Pakrasi sir.

2025 to 2019

Oral Question & Answers

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January 2025

Int: Shishir Kumar sir
Ext: parkasi sir
Question. total certificate as per Solas (name)

Question. what is equipment number?

Question. IBC code
Question. types of code as per IMO.
Question. material in sterntube bearing,liner.

Question. international dispute where to approach.
Question. propeller advancement

Question. propeller repair
Question. shaft alignment method
Question. what is consider most in loading cargo in bulk carrier.
Question. in passenger ship probabilistic method for determining.
Question. Djibouti code .total member

Question. types of policy
Question. collision near Bombay where to approach for dispute.
Question. types of cargo
Question. anchor chain material.


Date: 24/01/2025

Attempt: 1

External: Pakrasi Sir

Internal: Shirish Kumar sir

Result: Repeat

General Introduction and Type of ship Written result?

Q1) Dont remember at all, but I just didn't know what was that

Q2) Write all the class notations of your ship on the reverse side of your admit card.

Few cross questions on what is what

Question. ESP survey in detail, what is substantial corrosion, what will surveyor do if substantial corrosion is found

Question. Requirements for IWS notation?

Question. Conditions of assignment

Question. How is the shaft alignment checked during construction of the ship

Question. What are the different Insurance policies that a ship needs?

Pakrasi Sir

Question. Which Class certificate is needed to make a claim? (I think this was a trick question)

Question. ISM element 10, how to identify a critical machinery, what is the imperial formula for the same

Question. Equipment Number in detail


Forwarded from

AS Amanpreet Saini

Pakrasi sir

1st attempt

Question. Ism implementation stages

Question. Latest lof form and its contents, scopic clause and its purpose

Question. Rudder shape and pintle clearence, how many pintles

Question. Human element in Stcw

Question. Statutory certificates and content of certificate of registry

Alternator went for repair and came back its load testing procedure.



Internal Shirish External: pakrasi sir Attempt: 1
Question. How will you implement companies sms as a chief engineer on a new ship taken over by your management company? Exact requirements are required after clearing all audits... what is chief responsibility to carry out sms???.... only exact particular part...

Question. How will you judge competence of a TME and guide him based on functions and clauses of stcw. Mention all of them. Sir needs exact codes to prove..??... no functions can work...

Question. Colreg 72 in details... not just basics all articles and every piece of information

Question. How will you prepare annual budget for technical part as a chief engineer?... sir needs an answer as per you position as a vessel manager...?? trying to save the cost...
Question.. Intact stability criteria for LNG Ship? Intact stability requirements cannot match to any other ship type



Internal: Shrish Kumar External: Pakrashi sir

1. Introduction, type of vessel, College, Where are you from, From where did you did prep

Question. Define Bulk carrier as per ISM

Question. What is TQM? Differentiate between TQM and ISM.

Question. Types of Charter parties. What charter party is issued for bulk carrier. What is NYPE, What is the charter party for carriage of Coal.

Question. III code. What are the instruments?

Question. What are the annexes of COLREG?

Question. Types of Drydock.

Question. MBMs

Question. What training to be given to Junior Engineer?

Question. What is IMSBC code? What information the shipper has to provide to owner as per this code?


24.12.2024 Int-Shirish kumar sir Ext Pakrasi sir Attempt- 1

Question. Bulk carrier definition as per ism and chapter 12.

Question. Shipper declaration while loading cargo.

Question. Last amendment to ism.

Question. Difference between letter of credit and bank guarantee. Where bank guarantee is used. Give examples.

Question. Explain what do you understand by lien. Different types of lien.

Question. Advantages and disadvantages of Al in shipping.

Question. Last ship class notations.

Question. Lifeboat winch brake test.

Question. Different codes in IMO.

Question. Diesel engine Shop trial tests in detail.

Question. How will go about hull gauging as a chief engineer (you have essential instruments) in ballast voyage.

Question. How to estimate and calculate steel quantity to be ordered.







Internal: Mr. Shirish

External: Mr. Pakrasi Result: Repeat

• Introduction, types of ships done, experience, written result

Question. Statutory certificate on bulk carriers

Question. Class notations of the last vessel .

Question. Deletion certificate

Question.  Tonnage tax

Question.  What do you understand by terms: rules and regulations. Why these different terms are used?

Question. Training of J/E as per STCW

Question. If vessel involved in short voyages, your actions to satisfy rest hours regulations as per MLC

Question. Vessel budget planning

Question.  Standing charges of the ship and last ships's standing charges

Question. Engine and boiler derating

Question. What is high seas and what can vessels do in high seas?

Question. Manning requirements in case vessel is laid up, you'll get this information from where?

Question. Certificates which are required to be maintained if vessel is laid up What is Iron carbon diagram

Question. Types of boilers, boiler survey and type of refractory used in boiler

Question. Different type of time charters

Question. Implied clauses in time charter party

Question. Extended dry docking condition:



Ext: pakrashi

Question. Parametric rolling.

Question. Maslow theory.

Question. Fmea & fmeca.

Question. Oprc.

Question. Types of fuel pump in diesel engine.

Question. Mlc 2017 amendment.

Question. Flood able length and permissible length.

Question. Factor of sub division.

Question. Sub division load line.

Question. P&I cover. How many group.

Question. Protocol of selling and buying of ship.   

Question. Cofs.

Question. Gmdss.


Anderson Rebello

Int: sirish

Ext: pakrashi

Brief intro from beginning of education

Question. Tqm iso

Question. Standing cost of ship

Question. Critical equiment how to do calculations

Question. Fuel consumpotion increase in 2 days

Class notations of last vessel

Question. Solas req for ums space

Question. Engine room budget as chief engineer

Question. Shop trail what all is done

Question. Mepc 82 in brief

Question. Maritime and possesory lien


16. 12.2024

Internal‐‐ Gopi Krishna  sir  External ‐‐ Pakrasi sir

Question. Ism functional requirements 

Question. Fuel pump lead and its  significance 

Question. Esp requirements ,coating technical file, what chief engineer will do if there is poor coating  condition in ballast tank? 

Question. Arbitration and mediation difference. Are these process through courts. What after arbitration if  disagreement ?

Question. P and I all in detail , what is advance call and it's unit??

Question. Condition of assignment, how to ensure less deck wetness?  Some more details,, height of air  pipes?

Question. Green engines

Question. Types of lifeboat , can oil tankers have free fall lifeboat? ?why have  enclosed lifeboat on tanker ? lifeboat testing requirements, wire type details  and any maintenance  when to renew the falls. 

Question. Types of alignment methods for main engine shaft. Fair curve in detail.

Gopi Krishna sir

Question. Certificates under hkc ,when convention will come into effect 


16 December 

Ext Pakrashi Int Gopikrishna


Question. Ism last major amendment?

Question. Iws requirements ?

Question. Standing charges?

Question. Layup?

Question. Types of dd?

Question. Codes related to safety?

Question. Hart protocol?

Question. Bulk carriers stat certificates?


Question. Ism fn requirements?

Question. Management review? When? 



16.12.2024 Arbind chaudhary

Question. What is the purpose of iron carbon diagram?

Question. What are various types of charter party? Charter party in drybulk?

Question. What is the dispute redressal mechanism in court he clearly mentioned no out of court settlement  also no international mechanism?

Question. Domino effect?

Question. How human element is addressed in ism code and how does master carryout risk assessment while  using his authority and by what means you found out in sms?

Question. what is TQM in detail?

Question. What do you mean by PSSC? I Asked him in what context he said expansion and it is not pssa as he  clarifies thrice?


Int-Gopi sir

Ext - Pakrasi sir

Question. You are an ism me through to the process of ism renewal audit on a ship

How you know copy of doc is correct or original

Question. Areas under gmdss and to decide which equipment will use which area.... All gmdss equip on board list

Question. Class notation on your vsl

Question. IWS prerequisites...what about paint...which layer of paint strengthened does paint vary (layers etc)from aft to fwd of vsl

Question. Vessel sea trial what all done

Question. Engine on test bed what all tests and results

Question. different supporting organinsation in shipping industry

Differentiate between ICS and ISF

Question. different type of turbochargers in use. Electrotechnical assist turbocharger

Question. what type of lifeboat on board

Material of hull

Type of hooks and difference between them

What type of falls on board

Question. What is propeller efficiency of tour last vessel. How to improve



Rahul sengupta 18/11/2024 Internal: Gopi Sir External: Pakrasi Sir

Intro . Types of ship - only LPG

 Question. All statutory certificates .

Question. What all information is available on certificate of Registry .

Question. IMO no., Official number

Question. Bill of lading Ebill of lading ,

Question. explain blockchain technology

Question. How will you ensure as a CE that your Cll rating doesn't change next year.

Question. How hull cleaning carried out, how will you request company , in how many ways it can be carried out, specific name of tools used .

Question. Drydock experience, how many types of drydock, types of keel blocks

Question. Requirement of Iws .

Question. How to train JE. What specific codes .

Question. Type of charter party .

Question. Incoterms

Question. Loadline vs subdivision loadline

Question. TQM


Gopi Sir

Question. Explain MBM


Date-18/11/2024 Int Gopi Krishna sir

Ext Pakrassi Sir

Result- Pass

Type of lifeboat u had on ur last ship?

Question. Lifeboat inspection and maintenance?

Question. What is equipment number? What is the use?

Question. Dent in ship bottom in dry dock, super is not available. Only you r there with class surveyor. How to proceed for repairs?

Question. Class Notations

Question. IWS notation requirements

Question. ITLOS, where it is located?

Question. Djibouti code? How many states?

Question. Tonnage Tax

Question. Sea trial maneuvers

Question. Substandard ship and unseaworthy ship

Question. HART protocol

Question. What will u get by superimposing engine layout diagram on the engine load diagram?

Question. Types of margins

Question. Which type of anchor u had on ur last ship?

Question. Power train of marine diesel engine?







Mumbai MMD

Int-Sirish sir

Ext-pakrasi sir

Question. How will u ensure machinery onboard are maintained properly and working fine.?

Question. Syncrolift what it is?

Question. USA how managing the ballast water management?

Question. substantial corrosion and action to be taken?

Question. MBM

Question. bunker convention? Documents in same?

Which ship it is applicable?

Tanker coming out clean. still have fuel for ME AND AE comes under which convention?

Applicability limit of bunker convention?

Question. Critical equipment definition?How to decide which equipment will affect ship operation?Which tool used to identify?

Question. CE ashore can he do FMECA?

Question. Load line types?

Question. what statutory certificate on B carrier?

Question. what amendment to STCW as per msc 108?

Question. RO requirement? Where all authority? RO in how many parts?

Question. ism functional requirements. management        review. input output. who    can do internal audit? why superintendent can't do ?        

Question. Last fuel used. fossil or alt fuel, man b&w circular for ulsfo

Question. inventory management procedure.

Question. OPRC

Question. Noise code, How to measure in engine room.

Question. Iws requirement paint requirements for same, types of paint

Question. New iso standard 8217:2024. What all new

Question. What all covered under P&l

Question. imsbc information to provide by seller to master about cargo before loading.

Question. Solas Chapter 11-1.

Question. Statutory certificate on gas carrier.?

Question. What is PSSA? newly added area?

Question. when carry out additional audit in ism ?

If bilges get full due to negligence of crew and received MNC will you do additional audit for that ??

Question. Documents required for ship registration in india? Process of registration? Process and documents required

Question. Deletion of ship registration?

Question. What is degradation in Lub oil? why it occurred? How it occurs?








Internal: Mr Senthil sir

External: Mr Pakrashi sir

Result: pass

Question. Tqm, application of tqm onboard as chief engineer?

Question. Fire wallet, content of fire wallet, location and marking of fire wallet.

Question. FSS code, latest in fss code.

Question. PSSA area, how many total pssa area, if India wants to design Andaman and Nicobar island as pssa area , what all information will be required.

Question. As owner have many responsibilities, so he has to pay insurance premium ?how he will ensure smooth payment of insurance premium on time.

Question. What is letter of credit?

Question. Types of bill of lading?

Question. As surveyor have inspected your vessel and pointed out substantial corrosion on transverse bulkhead, as a chief engineer how you will proceed for steel renewal?

Question. As a chief engineer how you deal with off specs fuel ? And what are guidelines for obligations to supplier for non specs fuel?

Question. As a chief engineer how will you prepare budget for your vessel?


19/09/2024 Mumbai mmd

Int: shrish kumar Ext: pakrashi

Question. Human element in ism and stcw    difference

Question. in Esp what all thickness measurements are carried out.

Question. IWS applicability and requirements

Question. Mbm

Question. Type of class notation., details

Question. Engine room budget planning on an annual basis.

Question. For registration of ship in India what certificate required.

Question. 3rd renewal survey preparation.

Question. Engine derating details.

Question. P& i insurance coverage & group.

Question. power train system & qpc.

Decider question by internal.

Question. Solas chapter 11-1

Question. Official log book



19/09/2024 Internal - Shrish External - Pakrasi

Question. Oprc

Question. Name some codes., explain noise code

Question. Dd preparation as CE

Question. How to estimate qty of steel required based on what factors you will decide how much to order

Question. Bimco

Question. Name some organisations related to maritime field

 told siggto..isgott.. bimco

Question. What are the dispute redressal mechanisms and explain Explain ITLOS and Indian case going on at present

Question. Type of charter parties / Which charter parties are used for dry and oil cargo

Question. Shop trial and what all test done during shop trial

Question. Requirements for engine room which are occasionally manned as per Solas

How many hours ums allowed for ums class ship

Question. Name some marine pollution related conventions Casualty investigation how to go about

Question. Machinery damage (Liner cracked)- insurance claim process and role of average adjuster

Question. NYPE

Question. Noise code applicable to which ships





Internal Aniruddha Chaki External Pakrashi Attempt 2


Question.  ME engine lubrication failure

Question.  Electronic governor

Question.  Dry dock repair specifications DD plans

Question.  What maintenance on Anchor chain in DD and types of anchor chain./Equipment number, formula and rigging table.

Question.  Both to blame clause

Question.  Requirements for IWS

Question.  Types of paint used in double bottom.

Question.  P&I claim settlement/Quote 5-6 names of P&I

Question.  Noise code applicability, ER, ECR. Bridge and accommodation noise level/Instruments used for checking noise.

Question.  Class notation, last vessel notation. What is main class notation, What is full form of SUL, SYJ.

Question.  Derating, types of derating.


Attempt: First Mmd: Mumbai Internal: Gopi Krishnan External: Pakhrasi Result: Repeat

Asked to give introduction Types of vessel Number of dryDocks

Question.  ESP           in detail - ESP requirement, Survey planning, thickness gauging requirement, wanted specific numbers

Question.  types of alignment / Explain fair curve, Draw fair curve, what is hysterisis, show on the graph.

Question.  Lifeboat annual check requirement- what type of wire used, how will you order from IMPA

Question.  III code details

Question.  types          of engine worked on, details, difference between VIT and Super VIT, details

Question.  different fuel standards, latest iso standards

Question.  Latest        alternate fuels, types of ammonia

Question.  functional requirements of ISM code.

Question.  Documents under Damage stability requirement

Question.  Solas CXII

Question.  Machinery Damage-H&M insurance claim procedure

Question.  Substantial Corrosion







Mumbai MMD

External: Pakrasi

Internal: Gopi

Attempt: First

Question. Human factor in ISM

Question. Cylinder lubricator failure redundancy in ME engines.

Question. Fuel pump lead

Question. IWS survey requirement

Question. Various documents required under damage stability

Question. what is NYPE in charter party

Question. Various codes of IMO

Question. What are standing charges in ship7


External Mr. Prakasi .

Internal Mr. Gopi Attempt 1st

Question. Functional requirement of ISM

Question. How will you prepare SOP?

Question. Disadvantages of C02 system, how long is the effectiveness of C02?

Question. PSSA and criteria, how many pssa are there?

Question. class notation

Question. DD specs preparation

Question. difference between GZ and KN curve

Question. List the safety convention

Question. what is ITLOS. which mechanism under law other than arbitration, conciliation

Question. electrical standard onboard,

Question. working of ionisation type of smoke sensor

Question. Oprc

Question. time charter clause

 Date-22/07/2024 Ext-Mr.Pakrasi Int-Mr.Gopi

Question. Lifeboat testing Wire type

Question. Time charter implied clauses

Question. ics   vs isf

Question. Bulk carrier definition general and ism

Question. Vlsfo circ of man bw

Question. Types of brakes on lifeboat

Question. type of loadline

Question. 2010 ism amendment

Question. bulk carrier additional safety.

Question. condition of assignment.

Question. class notation & additional class notation

Question. condition of affreightment.

Question. convention related to pollution

Question. ISM element no.10 how to implement on board as chief engineer

Question. In time charter as chief engineer on board.

Question. Difference between CLC and bunker convention

Question. What is pr 17

Question. suspension of class

Question. inclining experiment how and when will do

Question. Status of Hong Kong convention.

Question. How to prepare budget for ship

Question. Risk assessment and risk analysis difference

Question. Root cause analysis methods

Question. Dg bottom end brg damage and dg out of order action as a ce. how to obtain insurance claim from H&M and role of average adjuster in this scenario

Question. difference between bank guarantee and letter of credit

Question. Different type of paint coatings and type of biocide free paints

Question. Type of lifeboat and maintenance of it/Lifeboat falls how often changed

Question. Ports in. India where we can register ships and how to do registration of ship what all documents to be submitted

Question. Latest alternate fuels.

Question. Which type of ammonia presently in use.

Question. Potential of hydrogen in India.

Question. Various ship manoeuvres during sea trials.

Question. Critical spare who designates and how identified.

Question. Engine layout diagram and load diagram. Difference.

Question. Various means of checking shaft alignment on board ship.   



External: Paksrassi sir

Internal: sirish sir



1.Type of ships:bulk carrier

Question.  Criteria to carry iron ore. Information required from shipper.

Question.  Load line type A and Type B different criteria for B-60 and B-100.

Question.  OPRC convention and relation to HNS

Question.  ISM element 10, different criteria to for maintenance regime to be adopted.

Question.  Types of insurance in bareboat charter. mechanism of coinsurance.

Question.  Polar code

Question.  Engine shop trial. Why, how, concept of engine balancing and alignment.

Question.  Fair curve method.

Question.  MLC implementation. 2017 amendments

Question.  Concept of alternate fuels.. Green ammonia, grey ammonia, blue ammonia.                   

Question.  plan and drawing lists for dry dock.

Question.  Ism which element human element provided.

Question.  STCW training for juniors, tell me the reference from STCW.

Question.  IWS survey requirement on ship,  

Question.  Lifeboat brake types

Question.  Anti-thrombic paint working principle and chemical in it

Question.  HSSC What...why

Question.  lost motion ..gain motion

Question.  Djibouti code

Question.  Ism elements...and also if ship takeover as Ce what shall u do for a particular equipment assessment..

Question.  What is the length mentioned in Certificate of Registry And what all contents in Registry book...

Question.  ⁠Miller cycle

Question.  FAME, how incorporated in ISO standards.

Question.  Torque rich condition. How will you ascertain, Draw on propeller curve.

Question.  ⁠FSA

Question.  ⁠FMEA, Domino effect.

Question.  you join a ship as CE in a new company. Implementation of ISM, how will you verify.

Question.  VIT and Super VIT

Question.  Instrument of accession

Question.  Types of boiler ,double pressure boiler

Question.  III code

Question.  P & I in detail

Question.  Maslow theory

Question.  fuel oil tank under major fire, action as CE

Question.  Latest development for speed optimization on container ship. parametric rolling - effect of GM on parametric rolling.

Question.   dynamic stability

Question.   letter of credit, where is it used

Question.  weighted sea condition

Question.  substantial corrosion

Question.   oprc convention owner liability is exhausted then wat.

Question.   amendment regarding annex iv

Question.  diff between ISS and ICR

Question.  dispatch and demurrage



FEB 2024

Internal: Shirish sir

External: pakarsi sir

Brief introduction types of vessel and rank experience

Question.  ship is going for layup in mumbai what documents u will keep and what are the requirements of manning during such period

Question.  p and I risks covered

Question.  draw KN cross curve of stability

Question.  FMEA

Question.  FSA

Question.  New ship registration in India documents required

Question.  different type of load lines

Question.  condition of assignment


Internal : sirish sir

External : pakrasi sir

Result pass

Question.  Convention regarding safety of crew

Question.  Dijibouti code of conduct

Question.  Multiple load line

Question.  ER Budget preperation by CE

Question.  Navigation test in sea trials

Question.  Life boat test at renewal

Question.  Vit and super vit

Question.  Domino effect


Pakrasi sir

Attempt 2

Question.  Ism first ammendment when and what?

Question.  Ism 2010 ammendment in detail.

Question.  ITC

Question.  Jesson clause

Question.  Maritime law and admiraly law.

Question.  Propeller advancement

Question.  Russia loading 2 tons of consumption increase.

Question.  What are DWG for dd?

Question.  Shaft alignment procedures

Question.  Double evaporation boiler and disadvantage

Question.  Electro assistance turbocharger.

Question.  Pollution related conversations

Question.  Dispute mechanism in iso 8217:2017

Question.  Test bed trial.


Internal : Shirish sir

External : Pakrasi sir

Intro, type of vessel, rank exp

Question.  Dry dock

Question.  Tail shaft survey , Tmon

Question.  Domino effect

Question.  Parametric rolling

Question.  Load line

Question.  Rtflex/ ME-C / MAN

Question.  Legal related Marine ships

Question.  ISM element 10

Question.  How to train junior related to coc

Question.  How to identify critical m/c

Question.  Type of paint on your last ship, Antithrombin explain

Shirish sir

Question.  EDD

Question.  GHG, EEDI



Ext Pakrasi sir

Internal: Shrish sir

Question.  Contract of affreightment

Question.  Scopic in detail

Question.  Lof latest version

Question.  Lloyds code

Question.  How to measure fuel pump lead in conventional MC engine

Question.  Purpose of inclining experiment

Question.  Draw static stability curve and explain.

Question.  Miller cycle explain

Question.  Imo implemented regulations for cyber security






Question. Developments related to container ships?
Question. As CE how to demonstrate implementation of ISM during renewal survey?
Question. How a convention is adopted by IMO?
Question. Signature acceptance and Ratification. What is ratification explain?
Question. Types of B/L/Electronic B/L.
Question. PSSA
Question. Inventory Management Technique and control
Question. How to allocate annual Budgeting as Chief Engineer
Question. Standing Charges
Question. Repair of Propeller
Question. Skewed propeller What is it? What is the material?
Question. 2 Main organisation related to shipping.
Question. What is ISF.
Question. Diff bet risk analysis and risk assessment. Various RA  method.
Question. Which is curve of stability GZ OR KM. what info from the curves.
Question. What subdivision loadline and 2nd loadline.
Question. What is HART protocol    
Question. List free fall l/b annual maintenance requirement according to latest imo circular.
Question. What is Djibouti convention.
Question. What is human element as per ism and stcw. 
Question. PODA.




Kushal parvatkar

Internal: Senthil Sir

External: Pakrasi Sir

Result: Pass

Question. Functional requirements of ISM.

Question. Internal audit criteria.

Question. Marine insurance principles.

Question. Omnibus rule


Question. Protocol of delivery and acceptance.

Question. Johari window.

Question. FMECA

Question. Types of load lines./ Multiple load lines.

Question. Ballast water requirements for entering US waters

Question. Heat Number.



June 2023

Parag Bhosale

1st attempt Mumbai mmd

Internal: Mr. Shirlsh Kumar sir External: Mr. Pakrasi Sir

All questions were asked by Pakrasi Sir.

Question. When ism adopted and entry into force .

In what stages it amendments came.

To which ships it applied first and then to which ships it applied. Total amendments in ism basically.

Question. What is DOS in isps? How security level is decided by flag. For example For India, who sets security level?

Question. what is bipartite and tripartite agreement ? MIc 2006 is bipartite or tripartite.

Question. Explain term financial responsibility./What are financial responsibilities as per mlc 2006 ?

Question. What is Maritime lien ?

Question. In P&l club, what is group? What are the types of covers under P&l club?



20 June 2023 Attempt 1

Internal: Shirish sir Ext: Pakrasl sir

Repeat: as i couldn't answer 2-3 questions to his complete satisfaction and 1 -2 i couldn’t answer at all.

He asked me again which attempt i said 1st then said okay study little more.

Type of ship and introduction

Question. Type of Lifeboat on your ship there annual and periodic maintenance In detail. Material of falls, brake tests etc

Question. Budget preparation for the engine room include all heads.

Question. Clc/ bunker difference and said if hfo spill who will cover.

Question. Seemp 3 what is it about. What it contains.

Question. Cii how to improve.

Question. Criteria for getting IwS notation.

Question. What all documents are needed for registration of a vessel.

Question. Explain Johari Window

Question. Unseaworthy and unsafe ship in which section of Ms act and



Sugam Parashar

June 2023

1 st Attempt

External Pakrassi

Internal Shrish

Result- Repeat

Question. ISM functional requirements        

Question. load line convention. types of load line... significance of load line

Question. Unseaworthy and unsafe ship...which one you choose    

Question. As a CE how you tackle bad quality fuel received          

Question. As an owner's point view how you decide how to order a cargo so that the owner gets the benefit out of that voyage

Question. What are protections provided for piston rings by MAN B&W engines operated on ULSFO and L5FO. ?

Question. What is Hoop stress?




date 19.06.23

surveyor. senthil sir and pakrashi sir

Question. IOPP cert invalid during sailing, action as ce. which convention covers this.

Question. inventory management as ce how to Implement.

Question. Scopic clause .LOF.

Question. Latest IMO for climate change.                                                                    

Question. EEDI and EEXI, difference between them

Question. CII grades, and all details.

Question. Requirement of IWS, what about non ESP vessels.

Question. Types of engine you sailed on. difference between conventional engine vs electronic engine.       

Question. what is electronic governor, which governor used in n flex engine.

Question. Propeller advancement.

Question. HART.

Question. Small brief for tail shaft survey.

Question. Variable geometry tc / Aspect ratio

Question. Admiralty   coefficient.

Question. York antwerp rules.          

Question. Cere and documents under MLC. wht abt validity of full term CERT.

Question. What is COFR, what it covers.

Question. What all cert ER rating will have.

Question. FMEA and FMECA.

Question. GBS and functional requirement.

Question. Latest/ future fuels carbon capture.

Question. Ammonia challenges.


Krupaterajn Vijayan


External pakrasi sir

Internal shirish Kumar sir

Self introduction

Question. Management review under which element of ISM?/Input output of Management review?

Question. Budget preparation as CE in a large scale?

Question. Soft skills as per STCW?

Question. Bonjean curve?

Question. Admiralty coefficient?

Question. Class notations? What do you understand from them? How to get IWS notation? What type of paint specified to get this notation?

Question. Net zero carbon fuel?

Question. Synthetic fuel?

Question. Methanol as fuel?

Question. Green energy ship specifically asked for man b &w?

Question. Engine derating?


Gopi sir / pakrasi sir

Question. ism functional requirements

Question. contingency plan ..want to hear about imo guidelines, how to prepare .that modules n all-Explain with example ..

Question. life boat type n maintenance.., material of lifeboat falls ...pre installation checks

Question. je training. And explain 3/1 competency table

Question. me lubricator arrangement

Question. Ro code

Question. condition of assignments

Question. afs convention...

...........Gopi sir—

Question. imo ghg strategy

Question. Freeboard

Ankit Sawhney

24th April 2023.

Internal - Gopi Krishna Sir

External - Pakrasi Sir

Introduction, what type of vessels, experience after class 2 & experience as 2/E, preparatory course from which place.

Attempt 2

Question. What is HART protocol? Explain its advantages. Give one example from ship where it is used.

Question. PSSA. Criteria for selection. How many PSSA in total. Name PSSA in the world.

Question. RO code.

Question. What is KN curves? What advantage of using them.

Question. What is BOL? Types of BOL. eBOL.

Question. Sister ship clause.

Question. What is Letter of Credit? Explain the mechanism.

Question. List all the Conventions that prevents Marine Pollution.

Question. What is OPRC? Contents of the convention.

Question. What is HNS?

Question. How will you repair Propeller which has suffered a crack? What zones are allowed to be repaired? Materials of the propeller.

Question. You joined as a C/E on a will you prepare a procedure to tackle a emergency situation such as Man overboard.

Question. What is FSA? Risk control options.

Gopi Sir

Question. What is the role of Underwriter?



24th April 2023



Question.  What is intelligent engine.

Question.  What is IWS and notation .

Question.  Types of insurance

Question.  Contingency plan to make for steering gear .

Question.  AFS compound for IWS



Question.  PSC AND RULES




Date: 17 Jan 2023

Aakarshan Singh


Internal: Gopi Krishna sir

External: Pakrassi sir

Introduce yourself

Pakrassi sir

Question.  What human element is taken into consideration in ism? Explain with examples.

Question.  What other imo convention caters for human element?

Question.  Draw engine layout diagram and engine load diagram and explain? He actually asked me to draw on paper free hand.

Question.  What is the working of proptional and derivate type controller?

Question.  What is common law, what is civil law, which system is followed in india? What is the civil proceedings followed in marine industry?

Question.  What are types of P&l club claims shipowner is covered for and what are type of P&l club?

Question.  What are types of lifeboat fitted on tankers and what are pre installation checks on tanker lifeboat?

Question.  How to test the onload and offload release mechanism of the totally enclosed lifeboat?

Question.  You bunkered fuel and lab report says its off spec and it is harmful for your engine what all you will do as chief engineer?

Question.  What is domino effect, explain with an example?

Question.  What is registration procedure followed in India?

Gopi saab

Question.  Mepc 79 latest amendment? What all is discussed in mepc 79.

Question.  If you get below rating in cii what you will do?

Question.  What is the latest amendment regarding reporting of imo dcs data?






Attempt: 4

Internal: Gopi sir

External: Pakrassi sir


Question.  Dry dock requirements, Synchro lift

Question.  Flag state/ coastal state/ psc duties (III Code)

Question.  Ism latest amendments

Question.  Hart protocol

Question.  alternative fuels

Question.  CE duties in time charter

Question.  Documents required for H n M claim

Question.  Different types insurance in marine

Question.  FSA.

Question.  R.O code



Utkarsh Jain

Internal: Shri Gopi Krishna sir

External: Shri Pakrassi sir

Mumbai MMD

Question.  1st major amendment to ISM

Question.  IMO guidelines on cyber security.

Question.  As CE how will you go with installation of BWTS.

Question.  What is 'Call1 in P and I. What is IG group

Question.  What is COP and tell me about COP 27

Question.  What is PR 17

Question.  When sea trial is conducted? What all tests carried out in sea trial?

Question.  What parameters are checked in Turning circle

Question.  In MLC, what is COFS. What parts are covered by this COFS




Ameet Dusal

Internal: Shri Gopi Krishna sir

External: Shri Pakrassi sir

Date- 17 JAN 2023

Question.  1st major amendment to ISM, with dates?

Question.  T/C aspect ratio, where in engrm you find this aspect ratio, other than t/c

Question.  noise code , date & applicable to which ship

Question.  PSSA. Which is the pssa near India coast.

Question.  Life boat maintenance , MSC res no.?life boat annual maintenance, FREE fall life boat maintenance.

Question.  MS act unseaworthy ship, def & article no.

Gopi Krishna sir-

Question.  What is right ship.

Question.  What is take away of the MEPC 79 session






Vikrant rai sir and Pakrassi Sir.

Question. Ism 1st amendment/requirement

Question. Risk assessment

Question. Fault tree analysis

Question. Propeller damaged how to repair

Question. Liner material

Question. MSC 106

Question. Lifeboat test before putting to service/ Lifeboat annual test

Question. Type of insurance carried onboard

Question. FSS code latest amendment



F Ravat

Int- V.RX

Ext.- pakrasi sir

Question. ISM implemented how u know,

Question. Risk assessment methods.

Question. FMEA method, where used onboard

Question. iso8217 FAME

Question. AFC

Question. R O code requirement

Question. AE crankshaft damage. how to go about insurance.

Question. When average adjuster comes?

Question. ME engine cyl lub system safeties.

Question. HART protocol.

Question. Lifeboat tests before installing on board- Lifeboat annual test

Question. Safety convention of IMO.

Question. ionization type smoke detector working.


aveen Choudhary

Int -vikrant Rai sir

Ext • pakrasi sir

Question. MSc 106

Question. Mepc 79

Question. COP27

Question. Last vessel Class notation/ Description of each notation

Question. What is common law? Admiralty law/ Maritime law

Question. difference between admiralty law  and maritime law?

Question. Functional requirements ism

Question. esp

Question. Johari window

Question. Carbon neutral fuel,

Question. Bunker conv / Expulsion Of bunker con/ Def Of pollution damage/Exact def of oil as per bunker conv





Krishnakumar Gupta

Forwarded from Krishnakumar Gupta

20. 12.2022

Attempt : First

Result : Repeat

Pakrashi sir and Chaki sir

Question. TQM / How it differ from ISO

Question. Difference between ISO and ISM

Question. Propeller advancement technology and types

Question. Checks on ME test bed

Question. Safety conventions of the IMO

Question. What’s ITLOS when was last used in INDIA prospects

Question. Safeties in cylinder lubrication in ME engines

Question. What is advancement in ME

Question. turning circle test.


Int Chaki

Ext Pakrasi

1 st attempt


Question. ISM functional requirement

Question. Hot layup and cold layup of ME and AE and man b&w circular for the ME

Question. How will you decide steel renewal during dry dock

Question. IWS notation and applicable to what type of ship

Question. How you will train JE

Question. Life boat test and how you will do on load release mechanism




Sundeep Naik,

Mr Shrish Kumar & Mr Pakrasi

Question. Contents of how will u set up pms on board a second hand ship.

Question. MSC 106

Question. Fire wallet

Question. lifeboat annual maintenance what all is checked.

Question. Free fall lifeboat msc circular for Annual inspection

Question. how will you calculate the steel required for your ship due for third renewal survey,

Question. Alpha lubricator backup arrangement

Question. Cyber security imo guidelines

Question. Methods of calculations of flash point

Question. Condition of assignment of load line

Question. New Jason clause

Question. Array techniques of inventory management

Question. ISM

Question. P&A Manual

Question. Tank wall wash

Question. Hart protocol

Question. E/Bill

Question. LOC

Question. CSM

Question. Difference between VIT and Super VIT

Question. Noise Code


Krithi Vasan

Date - 20-09-2022

Internal- chakki

External: Pakrasi sir and Mehrotra sir

Attempt -2

Question. ism major amendment after implementing

Question. bunker checklist missing , nc how to rectify

Question. fatigue mitigation as per imo

Question. how you calculate standing charges of a ship

Question. engine derating

Question. re insurance

Question. collective bargaining agreement

Question. what is cofr

Question. iws

Question. salvage and towage

Question. scopic

Question. how will you take fuel pump lead

Question. 15 year old ship as cheif engineer how will you do steel renewal


Internal:  Chakki sir

External: Pakrasi sir and Mehrotra sir

Attempt: 2nd

Question. Ways to treat Ballast Water

   - standards to achieve this treatments

   - After treatment of BW chemically what to do

   - Chemicals used in BW in before and after Chemical treatment.

   - What is TRO what is its permissible value.

Question. Different reviews that you need to carry out.

Question. What is TORT.

Question. What is FOB and CIF

Question. Ship is 15 year old assessment for steel renewal.

  - How do you plan this activity.

   - Requirements for IACS for steel renewal.

Question. How to carry out Load line survey

  - most imp check in LL survey.

  - When surveyor comes onboard which document he will ask for before he starts checking other things in LL survey.

Question. Condition of Assignment

Question. What is E-BOL

  - Block Chain Technology.

  - How do you insure incription in E-BOL.

  - what is the system called which insures that you can't change anything in E-BOL.

  - Anything typical about E-BOL.

Question. E/R generator bottom end bearing bolt sheared off and it goes to the bed plate how will you raise an insurance claim.

Question. What stage is an average adjuster required.

Question. What is term CTL

Question. MLC 2006 what is on shore complaint procedure.

  - Which title of MLC deals with This procedure.

Question. Who gives the IMO number to the ship

Question. Measurement done for Noise Code in Engine room.




(Ext Pakrassi Sir , Int Vikrant Rai Sir)

Type of ship sailed : Oil Tanker

Question. L/B periodical checks

Question. Class notation on your ship. What all notations

Question. Steel plate heat treatment and notations

Question. ISM element 10. How will implement when u r taking yard delivery of ship?

Question. All types of insurances provided by P&I

Question. If ship is in the yard before delivery and owner wants to suddenly derate the ME, what to do?

Question. CE leadership qualities

Question. How to manage fatigue onboard?

Question. Double evaporation boiler?

Question. Em’cy escape and em’cy lighting requirements as per SOLAS


Vikash Kaliyav 

Ext: Pakrassi Sir, Int: Vikrant Rai Sir


Any major jobs carried out during your tenure

Question. Human elements of ISM

Question. L/B maintenance, 5 yearly tests

Question. If engine room rating not performing upto the mark, what are the steps to correct him and what is the maximum extent

Question. Budgeting definition, consideration for engine room budgeting

Question. Types of steel used in ship construction

Question. Investigation, domino effect, what are the other methods?

Question. em’cy escape requirements in ER

Question. means of knowing through engine parameters if engine is overloaded

Question. laid up status, class cert in laid up status, insurance considerations

Question. admirality law

Question. Common law/ civil law differences

Question. parametric rolling

Question. Letter of credit – process

Question. Names of codes as much as u know

Question. IWS notation requirement

Question. procedure for registration in India

Question. Indian laws applicable to ship




Devendra Pandey

Ext Pakrassi Sir, Int Vikrant Rai Sir


Question. IWS in lieu of DD

Question. Em’cy escape requirements as per SOLAS

Question. SMCP, Maritime English

Question. Retrofit what all we do?

Question. Legal system in India

Question. What is common law? maritime law? IPC?

Question. Difference between common law and admiralty law

Question. ISF, under what it functions

Question. What all international bodies in maritime industry?

Question. CMI full form

Question. What all codes we have?

Question. ISU

Question. Fifteen year old container ship - how to prepare for special survey?

Question. how you know M/E consuming more oil?

Question. what all preparation for Dry Dock?

Question. STCW


Kaiwalya Dixit

Int Shirish Sir, Ext Pakrassi Sir

-           Started with experience

-           Writtens results

Question. Total Quality Management and its benefits

Question. Actions as CE if after a voyage found FO consumption increased compared to previous voyage

Question. Parametric rolling, why, remedies?

Question. UNCLOS background. Which UNCLOS in use now?

Question. Flag State duties as per UNCLOS?

Question. Condition of Assignment of loadline. Found in which document.

Question. Multiple loadline, why required?

Question. Requirement for de-rating a boiler

Question. Action as CE, if you found that before you joined vessel bunker checklist not maintained and you get NC.

Question. What are the latest development in bunker fuel?

Question. Action as CE, when wrong fuel supplied by bunker supplier

Question. Extended DD requirements

Question. EPL (Engine Power Limitation) why? where?


Mohan Pranesh

Int: Shirish Sir, Ext Pakrassi Sir.


-           Types of ship done

Question. Alternate fuels. X-Qs - Blue, green Ammonia

Question. AER - X-Qs Type of vsl and other formula - CG dist


Question. FSS Code in general and latest amendment



Question. L/B maintenance and operational tests. Static and dynamic tests

Question. Responsibility of CE wrt CII

Question. Technical considerations for proposing type of BWTS installation. X-Q stability considerations

Question. FMEA-where used onboard

Question. HART protocol

Question. EU MRV, IMO DCS

Question. Loadline annual survey checks, Form 11

Question. Multiple loadline - checks during survey - why multiple loadlines?


(17 Aug 2022)

Amit Shrivastava

(Int Shirish Sir, Ext Pakrassi Sir)

Question. Background of ISPS code

Question. If SSAS is not working, what’s the criteria?

Question. Who sets the security level in Indian flagged Ships?

Question. Protocol of Acceptance and Delivery

Question. Critical equipment identification ISM element 10.3 and functional requirements of ISM /As a CE, how will u set up the critical equipment list?


Amol Katole

(Int Shirish Sir, Ext Pakrassi Sir)

-           Written results, type of vessels sailed

Question. Type of reviews , input to reviews

Question. What is periodicity of management review and master’s review. In which element is it written?

Question. KPI

Question. Difference between Bareboat charterer and BBCD charterer

Question. What are the different types of codes you know

Question. What are the different class notations

Question. Latest banned AF Paint.

Question. Anti-thrombic paint



Sumit Bagga


Mumbai MMD

Int: Shirish Sir

Ext: Pakrasi sir

Attempt: 2

Result: Pass

1. Introduction,type of vsl, experience











Question. METHOD 1,2,3











mmd Mumbai,

surveyor Mr Pakrasi and Mr Sirish kumar,

Attemt no 2

Question. intro, type of vessel

Question. EDD, TCM and IWS,

Question. How do you know if your vessel had completed IWS, IWS requirements??

Question. Propeller curve and load diagram, what info, how many areas, how many lines, what is torque rich, when it happen, how do you know???

Question. Parametric rolling?

Question. green ammonia and blue ammonia??

Question. ISM bunker c/l missing auditor gave NC?? how do you close this NC

Question. MEPC 78, MBM and CII.

Question. EGCS in full details..Discharge criteria....

Question. Derating and its types, as a CE..??

Question. Alternate Fuels and new technologies.




pakarassi sir

Attempt 2

Internal sirish kumar External pakarassi

Question. functional requirements of ism            

Question. Miller cycle

Question. different turbocharger types

Question. Budgeting

Question. cif and fob

Question. cylinder lubricator safeties in conventional engines

Question. crankshaft damage, h and m formalities

Question. different marine insurance



[Forwarded from Bijender Rao]


Sirnivas sir

Pakrasi sir

Introduction type of ship and engine.

Question. Ism latest

Question. How to implement cyber safety in sms as per organization resolution.

Question. Type of life boat onboard annual maintenance as per MSC resolution.

Question. Hong Kong convention in force or not how stop pollution. Convention EIF criteria No of country, total tonnage and major recycling state criteria 3%.

Question.  type 2 and type 3 chemical tanker diff definition and draw cargo tank side and bottom protection requirement for both IBC code.

Question. type of watertight door on passenger ship.

Question. S/G regulation for tanker above 10000 GT                                                                                                     

Question. vessel at DD tail shaft survey. Propeller push up with graph


Question. ME slip increasing reason.. increasing gradually from last few days. How to calculate slip

Question. tanker oil pollution what convention. how owner limit liability

Question. GWP and ODP gas's and gwp ref gas.

Question. EEDI attained and required formula and unit





K.K Gehlot,


Internal-Gopi Krishna sir

External- Pakrasi sir and A. Kar sir

Result- Repeat.


Question. What is Hong Kong convention? Why still not in force

Question. What do you understand by underwater survey and why it is required.

Question. Relation between EEDI, EEXI and SEEMP.

Question. What are different types of bill of lading?

Question. What is double evaporation boiler

Question. Crew conditions onboard are not good. What is your action as a company.

Question. Diaries of company as per ISM.

Question. What is new in bunkering fuel . How is ISO 8217:2017 is different from ISO 8217:2014. What is FAME and it's benefits.

Question. What tests carried out on MAIN ENGINE in shop trail and how it is done.

Question. P&I club, how group of P&I club is formed, what are covers under P&I club.

Question. what are different types of layups? What certificate is required for minimum Manning during layup period.

Question. ITC HULL?

Question. Explain multimodal bill of transportation, which rules governs it.



Vj S, [21-04-2022 01:09]


Internal- Gopikrishna Sir

External- Pakrasi sir,

Q Tell me abt urself

Question. What is convention I gave simple answer it is a treaty . treaties could be contractual or law binding. law binding treaties are convention

Question. what is protocol give eg

Question. Esp.what all areas of inspection . how will u plan, what all will be checked in 10y & 5y inspection & even for 5 y is it enhansed . and what are the six documents that u will require for planning Question. how will u prepare for seq survey

Question. req for rescue boat and what will be checked in annuals

Question. coc . can ship do renewal when it has cocs

Question.  what inspection co2 fixed fire fighting system . how will u prepare for 10 y insp , what all will u check ?

Question.  IHM what all certificate req . plus EU ship recycling

Question.  hssc

Question. iii code . what they will check plus resp as flag state ,coastal and port state .

Question. Ro code




 [Forwarded from Pranav Deshpande]

Pranav P. Deshpande

Date: 22/03/2022

Attempt: 7 Result - Pass

Kamath Sir and Pakrassi Sir.


1. Give a short introduction about yourself?

Question. Name all the statutory certificates w.r.t oil/chemical tanker

Question.  Do you know about green engines?

Question. Difference between ISO and ISM, what is the difference in their functions.

Question. What is the latest ISO standard for fossil fuels?

Question. What is Letter of credit, explain the clear function of it.

Question. What is the definition of a sub-standard ship,

Question. what is Hongkong Convention? Name two new substances added in the list of hazardous substances –

Question. While running at sea onload generator trips and black out, tell me the sequence how will you go about it?



[Forwarded from Sachin Rawat]

22-03-2022 Mumbai


Question. OPRC, OPRC – HNS





















[Forwarded from Antony]



Surveyor :Vikrant rai and pakrasi

Result : Pass


Question. Cyber risk management

Question. ESP in detail, Documents, preparation for drydock

Question. Standing charges

Question. Bottom end bearing damage. How will you proceed for the claim. Name the documents you submit

Question. Average adjuster

Question. Electrical standards. In which machinery do you use NEMA

Question. What legal systems are there for maritime disputes


Vikrant rai:

Question. Life boat not starting. How will you ensure you dont get MNC during ism audit.

Question. Cii in detail about reduction factors and methods to reduce as a CE

Question. Why Very Large Gas Carrier given in CBM and Very Large Crude Carrier in dwt






[Forwarded from Bernard Pereira]

Attempt 4

Int- Vikrant Rai

Ext- Pakrashi


Question. Functional requirements of ISM. x- How many requirements are there? x- What are the reviews under ISM? x- What are the inputs for these reviews?

Question. Human Elements w.r.t to ISM ?

Question. Which engines you worked on?

x- How will you adjust VIT/ Super VIT in sulzer 7RTA

Question. Have you undergone any DD? x - Why drydock is required? x- Can the drydock be postponed? type/age of vessel x- what are the requirements to postpone drydock? x Question. - What should be the paint coating requirement to extend the DD?

Question. Latest regulation w.r.t to paints?x Question. - New type/Application of paints?

Question. E-B/L (e-bill of lading) ?

Question. Difference between Admiralty Law and Maritime Law?

x Question. - Maritime claims?

Question. - How a international convention is included in a national maritime law ?

Question. Type of lifeboat on your vessel?

Question. - What is the latest requirement with regards to maintenance of lifeboats?

Question. - Who are these Authorized service providers?


Internal -

Question. Situational question- Fourth engineer reports one unit on A/E showing less cop & less exh temp. Action as C/E?

Question. CII- Ratings measures/steps to take as CE if CII rating is D or E.

Question. You joining vessel as CE. One AE out of 2 AE is taking less load. Would you take over as CE ?




Canute Rosario:




Ship type done: containers

General intro, written result?

Question. How as ce will ascertain sms is working in satisfactory condition?

Question. ITLOS , what it is? And purpose

Question. Types of turbocharger? Aspect ratio?

Question. What is parametric rolling, explain with respect to naval architecture terms

Question. Convention on safe containers.CSC.Explain

Question. DGM in containers

Question. DPU in incoterms

Question. C weighting of noise code

Question. What is situational leadership

Question. Conditions for extended dd

Question. Bunker convention

Question. Engine derating

Question. Material of co2 line, how each section tested?


[Forwarded from Amar Vanjare]



Internal - kamat sir

External- pakrasi sir

1) started with introduction,

written results, pre sea training and all....

Question. u r joining as a CE in a new mgmt company and company is taking a new takeover ship, how will u prepare management regime for ships maintenance.

Question. noise code

Question. oprc convention

Question. critical spares as per ism

Question. human element in ism

Question. ships hull damage, need to do repairs, how to order plate, what internal inspection, how to judged welder whether he can perform his job efficiently.

Question. electrical standards on ship

Question. PLC working, its components

Question. substantial corrosion

Question. unseaworthy ship

Question. external auditor gave a NC for a missing bunker checklist during previous CE's time, how u as a present CE will handle this NC.

Question. what are green engines.

Question. what all statutory certificates for bulk carriers.

Question. difference between international load line and subdivision load line.


[Forwarded from Spencer Fernandes]

Internal: Kamath Sir

External: pakrassi Sir



Question. Amendments to ism

Question. Cyber security

Question. HART protocol

Question. CSR

Question. Goal based standard

Question. Maslow theory of motivation

Question. Steel plate renewal

Question. ME engine lubricator and safeties associated with it.

Question. Explain PLC controller working

Question. SEQ survey

Question. Fire control plan

Question. Co2 fixed firefighting, level check, pressure testing and checks.



 [Forwarded from Sanjay]

Mumbai 17.01.2022


Internal - Kamath sir

External -Pakrasi Sir


Pakrasi sir started with like introduce yourself after class 2 how many months ,preparatory  from where.

Questions by Pakrasi sir

Question. Miller cycle tell me how it helps in Environment regulation / Which engine miller cycle applies to

Question. What are green engine

Question. What Man b& w have to say about pistons in derated engine ,and low and ultra low sulpher engine

Question. Types of Alternate fuel

Question. Have you done any Seq survey ?

Question. How often SEQ ? Co2 weighted  when ?

Question. Co2 line press testing all various lines press at what press

Question. Have you done load line survey said yes? Plimsol marking verification what documents?

Question. What documents submitted by Ship owner for ship registration  in India

Question. How you will Implement SOP if fire ?

Question. ME fuel consumption  2 tons  increase action as chief engineer.

Question. Latest MEPC 77 / what guidelines with respect to paint?

KAMATH Sir interupted and asked

Question. Ship registration by  Indian and foreign criteria weightage? If 1 % india resident  share and 99 %  indian resident but stays in Dubai will you grant registration?












[Forwarded from Siddhartha Ahluwalia]

Internal- Vikrant Rai sir

External- Pakrassi sir

Vikrant rai sir asked about pre sea , which company etc. then he asked me

which cert is there on chemical but not on oil.

int cert of fitness and NLS cert.

Then he asked any other.

DC for crew.

He said ok.

Over to pakrassi sir

Question.  You are boarding a vessel. How will you gauge the health of ISM?

Question.  Bunker checklist missing? Auditor has given you NC. Tell me corrective action to rectify the NC. Not preventive action.

Question.  Electrical equip standard?

Question.  Plate renewal in dry dock. How will you ascertain correct plate is ordered and welder qualification

XQ. He asked that the thickness of plate is less or more what will you do.

Question.  charter party forms

Question.  Djibouti code

Question.  OPRC convention

Question.  Problem with high tensile steel

Question.  Which type of lifeboat

Xq what tests on lifeboat

Question.  Vikrant rai sir asked docking survey requirements






 [25-12-2021 07:48]

[Forwarded from Sachin Shubhrasagar]

Mumbai MMD

Internal: Kamath Sir

External: Pakraasi Sir

Attempt no: 4

Intro, status of written

Pakraasi sir started with

Question.  Functional requirements of ISM

Question.  Internal Audit features

Question.  Risk assessment, FTA, FMEA

Question.  Dry dock, noticed Crack in propeller how will you proceed? Material of propeller?


Kamath sir interrupted,

Question.  Apart from welder’s certificate what other docs you’ll check?

Question.  Need for invention of Intelligent engines

Question.  Difference between P&I and H&M cover, what is second cover in P&I?

Question.  Statutory certificates carried on Chemical tanker

Question.  OPRC and Spill related to chemical tankers

Question.  MSC 104




Rohit Chachada:

Mumbai MMD

Internal: Kamath Sir

External: Pakraasi Sir

Attempt no: 1

Question. Djibouti code

Question. Noise code and questions like devices used and weighted avg types .how much is acceptable value in engine room

Question. Types of laws .

Question. Common law and admirably law

Question. what is law for disputes redressal in India

Question. arbitration .how is it done between 2 parties

Question. what is IWL ( warranty related I didn’t know )

Question. what is HART protocol

Question. ism related I)how u carry out load line survey

II)For  off spec bunker what provision in law is there

I told procedure but didn’t know Wat specific law . He wanted

Question. anchoring mechanism used .how to lay up anchor . Name for mechanism

Question. propeller curve all margins and limits and zones of operation  . What implication from it .

Question. How u implement PMS on ur ship under isM chap10

Question. How u find out critical equipment procedure and value

Question. What is killed steel and ver used

Question. Types of steel grades


1. What is compender(in lng ships)

2 in stcw what quality certificate is issued and u der which chapter


Rohit Chachada:

Mumbai MMD

Internal: Kamath Sir

External: Pakraasi Sir

Attempt no: 1

Question. Djibouti code

Question. Noise code and questions like devices used and weighted avg types .how much is acceptable value in engine room

Question. Types of laws .

Question. Common law and admirably law

Question. what is law for disputes redressal in India

Question. arbitration .how is it done between 2 parties

Question. what is IWL ( warranty related I didn’t know )

Question. what is HART protocol

Question. ism related I)how u carry out load line survey

II)For  off spec bunker what provision in law is there

I told procedure but didn’t know Wat specific law . He wanted

Question. anchoring mechanism used .how to lay up anchor . Name for mechanism

Question. propeller curve all margins and limits and zones of operation  . What implication from it .

Question. How u implement PMS on ur ship under isM chap10

Question. How u find out critical equipment procedure and value

Question. What is killed steel and ver used

Question. Types of steel grades


1. What is compender(in lng ships)

2 in stcw what quality certificate is issued and u der which chapter







[Forwarded from Patil]

Nandakumar Patil


Senthil sir, pakrasi sir.


Senthil sir


Question.  You r CE, how will u prepare for SEQ renewal survey

X what specifically about fixed fire fighting system.

Question.  Considering 40 days of voyage how you will prepare as a CE.

Question.  Now a days there r so many changes happening related to MARPOL, explain those..

Question.  What you understand by COC and memoranda.. explain, give some example of each

Question.  What documents you will maintain under AFS.


Pakrasi sir

Question.  Definition of bulk carrier as per Solas ch-II.

X what difference in definition as per ch- IX.

What all certificates you will Cary as per your type of ship.

What type of engine you sailed,

Question.  How you measure fuel pump lead, what for it is.

Question.  What is IG club related to P& I, how many in the group, list some of them.

Question.  What is release call,

Question.  How many and what are the functional requirements of ISM..

Question.  What is III code, what are the instrument under it.

Question.  What do you understand by accession.. explain..

Question.  What is ITLOS, what it does, give some example, recent case of India in ITLOS, India's involvement..

Question.  You know something about noise code, explain C-weightings...



[Forwarded from Ganesh Gowda]


Pakrasi sir and Senthil sir

Introduction,  company , types of ship sailed on , class 2 cleared year , class 1 written result, oral 4th attempt .

Question.  Boiler accident/damage claim procedures.

Question. engine derating, ways of derating and purpose of derating.

Question. Types of maintenance regime and explain which one u prefer,  why

Question. critical machinery

Question.  internal audit of deck dept. Where is the requirement of master standing instruction

Question.  Soft skills , situational awareness

Question.  PSC , why MOU formed  purpose of mou

Question. propeller damage repair, welding,  propeller material

Question. methods to improve propeller efficiency

Question. class notations

Question. IWS notation and its requirement,  types of ship given to

Question. admiralty law

Question. OPRC and HNS convention

Question. BWTS types and which one u prefer to install in a old ship for compliance and how

Question.  marpol annex 4 reg 28

Question.  diff bw marine insurance and general insurance


[Forwarded from koottakkil dhanil]


Result : Pass


Question. How do you prepare an oil tanker of 15 year age and going for DD. Your preparations as ce

Question. 3 codes from imo conventions

Question. Latest amendments in FSS code

Pakrasi sir

Question. Djibouti code

Question. Latest msc and contents

Question. Latest and old cyber security guidelines and contents and their res number.

Question. Ism 10.3 , 10.4  and fmea

Question. Certificate or registry contents .. who issue imo number



 [25.06.21 13:10]

[Forwarded from Rohan]

Internal -  Mukhopadhyay Sir

External - Pakrasi Sir

1. Introduction .

2. Types of ships done.

Question. Tailshaft survey. Asked about types of tail shaft survey.

Question. Tmon and TCM notations.

Question. IWS , asked about survey perticularly to my ship type.

Question. DD preparation , in respect of steel renewal. In cross questions asked about mill test certificate and heat no.

Question. TQM

Question. parametric roll?

Question. Explain P and I club. Calls in P and I club. Define suplementry call.

Question. FD and D your understanding.

Question. Tonnage tax. / Law in which Indian system works on.

Question. What is derating. If ship building you have to do derating what kind of derating you will do.



Manuj Singh, [24.06.21 22:23]


MMD Mumbai

Mr. Senthil and Mr. Pakrasi

2nd Attempt

Result: Repeat


Mr. Senthil stared

Question. AFS convention and certifate. What all in there. How will you prove to a PSC inspector that your ship complies with AFS?

Question. What is Decision support system?

Question. ISM. All certificates and what all kind of Audits? How will you prepare for Audit?

Question. What is HSSC? What all conventions covered?

Question. ME Fuel consumption increased. How to go about it?



Mr. Pakrasi

Question. What is CTU code?

Question. Djibouti code?

Question. Capital cost, Voyage cost, Operating cost?

Question. All kind of marine contracts?

Question. STCW requirements for training of Junior engineers?

Question. How will you motivate your 3rd engineer to change his work attitude?

Question. ESP? What are the duties of Ship staff for successful completion of it?

Question. Difference between loadline and subdivision load line? How are both given to a vessel?

Question. Institute time clauses? Latest version? Elaborate the clauses.


[24.06.21 17:00]

[Forwarded from Vishal]

Senthil sir and pakrasi sir...

Introduction part... Type of ship...

1) Done any audit, survey, inspection. Told done dry dock...

Question. what checks to be done before floating vls.. How u proceed.

Question. test and requirement for  of fire extinguisher.

Question. u in midsea and propeller blade tip broken. How u reach at port safely technical things only.

Question. surveys and validity.

Question. inventory management.

Question. what type of lifeboat on ur ship. Whats check and frequency of check. Any special requirements. Any latest changes.

Question. qualities of fuel.. ...Bio fuels.

Question. latest in seemp. Cii, eexi,

Question. AFS and latest paints.

Question. crack on ship u in dd how u proceed.

Question. TQM..

Question. polar code.



 [Forwarded from Nick X]

22/06/2021 Pakrasi sir and Mukhopadhyay sir

Question.  how will u prepare P&A manual for ur new take over ship

Question.  elements is ism

Question.  FMEA and how to implement it on ur ship for ism element 10

Question.  Djibouti code

Question.  BWMS which type on ur ship and explain

Question.  annual life boat maintainance as per MSc circular

Question.  how will u train ur junior engg ? What is as per stcw

Question.  functional requirement of r.o and G.T requirements




[Forwarded from Yuvraj]


Mmd Mumbai

Int : Senthil Sir Ext: Pakrasi sir

Senthil sir

Question. Condition of assignments for gas carrier

Question. What is difference between coc and statutory requirement



Pakrassi sir

Question. What is FSA & FMEA

Question. How will you implement FMEA method in ISM element 10?

Question. Different types of BWTS? What is TRO? And In which Bwts system it is apicable? Value of TRO? What chemical is used for neutralization?

Question. OWS failure how will u prevent detention

Question. Auditor gave NC wrt bunker checklist action as CE

Question. What is admiralty coeff, fuel coeff

Question. What are legal systems in shipping

Question. Different fuel in market other than Fossil fuels? What is carbon-ve and carbon +ve fuel? Give eg





[Forwarded from Abhishek Johri]


External: Pakrasi Sir

Internal: Senthil Sir.

Result : Pass

Intro, education background, type of vessel sailed, Engine type, experience etc

Question. Imdg code.

Question. Anti fouling system, full details. Paint scheme etc

Question. MONTREAL protocol.

Question. Dry docking and

X questions on Critical period.

Question. Synchro lift.

Question. UNCLOS  And details, flag state responsibility and why required.

Question. Clear grounds and example.

Question. SOP For ur ship for Covid 19.

Question. Chief Engineer duties as per Stcw.

Question. Machinery Surveys which CE can do and cannot do,

Question. Engine Derating, methods and why required. Derating when vessel under construction.

Question. Latest in Marpol annex VI, ammendments, eedi, eeoi, eexi.

Question. Human Element in STCW and ISM.





[27.04.21 17:15]

[Forwarded from ⛵️🚤🛥🛳⛴🚢Piyush ️]

Internal – Vikrant Rai sir

External – Pakrasi sir

Result - Pass

Question. Difference between CLC and Bunker?

Question. What is FMEA?

  Xq- How will you find Critical equipment ?

Question. What is TQM?

  Xq- What are principles of TQM?

Question. What is Admerality coefficient and Fuel Coefficient ?

Question. BWM , what all methods accepted by Administration and USCG ?

  Xq- Electrodialysis method, what is TRO, how is water discharged ?

  Xq- What is G9 ?

Question. You are Chief Engineer, fuel consumption increased by 2 to 2.5 ton, your actions?

The reasons for increase in consumption are:

Question. Types of marine insurance ?

Question. What is ESP?

  Xq- Notation?

  Xq- Content of ESP file?

Question. What do you understand by term Derating?

  Xq- What all done in derating




[Forwarded from sharad singh]


senthil sir

pakrashi sir

senthil sir


General introduction

Question. ows requiremnt, can a surveyor ask you to start ows in port for checks?

Question. Renewl survey smc , As a C/E what preparation you will do?

Question. Why there is Port state if you already have flag state. which is extensive in both.



Pakrashi sir,

Question. VIT and Super VIT difference.

Question. LOF which year's form in use/

Question. IWS requirements. What is required for Indian flag ships?

Question. despatch demmurrage.

Question. Release calls and supplementary calls




Kirubakaran, [26.04.21 19:34]

Internal : Senthil

External : Pakrasi


Question. Letter of credit/ Bank guarantee

Question. HART Protocol

Question. Synchro lift Drydock

Question. Drydock types

Question. AFS Convention

Question. Types of Anchor, Anchor Chain wear, Checks in Anchor

Question. Who issues SOC for non-compliance of BWM convention

Question. As a C/E how will you make sure all equipments are optimised and readily available for operation.

Question. AFS Convention.List of prohibited harmful substances till date.

Question. How will you order plate for refabrication of 10yr old ESP vessel.

Question. D2 standards requirements in BWMS.



V, [22.04.21 14:18]


Vikrant rai and pakrasi sir

Intro ,ship done experience

Question. Grounding action as ce

Question. ows malfunctioning before reaching port action as ce

Question. csr in detail

Question. Hart protocol

Question. fuel specs latest

Question. What is FAME

Question. ratification methods , accession

Question. types of review in ISM

Question. FCP content structure related

Question. maritime law and admiralty law

Rai sir,

Question. after burning indication in engine  .



Ankit Verma, [21.04.21 08:25]

Pakrasi sir and Ashish wankhade sir.



1.Experience and introduction. When u did preparatory, Last attempt when.

Question. As per ISM element 10 , how u implement it.

Question. In DD we found there is a Crack on propeller blade , Suptd. has to attend some other vessel, now As CE how you will liase with class surveyor and yard guys for repairs.

Question. Difference between  GZ and GM curves.

Question. Under MSC circular what all checks u will do on Lifeboat checks during annual survey.

Question. Difference  between  Maritime law and Admirality law.

Question. Voyage cost what all u will calculate.

Question. Fuel specification  ISO 8217: 2012. What all new things added and why.

Question. Difference Between ISF and ICS.

Question. Prepare SOP for Covid for ur company.

Question. Cond. Of Assignment.

Question. Preparations for Load line survey.

Question. Diff. Between ISO and ISM.

Question. WHAT additional  provisions for UMS CLASS.

Question. Difference between Demurrage and Dispatch.


Question. Tonnage tax.




[18.03.21 13:31]

[Forwarded from Prasanna]

Internal Mukhopadhya sir and pakarasi sir

Question. ce after joining check sms is implemented onbord

Question. in MLC finacial security regarding wages

Question. leadership style , explain each

Question. A/E bottom end bearing damage and as a ce how would you present it to insurance claim

Question. Dry dock in hull inspection , hull roughness / Under water inspection & checks

Question. cofr in mlc

Question. ce fuel consumption has increased how would you proceed in detail

Question. test carried out in ship bed test

Question. derating a boiler

Question. latest adment in regarding fuel

Question. Statutory cert required as per bulk carrier


17.03.21 09:44]

[Forwarded from Mahesh]



Internal mukopathiya sir and pakarasi sir

Question. element 10 in ism, how will u implement on board.

Question. iws requirement.

Question. how to repair propeller in dry dock

Question. advancement in propeller.

Question. cofr in mlc

Question. nc in external andit , with respect to bunker checklist.

Question. letter of credit

Question. tqm

Question. difference between ism and iso

Question. when we use iopc fund.



[Forwarded from Abhishek Sinha]


Pakrassi & Mukhopadhyay Sir 2nd attempt

Question.  Solas req for steering gear in detail

Question.  Noise code in details

Question.  How to check SMS implemented when you join a ship( first impressions)

Question.  What all P&I covers

Question.  FMEA and FSA in details- and difference,where applied in SMS

Question.  Hart Protocol

Question.  Req for UMS class vessel

Question.  Class notation for your last vessel

Question.  Advancements in TC/ aspect ratio

Question.  TQM

Question.  Article 14

Question.  Human element in STCW



[Forwarded from Soven Nayak]


Soven Nayak

Pakrassi & Mukhopadhyay Sir 1st attempt

Question. ISM vs TQM vs ISO

Question. Ins hull clause , time clause , cargo clause

Question. AFS convention - how to make sure correct paint is applied

Question. Boiler derating

Question. ME derating procedure

Question. Hart Protocol

Question. Parametric rolling

Question. Advantage of intelligent engine

Question. Which fuel to order for ship —- iso standard... difference between previous and new iso standard ... want to know about FAME


Mukhopadhaya sir


Question. Coastal state jurisdiction ??



Dec 2020


Durwas Patankar

18.12.2020 Senthil sir

Question.  Drydock Preparations

Question.  Marpol which regulation talks about fuel?

Question.  Latest development in ship to reduce emissions

Question.  SEEMP Part II


Pakrassi Sir

Question.  MEPC 75 in details

Question.  Lifeboat maintenance

Question.  How to do budget for engine room

Question.  P&I risks covered


Anurag Tripathi 24/12/2020

Pakrasi Sir & Mukhopadhyay Sir

Attempt 3rd

Question.  Statutory certificates to be carried on bulk carrier

Question.  Loadline survey prep as a Ce

Question.  Loadline marks

Question.  Multiple loadlines

Question.  Noise code in details

Question.  Regulations coming into force in 2021

Question.  Charter party types for bulk carrier for diff types of cargo

Question.  Maritime law & Admiralty

Question.  Miller Cycle

Question.  Engine derating


[Forwarded from Rahul Nigam]


Pakrasi sir

Senthil sir


Question.  What is the difference between GZ curve and KG curve and their purpose.

Question.  What was the need for HSSC. It is under which protocol?

Question.  What are the drawings we prepare before dry dock. Details of docking plan.

Question.  What is the difference between letter of credit and bank guarantee.

Question.  What are the requirements for in water survey.

Question.  What are the drawbacks of CO2 as fixed fire fighting media.

Question.  What is the law for protection of coastal state from pollution?( Wanted to hear about unclos)

Question.  How/where is MARPOL incorporated in ms act.

Question.  Under what conditions can an extension for dry dock be requested.



Abhishek Banerjee

Pakrassi Sir And Senthil sir 18/12/20

Question.  LOF 2020 features

Question.  Carbon neutral fuel

Question.  ICS and ISF

Question.  Latest amendments in IGF

Question.  Turbocharger overhaul prolonged, how to convince company

Question.  Why methanol as fuel


[18.12.20 19:38]

[Forwarded from yuva raj]

Internal: senthil sir

External: pakarasi sir


Intro and which type of ship.



Question.  Bulkcarrier Imo requirements .

Question.  Define EEZ under unclos and what all...

Question.  4th engineer not willing to work and want to go home. How will you handle.

Question.  what is there for securing freight from shipper.Explain LOC

Question.  what type of life boat in your ship?What maintenance as per imo guidelines.

Question.  test bed trial of main engine. What all.

Question.  class notation of your last ship. Which class.

Question.  class mark a hull area with substantial corrosion. What you will do. What is substantial corrosion.

Question.  list certificates your ship carries.

Question.  RO code. What qualification an organization will show to flag states to become an RO( to get license).


Oct 2020

[Forwarded from Kunal Rathod]


4th Attempt

Mukopadhya sir

Pakrashi sir



Question. Management reviews and master review, what are inputs to it, what is the duration,

Question. IWS requirements, what type of paint applied and thickness of paint, whom to inform to carry out IWS.

Question. How to register a ship in India,

Question. Carving and marking note

Question. KPI

Question. ISM date of entry and 3 phases of entry..

Question. Critical situation during docking of ship,

Question. Torque rich condition

Question. Sea trail and Shop trial what we get from this trials

Question. Johari Window

Question. What are all waters as per UNCLOS, name of waters defined as per unclos

Question. What is Archipelagic waters

Question. Bill of Lading

Question. Electronic bill of lading, how to ensure it is not misused..

Question. Load line survey, interval of survey

Question. What is intermediate survey



[Forwarded from ⭕️️ℹ️️]


External - Pakrashi sir

Internal - Mukopadhaya sir

Result : PASS


Question. IGF code details. Marpol (VOC venting)?

Question. IMO cyber security guidelines, 5 pts?

Question. BOL types ? Explain letter of credit? Who gets letter of credit and from whom?                   

Question. Safety Equipment Survey? Frequency? Preparation? How to prepare for renewal survey?

Question. Explain Derating of engine?, why derating is carried out? How will you go for derating of engine in drydock?

Question. What documents are required to be submitted prior dry docking?

Question. What is double evaporation in boiler?

Question. Oily water separator is not working, how will you safe guard your company?

Question. What is emotional quotient?

Question. Frequency of CO2 bottle testing? Working pressure of the CO2 bottle?


[Forwarded from Manoj Chaudhari]

Date :- 14.10.2020

Pakrasi Sir


Question was mainly of motor

Question. Duel fuel engines

Question. derating of engine and significance in new ship building

Question. aspect ratio

Question. 2-stage turbocharging

Question. solas requirement of diesel engine ums ship

Question. Mean piston speed and significance         

Question. light spring diagram for choked inlet and choked exhaust

Question. QPC different stages of power from engine to propeller




[Forwarded from Kamlesh Nikam]

14 oct 2020

Ext- Pakrasi Sir,  Int- Mukhopadhyay Sir

MMD mumbai, 6 attempt.


Question. Isps code when it came in force, date and why it came in force and explain in detail./ OR/ ISPS code explain in brief, how did it came in force , why ISPs code needed , Incident. Dates. DOS , why required , where in ISPS code , different levels with Port and Vessel action/ Duties of a chief engineer

Question.  What is CSR explain, in which chapter of solas and why Relate it to security

Question. latest convention which india acceded.

Question. Explain the hong kong conv and how the recycling takes place. CE duty/ what all certificates

Question. Basic principles of insurance. and explain. and specially subrogation in detail.

Question. Internal Mukhopadhyay sir asked me to define MNC, and can it be given in interim DOC and explain reason for ur answer.

Question. What is Sopep, explain what all is there in Sopep manual, and under which regulation it comes and tell me the number.

 What is Sopep, explain what all is there in Sopep manual, and under which regulation it comes and tell me the number

Question. You are arriving at port and OWS fails before arrival how you will convince PSC inspector.

Question. Esp code full in detail.



[Forwarded from Vinayak Agarwal]


Vinayak Agarwal

Attempt No.7

Ext. Mr. Pakrashi Sir & Mr. Mukhopadyay Sir

Mukhopadhyay Sir started with introduction then transferred call to Pakrashi Sir.




Question. Latest in ISM?

Question. How will you implement cyber security?

Question. Prepare budget for ship

Question. What is voyage cost and operating cost

Question. Difference between ISO & ISM

Question. F.O. ISO standard name

Question. What are NDT methods?

Question. What is fiber optic NDT?

Question. What all matters as per UNCLOS

Question. What is archepelego waters





 [Forwarded from Abhilash Chaudhary]

Date: 14th Oct 2020


MMD Mumbai

Int. Mr Mukhopadhaya Sir

Ext. Mr. Pakrasi Sir



1. Self Introduction, Experience,Type of Vessel

Question. Functional Requirements of ISM?

Question. IWS requirement? EDD requirement?

Question. Type of AFS?

Question. HART Protocol?

Question. Types of Charter Party for oil tankers?

Question. How freight decided for Tankers?

Question. BIMCO?

Question. DCOC?

Question. Derating of Engine?

Question. What Risks covered in Marine Insurance?

Question. Shop Trial?

Question. Inventory Management Techniques?

Question. Abraham Maslow's Theory of Motivation?


 [14.10.20 18:57]

[Forwarded from Uttesh Bebarta]

Pakrasi Sir:

Introduce yourself and you experience as marine engineer from the beginning.


Question. How will you prepare a maintenance regime for you ship when you first join a vessel?

Question. How will you prepare for a vessel’s drydock?

Question. If you are given the task of creating a budget system for the engine room, how will go about it?

Question. III code- what all covered in it and its content?

Question. ICS and IFS, how does ICS help IMO?

Question. What is Bonjean curve?

Question. What are all the statutory certificates you carry on a chemical tanker?

Question. During Sea trial what are the maneuvers that you make?

Question. Seafarers fatigue and wellbeing, how does IMO ensure it is protected?

What rules and regulations are in place to prevent and deal with fatigue




Sushil Kaushik, [16.09.20 15:45]

[Forwarded from Sushil Kaushik]

MMD Mumbai.   15.09.2020

Pakrasi sir  & Mukhopadhyay sir



Question. what are the provisions given in ISM code itself to do the verification of ISM code or what are the type of reviews in ISM code

Xq: What is master review inputs

Xq: what do you mean by periodic time interval for master review

Question. 5 principles of Insurance

I told 5 principles but I did not mention subrogation then he asked what about subrogation.. i told it is part of Indemnity

Xq: what is subrogation

Question. Inventory control methods

Question. what are the margins in propeller curve

Question. what do you mean by torque rich condition and what are the indications?

Question. after bunkering vessel started sailing and later on lab report shows that bunker is off specs. Your action as C/E

Xq: BIMCO full form

Question. how you order bunker?

Question. what is CSR and its contents

Xq: how many forms are there

Xq: what is the purpose of form 3

Question. what is ICS and ISF

Question. in what all ports vessel can be registered in India

Xq: how to register vessel in India

Xq: what is marking and carving note


 [15.09.20 17:44]

[Forwarded from Ankit]

Pakrasi Sir

Mukopadhya sir

Viswanathan Sir

And one more surveyor (dunno name)


1. Introduction

Question. How to check ism implementation on-board ship

Question. Where to find Near miss status on board

Question. Explain about ESP notifying

Question. How to go about ESP survey , all requirements , interval of close up survey , how many surveyors do the inspection , what does it depends on

Question. IWS notation  How to go about it

Question. Requirement of paint thickness for IWS

Question. Documents needed for DD of a vessel

Question. OWS not working what to do

Question. What are electrical systems standards

Question. Tiers of Cyber security

Question. Notation of your last ship or notation before that

Question. How to prepare budget for engine room

Question. Types of insurance and details



Mukopadhya Sir:

Question. What is India stand on BWS

Question. Which standard India is considering to take up

Question. What is India doing with respect to BWS

Question. after BWS installed who will check if it is compliant


[Forwarded from Don dias]


Pakrasi sir/

vikrant rai sir


Started with tell me your background..experience.Types of ships.

Question. what are the functional elements of ISM?

Question. What Types of reviews we have?

Question. What is management review? Input and outputs?

Question. What is plc ?what is hart? Application?

Question. Advantages of having Intelligent engines. ?

Question. Latest advancement in propellers?

Question. What's steps will you consider when your company plan to install BWMS? xQuestion. which particular type plant would u suggest and why? xQuestion. What will be the effect on stability?

Question. Why P&i? What are it's covers. ?

Question. A New build ship where can u find the list of all the surveys that need to be carried out?.

Question. Tmon? Methods.....survey interval..? When will u do method 3

Question. Registration of ship in India. ?

Question. What is Admiralty law and maritime law..?



Vikrant rai sir....

Question. Emergency fire pump not working just before dep? action

Question. Automation of odme Fails what will u do. Can u discharge manually.?

Question. Certificates for tankers for pollution ?

Question. Marpol which all ships applicable?

Question. Effect of ships Detentions on flag?



[27.08.20 19:23]

[Forwarded from Dev]

Attempt :4

Int- Vikrant Rai Sir

Ext- Somesh Pakarashi Sir

Online mode


1. Intro , experience , type of ships

Question. ISPS code explain in brief, how did it came in force , why ISPs code needed , Incident. Dates. DOS , why required , where in ISPS code , different levels with Port and Vessel action

Question. Djibouti Code explain , difference with SUA

Question. Barecon ,

Question. Continuous Synopsis record

Question. Management review , Extension if possible , KPI linked review

Question. RO Code , is any other Organization can be RO other then class and if so what are requirements.

Question. Stability

Question. SEQ survey and what all as per HSSC





Vikrant Rai Sir:


Question. S % requirement in fuel , Can you bunker high S% fuel and what needs to be done. Marpol regulations and FONAR


 [27.08.20 12:11]

Internal: Mr Vikrant Rai

External: Mr Pakrashi


Introduction experience etc by Mr Rai. Mr. Pakrashi was taking my oral for the 3rd time, so he remembered me.


Question. Principles of insurance. Explain indemnity, subrogation, insurable interest.

Question. Isps code questions. SSO, responsibility of the contracting govt.

Question. How to motivate a junior engineer who isn't performing well.

Question. Fuel standards, Fame, grades, actions in case fuel isn't as per specs.

Question. Conventions, various methods of ratifying conventions, what is instrument of accession

Question. Bill of lading, types,

Question. Tailshaft survey methods, TMON

Question. Latest developments in paints used on ships

Question. Common law/ civil law differences

Question. Alternate fuels on passenger ships

Question. alternate non fossil fuels.

Question. What are carbon neutral fuels.


[21.08.20 17:12]

[Forwarded from nihal naralkar]

Internal - Vikrant rai sir

External - Pakrashi Sir

Date - 21August.2020


Question. Certificates as statutory survey and class survey on oil tanker?

Question. Boiler survey reqmnt?

Question. What is statutory survey?

Question. ESP applicable and where mention in solas? Which ships,?

Question. How do u know it is esp vessel?

Question. What needs to be done for esp notation?

Question. 10 yr old oil tanker prepare for esp?

Question. What to check?

Question. budgeting? Prepare for engine side under what Heads?.

Question. Functional reqmts of ism?

 Question. GZ kN curves difference? Practical value of KN ?

Question. BOL? When it becomes contract of carriage? Issued based on what?

Question. electronic BoL concept?

Question. Load line survey? Where mentioned details for conditions of assignment?

Question. Multiple load lines?

Question. Types of audit for SMC? -Additional Audit when?

Question. Ows malfunction just reaching port? Actions as CE for convincing PSC? Who will verify these?

Question. Static and dynamic stability defn?

Question. Disadvantages of double hull tanker from stability point?






Gurbinder Singh, [20.08.20 15:15]

[Forwarded from Gurbinder Singh]


Mumbai Mmd

Pakrasi sir and Kamath sir

Question. Statutory and class Certificate of container ship. All Certificate and any specific. Why class required.

Question. Parametric rolling. Why, how, precaution, how to avoid

Question. Heavy weather damage on ship, prepare for H&M claim. All docs

Question. RPSL function , why required Where in MLC.

Question. Dry dock . What all drawings need to send to yard.

Question. Taking over new ship in yard... How to go about ISM implementation till requesting for initial survey.

Question. Marine insurance principle

Question. Abraham Maslow of motivation. Pyramid

Question. Anchor not coming up.

Question. Dead ship or dead man roller

 [20.08.20 14:05]

[Forwarded from Rohil]

External: Pakrasi Sir

Internal: Kamat Sir


Question. Ism implementation onboard

Question. How will you check ism is effectively implemented

Question. Marine Casualty Investigation and reporting.

by counselor officer if the casualty occurs at foreign waters.

Question. Honkong convention. What all certificates. How as a chief Engineer you will plan for recycling

Question. Safety measures for bulk carrier.

Question. Certificates under solas for bulk carrier

Question. Dijbouti code.

Question. FOB, CIF, C&F



Then Kamat sir

Question. As a chief Engineer how will go for guarantee claim on a machinery failure. Select any machinery you like.




SAGAR GORE, [19.03.20 08:52]

Old mmd

Date - 17 march 2020

Ext : pakrasi sir.

Int : mukhopadhyay sir and senthil sir.

Result - pass


Question. All statutory certificates for bulk carrier

Question. Why load line exemption certificates.

Question. If u r dpa and doc audit is going on.  Auditor found one of the vessel has departed from India with ows not operational.  Is it a major non conformity.

Question. Challenges with lsfo and how to tackle.

Question. Why chiller is used.

Question. Load line survey

Question. Conditions of assignment.

Question. Multiple load lines.

Question. MEPC 72

Question. HART protocol.

Question. Propeller has a  crack action as ce.

Question. Under water survey requirements.

Question. What types of primer and paints used on  ship hull.

Question. How many reviews in ISM. what are inputs and outputs of management review.

Question. What is aspect ratio of Turbocharger. Its significance. Two stage. T/C

Question. 2 stage turbocharger. Draw and explain.




Ad, [18.03.20 18:58]



External - Pakrashi sir

Internal - Senthil sir, Mukhopadyay sir

Question. Ism functional requirements?

Question. management review inputs and outputs?

Question. vit and super vit difference and functioning?

Question. cyber security imo guidelines what and how?

Question. External auditor gave NC onboard and how to go about it?

Question. FSS code contents?

Question. mepc 72 ?

Question. imo resolution number  on fatigue and contents?

Question. latest fuel pros and cons?

Question. ows in-operational what to do?



[18.03.20 11:34]

[Forwarded from Ajit]

Ajit Chavan

Attempt - 5

Old md

Ext-Pakrasi sir

Int-Senthil Kumar sir & Mukhopadhyay sir


Question. ISPS, dos

Question. Registration, certificate of registry content, who issues, where in Mumbai issued

Question. 2 stage T/C

Question. PSSA area, criteria for PSSA

Question. VIT & SUPER VIT, diff., break point

Question. Inventory management techniques

Question. Claim under H&M insurance

Question. ITC & IHC

Internal -

Question. You get a call gas entered in engine room, action

Question. You bunkered fuel, analysis shows fuel offspec, what is your decision

Question. What items to check during handing over





Ankush Patial, [24.02.20 19:50]

[Forwarded from Ankush Patial]

2nd attempt

External pakrashi sir

Internal kamath sir

Question. ITLOS where is headquarter and any case Indian case in ITLOS

Question. PODA

Question. Bank guarantee and letter of credit

Question. Ism code, entry into force, 1st major amendment eif  and it's detail, ism applicable to which ships

Question. Statutory certificate on tankers, who issue afs certificate and it's validity

Question. what are the legal system used in marine industry

Question. what is reg 22 in marpol annex 1

Question. Onshore complaint procedure, to whom complaint in Indian port, who is the highest authority in India and timelines for complaints

Question. onload and offload mechanism of lifeboat

Question. review in ism, input to management review

Question. welding onboard what will you do as CE he wants technical aspect kamath sir



PRASAD AMGAONKAR, [24.02.20 15:31]



2nd attempt





Question. What action will you take once you change from PROPANE TO AMMONIA?























Santosh Patil, [20.02.20 16:58]


1st attempt


Result -Failed


Question. Ism...eif?  Which ships

Question. As a C/E How will u train a new joining TME as per Stcw?  

Question.  Djibouti?  Which areas applicable?    How many countries?

Question. Functions of the countries?

Question. HAZOP

Question. Risk and Hazard?

Question. Soft skills, where is mentioned in Stcw?

Question. Situational awareness

Question. Shipboard training, where in Stcw?

Question. Latest in paints?

Question. what is EN?

Question. What all contents in table?

Question. types of anchors?



Vikram S, [20.02.20 16:54]

[Forwarded from Vikram S]

Sorry for posting late


Pakrasi sir ... 18 Feb


Question. Ism latest amendment, cyber security list out the vulnerable points

Question. Hart protocol

Question. Substantial corrosion

Question. Load line survey as chief engr and how would you come to know whether the plimsoll marking has been tampered with or not

Question. Explain how power is calculated for engine when it is on test bed at shop trial

Question. Sea trial maneuver, explain

Question. Green engine

Question. Latest development in piston ring

Question. Noise code and what is frequency used for A and C weighted curves



Rahul Nigam, [20.02.20 15:43]

[Forwarded from Rahul Nigam]


Attempt 4

Pakrassi sir


Question. ISM eif. When and where incorporated in solas. In how many stages was it enforced depending on ship type. Latest amendment to ISM in 2010 as cyber security is not yet in force.What is the implementation date for cyber security amendment.

Question. CSR in ISPS Code. What all forms in it. Contents of form 1. How to update in case of change of flag. Can the new flag issue new form 1 if the old flag has not issued form 1 for change of flag.

Question. What is the difference between admiralty coefficient and fuel coefficient.

Question. HART Protocol

Question. ITLOS full form. Comes under what convention. What is the purpose. Where are the headquarters.

Question. What happens in dry dock during critical period.

Question. Fatigue/human element in ISM. Comes under which element. Name the imo resolutions on fatigue/human element.

Question. Preparation for dry dock as c/e. Specifications for dry dock. Drawings required for the same.

Question. Difference between load line and sub division load line.


[19.02.20 18:26]

[Forwarded from Chetan Chakote]



Question. What is FMEA

Question. Certificates carried on PCC


Question. RO CODE


Question. LoF

Question. Scopic

Question. Registration of Indian ship

Question. Inchmaree clause

SHISHIR DESHMUKH, [18.02.20 22:26]

Dgs 3rd attempt

Pakrasi sir


Question. admirality coefficient.

Question. green engine.

Question. Imo instruments used by PSC for inspection

Question. CSR-

Question. PSSA,

Question. What is HEAT NO.

Question. How to register a ship in India.



Vikas Sharma, [18.02.20 16:55]



External pakrasi sir

Vikas Sharma, [18.02.20 16:55]



External pakrasi sir

Question.  Shear force and bending moment where maximum in bulk carrier.

Draw bending moment and shear force diagram.

Question.  KN curve.

Question.  When ism came into existence. what cause ism to come.

Question. Stiff ship and tender ship.

Question. How to register a ship in india.

Question. Propeller curve.

Question. MLC how many chapter and title.

Question. green engine.

Question. Double evaporation boiler.

Question. Five principles of marine insurance.





Anil Surushe, [18.02.20 16:16]

Dgs Mumbai

Second attempt

Pakrasi sir


Question. admiralty coefficient and fuel coefficient

Question. miller cycle

Question. comman law and civil law

Question. admiral law and maritime law

Question. free surface effect method pocket

Question. man b&w new development in piston ring pop type

Question. letter of credit and bank guarantee

Question. action as CE in calculation in steel renewal in dry dock plan

Question. how will train junior engineer

Question. as per ism , during bunkering external auditor came and bunker checklist not filled what action as chief engineer .

Question. shear force and bending moment , where it is maximum as through out length of ship.




Jan 2020


Abhishek, [03.01.20 00:09]

Ext -Pakrasi sir

Question. What are review in Ism

Question. Eeoi, measures to reduce it as ce

Question. Djibouti code

Question. Droop-definition and purpose

Question. Critical time during dry docking and forces acting

Question. types of release mechanism in life boat.Mechanism working principle with diagram

Question. heat no

Question. III Code


PRASAD AMGAONKAR, [02.01.20 19:26]

Dgs kanjumarg

1st attempt

Pakrassi sir,


Question. You join as chief engineer on ship how will you come to know that on ship SMS is implemented?.

Question. FSA?.Who uses this technique?.

Question. Condition of assignments?

Question. What is FD&D in P&I

Question. Noise code in details?. Why we carry out noise survey?

Question. How many elements in MLC?.

Question. What is letter of credit?.What is the difference between Bank credit and letter of credit?

Question. What precautions to be taken with respect to stability while entering drydock?.

Question. What is special audit?.

Question. What is WNM?




A B, [27.11.19 17:00]


DGS, 2nd attempt,

Pakraasi sir,

Result:fail, prepare more.🥴

Question. ISM latest amendments, implementation as CE.

Question. CSR , how many parts are there, details,

Question. lSPS code , who in India decide security level at port, and who decide for ship.

Question. statutory certificate for tankers,

Question. substandard and unseaworthy defination and Ms act no.

Question. Action of CE in debunker clause.

Question. FONAR, details whom to report.

Question. ME F.O consumption high action as CE.

Question. declaration of security who declare security level for Indian ports.

Question. MEPC 72 in details, MASS.

Question. latest bimco clause,

Question. ICS and ISF full form and functions.

Question. ism and isps certification for Indian flagged vessel.



Murali N, [27.11.19 15:23]

1st attempt,Pakrasi sir


Question. ISM which ships applicable and back ground

Question. PSSA regarding

Question. Statuary certificates by ship to carry

Question. Draw and explain Bongine curve

Question. FONAR regarding contents

Question. Substandard ship as per MS Act and no.

Question. CIF and MOB

Question. Regarding NEEP * not aware

Question. Requirements for electrical installations


[09.11.19 14:40]

[Forwarded from Ankur Singh]

1st attempt 05/11/2019

Result - fail!

Ext-Pakrashi sir

Question. Nitrogen system, details, principle. 

Question. Ism implementation

Question. Isps, date of entry, when declaration of security is signed. Who in India decide isps level ( who in DG shipping )- nautical advisor wing to d.g shipping. (Wild guess agreed)

Question. Heat number.

Question. Propeller broken, place prone for breakage, crack detection methods, how detect crack depth?, class rules for repair.

Question. Substandard, unseaworthy ship, role of owner for seaworthiness.

Question. Torque rich condition.

Internal - kamath sir. Very busy came for 2 min only.

Question. 2 solas book one of 2001 and 2018. Why ? Why cant just 2018 be sufficient why I keep both?




Mayur Patel, [25.10.19 14:30]


Orals 25-10-2019

1. Latest amendment as per ISM


3. MEPC 74











Mr Mr Pakrasi  and pal

Cyber security details and what code

What r the 8 imp factors of TQM

Johari windows

What is CSR As per classification society rule not as per security

MSC 101



Certificate that are required for ship to be registered by India as a flag state and procedure

Difference between ballasting of a car carrier bulk carrier and container

Question. Miller cycle /  Draw diagram

Mr Pakrasi

Ash, [24.09.19 16:43]

Today's oral questions asked to me at DGS.

1st attempt

Externals: Mr Pakrasi and one other gentleman ( people were saying his name is Mr. Pal.. I'm not sure).

Mr Pal started:


definition of passenger ship, difference between ship with more than 12 passengers and more than 36 passengers, passenger ship safety certificate, Surveys, load line differences etc

Unclos, Imo ... relationship between the two

III code, Imsas, how are IMSAS audits conducted.

Role of coastal state, flag state

Question general average, particular average

Question draw propeller curve and explain torque rich condition.

Question 3 months to go for drydocking. how wil u prepare  as ce?


Mr Pakrasi

Question.  IMO structure and how it functions. He asked me to draw.

Question.  You have done crisis management course, Make a contingency plan for mass evacuation ( passenger ship specific question!)

lots of questions on how various convention and regulations are related to each other..




[Forwarded from Ranjit]

18/09/2019 DG Kanjurmarg Mumbai

Ext : Pakrassi Sir  Int : Kamat Sir Attempt : 3

Question.  Make a Contingency plan for a cyber threat for your vessel

Question.  IWS requirements, how to apply for an IWS. When were the guidelines given by DG shipping. ( He wanted the year, i didnt know this) x ques

Question.  Manouevring tests done in a sea trial. Explain turning circle radius, what is lead and transfer.

Question.  Generator break down, how will you make a claim for insurance.

Question.  LOF & Scopic clause

Question.  MSC 101 things discussed

Question.  Conventions covered by III code

Question.  Torque rich condition.

Question.  Company wants to install BWTS on your vessel, how will you go about it as a COE

Question.  Total loss & CTL

Question.  ISM applicable for which ships?

Question.  What are the changes happening with Sulphur in fuel? What is the concern about this in the world. What according to you are the concerns?

Question.  BWM applicable to which ships.

Question.  Safe manning document under which convention?

Question.  How a state will enforce its jurisdiction on ships?



vishal jadhav, [19.08.19 20:17]


DGS , 4th attempt

Pakrasi Sir

Result : Pass

Introduction & type of ships done

Question Statutory certificates for container ships

3. Parametric rollingX-Q. how does it affect stability of ship ?

Question Parametric rolling

4. OWS in-operational, actions as COE

5. What are IMO Guidelines for implementation of 0.5 % S on-board (specific as per IMO)?

6. Lifeboat load tests in detail, certificates related to load tests

7. Contents of Fire Control Plan


8. Explain & draw GZ curve, various points, what is dynamic stability ?


9. Civil Law, Tort

10. What are carbon-free fuels ?

11. EEDI & EEOI formula, what is SEEMP ?






Pinkesh Patil, [19.08.19 16:27]


3rd Attempt.

Ext. Pakrasi, Int- don't knw. No questions by internal

Question - Started as usually with background. Then asked when ISM came into force for different kind of vessels. In which element is maintenance of ship comes. Explain.

Question - How will you decide critical equipment.

Question - Inwater survey requirements.

How U do it

Question - What’s is FSA.

Question - What are the contents of FSS code.

Question - How will you prepare for LSA/FFA survey

Question - How will you check implementation of ISM.

Question - Power train. QPC.

Question - What are the checks required for fully enclosed lifeboat.





nihal naralkar, [22.07.19 14:54]

[Forwarded from nihal naralkar]


Old mmd

First attempt

Ext:Mr. Pakrassi

Result: Repeat


1.ISM >functional requirement of ISM

2.HK convention in detail, what certificates

3.load diagram, layout diagram

, power train from engine to propeller

4.MLC titles and how many articles, onboard complaint procedures

5.diff between risk analysis and assessment, flowchart of risk analysis

6. maslows theory

7.2020 fuel as CE problem to be faced and dealt with f. O system, Fame limits


9.electronic Bill of lading

10.III CODE, what certificates covered under it?


Internal :

1.Masters review and management review what is periodicity? How much it should be?

2.if automation fails on UMS ships what actions?

3.diff between deficiency and NC?



Anurag Sharma, [17.07.19 09:52]


Internal. :Barik sir

External :Pakrshi sir

1) Ism implementation date and when came into application for container vessels?

2)Human element in ISM code

3)FSA where and when it is implemented?

4) crew motivation theory

5) Fatigue circular from IMO

6) MPEC 74 points

7) Parametric rolling

8) GZ curve and area under Gz curve used for what

9) Next type of fuel used in ships other then Hc fuels

10) why ethanol is considered to be neutral carbon fuel

11) ship regristeration in India

12) isps code

13) what all documents to prepare for ship recycle

14) csr and what is content of csr and what is its important when ship is sales to other owner





Vaibhav Singh, [16.07.19 19:19]

[Forwarded from Vaibhav Singh]


Internal : Barik sir

External :Pakrshi sir

(Both are true gentelman & always give sufficient  time to frame your answer )

1).How will you implement ISM on new takeover ship as CE?

I asked about condition.He said take your i took New comapany and new ship & explained.

2) DE-rating of ME??

I started via need then advantages,various conditions,option & method.

3) Ur CE and your compliance fuel is about to finish.and you had two option

(a) Reach to nearest  bunker point and take non compliance fuel

(b) Go for far point for compliance fuel.

I started with  ism  element 2 ...

4)Fonar ?content?whom to report?

5)Torsional vibration.

6) Oil shale.?method name?

7) Tonnage tax?other tax on shipping?

8)Scopic?latest  year?

Expained article 13 & 14

9)CSM item?What Ce will do??Are hull item included??

Gone via..CSM item for CE & class,ESP 2011(as i had done tanker)


11)OWS fail how to go with psc?

12) TQM & ISM ?

  Second round : asked how was your oral..i said good.

14) Co2 bottle weight measurement ?  Pressure testing duration?

15) intermediate SEQ survey ?



Vikram Mittal, [16.07.19 16:49]

External Mr. Pakrasi - old mmd

Mr. Barik - internal

Result - repeat


1. Introduction

2. Floating policy vs blanket policy

3. Budgeting

4. Drydocking with regards to budgeting

5. Hill and machinery insurance

ITC clauses

6. 80/20 rule drawing

7. HSCC origin and need

8. Training of engg under stcw

Requirement and chapter

9. Load line and to who is it applicable.

10. Tonnage tax , flag of convenience, qualified company

11. Statutory certificates for container ships

12. Parametric rolling






Prasad Dhawle, [16.07.19 13:22]

[Forwarded from Prasad Dhawle]

Oral 16/07/2019

Internal Baril

External Pakarasi


Q) ISM adoption and enforce date


Inputs and output

Q) Ballast water management


Magnetic type explain

Q) Indian tonnage tax

Q) Procedure for change in flag mean taking over norvegian to Indian flag

Q) floating policy and blanket policy examples

Q) time of rolling of ship

Q) Underwater survey condition

Q) Risk assessment  FSA and FMEA, where it used

Critical equipment

Q) Draw back of alpha lubricator


Q) Statutory certificate

Polar code Area position latitude

Q)Operation of chiller while using ultra low sulphur fuel





Prince Spencer, [15.07.19 14:58]

[Forwarded from Prince Spencer]

1) Guidelines for IG

2) implementation of ISPS

3) second hand ship take over

4) miller cycle

5) ME all air start vv changed with overhauled ones how u will check, without turning the engine.

6) new circular on garbage by DG

7) stcw requirement for coc ad cop

8) DOC requirement and procedure

9) accommodation plan explain which type of door to fit where and y? As per solas

10) NOx requirements

11) mepc 74

12) latest garbage requirements











Bhupendra, [27.06.19 18:31]

Oral 3rd attempt , ext : Pakrashi, int: Barikh

Introduction ,

1. As a ce , how will u implement Element 10 of ISM,

XQ: what is required for PMS to be carried on board, from where did u get the schedule of PMS?

XQ: what is sub clause included in element 10.

2. What is the material & at which pressure following pipelines of fixed CO2 system  r tested: a) From bottle to master valve B) from master valve to distribution  section c)  from distribution section to engine room nozzle

3) As a CEO, how will u prepare technical budget for the ship.

4) Action as a CEO, if u found ME system lub oil contaminated

5) Risk assessment

6) what is open policy and blanket policy

7) Explain propeller curve

8) Explain chiller plant for maintaining fuel viscosity of main engine using ULSFO ?

9) If u receive 200tons less HFO during bunkering , action as CEO

 Barikh sir,

1. Among the three aux engs, if one ae is taking full sea load, 2nd aux eng is not taking full sea load & 3rd aux eng is due for PMS, Action as CEO?





Sunil Raina, [24.06.19 19:26]


Internal-  Barik sir

External- Pakrassi sir

3rd attempt



 1. functional req of ISM, what is FSA.

2. what is ME derating, how you choose the propeller size.

3. Definition of unseaworthy ship.

4. Types of marine insurances, what is breach of warranty.

    For war ships what is the government policy for insurance.

5. What is capital, voyage and operating costs.

6. what is SEEMP. what is just in time.

7. difference between EUMRV and IMODCS.

8. As a C/E plan a contingency plan for E/R fire. a convention came in force, what is taciet acceptance.

10.MEPC 74 points,

anything decided on active substances in BWMS, 

points in GHG emissions.



Internal-  Barik sir

 1. What is coastal state as per MS Act.

 2. What is Marine board as per MS Act.

 3. What is the frequency of audit in ISM for vessel.





Rohan, [24.06.19 13:18]

internal - barik sir

external - pacrasi sir

attempt - third.

1. how to implement ism on new ship.

2. Types of turbocharger./latest type for ME engine.

3. SEQ survey what items to check.

4. Marine laws , explain admiralty law.

5. What is clean ship and clean design .

6. You have to retrofit ballast water system onboard action as CE.

7. Your safety equipment certificate is expired during voyage action as CE.

8. Boiler derating explain.

9. What do you understand by propeller singing.

10. what all statutory certificate.

11. CO 2 fix installation what checks to be carried out during survey.



[Forwarded from Pankaj]



External:Pakrasshi sir

Internal:Barik sir

1.Ism code.2 part implentation date.

2.various amendments of ism code.

3.difference between risk assessment and risk analysis.

4.what is Equipment number?

5.Main engine failure   contingency plan.

6.0.5%sulphur implementation as ce.

7.Life boat tests.winch n davit.

8.Csr in detail.

9.Double evaporator boiler.

10.seq certificate expired at sea.what to do.

11.Hssc all certificates.

12.gz curve details.


Barik sir:

What is the use tank capacity plan in drydocking?






Forwarded from Anup]



Ext: Pakrasi sir


Introduce yourself. (Again, June attempt also I got Pakrasi sir, he also remembered,)

1. Suppose you change a company, when you go to New company's ship, how would you know implement of ISM is effective? ( He knows we have his standard answer, so he kept asking for more, more) somehow told him many documents, human element, effective management,😳🙈 communication, masters review etc.

2. Voyage cost, capital cost, operating cost?

3. Ships registration documents that owner will arrange and procedure?😐


5. Energy transfer trail in main engine from indicated to propellor?

6. Modern turbocharger designs? (Hybrid, VTI, VGT, VTA) what is aspect ratio?

7. Types of insurance in marine industry?

8. In collision, documents to prepare for insurance? What is procedure of claim settlements? Who appoints the middle person and what's he called?️(only Couldn't tell average adjuster, as I thought that's for general "average" only)

9. Unclos: unseaworthy ship definition ( mujhe bhi batana mila toh), pollution definition.😐

10. Obligation of coastal state in Unclos for pollution? What are the facilities in India called? (Only Couldn't tell NDRF)

11. STCW junior engineer qualification, his competency check criteria, his basic required sea time and with regards connection with TAR book? (Only Couldn't tell tar book relation)

12. Statutory recommendation meaning? Memoranda meaning?


Int: Barik Sir

1. For dry dock, you give shell expansion plan, what details are in it?

2. Why is methanol called carbon neutral?




Mayur Patel, [20.06.19 15:27]

[Forwarded from Mayur Patel]

Mayur Patel: - pakrasi sir & Barik sir 20-06-19 - repeat

[ ] Ism element 10

[ ] Csr & goal based STDs

[ ] Laws in shipping -

[ ] Admirality law

[ ] Ows not working PSC detention code 30. CE actions

[ ] Substantial corrosion. Occured on ur ship action as CE.

[ ] Protocol of delivery & acceptance

[ ] Equipment number

[ ] Bonjean curve significance

[ ] Latest hull paints

[ ] Double evaporation boiler










Ext -pakrassi

Int - Barik


Question Ism code types of review. Inputs, duration, Who heads the management review

Question Load line survey preparation

Question HSSC certificate/ all certificate of ship

Xq hssc for load line which protocol

Question What certificate for garbage –

Question Latest hull coating for seemp

Question Device contingency plan for me failure 20 point

Question As a ce training of engineer candidate which chapter competency

Question Heat no

Question Substantial corrosion

Question Parametric rolling

Question IWS requirement

Barik sir

Question Co2 cylinder weighing requirement how often / Question What will you check to ensure correct

Question DOC, SMC Question Can DOC SMC be given by different authority

Question Mepc 74 min 2 points 







Garvit, [18.06.19 20:23]


Old mmd,

Ext -pakrassi

Int - Barik

Experience after class 2 ,types of ships.

1. Mepc 74,

2. What led to development of intelligent engines, types of turbocharger used on intelligent engines,

2. Class notation what are they? Write down notation for your previous vessel.

3. Tests on main engine at test bed.

4. Sea trial tests wrt manoeuvring.

5. Leadership vs management

6. How as a CE you will prepare for 2020 fuel compliance. What measures to take wrt to machinery.

7. What is heat no.

8. Statutory certificates for your last ship.

Couple of more can’t recall.

Barik Sir- passing question

1.Fixed co2 weight not checked during bi annual coc/dispensation from flag

2. Seq cert expired at sea , action as COE







Anil Tripathi, [09.05.19 17:19]

09/ May/ 2018

Ext .Pakrasi --- Int.Vikrant Rai

Question Ism implementation on ship

     X Interim Doc

     X Audits

Question Dry Dock preparation  XQ Docking plan  XQ condition for docking /What force can cause ship to capsize

Question. AE broken down preparation for   H&M Claim as C/Eng

Question. ME fuel oil consumption high action as C/Eng

Question. ESI ,details

Question. Annex 4  amendment in June

Question. NOx areas

Question. Mepc 73 , MSC 100,,next MSC/Mepc meeting date ..

Question. MASS ship

Question. MAID,, something automated       docking ,, in MERI booklet

Question. Torque rich condition explain.



Yogendra Rawat, [09.05.19 18:12]

09 may

Mr pakrasi

Question Joined ship. how will u know ism is being implemented.

Question Pssa criteria

Question Salary not paid action as ce. whom to contact n how. which body in India.

Question Cross curves..

Question Bulbous bow

Question Aft end vibration

Question Ics/isf

Question Two stage t/c 

Question Basics of motivation

Question How to prepare technical budget of ur ship.



Amulya Verekar, [09.05.19 19:02]

DGS Mumbai

09th May

3rd attempt

Pakrasi Sir

Result- Pass


Question As per ISM what are the reviews? What are the inputs for both the reviews?

Question FONAR

Question What is the latest LOF? Explain SCOPIC clause.

Question What is HART protocol. how to use it?

Question What is latest bunker specification? X-question- What is CIMAC

Question How as CE would u prepare for Load line survey? What are the conditions of assignment? How do you ascertain that the freeboard for the vessel is correct?

Question Vessel is experiencing sudden aft end vibrations. Actions as chief engineer? Aft end vibration. Joined as C/E ? How to find the reason ?? Question aft end vibration at mid sea. Reason and action as ce/

Question Aft end vibrations, Superitendent sent you on ship having history of Aft End vibrations,How u will approach the situation and fault finding. Question Aft end vibrations, Superitendent sent you on ship having history of Aft End vibrations,How u will approach the situation and fault finding

Question Which is the upcoming meeting of IMO? /Which imo meeting is going to take place from 4 may to 7 may 2019

Question What are the types of bulbous bow and what effect does it have on the ship?

Question. What is no more favorable treatment

Question Types of marine insurance that different entities in shipping take?


2nd round- Vikrant Rai Sir

Question What is OPRC convention? What is the name of the plan in OPRC convention and what the plan consists?

Question Your ship is in Rotterdam and during hose removal after bunkering there is an oil spill. Actions as CE?

Question For what ships is Nox technical code applicable? And What are the measurement method for Nox and which parameters you note down in parameter check method?




5676734, [09.05.19 22:59]

Internal Shekhar sir

External pakarasi sir



Question. Taking over as ce how will you carry out maintenance of equipment as per element 10 of ism/Element 10 implementation after taking over as CE

Question What is ESI

Question Goal based standard of ship/Question. Tiers of goal based strategy and why , how/

Question Non compliant fuel.what will you do.what is the clause in bimco for non compliant fuel

 Question. What is FONAR. / Whom to address /content of it /. 

Question Unseaworthy ship

Question Standing charges

Question Critical equipment. definition. and how will you define it as per spare parts.



Gopi Patel Orals 13.05.19

Pakrasi sir & despande sir together.

Question ISM objectives, types of reviews, importance of each review, masters review, have u read masters review onboard.

Question Statutory certificates of bulk carrier. Have u seen them on board.

Question Role of RO and what are the powers it has, atleast 8 points.

6. What are the principles of marine insurance, what is subrogation, give example.

Question Miller's cycle.

Question Noise code in details.

Question how will you motivate your crew, Abraham Maslow's theory, what is self actualization?

Question CIMAC


Question HART Protocol


Question latest bunkers specification, FAME & its limits.


Question what are legal systems in marine industry.

Question what are the elements on ISM? And their importance?

Second round.

Vikrant sir, pakrasi sir& despande sir together.

Question What is safety assessment system.

Question You have joined vessel and ballast water management plant is to installed. How will you go about it?

Question Preparation for Sox cap 2020.








Pankaj, [14.05.19 06:45]

Orals on 13.05.19

Pakrasi and deshpande sir

Result : Repeat



Question.bulk carrier definitions as per solas.what is angle of repose, draw and explain.

Question New 3rd engineers safety familiarisation has not been done on joining. Auditor gives nc for the same. how will you close it? Form nc content? will you accept an nc if auditor gives you nc?

Question.Engine room crane stopped working during ME will you proceed and finish the job?/OR

You are in port for 24 hours, carrying out decarb on main engine , after half job , found engine room crane is not working/ OR

Question. During me overhauling engine room crane not working and u have to take out vessel what u will do./ OR

Question. Vessel  alongside, E/R crane out of operation during decarb with unit completely dismantled, your action as Chief Engineer/. OR

Crane not working while decarb, all checks done on liner, now to put piston back, Limited time at port, Action./

Question. Vessel  alongside, E/R crane out of operation during decarb with unit completely dismantled, your action as Chief Engineer./ OR


Question What is Formal Safety Assessment?

Question Ae main bearing damaged in an accident. how will h&m claim complete process will go?

Question operation costs and voyages costs.

Question As Ce how will you implement ship implementation plan for the new sulphur cap of 2020.

Question gz kn curves.draw kn curve.what are the uses of these curve.formula for corrected value of gz.

Question draw propeller curve and explain torque rich condition.

Question. Torque rich engine. draw and explain. / what is the torque rich operation of main engine & causes./ You are on round in the engne room how will you identify trouque rich condition

Question 3 months to go for wil u prepare  as ce?

Question bulk carrier statutory certificates without which ship cannot sail?



18 03 2019

from Bharath KP]

Pakrashi Sir and then by Internal Vikrant Rai Sir. First asked my experiences as 2nd Engineer.


1. Objective of ISM code and then functional requirements of SMS.

2. Contents of Ballast water management plan.

Xq- Contents of ballast water record book

3. What are new developments in turbocharging. Explained him about hybrid and VGT.

Xq- what is aspect ratio. I drew a sketch and explained him.

Xq - Explain 2 stage turbocharging.

4. Draw GZ curve and explain all the points. Donot miss any points in this.

5. Requirements for IWS. Is it applicable for ESP ships. Till what age of vessel IWS is allowed.

6. Types of charters. What is CoA and trip charter.

Few more questions. Told me to wait for Internal Vikrant Rai.


He asked my experiences as 2 Nd Engineer. How many dockings I have done. I said 3 special docking. At what intervals you carry out special docking. What is the max duration you can go without under water inspection. Then he asked me have you taken any readings. I said I have taken jumping clearance and wear down measurement from poker gauge.  I have also seen propeller shaft withdrawal and plotted push pull graph.  



18/03/2019/Deepak agarwal


Isps code full details. When and why DOS is filled

Heat no what is significance at what stage heat no given.

All statutory certificates as per your ship

What all new renewable engiery in shipping what is substantial energy

Super as for derating of main engine in full detail how you will actually do on ship

bonjean curve

Type of fishing vessel type 1 2 3 4

As per stcw training required [what all training to be given to trainee ] what all courses

ism full detail. Element 10 point by point

content of fire integrity plan

requirement and content of garbage management plan


Ashish, [20.03.19 19:23]

[Forwarded from Imp informative material]


Pakrashi sir and Shekhar sir

1. How to check effectiveness of SMS onboard as Ceo.

X Additional audit.. When additional audit can be carry out?

2. Inland vsl act and RSV ACT..

X categories of RSV as per act?

3.HART PROTOCOL of communication?

4.EU MRV AND IMO DCS difference?

5. Containt of LOF

X what is scopic

X why scopic came

X how to fix award as per scopic

6. Renewal sources of energy?

X what is sustainable and non sustainable energy?

7. SEEMP... LATEST developments to improve seems?


X latest development in paints?

8. ICS and ISF?

9. ISA?

X What is rare mineral?

10.Multiple load lines why and how many can b allowed?

2 more questions asked.. Not remembering now


Shekhar sir..

1. Protocol and convention difference?

2. Fire control plan

X what do u mean by fire intrigrity oh vsl?

X what is class A and B bulkheads...

X Why it is required to made different class of bulkhead..




Yogesh Agarwal, [29.01.19 19:25]

Oral by pakrassi sir and skehar


Question diff b/w loadline & subdivision loadline

Question what’s in msc100 & what is Maas

Question facultative insurance

Question ums condition

Question loss ratio

Question 4 adv of derating engine

Question as per stcw95 chapter 3 onboard training to j/e by c/e

Question indicator diagram of vit and non vit

Question fatigue mitigation modules and appendix

Question what are the garbages not to throw both in non special and special area( he want 15-16 items)



Servesh, [28.01.19 22:52]

Mr pakrasi & Mr sekhar

Question.  in takeover ship,ism implementation as per element 10

Question.  csr (common structure rule)

Question.  fatique mitigation modules

Question.  derating of engine/ benefits of derating of engine

Question.  in voyage charter, what all things are consider while deciding freight.

Question.  In voyage charter how is the freight paid

Question.  msc 100 session

Question.  in water survey condition

Question.  Garbage management plan and garbage record book

Question.  ism related clear ground/ definition of clear ground, substandard ship & unseaworthy ship.

Question.  double evaporation boiler

Question.  facultative insurance

Question.  loss ratio

Question.  bongean curve

Question.  loadline diagram & subdivision liadline diagram

Question.  MASS and types( msc 100)


Rahul Tiwari, [28.01.19 23:58]

Orals 28.01.2019



Question - What is csr in terms of class

X Question -  applicable to which ship

Question - Difft psc codes

Question - Latest ammendment in annex 5

X Question - how u will prepare garbage mgmt plan for ur ship

Question - Role of Ro.

Question - Miller cycle.

Question What is excess air coefficient.

Question - What is facultative insurance.

Question - Loss ratio.

Question - What is itlos

Question - Latest bunker specification

Question IWS survey requirements. As per class

2nd round shekhar sir

Question Content of fire control plan

Question Element 10 of ism


Subhendra Singh:

Sorry guys for late posting

3rd attempt


Pakrashi sir and sekhar sir

Question How as CE u r going to chk the effectiveness of ISM.

Question Common structural rules.

Question. Terms governing liner trade.

Question CIF and Fob

Question Difference in hague visby and Hamburg.

Question ME engines what was the thought of bringing these engines.

Question 2 stage turbocharger. Draw and explain.

Question Msc 100 all points

Question Load Line preparation

Question Multiple load line explain

 X Question how many multiple load line can be issued to a vessel

X Question at a time how many load line can be used.

Question One thing in BDN if it is not there PSC will catch U.



DP, [22.01.19 20:51]

Question. Explain first order and 2nd order moments

Question. Difference between Document and Record

Question. Latest ISO fuel std explain.

Question. Light spring dia

Question. Calc of bunkers required for voyage

Question. Training of JE as per stcw code

Question. Aspect ratio of T/C

Question. Quasi propulsive coeff



Question. Types of Lifeboat. Diff between freefall of bulk and tanker. Details of tanker LB. Fire protection.

Question. Load line dia. Who assigns. On what basis. 2 sister ships but load line different. Reasons. In detail.



Rahul Tomar, [02.01.19 13:30]

Pakrasi First attempt


Question. What is Management Review and Master review ,what is the element number under which they are falling and the frequency of the above including extension if possible. and under what code of the element would that be

Question. ITLOS  what part of UNCLOS it  relates to.

Question. Propeller Curves/ significance for chief engineer

Question. Draw GZ and KN curves show their significance and explain angle of contraflexture.

Question.. Enumerate the types of propellers

Question. Explain Miller cycle

Question. Elaborate the latest MEPC ; what is the frequency of these conferences how often they meet.

Question. What is a contract of affreightment and how does it relate to container vessel


[Forwarded from Dilawer Singh]

ORALS ON 22/01/2019

Externals:Pakrashi sir and despande sir,(sitting together), Internal Sekhar sir

Question. ISM implementation as per element 10.lot of cross questions.. What are critical spares, company told u to make a list of critical spare how u go about... as a ce how u decide which items to put in critical spare list.

Question. Diff b/w stcw code and convention.

Question. Torque rich engine.draw and explain.

Question. Mlc objectives.

Question. Composite piston in 2 stroke engine. Why we r using composite piston.

Question. Miller cycle. What is the use and what effect it does on engine.

Question. How u calculate standing charges.

Question Engine tests during test bed and during sea trials.. In detail..

Question Fatigue mitigation as per new modules. Asked about all modules.

Question Ballast water convention not applied to which all ships.

Question What is GWP & ODP. Which gas has 1 ODP.

Questions asked by internal surveyor

QuestionBDN. What is the thing mentioned in bdn which u check.. If not there psc will caught.

QuestionExplain load line



Harry, [02.01.19 12:21]

[Forwarded from Harry]

Mr pakrashi 1st attempt


Question. ITLOS

Question. DOS in ISPS

Question. TQM in detail and cross questions

Question. Load diagram  draw and explain all areas under them

Question. Tiers of goal based strategy and why , how

 Question. 3 month engine lay up now what all Classification certificates to check

Question. Marine insurance warranties

Question. GM GZ curve to draw and explain

Question. what are soft skills in stcw 95

Question. Miller cycle /  Draw diagram

 Question. Breach of contract in terms of warranties