Deshpande  Sir 2019 Question & Answers


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Shailesh Chandra, [06.11.19 11:47]



Question.  NEMA-?

Question.  hydraullic locking

Question.  content of coating technical file

Question.  sweep test

Question.  flammability diagram explanation

Question.  crane stuck in middle of unit overhaul-action as CE

Question.  intact stability code in detail

Question.  eedi and eeoi unit and explanation

Question.  difference between special survey and renewal survey

Question.  OCIMF - details

Question.  cargo sludge discharge criterion.

Question.  all items which can't burn in incinerator

Question.  cooking oil in which category of garbage

Result -repeat


 [31.10.19 03:08]

[Forwarded from KT]

Despande sir and Rai sir

1. certificates  carried by bulk carrier

x which is the cert that is only carried by bulk carrier

2.Alternate fuel?

x dangers associated with methanol?

3.INF code and dg circular reated to same?

4.Difference between IGC code and IGF code?

5.what is carbon sequestration?


7. on board complain procedure?


9. ism latest amendment?

10.Explain propeller design point?

11.    engine derating?

Few more don’t remember





[30.10.19 00:30]

Vipul, [29.10.19 23:01]



External : Deshpande Sir,

Internal : Vikrant rai Sir,


1.Diff between ig of a tanker and ig of product tanker ?

2. Boiler derating ?

3.Ncaf ? many articles in mlc?

4. onboard complaint procedure?

5. grieverence redressal mechanism.. ?

6.content of coating technical file?

7.content of nox technical file ?

8. Difference between slow steaming and ultra low steaming.?

9.carving and marking notes ?

10. Bunker spill has happend and in which case bunker convention wil not apply.

11. How much maximum density of cargo can be loaded

12. What is xta?


internal vikrant rai

1. one death happened on ur ship how wil you prepare report?

2. On above q he made other sceinario that motorman has gone to bilges for cleaning and he got burn what things u wil consider

3.Alternate fuels?

4.latest life boat ammendment.

5.decider q ..a 25 yr old ship how wil u prepare for end of life of ship w.r.t hongkong convention.


Sri Chandra, [29.10.19 21:50]

29.10.19 DGS Mum

3rd attempt



1.U joined as CE and u check Smc and doc certificates how will u ascertain they r genuine or not

2.What is Port of refugee and why it is required to go to port of refugee?

3.Ism related deficiencies ?

4.What is the definition of length as per tonnage conversation ?

5.High density cargo loaded ur action as CE ?

6.How do u remove catfines ?

7.What is PSSA ?

8.Why no special code book for oil tankers like gas n chemical ships.


Result : fail




Rajiv CE, [17.09.19 21:10]

[Forwarded from Rajiv CE]

Rahul SG, [17.09.19 20:57]

DGS Kanjurmarg

Introduction and checked cdc,

Internal: Satish kamath sir, barik sir . External:deshpande sir

First round:

1.Parametric Rolling: explained all points, since i did containers to measure flare, what is flare.

3.GZ curve, Gm initial,negative gm. Also here gave all bullet point ans.

4.MOC. i started with definition, how,why,who, where to find in sms, example.

5.MLC rest hour violation, exceptions,action.

6.Eto comes drunk. Stcw reg, company policy,

7.ISM elements, human elements specific,difficulties for it to reach all levels.

8.closeup survey. I gave all structured bullet points in my own way which rajiv sir discussed in class.substantial corrosion etc

9.Edge corrosion, where,why,


It was nonstop oral and i had answere nonstop


2nd round

Kamath sir, barik sir, deshpande sir

Barik sir told kamath sir to ask questions.

16. BWTS, regulations, implementation, sediment control.

17.SRA.  i didnt knew.

18. He asked about max teu vsl i did till now, i said 13000teu twin island.

He asked container fire stacked up on the deck.

Gave detailed ans , imdg code reference, chemical suits, waterlance, latest container fire fighting , contingency plan from sms, the difficulty in tackling cont fires.





 [17.09.19 20:21]

[Forwarded from Gireesh Balakrishna]

DGS Kanjurmarg

Attempt -3

Internal -Mr Barik and Mr Kamath

External-Mr Deshpande

Introduction ,type of vessel done ,company ,experiance after class 2



2.definition of length

3.what is coastal state,flag state ,port state

4.what is BLU code

5.what is USCG requirement for BWMS

6.boiler derating

7.engine tuning

8.what is new development in container vessel bareboat charter which is the one condition where owner is responsible

10.history of Paris MOU

11.documents and certificates required to carry dangerous goods in bulk

12.what is air draft will you take sample of ballsy water? Where should be the sampling point? to cut out unit in ME engine

15.what is FIVA ? what happens if 1 FIVA fails or hydraulic oil starts leaking from FIVA? to do emergency lubrication on ME engine? main engine which component will have more stress and why?



Total score 14/17



2nd round

Kamath sir

Introduction and company

1.what check you will do on lifeboat as a CE

2.ther is a corroded plate on deck how as a CE you will go about changing the plate ,class approval and shore workers are done by office,ur job as CE monitoring ,reporting ,checking ?

Discussion went for about 20 minutes

3.loadline related -how to test and check the ballast tank vent

4.what is latest CIC? why CIC when you have PSC?

what is Indian Ocean MOU CIC?


Barik sir asked kaisa he ladka

Kamath sir said pass kar sakte he


Barik sir

1.annex 4 applies to what type of vessel

2.why engineers required onboard


Finally said we are passing you,keep on studying and learning



Srisri.ML, [26.03.19 22:55]

Attempt : First

External- 3 Examiners, Mr. Deshpande, Mr. Kar, Mr. Pal.

Internal- Don't know the name.

Questions asked by internals.(They gave time to think for any cross question and made us feel comfortable )

1. Intro, experience, type of ship and company,

2. Tell about BWM convention and cross questions like what is active substances etc,

3. VTI,

4. What is Condition of class

5. What is Dispensation,

6. Diff bet coc and dispensation and who gives what and when you need.  Give one example when u get both at a time.

7. Duties of carrier in B/L.

8. GA n example, who r the interested parties

9. VIT and Super VIT,

10. Testing of engine in test bed


Sent out and after internal came, next round with internal.


1. Vit and super Vit as I did not answer previously.

2. Convention related to Container ship,.

3. How container is stowed.

4. What are container coordinates.

5. What is CLC, Why and application and example.

6. Role of ce in Reefer problems and what actions you take.

7. Wt advices u give EE when u r going to  load reefer container in next port.



Diwakar, [26.03.19 22:30]

External sirs : 3 of them .. exactly don know the name .

Attempt : First


1) Question various test carried out in sea trails

XQ zigzag test ; turning circle test ; endurance test ; what is term ‘advance’

2) Question what is IMO why we need it .. under whom it works .. what are it bodies .. how many members it has

3) Question what is EIAPP what it contains ,validity ,who gives it .. why it is required.. Diffrence between EIAPP and IEEC certificate

4) Question what is UNCLOS tell the salient points

Xq why you need UNCLOS even after having IMO .. all rules can be set via IMO then why we need UNCLOS

5) Question work and rest hours as per MLC

Your ship frequently has got observation for improper work and rest hour management due to it schedule ..what action you will do as chief engggr .. Psc inspection gave you a remark how will you handle it to close the observation

6) Question your one of the auxiliary blower is burnt during manouvering  no spare motor on board .. what is your action as chief engineer

7) Question captain calls you and says anchor is not heaving up .. how will you proceed as chief engineer

X questions direction control valve

Counter balance valve

Shock valve

Working principle ..

8) Question Role of classification society .. how many classification society .. difference between class and RO .. who approves class society .. who governs class .. role of IACS

9) Question As a chief engineer tell the procedure for taking a ship to dry dock ... in dry dock what all jobs you will personally inspect .. how will you safely bring the ship back to sea ..

10) Question calorific value of do and  hfo which is greater.

11) Question principles of insurance/warranties 

12) Question class notations why it is used

    Give example .. cyber crime why it is used


Told to wait outside and then after one hour internal sir called for second rounds


Internal sir question

Work experience on type of ship

 1) Question CLC convention  ;limits  covered by it ; wreck removal convention

 2)  Question What is general average .. many x question.. give clear example of general average

 3) Question what is dead ship ... as a chief enggr how will you handle that situation on-board  to solve it .



Ullasa Kota, [26.03.19 10:59]


External- 3 Examiners, Mr. Deshpande, Mr. Kar, Mr. Pal

Internal- Mr. Gadkar (I think I am not sure)

Question asked

1)What is Tacit & Explicit acceptance in case of Convention?

2)How to prepare boiler for survey at short notice (superintendent request)? What safety precaution you especially take before opening water drum cover? How do you ensure what water is already empty inside the boiler?

3)Based on No favorable treatment -discussion on what it is how it applies etc Examiner Gave few scenarios such as Ballast water treatment conventions etc. How it applies?

4)Intervention convention-details why is it etc.

5)UNCLOS its purpose what it covers? when IMO is present, why UNCLOS

6)Why accumulation pressure test for water tube boiler is 7 minutes and 15 minutes for smoke tube boiler?

7)What are all the documents required for registering a ship

8)What is A0, A15, A30, A60 bulkheads?

9)What protection A class bulkhead give compared B class bulkhead

10)What is Unseaworthy and Unsafe ship primary difference?

11)What is Flag of Convenience detail? Linking it to Continuous synopsis Record CSR?

12)How do you determine frequency in case of risk assessment?

Few more questions asked could not recollect…

Examiners created such an atmosphere where candidate can give answers without stress, gave time to formulate/think and answer. In between cross questions to know the depth of understanding. Not rushing through.




Swanand, [23.01.19 17:42]

Date 23.01.2017


Externals with Deshpande and Vishwanathan


First he asked me about Experience as second engr, which company and what questions were asked last time for which Vikrant Rai failed...


Then asked me questions about 

1)Difference between PSC deficiency code 30 and code 17


2)how convention comes into force.


3)what is common in any convention.. He wanted that all conventions have date at the end.


4)CSR.. Continuous Synopsis detail.


5)Conditions of assessment.. Its significance and in detail.


Will add more questions as i get time..


Internal with Kamat sir

1) ships u have worked on... Gas tankers..

Cross question.. Where u will find  cofferdam on deck on gas tankers


Result.. Cleared my MEO class 1.