Price of ebook RS
for both written and orals
Chennai oral
question and answer
EXT- Mr.Mathews sir INT-Mr.Murty sir
Question. Tell me about solas chapter 12 ESP comparison. why they have both..
Question. What is scopic clause and explain salvage agreement in detail.
Question. Casualty investigation code
Question. Port reception facilities
Question. Ship registration procedure step by step with exact documents.
Question. Tacit acceptance and why its needed and what are all the other methods to adopt a amendment and convention
Question. Paint scheme and how will u prepare the surface.
Question. MOU about the regional co-operation and where is head office operating for indian ocean MOU and countries joined with the same..
Question. Honkong convention why? IHM explain in detail. Why appendix 1 and 2 both required same items repeated reason?
Internal questions
Question. What is carving and marking note and its contents? Who is registrar at chennai and where he is sitting?
Question. Start a new company and buy new vessel tell me the procedure step by step..
Question. Indian vessel at US waters.. There is a casualty ....Now explain what will happen and procedures
Ext: Mr.Mathews
Int: SS.Murthy
Question. Bulk carrier construction..
Question. Sloas Chapter XII..
Question. What is ESP. Scope of Esp.. what u check in
Esp.. Close up survey.?. Areas to be Inspected..
Question. Hatch cover checks.. Testing of hatch
Question. how water is prevented inside hatch cover. what provision is there. maintenance of cleats
Question. Damage survey.?. How u will report damage to
Question. Shell
expansion plan and its contents.. How to identify the exact location..?
Specially he is expecting the reference frame number near by the damage area..
Question. In water survey,
What is IWS requirements. Who and how it is decided. Purpose, interval and when to carry out. X Tmon if shaft survey is due what is there in it
Question. Dry docking
Question. Extended dry docking
Question. Tail shaft Condition monitoring
Question. CO2 system certificates to produce for SEQ
survey.. CO2 cylinder hydrostatic test, 2 methods.
Question. Goal based standards
Question. Energy Efficiency and latest emission reduction
technology.. Energy saving devices..
Question. MASS CODE.
Question. Ms act Casualty Investigation, Dg shipping
Standard Operating procedure, scenario - Foreign Flag vessel hav casualty in
Indian coast..
Question. P&I's Role in Casualty. Types of cover
under Convention.
Dinesh Kannan Ramasamy
Chennai MMD
External -Krishnan sir
Internal- Kamath sir
Attempt: 3
Result - Pass
1. Introduce about yourself.
Question. Explain IGC code-
what is similar stage of construction.
Question. Types of IGC Code-
Question. Latest amendments in IGC code.
Question. Types of Gas Tanks
What is advantage of Prismatic tank-
Question. Propane to Ammonia Gas change Procedure complete.
Compressor Room Gas sampling Change over,
Boiling Point of Propane, Butane, Ammonia.
Question. MlC seafarers Rights for salary.
External- Mathew sir
Internal- rao sir( not sure)
External- question:
Question. what is a close up survey how will you carry out in cargo oil tanks?
Question. Certificates you will check as a c/e for take over a ship in a short time?
Question. IOPP survey as a C/E what all documents u will keep and how will you prepare the ship for the survey?
Question. what is On hire survey and what will you check?
Question. what is bill of lading and if you were the shipper one important thing you have to check in B/L what is that?
Question. What is UNCLOS and why do we need UNCLOS?
Question. Total CO2 system 12 yrs old ship what certificate you will have onboard regarding only CO2 system?
Question. co2 cylinder pressure testing and elongation limit as per dgs?
Question. What is IWS Notation how will you get this class notation?
Internal Question:
Question. clc tier 1,2,3, what is the need of three tier why not one?
Question. H&m, p&I insurance?
Question. What is the need for
Does dry
dock give warranty or guarantee?
Questions. Conditions of freeboard
Question. watertight, weather
Question. hatch cover
drainage system
Question. steel grade
used on ship and location
Question. derating & documents amended
Question. Derating
Question. watertight, weathertight
Question. hatch cover drainage system
Question. steel grade used on ship and location
Question. human elements and motivation theory
Question. management of sox onboard
Question. vessel grounded in Chennai , procedure and conventions
Question. bunker convention
Question. wreck convention
Question. What is arbitration, why 2 parties
go for arbitration & not in courts.
Question. Imo structure in detail, Who is secretary general now, member in council,
Question. How to carry out a cargo gear
survey, it's preparation as c/e.,
Question. what’s is
void space, name them, what is boot space in cargo hold.
Question. Bulk
Jupiter case study, explain ?.
Question. What
is dynamic separation and factors of dynamic separation. What will happen to ship because of dynamic separation.
Question. Stake holders of MLC.
Question. Which
type of ventilation used in car carriers
Question. What
is casualty
, why investigation is done and who
are all involved?
Question. What
is UNCLOS, Sovereignty And jurisdiction
Question. SEQ
survey, what are the certificates u will keep ready for annual survey?
Question. Constructional difference between bulk and ore
Question. Cyber security management as a chief engineer.
Question. TML, FMP and MC definition .validity of the same. How to measure MC onboard.
Question. Different
nationality, 3 eng complaining about 2 engg, How will you handle?
Question. What
is BLU code.
Question. Difference between IMSBC and Grain code?
Question. Diff
between me eng and rt flex
Question. Diff
between manager and owner as per ism code
Question. P
and i club ... Whats is fixed premium. P and i correspondent
Question. Why
need for bunker convention
Question. psc on
board : bunker operation going on , found bunker check list not filled , gave
NC , action as CE
Question. Risk assessment and risk management.
Question. Train
junior - formal training and informal training
Question. ship in
port ? Vessel flooding
? First action as CE
Question. Purpose
of sea trial reports
. What all done in sea trial other
than which is related to main engine.
Question. is MASS
degree 4 possible ??
Question. Human element and Human error difference.
Question. Role of top management in shipping company.
Question. MEPC 80 GHG reduction with respect to technical and
operational concerns.
Question. COP 28 and UNFCCC.
Question. MASS code.
Question. Cyber
security arrangements in ME engines. Cyber security in sms.
Question. Ballast
water management systems failure at port - actions .
Question. LLMC
Question. innocent passage
and transit passage
Question. economic speed
and optimum speed
Question. unsafe ship
and unseaworthy ship
Question. financial security
of shipowner as per mlc
Question. certificate of
financial security and certificate of financial responsibility
Question. how will
you deal with a woman seafarer complaint of harassment by 3rd engineer
Question. maritime lien, possessory and equitable lien
Question. formal safety
assessment and where it is used.
Question. Loadline assignment B60 and B100.
Question. standard loadline definition any code in loadline
Question. Sopep details.
Question. Scope of class survey.
Question. Scope of vetting
Question. cargo residue of tanker.
Question. in case if ship collision. action as Chief Engineer.
Question. ship slop tank requirement
Question. engine cylinder oil
type 1 and 2
Question. Type approval and Unit approval for ship
Question. general average contribution
uestion. how to collect ballast water sample
Question. asbestos management
Question. Paint selection for ship as per afs convention
Question. tailshaft survey
Question. how vessels are built
Question. Wreck definition
Question. documents to be carried when vessel loaded
in India with iron ore And discharged to foreign port
Question. lube oil
management as ce
Question. Codes in
bulk carrier.
Question. tell me
the syllabus of ce where
It is written
Question. Grain code
Question. P and I how
it works
Question. Condition
based monitoring and how to include a machinery in CBM and who will approve
Question. Explain
Human element, where is mentioned, as Ce how you will handle it..
Question. Ism
elements and CE responsibility..
Question. Why SCOPIC
clause is required, and detail of SCOPIC..
Question. what is the
purpose of imo CSC for
container ship.
Question : What are types of marine insurance?
Question : What are types of charter? What are clauses in
Time charter?
Question : Who is coastal state, port state & flag
state for India?
Question : What is SEEMP 1, 2 & 3 contents?
Question : What is survey, Audit & inspection.
Question. In what
all imo conventions
& imo code about training
on boards ship is mentioned.
Question. Marpol Annex 3,
explain regarding container vessel.
Question. Tell me about gender equality?? What actions imo taken? What india as
taken? What will you do as a chief engineer?
Question. Scope of renewal survey?? How will you carry out.??
Question. Why ISO is there? What is ISO accreditation? How ISO is
implemented in ship? ISM is Just ISO?? What other standards are added in ISM?
Question. What is sustainable in sustainable fuel? Why Sustainable is
Question. what is Intertanko x
purpose x what it does x who are the members
Question. What is OCIMF, purpose, sire, viq, vpq. Purpose of SiRe when so many surveys are done.
Question. Bunker calculation for 20 days from load port, if ROB 200 mt.
Question. Scopic clause, salvage, LOF
Question. What is IWS requirements. Who and how it is decided. Purpose,
interval and when to carry out. X Tmon if shaft survey is due what is there in it
Question. what is docking survey
Question. Shell expansion diagram, significance, what can be obtained
from it.
Question. Sustained development X why all sectors are talking about it
and who is the deciding for same. Which UN bodies are interested in it
Question. UNCLOS Zones, duties etc in brief
Question. Casualty investigation code x who does the investigation incase Indian flag ship has marine casualties in pacific ocean
Question. ISM elements of DPA and Master's responsibility and authority
Question. Who does the internal audit and purpose of it. what is
different in inspection, survey, audit
Question. What are all codes for bulk carrier?
Question. How GBS bulk carrier contraction differs from previous standards? Material
and composition
Question. Why bulk carriers are hazardous? Any vessel lost because of sulphur or
corrosion? ( case study)
Question. What is classification society and RO?
Question. Noise code applicability and how will you comply as CE?
Question. Why do they have two level alarms in cargo hold reason?
Question. Hongkong convention, objective and documents carried.?
Question. What are all dates mentioned in IOPP certificate?
Question. What are all surveys under Continuous Survey Machinery?
Question. Integrating TQM and ISM Code Practices for Chief Engineers
Question. Why familiarization is
important? Which convention it’s mentioned?
Question. How will u ensure emergency
preparedness? What are points mentioned in ISM elements?
Question. Classification of Gas carriers? Types
of tanks? Pressure rating and temperature of each tank. Pressure relief valve
Question. Explain about ur last vessel tank type? Why membrane tanks is used often now? Latest
tank design in membrane tank?
Question. U have a rupture of ur tank? How will u detect? How are u going to handle it? What will u do
as chief engineer?
Question. Working principle of nitrogen
Question. Chief mate has lowered the
complete anchor chain. Now your anchor windlass is not able to pick up the
anchor back. What are you going to do? your 2nd engineer is saying he’ll not go
and help the chief mate with situation. What will you do as a chief engineer?
Question. What are perils of sea in
insurance? What are types of insurance? List all perils in H&M
Question. Difference between amendment
and protocol. What is Chapter 15 of SOLAS? How it came in as amendment or
Question. Structure of a convention.
Question. Annexure 6 explain. Eexi, eedi, cii, calculations / what is soc
and coc in annexure 6
Question. Hong Kong convention why it
enter and explain briefly
Question. Implement of IMO instruments
Question. condition of assignment and how
freeboard is assigned.
Question. p and I what are covered under protection
what are covered under indemnity
Question. types of charters and explain time
charter and bareboat cum demise charter. As a ce role
in time charter
Question. as a ce preparation
for iopp survey documents needed
Question. class notation
Question. Preparation of dry dock. explain
shell expansion plan.
Question. IACS why pr ui
Question. Explain about IP code when amendments
made and when it is going to entry into force.
Question. Single hull and mono hull
Question. Subdivision loadline
Question. How passenger ship is diff from other
Question. Tqm and ism difference
Question. Dpa
Question. Chemical tanker stability criteria
Question. Critical spare part identification
Question. New clauses In charter party
Question. IMSBC
Question. IGC code
Question. What is triangle shape in hold of
bulk carrier indicate
Question. General average , particular average
Question. Static stability? dynamic stability ?
which is more important as a C/E?
Question. MOU
Question. Difference in Flag state and Port
state inspection
Question. Smart engine , intelligent engine,
functions of all ME-C engines and advantages of these intelligent engines over
Question. Action if spares not available to
carry out jobs as per PMS.
Question. Cesser clause
Question. Critical equipment criteria
Question. Maritime lien
Question. Express and implied warranty
Question. Does dry dock give warranty or
Question. What is interactive training ? How
will you train junior by interactive training ?
Question. watertight, weathertight
Question. hatch cover drainage system
Question. steel grade used on ship and
Question. derating & documents amended
Question. human elements and motivation
Question. management of sox onboard
Question. vessel grounded in Chennai ,
procedure and conventions involved
Question. bunker convention
Question. wreck convention
Question. Container convention in detail/ Amendments in container convention
NT calculation for container vessel .
Container construction.
Racking test in detail.
Cargo securing manual in detail.
Fully Loaded containers on deck, double bottom tanks condition - full or empty?
Stacking height - how container is able to take the load
Question. On what basis chemical cargoes categorized as X Y Z, What are all types of chemical tanker, what is the difference between them/Which code is followed in chemical tanker construction/What about IMDG code and the chemical classification in that/Discharge criteria for prewash /wallwash in chemical tanker, port reception facility and in sea for subsequent cleaning wash water discharge.
Question. How do you know the ship is in compliance with ISM
Question. As a chief engineer what do you check if have short time for take over
Question. Will you allow welder to weld if he doesn’t have Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) with him, will you allow welder for different kind of job and material other than mentioned in that WPS.
Question. Onboard interactive training , Role play method
Question. How do you guide your second engineer to prevent further breakdown in another unit, after repairing a cooling water leakage in one unit .
Question. In SCR method how the amount of ammonia is determined?? Storage and disposal of by-product???
Question. Initial stability criteria/ Intact Stability Criteria /Static stability and dynamic stability
Question. Critical equipment and critical spare, Who approves them
Question. If you want to justify that this is a critical spare,, how will you do ..
Question. Apex manual and who prepares contains
Question. Bareboat charter what all things chief engineer shall check
Question. Evergiven incident / Was GA declared, can the owner declare for this incident
Question. Who are average adjusters and in case you don't agree to the calculation how will you go about.
Question. Parametric rolling and synchronous rolling - conditions and tell me in short.
Question. Pin hole repair procedure in chemical tanker cargo tank.
Question. Chemical tanker cargo tank material.
Question. How do you save your owner for excess fuel consumption in time charter
Question. How do you extend dry dock survey, what are all you submit to the class, what will happen to the anniversary date if it is extended
Question. Details of RO agreement between RO and flag state
Question. If port state ask Fuel oil
sample, can ship it give or not.
Question. Imo structure and how
implementation of convention, types, treaty, protocol, amendment basic qs on
these and difference between each with an example.
Question. Scopic, where it can be used and
under what circumstances
Question. H&m in detail including all
warranties with example and who will use what warranty. Rejection criteria,
Question. Intervention convention
Question. Unclos
Question. Stcw standards of certification
Question. Freight details codes used for
Question. Psc and fsi complete duties
responsibility and difference and limitations
Question. CSM CSH. How surveys are carried
out. What they check.
Question. Ism implementation as ce
Question. Wreck on high sea, territorial
sea, as a flag, as a coast state duties, responsibility and limitations.
Question. ORB, engine room log book,
electronic record book general discussion on these.
Question. Fire in cargo area action as Ce.?
Question. What grade of steel in cargo
Question. What is gbs explain.? What is the
goal of gbs.?
Question. what is esp? What u check in esp,?
what report u will have in esp? what is substantial corrosion?
Question. is any thing not covered in
Question. what is sire 2.0? What difference
between 1.0 and 2.0/ what is special in sire 2.0?
Question. Where human element in imo convention?
Question. What is motivation? you as ce
motivate your Junior?
Question. what is integrated bilge systems
Question. what you as c/e ask from reliving
c/e if time is short to hand over?
Question. If one gen take sea load one gen
part load one gen gone will you take over?
Question. what if one purifier gone.
Running purifier no spares for it? What you will do?
Question. What is ga and salvage what is
Question. What is the difference between
low and high expansion form.. why u use low in deck?
Question. Cargo gear survey preparation
Question. Rocking test and load testing of
Question. MASS code, in detail, is it
beneficial for owners? What are the areas of concern?
Question. Critical spare in ISM CODE
Question. Emergency fire pump not in
operation how u will get exemption
Question. Imsbc code and contents
Question. Solas chapter 12 in detail.
Question. As a ship owner How to select
class for your vessel?
Question. Right ship inspection?
Question. Stress? How to handle stressed
Question. Human element? Fatigue?
Question. why unclos region given, what is
the purpose
Question. Unclos? Flag state
responsibility? Ship registration?
Question. CIC,
Question. Condition of class, class
Question. Leadership and management
Question. How do u classify chemical
carriers. passivation procedure. Tank preparation for loading. Wall wash
Question. IOPP survey and where to find
instruction for survey onboard.
Question. Honkong convention
Question. casualty code
Question. COP & COC difference
Question. Prepare a risk assessment for an underwater cleaning job.
Question. LNG rollover and stratification
Question. LNG bunkering requirements for the receiving vessel. ESD types, quick release coupling ,vapour management,
Question. types of materials for Lng pipeline and deck
Question. in case of piracy and kidnap who will pay the ransom and what’s the name of the insurance for piracy
Question. demise
charter and whether foreign ships can register in
Question. When hongkong convention is still not in force why Ihm everyone is preparing
Question. substantial corrosion and plate thickness requirements.
Question. various parts of ihm and their details
Question. What is structural deformation
and significance of deformation
Question. Asbestos management and plan
Question. How many coating of anti fouling
paint carried out and it’s name
Question. What are the contents in a
charter party agreement in a voyage charter
Question. What all facilities you get from
Question. How many radar on board, location, are both same , name the type
Question. Indian citizen and the ship
controlled by Indian flag but ship registered in panama – reason.
Question. IHM - IN detail both hkc and EU
ship recycle.
Question. Human elements related to handle
and manage crew onboard
Question. Official logbook
Question. Anchor chain when will you change
Question. Right ship rating as CE how will u
improve / difference between right ship inspection and psc.
Question. MLC on seafarer abandonment
Question. bow flare significance and
importance in bulk carrier.
Question. Category
I and Category II cylinder lube oil, in what type of engine it's
used, why with respect to fuel oil grade and production.
Question. volumetric heeling moment
Question. You are in
Question. Action after MNC
Question. 2nd joined newly how will you
implement ism on him
Question. Enhanced survey program. What it
Question. Docking survey how it is done
Question. what kind of checks you do after
a hull plate renewal
Question. Chapter 12 explain why the
foremost cargo hold rule came. What all the additional safeties given in the
chapter why
Question. Mlc compliance how will u ensure
Question. Advance energy efficiency designs
w r to hull
Question. p&i club. Who is 3rd party
Question. Close up survey
Question. co2 Certificates presented to PSC where the test pressure mentioned& how will you perform pressure testing.
Question. Grade of steel and pipes
Question. styrene monomer. how will u reduce possibility of polymerization...inhibitor name
Question. runway
Question. why no
paper PMS, why software PMS used on ship
Question. on board
Question. where to find instruction for survey onboard
Question. Define
gross mass, permissible payload
Question. CSC plate
main contents as per convention and what all information actually present in
plate onboard
Question. All types
of testing done on containers. How the stacking force is transmitted.
Question. What is
the purpose of torsion box.
Question. Parametric
rolling in detail and in depth. [As a CE how will you mitigate
parametric rolling, what do you mean by parametric rolling./Why it is affecting
container ships more?]
Question. What is Bill of lading/When B/L
becomes contract/What is To order B/L
Question. Ballast water treatment system D2 standards. / Discharge criteria for
D2 standards
Question. As a CE how will you select paints for hull and on what basis .
Question. How master will review the sms.
Question. Types of insurance, h& m , P&I in details.
Question. Which charter party would you prefer as a chief./Additional
responsibilities of ce on time charter
time charter
engineer’s role:-
The scope of
activities of a chief engineer & his responsibilities on a time chartered
At the time of
on-hire survey, the C/E should accurately calculate the bunkers r.o.b. so that
there is not any discrepancy in the bunker quantity.
Since the
charterers provide bunkers to the vessel, C/E should always calculate the
quantity of bunkers at all times.
The vessel’s
speed & fuel oil consumption are dictated by the charterers, the C/E should
make every effort to oblige the charterer’s demands in respect to the speed of
the vessel and fuel oil consumption; e.g. charterers may want the vessel to
proceed with economical speed or stipulated full speed etc.
Such things
should be clearly taken in to account.
A particular
attention is to be paid to main propulsion machinery & any equipment which
is important for full operation of the vessel, so as to minimize/reduce the
breakdown, so that the vessel is kept operational for the charterers use,
reducing the downtime required for maintenance, during which the vessel remains
The C/E should
keep engine room log books available and accessible for charterers or their
Question. Cyber security definition How your company implemented it .
What is your role as ce wrt cyber security/ What is Risk assessment and Risk management
in Cyber security
Question. Procedure for Second hand ship registration in
Question. Close-up survey in detail
Question. Shell expansion plan in detail. What contained in shell expansion plan in detail
Question. Engine room resource management in short.
Question. On hire/ Off hire survey in detail.
Question. Mass code in detail.
Question. What is CSR, what are the contents of CSR, who issues CSR
Question. Define what is NC, give examples, define as per standard/ Define what is MNC, give examples, / Can vsl proceed with MNC, as a CE how will you downgrade to NC. What will be your actions, explain with example.
Question old propeller shaft and new propeller how
to fix it.
Question. solas chapter 12
Question. IMSBC code
Question. As CE how will you manage fatigue onboard, ISM guidelines..
Question. Difference
between tqm and ism
Question. On what
factors critical spares becomes critical and differ from normal spares.
Question. periodical maintenance on hatch
Question. how water is prevented inside
hatch cover. what provision is there. maintenance of cleats
Question. purpose of oprc/what is
certificate of entry
Question. how will you monitor performance
of main engine
Question. where ll check coc status, if you extend coc what criteria
Question. if psc coming onboard what psc ll check in PMS
Question. Tacit acceptance
Question. lay time , demmurage, dispatch, lay can.
Question. water ingress alarm why two
alarms and why so much distance between two.
Question. how will you assist your
superintendent in drydock budgeting.
Question. What is wreck as per wreck
convention/If u found wreck to whom You’ll report/ Duties of coastal state and
ship owner in wreck/ What if Shipowner is not removing wreck
Question. What is Hongkong convention
Hongkong convention applicability for new vessels and old vessels. /As per convention duties of SRF/ What is IHM Part1,2,3/Contents of part1/ Items listed
in Appendix 1&2 of convention/ After completion what certificate SRF is
issuing and to whom
Question. what all documents to be carried
as per oprc
Question. SUA convention, purpose and how
it is enforced. Definition of unlawful activity
Question. What is CII/ How u calculate CII One time or annual/ What is CII
rating/ How boundaries of CII rating boundaries are defined –
Question. purpose of hopper tanks and top
side tanks
Question. How u comply with EEXI requirement
Question. Contents of EEXI Technical file
Question. construction difference between
container and bulk carrier
Question. Passivation procedure
Question. what is EICU, difference between
Question. What all documents required as
per hongkong convention, what is statement of compliance ,who give soc, what is
no more favourable treatment.
Question. Difference between classification
and ro
Question. tacit acceptance.
Question. Dent in engine room how will u
report to company.[ A dent found on hull which is located in engine room. hw to
mark exact place]
Question. scopic clause
The question is what will make Salvor decide if he should invoke SCOPIC
or not?
Question. Difference
between crude oil tanker and product tanker/.What type of steel used in tanks
on both ships
Question. What
all checks will you do when you enter into the cargo tanks?
Question. Types
of corrosion inside the tanks
Question. Why
coating is required in tanks and where it is applied in cargo tanks and where
to get the details
Question. Hssc and what are all not under hssc.. Why ISM not under hssc?
Question. How
as CE u check if your ship is compliant with ism
Question. What
all checks to be done to make ship comply with Isps
Question. Difference
between ISPS SUA and UNCLOS
Question. Why
CIC is there even though casualty is described in many other conventions
Question. What
is fatigue and how as chief engineer would u reduce fatigue on ships
Question. What
are the type of charters u know
Question. If u
r the ship owner which charter would you choose
Question. What
are the market strategies for selecting a Main engine as ship owner
Question. Define
bulk carrier. why 2 definition and as per what. y use of hopper and topside
Question. Insurance
on bulk carrier?
Question. bulk
carrier cert apart from standard certificate
Question. IMSBC
Code in detail. Various Groups. Example of Group B & C. What is TML & FMP
For what purpose. What is TML is high/What is Dynamic Separation./Effect on
vessel? latest amendment in imsbc code,
Question. What
is free surface effect. hw does it affect stability.
Question. ESP
full and why required. / Substantial corrosion definition. How much is
allowance given. What is minimum allowable thickness / types of corrosion
found. /Definition of corrosion with respect to pitting
and groove. How does it happen. Where it happens.
Question. Specification
and composition of material used in ship construction.
Question. Class
survey. types of class survey. What does class do.
Question. What
are exclusion in insurance.
Question. Unlawful
negligence with example.
Question. Audit
and inspection difference.
Question. Type
of audit. who does audit on board.
Question. Who
audit DGS. who gave right to do since
Question. What
is human factor. which all convention mentions. hw u address fatigue onboard.
Question. what is DMC I and hw u know
Question. Relate
Question. ship
is in Indian port, hull cracked and flooding in E/R. action as CE.
Question. Definition
of crude oil
Question. What's
so special about crude oil carrier
Question. Coating
technical file regulation and its content.
Question. Grades
of steel used in cargo tanks
Question. What
is the importance of sulphur and carbon and how much should be the content in
the steel. What will happen if sulphur content becomes more
Question. Asked
me composition of tar epoxy
Question. Plimsoll
mark and its usage.
Question. Loadline
survey in detail. / Jumped to Multiple loadline and its usage. Why shipowners
go for it.
Question. Tell
me about why we need insurance.
Question. Define
P and I and what it coves and what it
doesn’t. How P and I comes into MLC
Question. Asked
about collision damage, how the insurance company acts
Question. He asked about if Satellite falls on the ship and damages, will insurance cover it
Question. IOPP
Survey (Annual and Intermediate) and its forms and its content.
Question. Explain
if you find crack in the hull, how will you go ahead wrt to welding.
Question. What
is welding corrosion
Question. Registration
He said is foreign investment allowed,
Question. Registry
Question. IACS
and in detail and when it started. Explain UI,
Question. Explain
why GBS came into picture
Question. As a
ship owner what you would desire from your ship while designing?
Question. Difference between two definition and why two definition for bulk carriers,
Question. Difference
between type B-60 and B-100 ship full details ,why reduced freeboard what
arrangements are there, tabular freeboard, flooding requirements
Question. place
of refuge,
Question. Bauxite
cargo why bauxite cargoes problematic what precautions u follow
Question. Difference
between grain and imsbc code, when grain
code will apply and imsbc code will apply,
Question. Girth
Question. How
will you do effective implementation of ism
Question. Give
me one scenario, u have to identify one MNC and what all are the things u will
follow after this,
Question. what
all cargoes u carried, I told scrap cement, whether scrap is in imsbc code
Question. Dos
when will u ask for this, who decide security level while at sea and at Port,
Question. Subrogation
give one example and its types
Question. PSC codes for detention and for deficiency.
Question. Liquefaction ,how it is happening, what is happening in free surface effect / why stability is getting affected
Question. General structure of any convention,
Question. Chapter 12 when added what all additional safety measures are given,
Question. I am coming as PSC on
your ship, I found that
Question. how will you apply dispensation what all things to be there
Question. Use of tst and hopper with res to stability
Question. III
Question. Right ship inspection
Question. Causality
Question. Bunker calculation
Question. Boiler burst who will inspect ship
Question. Registration of
ship/Ship outside
Question. Integral bilge system
Question. propane and butane boiling point
Question. Cargo tank construction material / Max Pressure of semi pressurized tank
Question. Grade change from butane to propane
Question. Why booster pump required
Question. What if one pump fails how will you discharge cargo
Question. catastrophic relief valve
Question. how intercooler is cooled is cargo compressor and working principle of 2 stage
Question. what is Fischer valve
Question. Types of discharge in lpg
Question. Ism inspection document to keep
ready for audit
Question. Critical spares regulation
Question. m/ e turbocharger is exploded
while approaching port ,
Question. documents reqd for hull plate
Question. ows in faulty condition…how will
justify the PSC inspector for voyage?
Question. Rules of dry dock as per
dgshipping and what is the purpose of IWS?
Question. fuel oil and ballast tank
pressure testing procedure.
Question. H&M insurance…what all it
pays for n what all it doesn’t?
Question. while C/E takeover what are all
documents and certificate you will check
Question. How do Flag state monitor RO?
Question. Criteria for tail shaft survey?
Question. What is marine casualty? Purpose of casualty investigation code?
Casualty in Chennai port, what is the action?
Question. Dry dock guidelines as per imo and DG
Question. Class survey renewal
Question. Electronic record book.
Question. What is the content of Form E of SEQ certificate?
Question. Salvage convention complete details
Question. As a CE How to ensure your ship is complied with Noise code.
Question. As a CE how you ensure your vessel is complied with AFS Convention,
what are latest amendment to AFS CONVENTION.
Question. What is the interval of amending IMDG code /Is Amended IMDG code
as per number or year
Question. IMDG code require what all documents
Question. As per solas which certificate issued for carrying IMDG cargo
Question. What all precautions a ship has to take while handling IMDG cargo
Question. Who will inspect IMDG cargo loaded on board and signs it
Question. Significance of Annex III
Question. Any major repairs apart from steel renewal. I explain about
rudder pintle renewal.
Question. Rudder plate repairs.
Question. Critical
spare who is deciding. How will you use FMECA.
Question. Ballast water system, what they add before taking sample with respect to multiplication of bacteria
Question. Derating
Question. Cargo hold inspection for defects
Question. Engine room flooding action as CE. Pumping out mentioned where?
Question. Ship recycle certificates
Question. Coating file
Question. constructional difference between product and Crude oil tankers
Question. ER lagging requirements as per
Question. Paint DD what info required before quote
Question. Voyage and time charter diff
Question. C/E role in time charter.
Question. The scope of activities of a Chief Engineer & his responsibilities on a ship under voyage charter
Question. Voyage party charter instruction to CE
Question. Alternative fuels w r t engines can burn or not
Question. Risk analysis in details-how to make
Question. Certificate of fitness
Question. Third party liabilities
Question. BWM- Certificate, compliance method
Question. Status of Liberian flag on honghong convention
Question. IHM- Manager, EU SRR, type of certificate issued.
Question. Certificates issued by flag state (Not by Ro)
Question. Painting scheme
Question. Off spec fuel debunker and documents to submit
Question. Car carrier fire fighting requirements.
Question. Grit blasting type and size . What grit will be used for propeller and
surface preparation.
Question. eme fire pump not working as a chief engg role
Question. Bridge equipment why two radar,
Question. when hull work is going in ship side as a C/ E wat will u inspect.
Question. Ihm maintenance plan, Designate person onboard for Ihm
Question. Risk analysis and Jsra
Question. General average expenditure how to calculation and expenses. Total
loss, constructive total loss .
Question. Anemometer principle
Question. Reasons for Structural deformation and deterioration
Question. Scantling Deadweight, Scantling Draught
Question. Explain Noise Code, what about Accommodation, Air-conditioning duct
Question. Just before 3E watch starts, he Comes and tells u that, he was watching
movie whole day, hence he is tired and fatigue now. How you treat, handle his
Question. What is Indian Tonnage? Indian Controlled Tonnage? Tonnage Tax Scheme, Tax Benefits?
Question. Hull Plate Renewal procedures,
What are the checks u will do on welder qualification and welding
Equipments, what type electrode u will
prefer, what precautions, checks
before initiating welding / during /after completion.
Question. How you prepare for underwater
welding repair, how to prepare risk assessment for this job
Question. Liquefaction and
dynamic separation
Question. What is Repair and Damage survey
Question. Special survey as CE how will u
complete successfully
Question. What quality of Hydrogel makes it qualified to use as Anti fouling paint? how it repels and how it is used etc
Question. Ship is grounded. what convention
will come into place and reporting methods
Question. difference between grounded,
Stranded, Abandon ship
Question. In marine insurance. What is
pooling agreement
Question. What reporting CE makes from ship
to office and its frequency
Question. Time charter and what clause is
included in Time charter
Question. Risk assessment for changing over
ship sea chest for repair.
Question. How to train your junior
Question. Redundancy for dynamically positioned (DP) vessels.
Question. Hongkong convention
Question. R 22 R 407 c difference.
regarding odour he asked. GWP ODP and ODS log
Question. Explain about low expansion foam.
Tell about foam monitors and it’s requirement
Question. Rest hrs requirements as per mlc,
Question. On what basis In water survey
carried out.
Question. How many ups for d.p system for
Question. Codes regarding d.p vessels.
Question. While doing LSA/FFA periodical
survey what they will check.
Question. In mlc what you will check as CE
Question. what you will check in IOPP
Question. On hire and off hire clause
Question. what is dispensation clause
Question. What is inchmare clause
Question. What is MASS related to future
Question. Cap/Cas