.  Pollution damage at port what all the conventions apply

Question.  How to prepare for esp.

Question.  Difference in Ro and classification societies

Question.  Difference In TQM and QMS

Question.  How will you carry out IAPP survey?

Question.  What is greenhouse gas & why it is called greenhouse gas




Mujib Bhatkar

Int.-Arvind Kumar


Attempt: 1 Introduce Yourself

Question.  How will you distinguish a New bulk carrier from old Bulk carrier

Question.  Nairobi convention

Question.  RO code

Question.  EEXI

Question.  IMO GHG startergy

Question.  Derating

Question.  TQM

Question.  Time charter action as CE


Mukul Sareen

Arbind kumar Sir and Gadkar Sir

1st Attempt Introduction

Question.  Risks covered under P&I and H&M?

Question.  Under what circumstances insurance company will deny to pay the claim?

Question.  What is seaworthiness as per marine insurance?

Question.  What is Scopic?

Question.  What is GZ and KN curves?

Question.  Intact Stability code?

Question.  PR17?



Sandeep Magarde

Arbind Kumar sir and gadkar sir.

3rd attempt


Question.  Hongkong convention, certification procedure, documents, name any 5 HM

Question.  ISM audit, MNC action ac CE

Question.  PSC inspection, why, what is Concentrated inspection.

Question.  What is CoC, during which survey COC is given.

Question.  Development in Marpol annex 6,

Question.  What is Eexi, CII,

Question.  difference between IMODCS and EUMRV.

Question.  What is content of BDN,

Question.  FAL convention and latest in FAL convention.




Gopal Krishan

Vikrant Rai Sir

gadkar Sir:

Type of ship and Experience as 2nd Engr

Gatkar Sir:

Question.  OPRC

Question.  DERATING

Question.  GBS

Question.  IMO DCS & EU MRV

Question.  NOISE CODE

Question.  ALARP


V.RAI Sir..






Vikrant rai sir, gadkar sir, upendra sir

Question.  Ship is grounded and taken to dry dock. Checks by CE in engine room in relation to grounding in dry dock

Question.  TMSA, elements of TMSA. who carries out TMSA.

Question.  Difference between classification survey and statutory survey. / examples of statutory surveys and classification survey.

Question.  EEXI

Question.  ODME? if ODME non operational, ship approaching port,action as a ce to deal with port state inspection.

Question.  What if condition of class is not erased?

Question.  Plans regarding OPRC convention.

Question.  Checks in engine room in relation to SAFCON survey.

Question.  Accumulation pressure?

Question.  Contents of SOPEP manual? Who approves SOPEP manual?

Question.  If there is oil pollution from bunker tanks, which convention to apply?

Question.  Provisions of Bunker convention?

Question.  Checks on propeller? who will carry out repair?

Question.  How will know ship is classed or not?




[Forwarded from Umesh Naik]

Internal Vikrant Rai sir

External Gadkar Sir

First Attempt

Started with showing the room

Then CDC

Question.  Safcon survey

Question.  Iapp survey

Question.  Eedi and eexi

Question.  Special survey

Question.  Suspension of class

Question.  Condition of class xq max time allowed for repair. If there’s CoC and max time allowed is already passed suptd. is not responding what will you do?

Question.  Shell plate damaged how will you go about repair? Type of weld, what type of chamfering, backgauging details, how will you weld, can onboard fitter carry out this weld,

Question.  Class surveyor onboard for renewal survey and finds a major deficiency what will happens next. Xq where it is mentioned  about actions class surveyor could take?

Question.  Why psc is needed

Question.  Tailshaft survey xq. Intervals and max allowed interval how the extension is given, Tmon notation in detail

Question.  Concentrated inspection campaign, details.

Then Vikrant rai sir asked only one question

Question.  PSc, how do they decide on which ship to inspect



Noor Mohamed Salique Meerasa

Examiners:Gadkar sir, Upendra sir. Vikrant sir.


Attempt: 2


1. What type of ship you salled,?

Question.  What is ESP? How you will proceed as CE for ESP survey?.

Question.  What is meant by risk assessment?.. Wht is ALARB in risk assessment?..

Question.  What is IHM ?../ What survey u carry out under IHM?.. WAT CERTIFICATE covered under it?.. validity?..

Question.  What is GBS?./ What requirements under GBS ?..

Question.  What r the principles of QMS ?..

Question.  Draw and explain propeller curve, engine performance curve?.. /Wat info u ill get from propeller curve ?.. why CE need tis curve?..

Question.  Cylinder head frequent crack and replace ?.. reasons ?... what stress it undergoes?.. What human factor to check for cylinder head crack?...

Question.  What is diff btwn IMO dcs and EU MRV?..

Question.  What is the submission criteria and schedule for IMO dcs?..

Question.  How u Ill calculate fuel consumption under IMO dcs and approved methods ?.. explain.

Question.  Under which plan its IMO DCS covers and explain It?.. SEEMP II explain.. /  Explain IMO data collection procedure and method?..

Question.  ESP, GBS, comes under which IMO Instruments.?.






Abhijit 21/06/2022

Mumbal MMD

EXT: Gadkar sir,

Int: Vikrant Rai sir

Result: Pass

What type of ship you salled. Written status by Vikrant rai sir

Gadkar sir:

Question.  What is TQM, who is customer and what is CE role./what is QMS what is the difference between TQM and QMS.

Question.  TQM & QM difference

Question.  EEXI why when and formula

Question.  RO code in detail. Difference between class and RO.

Question.  Risk assessment detail procedure.

Question.  What is ALARP Theory.

Question.  Container ship latest regulation

Question.  Derating

Question.  SEEMP Part II criteria. IMO DCS Applicability

Question.  MLC implementation as CE

Question.   Noise code




Gadkar sir told to log out and join. Vikrant rai sir told I will ask questions


Question.  What is the effect on flag If a ship is detained by PSC

Question.  Tell me 5 detalinable deficiency in ER (He wants physical components. No any documntalon related)



Forwarded from Pawan Kumar


Mumbal MMD


Internal: Gadkar sir External: Wankede sir

Intro. Types of ship sailed. How many ships as 2nd Engr.

Question.  Problems faced during your time as 2nd

Question.  Fuel consumption increase causes

Question.  Ship renewal what is it

Question.  MNC and Detainable deficiency difference with example.

Question.  Dry dock major conversions and how did you proceed.

Question.  Shore power safties

Question.  Preparation for External Audit

Question.  JUNIOR ENGR training how to proceed.

Question.  Motivation and Importance



[April 2022]

Forwarded from Arun Jadly]

Attempt 3 ( first attempt in october )

Internal : Jayant Mukhopadhya sir

External : SS Gadkar sir


Question.  Tier of claims under Oil pollution claims;

X ques: difference between 3 , bunker convention and CLC difference.

Question.  Statutory cert name any one.

X ques : Seq  annual window and renewal window.

What checks under renewal.

Emergency fire pump capacity?

Question.  LLMC what claims are covered.

Question.  What claims  is not covered in Marine insurance?

Ans : war claims.

X ques : What  calims are covered in marine insurance.

Question.  What claims in Hand m , P andi

Question.  Lifeboat 5 yearly check

Question.  PSC what is the objective.

Question.  Scopic in details

Question.  tailshaft survey frequency.

 [Forwarded from VARUN RANJAN]

[April 2022]

Orals attempt - 4

Total attempt - 6

Internal - Jayant Mukhopadhyay sir

External - S S Gadkar


Question.  GA & PA definition, procedure for application of GA

Question.  Arbitration in detail, what's the difference between arbitration and mediation

Question.  Engineering elements of ISM

Question.  Emergency preparedness in detail

Question.  clear grounds by PSC

Question.  What is the inspection criteria for PSC inspection

Question.  liability convention along with compensation limits

Question.  Nairobi wreck convention & applicability

Question.  RO code

Question.  TQM in detail

Question.  TQM & QM difference

Question.  CII/ Ratings of CII


Mukhopadhyay sir -


Question.  T/C damaged during maneouvering ,action as CE








[Forwarded from Alok Kumar]


Attempt – 4

External – Gadkar Sir

Internal – Jayanta Mukhopadhaya

Result - Pass

Question.  What is OPRC?

    XQ – What is purpose of OPRC ?

    XQ – What all in OPRC plan?

Question.  What will you check before taking bunker. 

     XQ - What will you discuss in bunker meeting?


Question.  Principle of TQM./xq what role of CE, who is Customer here.

Question.  What is Grievance redressal  as per MLC.

     XQ – Rest hour as per MLC?

Question.  What you know about ISM?

     XQ – How many chapters in ISM ? Which chapter is most important for you, when join as CE?

Question. Responsibility of chief engineer and charter party for voyage charter.

Question. In which condition COC given? Your action as CE to handle COC?

Question. Dent in ship side? As a CE, your action? How and what will you Report and to whom ?

Question. What is IMODCS ?

     XQ – How you report and what all data you send?





[Forwarded from Kaustubh Khargonkar]


MMD Mumbai

Internal : A. Srinivasa Prasad

External : S. Gadkar

Attempt : 2

Result : PASS

External :

1. Introduction , experience , type of Ship , Type Of main engine worked on.

Question. What is non confirmity and major non confirmity . What are the consequences of MNC ? what do you mean by serious threat in ISM ?

Question. During the audit , your vessel received an MNC . Your Action as Chief engineer ?

Question. what is Corrective action and what is Preventive action ?

Question. What is the scope of P&I club ? What all things do they cover ?

Question. What is Scopic ? What is LOF ? Why there is requirement of SCOPIC ?

Question. What is requirement of PR 17 ?

Question. Your vessel came out of drydock recently and you realise that Your ME SFOC has suddenly rise. Your action as Chief Engineer ?


Internal :

Question. You are chief engineer of a vessel and there is a Job ahead of lifting main engine Cylinder head. How would you do risk assessment of the job ?

What are basis of making RA of any situation ( he wanted to hear word Hazards). How do you mitigate the hazards assosiated with the job and whats your Job as CE in Risk assessment.

Question. What all data is sent in noon report ?

Question. How do you calculate slip of your vessel ? What all things you will check If your slip is Significantly  greater than previous day ?

Question. What is Intact stability of a vessel . What all things do you calculate in Intact stability of vessel ?

Question. Draw a GZ curve and show point of Contraflexion, point of deck immersion  and angle of vanishing stability on it .

Question. How do you find metacentric height from the GZ curve. What should be minimum metacentre of the vessel.

Question. What is Stable equilibrium , neutral equilibrium and unstable equilibrium of a vessel ?

Question. What is EEDI , Formula of EEDI and Unit of EEDI ?

Question. What is bunker convention and who is Liable.





[Forwarded from Romil Purohit]


Internal : Srinivas Sir

External : Gadkar Sir

Attempt no - 1

Result : Pass

Started with document checks passport, cdc, coc, admit card. Then was told give intro. Type of ships sailed, types of engines worked on, experience as 2/E, which company, which attempt of orals, written status,

Gadkar sir started.

Question. What is ctl and atl and its difference

Question. GBS in details

Question. Objective of ism code. Human element in ism code. Difference bet ism and ISO. Latest ammendments in ism

Question. Mnc and nc. Defination and how to deal with it both

Question. Coc how much time to clear it. If cannot clear within stipulated time what action as ce

Question. Contineous survey of machinery in details

Question. What info from quaterly class report.

Question. Leadership qualities of CE

Question. Difference between statutory survey and class survey

Question. Requirements to become an R.O. What functions does R.O carry out.



Gadkar sir said to srinivas sir you take over.

Question. Draw intact stability curve and plot all details and explain

Question. Co2 systems 10yr and 20yr checks

Question. What precautions as CE you will take before Co2 release

Question. Interpersonal conflicts how to resolve

Question. Rudder wear down how to check

Question. Propellor drop how to check. How to come to know from reading it's wrong or not






Date: 17/1/2022

Int: Wankhede Sir

Ext: Gadkar Sir


Question.  Types of insurance a ship requires.

Question.  What is Goal based ship construction standards.

Question.  Scope of annual SAFCON survey.

Question.  Damaged stability criteria for Bulk carrier.

Question.  What is non-conformity. What is major non-conformity. Definition.

Question.  LLMC applicable to which claims.

Question.  Bunker convention applicability.

Question.  What is ship structural fire protection plan.




Gadkar and wankede sir


Question.  Explain parametric rolling?

Question.  What is subdivision index?

Question.  What all entries you do in ORB.?

Question.  What is the steel grades used in ship?

Question.  How will you govern the ME and AE?

Question.  How will you prepare your ship for dry dock?

Question.  What is G8 and G9 standards in BWMS.?

Question.  What is active substance?

Question.  What will you check in sea trial?

Question.  What is cross curves of stability?

Question.  What is GBS?


A S:


Gadkar and wankede sir


Question.  Explain clc fund and limits

Question.  propeller curve in detail torque rich condition

Question.  functional requirement of ISM how to implement on ship

Question.  III audit IMSAS

Question.  GBS

Question.  Scopic article 14 salvage

Question.  DD in detail

Question.  class surveys

Question.  Annex 6 CII



Clinton Dsouza:


Mumbai MMD


Internal: Gadkar sir

External: Wankede sir


Question.  ship on time charter role as chief engineer

Question.  solas reg governing Aux engines

Question.  Esp code

Question.  R.O code

Question.  Diff between RO and class

Question.  NOx code

Question.  what are contractual and third party liabilities

Question.  Definition of NC and MNC

Question.  As a chief engineer how will you prepare your ship for safcon renewal survey.



[Forwarded from Tushar Metkar]

Tushar Metkar

Date - 17Jan 2022.

Attempt  - 4th

Internal - Wankhede sir.

External -Gadkar Sir.

Question.  mlc implementation and procedure...

Question.  Statutory and Class survey.

Question.  special survey....coc...


Question.  III CODE....

Question.  power balancing of ME....

Question.  Microbial degradation of me lo... action as CE...

Question.  difference bet h,&m and p&i...

Question.  implemenation of hkc...what's DAR...who is giving this policy ..

Question.  psc objectives... regional cooperation...list of mou ..which is oldest... history....


[Forwarded from Trunal Mali]

Trunal Mali.

Date - 17Jan 2022.

Attempt -3rd

Internal - Wankhede sir.

External -Gadkar Sir.

Question.  What do mean Special Survey.

Question.  Difference. Statutory and Class survey.

Question.  ME turbocharger surging action as Chief Engineer.

Question.  What so mean Subrogation.

Question.  What so mean CMS.

Question.  How u will know items in CMS .

Question.  Which all items can not be credited By CE.

Question.  How to go for inventor oh Hazardour material.

Question.  Defined Hazardous materia.

Question.  DIff between H and M and P&I.





[21.11.21 07:18]

[Forwarded from Shobhit Gupta]

Attempt No.1 (Oral)/Mumbai

External: Gadkar Sir

Internal:Vikrant Rai sir


Gadkar Sir:

Type of vessel done after becoming 2nd Engineer

Question.  Type of insurances and what all comes under each

Question.  What is Arbitration and when you impose it

Question.  Propeller Curve and its significance for CE

Question.  Difference between Class Certificates and Statutory Certificates

Question.  How will you take care of MLC onboard

Question.  SCOPIC Clause

Question.  Fund Convention and its compensation limits

Question.  Objectives of PSC inspection


Vikrant Sir joined and asked following questions:


Question.  Ship going to Recycling, what all things you will take care of regarding Certification. (IRRC)

Question.  Ship has less bunker and only non compliant fuel avaliable. What will you do?




[26.09.21 07:25]

[Forwarded from Savio]



External :Gadkar. Examiner:Vikaranth rai

Question.  Nox tech file. 

Question.  IAPP Survey. XQ: Specify all IAPP certificates

Question.  EIAPP, XQ: Explain Family and Group concept.     

Question.  TMON, XQ: Tell about Integrity Test how to do explained the one on watsilla air guard? 

Question.  IMO DCS

Question.  HK convention. how to prepare before scraping

Question.  P&I Club how formed. conversation let to overspill Call


Vikrant rai:

Question.  CII , how calculated.





[25.09.21 07:09]

[Forwarded from Rajat]

Internal- Vikrant Rai sir

Externak- Gadkar sir


introduction, rank, types of ship


Question. ESP code scope, why required, what all things checked.

Question. what else is checked

Question. Noise code, requirements, how survey is done. why this required, what instruments used, requirements

Question. RO code, why required, what all requirements

Question. class RO difference. - who all can become RO

Question. TQM, principles what role of CE, who is Customer here.

Question. on/off hire survey, scope

Question. delivery, redelivery

Question. vetting,

Question. OCIMF

Question. D1 D2 criteria

Question. G8 G9 guidelines.

Question. Why BWMS code, what requirements.

Question. What was there before BWMS convention  where it is mentioned.

Question. DSS

Question. Viable, non viable, active in BWMS

Question. PSU in BWMS

Question. how you ensure correct quantity and quality of bunker is supplied.

Question. bunker surveyor why need. role



Nandakumar Naik. 22 09 2021

Mr Gadkar & Vikrant Rai.

Question. P&I and h&m Difference

Question. Condition of assignment

Question. Check in engine room regarding load line survey.

Question. Angle of vanishing stability. Angle of loll. And difference between both. Bulkheads. Classification, definition A,B,C.

Question. Weather tightness and water tightness difference.

Question. ISM functional requirements & how do you implement them.

Question. Propeller curve and significance for C/E.

Question. SECA area entry, what all precautions and action as C/E.

Question. CIC wrt PSC time interval. Who decides. 




22 Sep 2021

Vikrant Rai sir &  Gadkar sir

General introduction , Type of-ship 

Experience as second engineer.

Question. what are P&I clubs , how they operate .?

Question. what are different compensation regimes?

Question. conduct an ISM internal audit of deck department as CE

Question. which all certificates are carried on-board?

Question. How load line exemption certificate will be granted.?

Question. what are duties of Flag State?

Question. what are duties of Port state ?

Question. How flag state will choose an RO.?

Question. As per SOLAS what are the requirements for survival craft?

Question. prepare a vessel for load line Renewal survey?

Question. what is angle of vanishing stability? What happens to vessel at this point?

Question. Explain point of contra flexion?



22 Sep 2021

Vikrant Rai sir / Gadkar sir

Question. Parametric rolling

Question. Latest amendments in nox technical code

Question. Iso fuel standards - ccr value significance,

Question. Hague - Hague visby rules

Question. BoL- Types, differences

Question. Certificates under MARPOL Annex VI, How will you prepare your ship for IAPP survey

Question. Latest amendments in MS act

Question. Demurrage, despatch, laycan

x Question. - who pays

Question. Explain TQM in detail

Question. FAL convention -  why? Certificates. Latest amendments


Oral date 21-September-2021 MUMBAI

Int: Vikrant rai sir , Ext: Gadkar sir

Result - Pass


Type of ship sailed 

Question. ESP in detail. Scope of esp survey, what surveyor check and how.

Question. RO code - qualities to become RO ,

Question. P&I and indemnity meaning. How p&i club collects funds?

Question. Principles of marine insurance. Explain subrogation and proximity cause.

Question. What is NC , MNC . How will u deal with MNC?

Question. EEXI AND CII in detail.

Question. Gz curve - what u get from that

Question. Difference between RO and Class

Question. Noise code survey – scope

Question. Survival craft requirements

Question. bwm - D1 andD2 standard , viable and non viable

Question. flag state inspection and port state inspection…purpose of PSI.

Vikrant rai sir

Question. Bilge tank full , reaching port in 2 days . Action as Ce

Question. Sewage discharge criteria

Question. Can Renewal survey possible without drydocking…

Question. Noise code survey - scope and how measurements are taken, which place

Question. Propeller curve, what significance ,why required

Question. Measures of GHG emission

Question. Green book



Vikrant rai sir

Question. Ship recycling action as a CE, 35 years old ship

Question. Why COA required

Question. Zero carbon fuel and net zero carbon fuel






Oral date 21-September-2021 MUMBAI

Int: Vikrant rai sir , Ext: Gadkar sir

Question. LL survey preparation as a CE w r t Engine room, difference between weather tight door and water tight doors and how to do test of water tight doors- method

Question. Difference between third party liability and contractual liability

Question. ALARP system

Question. FF co2 system -5 yearly and ten yearly checks,  criteria, how within 2 mins

Question. PSC detainable deficiency given,  action as a CE

Question. EEXI AND CII in detail.

Question. Explain unseaworthy ship and unsafe ship

Question. GBS in detail

Question. Noise code survey - scope and how measurements are taken, which place

Question. Propeller curve, what significance ,why required

Question. Measures of GHG emission

Question. Green book

Vikrant rai sir

Question. Ship recycling action as a CE, 35 years old ship

Question. Why COA required

Question. Zero carbon fuel and net zero carbon fuel





Aug 2021



[28.08.21 07:38]

[Forwarded from Navneet Dutt]

Internal: Senthil sir

External: Gadkar sir and another (not known- Mr.X☺)


It started with my introduction and verification of the ID. Mr.X had some trouble in the verifying my CDC because of poor legibility on camera( plz invest in a gud webcam), and was not mighty pleased.

Mr. X

Question. What is TQM, what are its a CE, who is your customer and how will you go about satisfying your customer?

Question. What is Decision support system wrt MIS? What is duty of CE wrt to DSS.



Gadkar Sir...

Question. What is an NC, as a CE what actions to take upon getting a NC?

XQ...what is difference b/w MNC and NC?

XQ...what is difference b/w CA and PA? to verify CAPA made is correct and implemented onboard?


Question. What is RO code, what are specific duties of Class wrt being a RO?

Question. What is the purpose of PSC inspection?

XQ- what is no more favourable treatment?


Mr. X...

Question. Your vessel is in drydock, as a CE what all things u will check?

XQ...what all things to check on propeller?

XQ...What all clearances are measured, instrument for measuring stern tube brg wear down?

Question. You found a dent on the shipside, how as CE will you go about reporting it to class and company...what all things will u check, how will you come to know location of damage?




[Forwarded from Gopi Patel]

Date:18th August 2021

Gadker sir and Mukhopadhyay sir

1. Type of ship done after class II coc

Question. ESP, what is special survey and criteria.

Question. Under what convention PSC is related to IMO. Objectives of PSC.

Question. RO and class. Difference and  responsibilities of RO.

Question. Noise code. Criteria for  noise measurements, NEL.

Question. Unclos, duties of flag state as stated in article 94. Duties w.r.t nationality of ship ( article 92).

Question. Hague convention - Hague Visby.

Question. Hamburg rules

Question. CIC

Question. Difference between survey and audit.

Question. What do you understand by ratification.

Question. MOC

Question. Importance of propeller curve to CE. Torque rich condition/effects/ remedies.

Question. ESI, EEXI, EEDI, what is attained EEDI/ formula, latest developments in reduction of GHG emissions.

Mukhopadhyay sir asked 2 questions

Question. NC, MNC and actions in case of MNC.

Question. Incident that led to Paris MoU/ history.



 [18.08.21 19:44]

[Forwarded from Sunil Joshi]

Mukhopadhyay Sir and Gadkar Sir

Attempt 2nd ... 1st attempt from Kolkata

Question. Subdivision index

Question. ESP X what ships X which is more stringent

Question. h&m vs P&I  

Question. nox tech code 

Question. propeller curve importance

Question. cross curves of stability

Question. clear ground 

Question. CIC 

Question. class vs RO

Question. IACS fullform and details .... what significance for IMO

Question. BWMS CONVENTION. D1 D2 standards in Detail

Question. what do u understand by Viable organisms


[18.08.21 19:24]

[Forwarded from Manish Singh]

Inter: Senthil sir

Question. Types of audits under ISM and the certification

Question. Interim audit and validity

Question. Elements of ISM

Question. Emergency fire pump failed, how to proceed as chief engineer under ISM

Question. Types of test in portable extinguishers, difference of requirement under flag state and solas


External: Gadkar sir

Question. What is PR 17

Question. Propeller curve explain, when why and what

Question. True slip and apparent slip

Question. H and M and P and I , diff, comparison, why and what



[Forwarded from Kushal Chawla]

Oral date - 17/8/2021

Senthil sir


Question. Registry requirement and documents needed.

Question. Container safety convention what can you say about it.

Question. firefighting system maintenance and flag state as per Indian government requirement.

Question.  there has been a fire and  it have been extinguished what all things you will take care of after that incident.

Question. ism related what all things to do relating this incident apart from reporting to the company

Gadkar sir.

Question. propeller curves information.

Question. factors that can contribute towards increase in fuel consumption external only.

Question. as ce how would you conduct ism audit of your ship. if there is nc how to go about it.

Then asked about preventive and corrective plan difference.

Question. one month after you join your ship is going to dry dock what actions as chief engineer.

Question. stcw certificates

Question. paint scheme.

Question. Sub division index what all you know.



JULY 2021

[Forwarded from Gavin Azavedo]

Attempt 2



Internal: Senthil Sir

External: Gadkar Sir

Result: Pass



Types of ships done

Number of Oral attempts and if Writtens cleared.


Below 3 questions by Senthil Sir,

Question. Noise code and requirements with respect to E/R

Question. As a C/E how will do ISM audit for the deck department.

Question. What is your understanding of Insurance, Assurance and  Indemnity.


Below questions by Gadkar Sir.


Question. What are the 8 principles of TQM.

Question. What is Goal Based Standards.

Question. What is IMO GHG strategy.

Question. What is EEXI.

Question. What is decision support system.

Question. What is OPRC.


JUNE 2021

[Forwarded from Abhijit S]

Mr Gadkar Sir and Mr Senthil Sir

2nd attempt-23/06/21

Orals taken  by gadkar sir


Brief  about yourself . Company and experience.

Type of ships: oil and chemical


Question. 3 tiers of pollution liabilities

- liabilities limit in each tiers

- persistent oil definition

- what if bunker pollution occurs

Question. name few defects that can take place in boiler

- hw to rectify defects

Question. define major non confirmity.  - example of MMC

- what if MNC is given to

Question. concentrated campaign by psc

-  role of psc

- scope and WIC all convention does psc covers

Question. what is G-8 and G-9 standards

- what is active substance

Question. define hazardous substances

- what is IHM

- under WIC  convention IHM and it's significance

- IHM survey, green passport

Question. Dry dock documents

- shell expansion plan , hw this plan is useful to you in dry dock

Question. major incident that you have experienced onboard.


[Forwarded from Shivkumar Tallikar]











Question. NOISE CODE. 









[Forwarded from Saurav Jha]

23/06/2021, Mumbai

Senthil sir and Gadkar sir


Question. ALRPA or something similar sounded, wasn't able to answer, once he told it's human element started with heart and Therp,

Question. Nox tech file

Question. Stability curve

Question. Stability criteria for BC

Question. IMO DCS

Question. Condition of assignments

Question. Decision making criteria

Question. MOU, requirements of MOU

Question. P&I cover items

Question. Engine derating



[Forwarded from Devendra]

Date: 23rd June 2021

Gadkar Sir

Senthil Sir


Question. Tail shaft survey

x Question. - can you extend the tail shaft survey? and for how long?

X Question. - how can you apply for the extension, the criteria

x Question. - How to do LO analysis (methods)

Question. Tell me about RO code

x Question. - what conditions are required to become RO

x Question. - what is difference between RO and Class

Question. what is Lay can, Demmurage, Dispatch?

x Question. - who pays

Question. What is SAFCON survey?

x Question. - how you will prepare for the SAFCON survey as a chief engineer

Question. What is difference between SAFCON and Safety Equipment Survey

Question. your propeller is damaged, how will you know? x Question. - what could be the damages to the propeller?

x Question. - how will you repair it?

x Question. - what you will do if the tip of the propeller is broken

Question. your Electrical officer's Medical certificate is expired while at sea, what is provision for it?

x Question. - where the provision is given?

Question. Tell me about SQM [this is TQM]

x Question. - Difference between SQM and ISM

Question. Explain Hong kong convention

x Question. - what are the parts of the IHM form?

x Question. - what are the Hazardous material, name few.

Question. what is EEXI and its formula

x Question. - what is the difference between EEXI and EEDI

Question. explain propeller curve





March 2021


[Forwarded from Shanid Cholayil]

Int Ashish wankede sir

Ext: Kapoor sir and Gadkari sir




Result -Pass


Question.  What is statical and dynamic stability.

Question.  Statical stability curve

Question.  Role of ILO in MLC

Question.  MLC in detail.

Question.  Wreck conventions and certificates.

Question.  COFR and Blue card.

Question.  HKC IHM and cross


[22.03.21 18:46]

[Forwarded from Kamal S Chauhan]

Wankhede Sir...

Gadkar Sir,Kapoor Sir


18th March


Brief intro about u as 2E


Question.  Condition of assignment.

Question.  How u ll prepare for loadline survey..plenty x ques ,specially regarding tests

Question.  How to go for Ism  External Audit?? Deck dept audit ,,Pr 7??

Question.  Difference between suspension and withdrawal,,effect on for both ..cross ques

Question.  Observation,NC MNC& Defiency.Explain with examples..lots of x ques by Wankhede Sir..

Question.  If COC due to machinery breakdown,no spares available. time in coc expired.Action as Ce.

Question.  Significance of next month w.r.t indian Shiping.??




16.09.20 14:29]

[Forwarded from Ravindra Kakade]


MMD Mumbai

Int. Mr.Senthil Kumar Sir

Ext. Mr. Gadkar Sir

Question.  Chem Tanker certificates

Question.  All statutory certificates

Question.  SMS Mgmt review

Question.  Master’s review / 6. Inputs/ outputs

Question.  CIC by PSC

What is the basis of deciding area to be inspected?

Question.  Types of charter with bit of explanation

Question.  Principles of marine insurance with bit of explanation

Question.  ME power train/QPC

Question.  Latest fuel specification standard


[22.08.20 10:46]

[Forwarded from Kunal rana]

Date 21-aug-2020

Attempt :3rd

Result :Pass

Mr gadkar

Mr. Kamath


Question.  Difference between statutory survey and Class survey

Question.  Certificates under statutory survey and Class survey.

Question.  What is special survey

Question.  Significance of propeller curve to chief engr

Question.  Motorman died due to c/c explosion how you will prepare his case to get compensation

Question.  MOU, PSC convention and regulation, why psc is required if we have flag state

 Question.  Flag state and port state difference. Duties of flag state and port state.

Question.  Who give power to psc

Question.  How as a chief engr you plan for ship recycling

Question.  Where u will find if your ship has a psc deficiency

Question.  vessel has collided and there is a dent how you will proceed for plate u will measure the depth of the dent.

Question.  What is shell expansion plan

Question.  Subdivision index

Question.  Fire in purifier room, how as a chief engr you will proceed



Siddhesh, [21.08.20 22:38]

21 Aug 2020

Int: Kamath sir

Ext: Gadkar sir

Question.  What is contractual liability?

xq. Third party liability?

xq. Limitation of liability

Question.  In a 2nd hand ship, how you decide which machinery is to be critical?

Question.  Explain IMO structure?

Question.  What are CE duties as per STCW?

Question.  You are arriving to a port, you crew is fatigue, your actions as CE?

Question.  What is Laycan?

Question.  Explain about CO2 fixed fire fighting all surveys.

Question. What is HSSC? Why it came into picture? Which is one certificate not aligned with HSSC?


Praveen Tanneer, [21.08.20 21:37]

21 August 2020

Internal - Kamath sir

External - Gadkar sir

Result pass



Question.  Dry dock interval, and in case of Tmon DD interval.

Question.  Withdrawal of propeller, checks before withdrawal.

Question.  Checks on rudder in DD

Question.  Drydock before flooding checks, all checks at intermediate stages of flooding

Question.  Tmon, condition for assigning tmon notation.

Question.  Elements of ISM for engineer

Question.  How to prepare list of critical spares.

Question.  Statutory certificate for oil tanker.

Question.  Bunker convention

Question.  Emergency pump not working in port action as CE

Question.  PSC codes for detention and for deficiency.

Question.  Checks during sea trial



[21.08.20 13:08]

[Forwarded from Aqua87]

Attempt 5

Internal:Vikrant Rai sir

External:Gadkar sir

First Gadkar sir took orals

Question.  3 tier of oil pollution damage and its compensation limit in CLC?

Question.  Which convention applies to Mauritius incident? Bunker convention applies to which ships?

Question.  Arbitration

Question.  Psc who gives the power?

 Question.  Propeller damage How will you come to know about the damage? what is the effect of the damage?

Question.  Noon report

Question.  Checks carried during dry-dock flooding.

Question.  Checks on rudder during drydock

Vikrant sir joined in told that he wants to ask some questions.

Question.  How will you prepare for Ship recycling?



Question.  Wages not paid for 3 months

Question.  CIC

Question.  1 generator is not working, what are your actions



 [21.08.20 13:05]

[Forwarded from Aseem]


Internal- vikrant rai sir

External- gadkar sir


Question.  Name 5 imo instruments

Question.  How will you ensure your ship complies with solas

Question.  What are the certificates under solas

Question.  What all surveys required to complete safcon

Question.  Duration of safcon

Question.  What is Bnwas,  requirement and date stored for how long

Question.  Psc, conventions with regulations

Question.  Under which unclos is psc..what is unclos and where will you find if your ship has psc deficiency

Question.  Seemp and requirement

Question.  Pr17

Question.  What on a second hand ship will you check as a ce



vikrant rai sir

Question.  What is eedi..significance

Question.  What is the duration of docking survey?



Gadkar and wankhede sir

20 8 2020

Question.  How will you implement ism on a new ship.

Question.  How will you train your 5eng

Question.  Esp code, document why esp

Question.  Me lube oil level is dropping where is the leak.

Question.  Requirement for dry dock

Question.  Plans required in dry dock content of docking plan

Question.  Why is vetting inspection carried out. Says we have psc fsi class the why additional vetting is required.

Question.  Safeties in dry dock.

Question.  Why do we need classification society and what is its importance.



@nkur, [20.08.20 17:34]

External: Gadkar sir

Internal : wankhede sir



Question.  Joining as CE on new vessel , ISPS implementation? Interim ISSC , Full term ISSC

Question.  CSR, in details FORM 1,2,3

Question.  TMON

Question.  Tailshaft survey methods.

Question.  MLC certificates, documents to carry on-board.

Question.  ME lube oil consumption increases?

Question.  Psc usually points out 1 wrong entry into ORB .. what is that entry.. ?

Question.  ESP in details ( history and purposes ) , when 1st ESP survey will start for tanker ? Survey programming , survey questionnaires



[20.08.20 11:49]

[Forwarded from Mihir Padalkar]

Mihir Padalkar, 19 aug 2020

Mr.wankede sir and ext gadkar sir

Gadkar sir

Question.  What are 4 pillars of imo

Question.  what is dmlc in this mlc conv

Question.  what are sp surveys

Question.  What are statutory surveys n class surveys

Question.  What all check you will tell to conduct your 2e w.r.t safecon survey.

Question.  Suppose u take over a new bulky what all cert u should have

Question.  What all under annex 6 ie cert

Question.  What is given in nox tech file

Question.  What is tmon

Question.  What all checks on lifting appliances



[19.08.20 19:01]

[Forwarded from AN]

Date : 19/08/2020

Surveyor : Mr Gadkar sir

Question.  Tell me about tail shaft survey / Methods / interval /TMON requirements

Question.  you are going for tail shaft survey what all items will you prepare / tools / spares / then



Ashish Wankhede sir left after this.

Question.  MOU

Question.  You are going to take a ship on time charter as a C/E what are the 2 most important things that would want to check

Question.  IACS, what is the different between UI and PR

Question.  Boiler survey interval

Question.  SFOC is min at what load ? Why do u slow steam at much lower load then?

Question.  P&I. if H&M is taking ¾ why u need P&I

Question.  You are on a ship and a motorman died on board. How will you proceed to make sure that you get compensation?

Question.  Noon report

Question.  Difference between real slip and apparent slip / what is your interpretation of Apparent slip.





Mahavir Singh Rawat, [19.03.20 16:16]

[Forwarded from Mahavir Singh Rawat]




Question.  SEEMP- 1, 2 Explain 

Question.  Container class notation,

Question.  Propeller curve – torque rich condition

Question.  PSC, MOU, How information is exchange

Question.  A60 Bulkhead –

Question.  Unseaworthy & unsafe ship

Question.  Co2 fixed fire fighting 1,2,5,10,15 yearly Maintenance

Question.  Accumulation of pressure test -For safety valve


Question.  Container ship – E/R bilges, Pollution outside ship. Comes under which convention

Question.  Bunker convention

Question.  SEEMP- 1, 2 Explain 

Question.  Whom to submit.



Lav Sawant, [18.03.20 15:42]


DGS,internal Gadkar sir

Question.  3 tiers of oil pollution damage compensation

Question.  Hot n cold corrosion, how to distinguish cold corrosion?

Question.  EGE tube leak indications and how to locate leaking tube

Question.  CSM

Question.  Tailshaft monitoring

Question.  H&M and P&I scope

Question.  Laycan and laytime

Question.  GA & PA

Question.  All conventions and their respective certificates

Question.  Loadline survey scope

Question.  Watertight and weather tight access



Ro$$, [18.03.20 13:25]

[Forwarded from Ro$$]





Question.  Propeller curve. Draw and explain.

Question.  Contents of P&A manual

Question.  Ballast water management. What is G8 & G9 standards.

Question.  What are active substances?

Question.  Drydock. What all docs required. What is capacity plan.

Question.  How will you know if your ship is complying with all the Conventions?

Question.  Condition of Class. How will you know if your vessel has got a COC.




Ganesh, [25.02.20 18:03]

[Forwarded from Ganesh]

1st attempt

Kamath sir and Gadkar sir

Question.  hongkong convention and how u implement

Question.  Nairobi wreck convention and def of wreck                

Question.  Latest fuel oil edition

Question.  Load line survey and how u prepare

Question.  hssc and survey details

Question.  Propeller curve

Question.  bwms and def of active substance

Question.  Bridge equipments VDR, AIS and speed log




Vinod, [25.02.20 17:48]

[Forwarded from Vinod]

For motor endorsement,1st attempt

Kamath sir n Gadkar sir took orals together

Question.  What is special survey?

Question.  How is your dfde ship efficient than steam propulsion ship.

Question.  what is methane slip.

Question.  Explain millers cycle

Question.  Draw and explain Otto cycle,diesel cycle

Question.  Microbial degradation  n what are your actions as CE

Question.  Explain Sulphur cap 2020,what is your action as CE if there is non complaint fuel onboard

Question.  enclosed spaced entry procedures ,n details about the permit,what are the hazards in cleaning f.o tanks



 [25.02.20 17:02]

[Forwarded from Vikas Kukreja]

Attempt 1st

Kamath sir

Gadkar sir

Question.  Ism elements relevant to ce

Question.  N.C how to close NC

Question.  Certificate as per statutory surveys convention

Question.  PA & GA

Question.  Types of insurance

Question.  Tier 1,2,3

Question.  New amendment in 2020 in marpol

Question.  III code


2nd round

Kamath sir

Question.  Class vs statutory survey

Question.  How Propeller manufactured casting or forging, crack in propeller how to find non destructive test which to perform on propeller to find crack





Sailor, [21.01.20 19:21]

[Forwarded from Jerome]

Jerome Joseph


Third attempt.

Int - vikraant Rai...ext-gadkar


Question.  Types of charter and CE duties on voyage and time charter

Question.  pr 17

Question.  iacs, how many members and it's relation to imo

Question.  tcm or tmon notation requirement

Question.  Performance of engine .draw card .power card.

Question.  Grades of steel

Question.  0.5 sulphur effects on engine and how to handle 0.5 percent fuel

Question.  P&I scope and h&m scope ...who insures what

2nd round Vikraant Rai

Question.  Imo dcs

Question.  FONAR




Chidanand Hasabnis, [21.01.20 17:30]

DG, Mumbai

4th Attempt

Ext Gadkar

Int Rai


Question.  List all conventions that apply to your ship.

Question.  What is UNCLOS?

Question.  Your responsibilities under UNCLOS?

Question.  No more favourable treatment?

Question.  IMO?

Question.  Tacit acceptance and how conventions are enforced?

Question.  Noon slip details.

Question.  How will you evaluate ME performance. Draw prop curve.

Question.  Hull vibrations. Reasons.

Question.  Propeller damage.

Int Gadkar

Question.  On what Basis PSC conducts ship inspection.

Question.  Boiler derating.

Question.  Anniversary date.

Question.  If crack in one side TST, what will be your risk assessment?




virender, [21.12.19 19:16]

Date 20/12/2020


Ext. Gadkar sir

Int.kamath sir

1)Gen introduction,type of ship, seatime after class 2.

2)Name the Conventions u know.

2) Certificate carried by tanker?

3)diff b/w ammendment and protocol

4) psc general questions. Why psc when FLAG SATE.

5) what is pr17

6) Salvage convention

 7)tacit or explicit amendment procedure

 8)few more questions can’t recollect .


Was able to answer 9out of 10 questions

Internal- Kamath sir

Was very busy. Great human being as I have always heard of him.

Q-which company

    Which type of engine




[Forwarded from Vikas Sharma]


Attempt no. 3 @DGS

External gadkar sir & internal Kamath sir.

Introduction, type of ships, how many ships as 2E and which company.

1. Incling experiment in detail.

2. Intact stability & damage stability.

3. Who powers PSC under what all conventions.

4. Boiler survey as CE.

 what are type of corrosion and area most affected with corrosion.

 Caustic embrittlement.

what all things you will check as CE before doing boiler survey.

 Types of boiler tubes.

Procedure for removing boiler tube(single tube/tube stack) boat davit checks, maintenance and tests in detail.

6. CO2 bottles inspection checks as CE ,what all things checked and intervals for same.

7. AFS certificate it's validity.

 Who issues this certificate

What all things mentioned in this certificate.

8.Quality and quantity of bunker prior bunkering how as a CE you will make sure to avoid any conflict.




Forwarded: Ambarish Vaikunthe, [20.12.19 16:04]

Ext Gadkar sir..

Int Kamath sir..

 Basic intro..which company ..what type of ships

Type 2 chemical tankers..was asking about presea many months as 2e ...general..

1Types of chemical tankers.. said about type 12 3

2. Details of xyz cargoes

3.discharge criteria for chemical tankers..told as per  marpol Annex 2: prewash ..discharge to shore .. under water discharge....7 knots 12 nautical miles 25 m depth

4. Certificate carried for above ships....told about int fitness certificate for cargo carriage

5. Scope of survey to issue above certificate..told about construction ...operations ...

6.what is p and a manual

7.condition of class I  explained and gave example of damage to hull

8. Hole in plate in cargo tank u came to dock action to take for  insert plate..

9. Stability criteria....

10.angle of loll...

11. 0.5 percent sulphur fuel


Round 2 kamath sir

How was your attempt....

I said I gave my best...I did well...

He asked only one question ...difference between amendment and protocol....



Vikram S, [20.12.19 14:33]

Gadkar @dgs

1. Elements of psc..unclos requirements for psc...definition of psc as per unclos...xq..went into accession and ratification etc etc...

2. Safcon survey

3. How to take bunker as chief engineer

4. Tailshaft survey...went deep into method propeller is removed...what is a pilgrim does it to take propeller clearance...

5. Vanadium and it's effects and according to latest iso 8217 what's the value supposed to be...

6. Noon report and then xq on speed over ground, speed through water , and all details of the noon report with the meaning and purpose of them.


Kamath sir

1. Subrogation

2. Difference in protocol and amendment

3. Anchor not coming up reasons?





Ext-Gadkar Sir, Int-Senthil Sir

1. Name all the statutory survey and certificates on ship along with convention name

2. Explain why inclining experiment is required and procedure in detail

3. During drydock you found a hull plate with holes and an insert of 50cm by 50cm to be welded, explain in detail how will you proceed with the job.

4. what is back gouging?

5. What is the scope of the SAFCON survey and how will u prepare for it?

6. What is UNCLOS?

7. PSC duties and can PSC do inspection of all ships?

8. What are checks on CO2 fire extinguishing system, specify all intervals and what checks?




Ashish Malik, [16.12.19 20:31]


Gadkar sir

Result- fail

1. Element of PSC. Diff b/w flag state, port state & coastal state.

2. What is MOU, number of MOU, Australia in which MOU.

3. COC, how CE at tym of joining know dat COC is give to ship.

4. Statutory certificate carried by ship. Safcon...?

5. Which survey done by class and which by flag. And why.

6. EGE tube leak, action as CE, how to rectify.

7. CLC convention in detail.

8. On hire and Off hire survey.

9. As a CE, How will u take bunker on a ship.



Gadkar sir


2.class and statutory survey

3.hongkong convention

4.who powers psc

5.propeller repair in detail

6.rudder checks in drydock

7.flag state , port state, coastal state

8. Anniversary date

9. Smc audit