Kochi mmd

Simon sir

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For answers Contact 7718065806

Simon sir




External Simon

Question. IOPP. contents of iopp cert. Supplement to IOPP Certificate

Question. Statutory Cert required to be carried on board a ship

Question. ⁠gbs

Question. ⁠blooms taxonomy.. appln of blooms taxonomy in STCW

Question. ⁠requirement of classification society to become part of IACS

Question. what is rules r reglns)


Question. Indian flag ship often Psco boarding ship reasons..?

Question. Ur vessel need extension for renewal cert .. write a letter to flag state..?

Question. STCW review that will be done recently

External : Simon

Internal: Senthil

Question. Sire 2.0

Question. HNS convention         

Question. ISGOTT

Question. TMSA

Question. OCIMF       

Question. IOPC fund

Question. AR and VR

Question. MS act safety which part

Internal: Senthil

Question. How to make sure as CE SMS Is maintained onboard


Simon sir

Paul sir




Question. Annex 2 discharge criteria

Question. Egb uptake fire

X - how dry soot becomes wet ? Only HC content enough to make it wet ? Flash point of wet soot ? Is flashing or direct fire happen at first etc

Question. Detail action as Ce in case of egb fire and explain why ? ( for each action)

Question. how will you find out survey pending on your vessel when you join as CE

Explain condition of class

Psco action on a vessel with coc

Question. CBDR

Question. CDTR


Simon sir and Paul sir

Question. GISIS      

Question. LRIT, AIS, EPIRB,SART, seas areas

Question. GA.

Question. New jason clause,

Question. Nox tech file: need? Content?            

Question. Continuous synopsis  record ? Common structure rule?

Question. How will u prepare for Safcon annual survey?       

Question. CIC

Question. Seemp 3                           

Question. Article 13, 14

Question. Scopic      

Question. Polymerisation        

Question. AFS

Question. Why tankers have less freeboard

Question. Codes applicable to bulk carriers

Question. Virtual reality and augmented reality, in training

Question. Carbon sequestration and methods

Question. CO2 storing pressure in Engine room flooding system, relief valve function

Question. Freefall Lifeboat testing height

Question. LO testing, labs method,

Question. IMO decarbonisation strategy

Question. NH3 as alternate fuel, operational and technological problems.



External : Simon sir

Internal : Senthil Sir

ship type : chemical tanker

external started : areas which u struggle

i said some of the last unanswered questions

he started with Anchor —

Question. criteria for deciding anchor size & relation with ship size. Anchor material , hull material

Question. Equipment number

Question. ODMCS discharge criteria

Question. PSSA , special area

Question. warranty , express & implied warranty

Question. carbon factor , co2 emissions for ship calculation

Question. IOT uses

Question. shipping master duties

Question. best option for GHG emission reduction :

Question. FSS CODE....Where it s in MS act rules

Question. LSA IN STCW....where in MS act

Question. Cat FINES .where u get details.how to prevent.what it affects in engine.

Question. Mpec 107 nd 60

Question. CO2 volume calculation.

Question. Specif volume

Question. Safeties in it and certificates.



Question. How to deal with a young seafarer and training them.

Question. 3/E incapacitated as C/E  safe Manning and watchkeeping how you manage..?


Simon sir, senthil sir


Question. Polar code chief engineer challenges (expected fuel related answer)

Question. EGCS maintenance , challenges?

Question. Intact stability, dynamic stability, damage stability definition?

Question. GHG , GWP definition ?

Question. Alternate fuel

Question. Disruptive technology

Question. Blue economy Question. IORA

Question. CII formula, ratings?


Senthil sir

Question. Hongkong convention? Preparation for recycling chief engineer duty?

Question. Class to become an RO requirements?


Simon sir

Question. Ms act contents

Question. Garbage management on ship

Question. Solas chapter 11 contents

Question. Parametric rolling

Question. Materials of container

Question. Annex 4 certificate

Question. VICT


paul SIR

Question. Class Notations

Question. Fire pp design requirements

Question. Fire line isolation vv

Question. Responsibility of ce in ism

Question. How will You ensure Sea chest valve sealing

Question. Docking survey

Question. Loadline Survey, what all items checked?

Question. Bulwark, Railings specs

Question. SEQ Certificate Form E contents

Question. Navigational Equipments

Question. Gyrocompass working principle

Question. DOC & SMC audit & different types of Audits

Question. Audit vs Survey difference

Question. Anniversary Date definition

Question. ISPS Certification & Audit frequency

Question. Minimum Safe Manning Certificate, Issued by whom & on what criteria

Question. Where to find the list of Cargoes that can be carried on your vessel

Question. TORT

Question. Admiralty Act

Question. SMS APEX Manual

Question. RPSL

Question. CBA

Question. Oil Tanker vs Product Tanker difference



Internal : Paul

External : Simon

Question. SUA protocol 

Question. ⁠continental shelf       

Question. ⁠CII, Cf, SEEMP III

Question. Document Control

Question. Polar code

Question. MLC titles, RPSL

Question. IGF,IGC

Question. Plasma as ce how it affect u      

Question. predictive and preventive maintenance difference.

Question. LO contamination by fuel oil actions to be taken

Question. Scrubber failure actions to taken

Question. Incineration in port allowed? Regulation

Question. Scopic does it affect CE

Question. Admiralty act does it affect CE

Question. wages not paid where mentioned owner has to pay

Question. Sustainable development

Question. Block chain technology

Question. SWOT analysis






NOV 2024


External - simon sir

Internal - paul sir

Type of ship and experience as 2e and number of attempts.

When did you sign off from vessel

Question. statutory certificate and class certificate difference

- name all statutory certificate ( full name of certificate) of your vessel

Question.  isps certificates onboard

Question.  load line certificate in detail

Question. now requirements of inert gas generator

Question. carbon footprint

Question.  carbon sequestration

Question. fal convention

Question. macn( maritime anti corruption network)

Question. gt and nt cross questions

Question.  cop29 ( were is it happening and details)


Question.  drydock inspection and certificates and requirements for dd



simon/paul. Repeat

What topic didnt answer last time?

Question.  Unclos. Flag state rights. Not duties

Question.  Coastat state rights. Not duties

Question.  Continental shelf. Subsoil

Question.  PMSA- pacific shipping merchant asscn

Question.  Blooms taxonomy application in marine sector

Question.  Competancy and proficiency differnce( not accepting any answer

Question.  Sea worthiness where mentioned in unclos

Question.  Definition of sea wrthiness

Question.  Ms bill 2016 and 2024 differnce

Question.  New additions in ms bill 2024.



Simon sir


Type-Bulk Carrier

Question.  Loadicator

Question.  High density cargo, loading criteria, precautions

Question.  Grain Code,Grain cargo loading cross questions

Question.  Intact Stability Code

Question.  All codes applicable in Bulk Carrier

Question.  Preperation for Load line survey

Question.  Load line certificate

Question.  Seq certificate supplement

Question.  Imsbc Code and Blu code

Question.  Maximum number of crew onboard-criteria

Question.  Multiple load line , booklet,why multiple load line.Is it applicable for all ship types

Internal -Senthil sir

Question.  Mid term criteria ghg emission

Question.  Cop 29


Ext:Simon sir

Int: Senthil


Introduce yourself

Question.  Why tanker is having less freeboard

Question.  Ghg gases, where v  use of PFC

Question.  CO2 emission of ur vsl,fuel consumption

Question.  CLC

Question.  Bunker

Question.  Basel

Question.  Hns

Question.  Llmc

Question.  Wreck

Question.  Esp code

Question.  NOSDCP

Question.  Polar code..As ce what all r the conditions to be maintained

Question.  Latest amendment in iopp ,

Why Hfo carriage as fuel restricted in Arctic

Why Hfo restricted in arctic

Question.  Carbon sequestration

Question.  Clear Ground, suspension of inspection, Appeal procedure of Detention




Internal: Paul sir

External : Simon Sir

Type : Bulk carrier


Question.  Statutory certificate onboard , validity of each certificate

Question.  Certificate of registry ( told no expiry)

     What all scenarios this can change, ( told about flag state change & ship recycling too) he told something related owner

Question.  Different types of bulk cargoes 

Question.  Safeties while carrying solid bulk cargoes, tml

Question.  Liquefaction, example for cargo

Question.  How to decide maximum no of person onboard( told about both minimum safe maning document & form E of seq certificate)

Given a hint about no of person in accomodation ( may be ispp certificate too)

Question.  Supplement for cargo ship construction certificate?

Question.  rescue boat& fast rescue boat

 Where fast rescue boat is used

why rescue boat on starboard.

Question.  Pssa , example

Question.  Casuality code ( objective ,asked about notification, what is marine casuality)

Question. Intervention convention (  what is protocol of this convention, is it in force)

Question. Expressed warranty/ implied warranty( just explanation)

Question. Carfon factor ,unit, co2 emitted from your ship, justify why this much ton

Question. bulk carrier types as per cargo

Question. Tell about OBO ships, can bulk carrier can carry chemical

Question. New trend in bulk carrier  related to above question

Question. Tall ship

Question. Ms bill 2022/ 2024 , (not sure about the year) regarding ship owning



Internal: paul sir


Question. What is clear grounds, procedure for detailed inspection?

Question.  What is suspension of inspection?




Simon and paul

1) intro

2) Why not able to clear last time? Unanswered questions last time. These questions you have to be very very thorough to the extreme point.

I lost all my confidence and hope in this point.

Question. additional survey

Question. additional survey for bulk and oil tankers

He's expecting ESP for this

Question. what certificate u get after esp

Question. corrosion limits in esp code.

Question. vict . What is vertical integration?

Question. particularly sensitive special area

Question. lifeboat what are all tests

Question. hns convention. Is it applicable for your ship

Question. nos dcp full form




Oct 24


Surveyors: Simon n Rao

Question. Advantages of having 2 turbo charges

Question. Multiple load line

Question. Structure of P&I

Question. High density cargo/.Angle of repose .Accident related to shifting of cargo. (Bauxite)

Question. Cohesive n non cohesive cargos/ Grain which category belongs

Question. loadicator


Attempt 1

Internal- Simon sir

External- Rao

Result - fail



Type of ship

Question. Types of insurance/Principles of marine insurance , explain all,

Question. Minimum safe manning document. Maritime autonomous surface ship, types,which type need safe manning document.

Question. SPS code( special purpose ship)

Question. Mmsi number and use

Question. Why tanker has less free board, expain permeability,

Question. Coc and cop , course for cop

Question. MRCC, when to use MRCC, where is the information given for contact points of MRCC

Question. What is polymerization


Attempt 1



Type - car carrier

Question. Requirements of ro ro cargo loading who is certifying your cargo is safe to transport and what documents. New regulations for car carrier . Special provisions for EV Li ion batteries fire

Question. How to calculate GT and NT of car carrier

Question. Condition of class and memorandum of class

Question. Vict teap applications

Question. Bloom’s Taxonomy and its application in IMO convenation


Question. Type of ME you worked why me and RT flux engines are called intelligent or smart engines


Simon/ Rao

Self intro

Question. Chemical tanker types

Question. ESP survey certificate. Why " enhanced"?

Question. GT/NT.

Question. Shipping master duties

Question. Welfare officer duty

Question. Certificate of fitness validity

Question. OPRC. How it helps ship?

Question. SIRE 2.0.

Question. ISGOTT. Why only for tankers?

Question. Integrated ISM

Question. Is HNS convention in force? Who benefits from the convention?

Question. Certificate of class is statutory or not.

Question. BWTS standards and documents.




Question. Definition of manager as per ism

Question. Definition of company



Ext- Simon sir,Rajappan

Int: Paul sir

Type of vessel- Container.                      

When last given orals/Written Results?  


Question. How container trade freight is determined?    


Question. What do you mean by consortium, collaboration, pooling,"Convention"

Question. How will you compose a watch?                                              

Question. What is the new code regarding autonomous ships.Do you think as a C/E MASS code will be a threat to future job prospects?   

What all IMO conventions do you think will be changed after adoption of MASS code?                                     

Question. Wreck Convention ? 

Simon Sir :                                                                                                                                                                       

Question. What actions to take if you find a wreck? What to do as a coastal state if the ship owner goes missing?      

Question. What do you mean by ' total flooding system' What is the number of CO2 bottles on your ship?How will you calculate the number of CO2 bottles for your ship?Who is in charge of release of CO2 System  What are the safeties of CO2 System?                                                                                                       

What are the conditions for the activation of release of Safety valve in CO2 System? How accidental release of CO2 occurs ?                                                                                                       

Question. How will you bring a change in your company Management System? What system is followed in your company?               



Paul :

Question. What is a Class notation ?                                                                                                                                   



Attempt 2

Simon Sir

Introduce urself

1.Type of Ship

2. Which all questions didn't answer last time?

 I told Manila amendments,

Question. Slop tank arrangement.

Question. Bill of lading, types, who will prepare and types

Question. Tanker oil discharge criteria. What does reg.14.7 say?

Question. Great circle navigation. Other types of navigation

Question. Mlc title 5, explain only onboard complaint procedure

Question. Latest technologies in engines

Question. Latest technologies in shipping.

Question. Block chain and IOT any relationship?

Question. Basel Convention, who authorise Prior Informed Consent

Rajappan Sir

Question. Latest fuel standard and what's in it? What is FAME?

Question. As a Chief engineer how will you order bunker onboard ur vessel

Question. Incoterms. Explain any one relating to shipping


Simon Sir

Question. What's Reverse mentoring?  If your Junior is mentoring you, won't your ego be hurt?



Attempt 1

Simon and rajappan

Question. Risk assessment

Question. scopic clause

Question. Jason clause

Question. ⁠incident reporting . ⁠preliminary investigations in Indian flagged vessel

Question. ⁠igf and igc code. ⁠flash point

Question. how do you compose engineering watch

Question. force majeore


Attempt-1 Repeat

Ext:Simon sir and Rajappan sir


Introduce yourself

Written result ?

Question. Convention,protocol,amendments,code,rules,regulations,act

Question. Electronic Engines

Question. Additional safety for Bulk carriers

Question. Types of ows and working

Question. Blu code                 

Question. Code coming into force

Question. Diff between Adoption and Entry into force

Question. Tacit acceptance

Question. Triangle marking on Bulk carrier ships

Question. Esp code

Question. MS act

Question. Imsas


External Simon sir

Internal Paul sir.


Introduce yourself.

Experience and type of ship.

Questions were not answered last time.

Question. Ballat water convention -G8 and G9. Procedure for approval of BWMS with and without Active substance. Active substance definition. Difference between testing standards for IMO and Question. GESAMP and EHS .

Question. Hazards associate with butane and what's the relationship with annex 6.

Question. Type of cargo tanks in gas carrier and explain about membrane type.

Question. Thickness of the membrane tank and how will you identify the leak in the tank.

Question. There is a crack in the tank and how will you repair it. Wanted to hear about the tank entry procedure and check list.

Question. Stevedore Charter party.

Question. Blockchain technology        

Question. VICT and what is vertical integration.

Question. Integrated SMS ,  iso

Question. Mentoring and how will you mentor JE.



Paul Sir.

Question. Statutory surveys onboard

Question. DD requirements of ship.

Question. Persistent oil, Oil definition, Why 37.8 degree Celsius. What happens when pressure increases.

Question. What is "anomalous water" 

Question. COP 28,

Question. CBDR

Question. SMS manual, Controlled document, CDTR

Question. DPA duties, does DPA need a sea service, Should DPA do revalidation course.

Question. Revalidation course, criteria, how many months sea experience

Question. DWT, LWT, GT, NT

Question. SPS code,

Question. IP code, what if less than 12 personnels involved in the ship.

Question. NOS- DCP

Question. IOPP supplement, contents for Form B

Question. SEQ certificate supplement, Who gets the choice to include fire plan or not.

Question. ISGOTT



Question. HNS convention,

Question. Admiralty Act, Difference between maritime claim and maritime line

Question. Casualty investigation code and it's objective as per code.


Atempt no.2



Introduce yourself

Type of ship

What all questions did not answer.

Question. Inclining experiment

Question. Alternate fuels             

Question. Methane number.

Question. Gyroscope. Gyro compass

Question. functional requirements of cyber security

Question. Spoofing

Question. Carriage rules

Question. CO2 sequestration

Question. P&I correspondent

Question. IOT use in ER. Smart sensors.use in engine room

Question. IBC code in detail

X,Y,Z catagory explain with eg

Type 1,2,3 tanker construction

Cargoes carried

Sulphuric acid which catageory


Question. IBC, BCH difference

Question. Plasma state

Question. Watchkeeping principles

Question. Ocimf

Question. Fast rescue boat why rescue boat on stbd side



Question. Survey and audit difference

Question. bonjean curve

Question. esp code latest amendment

Question. Psc detention appeal procedure

Question. Sua

Question. TQM, Relation ship between TQM AND ISO.

Question. SMD whogives guidelines

Question. Unclos flag state duties.

Question. Intact stability. Dynamic stability.

Question. CII latest, reduction factor, Cf.

Question. Free fall ceertifcation height.  

Question. MACN.


PAUL sir

Question. Mepc 107 & 60 for oil filtering equipment.

Question. BOL types. International rules for bol. Indian rules ofr bol [cogsa]




September 2024


Simon sir

1. Introduce yourself, attempt number, is theory cleared, which month, type of ship?

Question. Fitness of duty. levels of STCW. How do you know as a CE rating can be kept for assisting watch keeping? As a CE how do you compose watchkeeping in er?

Question. AFS convention. Document related to convention

Question. Explain social security as per MLC / Who covers medical cost for seafarer onboard

Question. Role of RPS

Question. RPS - where its mentioned in MLC

Question. RPS -  where in MS act

Question. Role of rpsl in crew repatriation.

Question. What is the material used for construction of cargo tank?. Where invar is used,

Question. Imo, Mmsi, call sign, official number, gmdss, who gives, what is the purpose, why you need different means of communication etc                                                                                                                                            

Question. CII, imo DCs

Question. CO2 emission of your ship

Question. Gyro Compass , working principle. whether it can be set for true south heading position?

Question. What is subdivision load line.

Question. What is EN number

Question. Which rule is used for cargo transportation by sea./ Cogsa. Which document it is mentioned

Question. Mooring winch brake test

Simon sir

Attempt 1

Written result

Question. Hazards on Containerships

Question. parametric rolling, and how to reduce it.

Question. Admirality act.

Question. Ms act (year established). Wreck definition under MS act.. Salvage under MS act.  If you find a wreck near the Indian coast whom will you inform and other steps.

Question. VGM

Question. MACN

Question. role of a manager under ISM code.

Question. container material.



26 September 2024

Attempt 1 written result pending

Simon sir Paul sir Rao sir

Simon sir

When did you sign off (I signed off on April 5 )

What's the importance of April 5th(was able to explain the story of SS loyalty and national maritime day)

Education background

Question.  What is the requirement for teaching in a maritime institute. 

Question.  how will you use Teap manual.

Question.  What is vertical integration

Question.  How to apply blooms taxonomy

Question.  Type of Insurances for a vessel

Question.  What is blue card / How blue card ensures the compensation

Question.  Clc fund contributing oil level of contribution thresholds when compensation limit increase.

Question.  Anti fouling system.what is afs. what is the coating now available.what is special.Base in SPC CDP coatings and why is copper allowed.

Question.  Port of refuge and how to go about it / Analysis of the vessel seeking refuge

Question.  Wreck convention and how a state deal with it.

Paul sir Rao Sir

Question.  What is the importance of document control how will you ensure a document is latest revision?

Question. Port of refuge.

    Master responsibility

    Coastal state responsibility

    Details shared with coastal state

     What is an incident and type of casualties

Question. casualty investigation code

     What is the code

      What is the procedure

      Who is preliminary enquiry officer

      What is the qualification for that officer, what course he has to do and

       who issues certificate for that course

Question. Aecs what is it and what is it for

Question. Vict what is it and what is it for

Question. Esp

     What cert you get after esp

     What info you get from esp

Question. what is call sign and what is mmsi why u need both

Question. Ais and switch off procedure

Question. III code.

    What is it and how will you confirm implementation of III code

Question. GISIS and its contents

Question. scopic clause

      Full form of scopic

Question. which all ranks onboard ship

     What are coc and cop

     How many people required in a watch

     How will you fix a watch as a CE



Question. What is IMSBC code

Question.  ⁠cohesive and non cohesive cargo

Question.  ⁠GT & NT

What is the unit of gt

How you will calculate gt and nt What is permeability

In relation to permeability and loadline  gt and nt will change or not

Question.  Bulk Jupiter incident and x cross question why happen and TML and how dynamic separation happened.

Question.  Bill of Lading, types of BOL

Question.  ⁠smc survey

Question.  Certificates under MLC / Dlmc 1&2

Question.  ⁠types of ship in bulk carrier

Question.  ⁠ Restriction on Bulk carrier wrt high density

Question.  Any identification on Bulk carrier on restriction of high density cargo

Question.  BWTS types and example of G9 standard and G8 standard

Question.  SEQ survey. ⁠ Form E ? ⁠What are the particular in Form -E

Question.  Ballast water certificate and survey details and survey interval. ⁠BWTS IMO Standard and US standard

Question.  BLU code and BLU manual

Paul sir

Question.  what is a contract

Which law governs a contract

which law governs bill of lading

uestion.  ⁠types of cargo under IMSBC

Question.  ⁠How Dynamic separation happened happen

Question.  What is ISGOTT

Question.  What is Butterworth

Question.  FSS code

Question.  Co2 bottles pressure

How to calculate flooding  volume of co2

pressure relief valve complete about co2

Question.  Spoofing

Question.  Igf code. What is flashpoint

Question.  Ftp code

Question.  Class notations, Why multi-cross, is multi-cross for all, Cyber security class notation symbol

Question.  Which law covers disputes between  ship owner and Cargo owner in India 

Question.  Esp code. Explain survey procedure, substantial corrosion.What is the corrosion limit?

Question.  Sire 2.0 Explain.

Question.  What is OCIMF.( only expansion )/ Ocimf how it helps a chief Engineer?

Question.  Cow procedure.

Question.  what is carbon factor.per day how much emissions , justify it.

Question.  what is methane number? what is significance of it? what is implication on environment? what is gwp of methane and co2

Question.  what is Supplement for seq certificate?what certificate to check number of persons on board?

Question.  Explain Salvage convention

where is it given in Ms act?.

Question.  Bmp5, Difference between 5 and 4, is it mention in MS Act, Is it mandatory to have on board. Who prepared this.

Question.  Latest Amendments in container shipping

Question.  Diff between water lance and Hydropen

Question.  How to go to 4 tier for fighting fire with mobile water lance

Question.  Who will certify a container and diff testing methods.

Question.  Details on container plate

Question.  Safety equipment certificate details.

Question.  Bunker convention, Who decide LLMC limit.

Question.  Certificate of registry. Is it statutory?

Question.  CII full, Conversion factor value, CII value in your vessel. SEEMP 1, 2 and 3.

Question.  Minimum manning certificate.


Aug 2024.

Ext . KA Simon

Surveyor  Simon ,Rajappan,Paul

1. Pre sea college ?,

Question.  difference between pre sea and post sea /  Purpose of IMU/ Diff b/w curriculum and syllabus

Question.  Admiralty act with example

Question.  Diff between MS act and rule with examples

Question.  Blooms taxonomy

Question.  Integrated sms

Question.  Blue economy

Question.  Lithium ion battery fire fighting

Question.  Apex manual


Question.  Difference in construction of passenger and cargo ship

Question.  Types of insurance

What all included in H&M insurance

If collision who decides how much to be paid

Procedure for claim

Average adjuster and his role

P and I club claim procedure

Question.  Esp procedure

Esp surveys under which convention

Documents under esp

Is esp statutory requirement

If so where is it mentioned

Question.  Condition of class and memoranda of class

Question.  Eexi and cii

How eexi compliance ensured

Question.  CO2 emissions of your ship

How much and why

Unit of emissions

Question.  permeability

Question.  margin line               

Question.  load line convention principles

Guard rails requirements

Question.  multiple load line

Question.  mentoring

Rajappan sir

Question.  mass code

Different degrees

When coming into power

Regulatory scoping exercise

Which all conventions looked into

What all looked under stcw convention regarding mass code

Question.  difference between code and convention

Question.  which all codes comes under solas

Question.  explain imsbc code

Types of cargoes

Dynamic separation

Difference between dynamic separation and liquefaction

If moisture content higher than tml,can you load

Question.  BLU code

Paul sir


Question.  what is a contract

Which law governs a contract

which law governs bill of lading

Question.  innocent passage


Question.  Coc & cop.

Question.  ce/2e/oow qualifications.

Question.  teap           

Question.  ms act preamble

Question.  act & rule & code define.

Question.  ro code

Question.  ship breaking code. ship recycling act.

Question.  fatigue and imo guidelines.

Question.  engine room watch-keeping principle.

Question.  work rest hours .

Question.  great circle navigation.

Question.  mlc,why dmlc 1&2.

Question.  polar code.

Question.  maritime zone act.

Question.  class survey and statutory survey.

Question.  claims and lien.


Ext . KA Simon

Question.  Load line survey

           Bull wark

           Railing- distance b/w horizontal railing ? why 230mm ?

           Multiple load line, advantage?

Question.  IGF code. l/b engine fuel specification, name, why flash point more than 43?

Question.  Why tanker has less freeboard

Question.  CII?

           How will u calculate CII of ur vessel?

           Carbon Factor? Unit ?

Question.  Solas Pack A and B


Question.  HNS convention?

           Why India not ratified?

Question.  Structure of maritime administration.

Question.  Flammability diagram draw. Critical dilution point.

Question.  GBS functional requirement.

Question.  Mlc seafarers employment agreement – right if sea farers.

Question.  EEXI, CII, what was your vessel grade, from where you can find.

Question.  MEGA-MEGI- general concept cycles.

Question.  Cold ironing.

Question.  UNCLOS. Flag state duties.

Question.  Amendment related with container vessel.

Question.  ISM- what is additional audit in ISM.- controlled document.

Question.  How a convention adopted, tacit acceptance.  



Question.  Admiralty act. Maritime lien, types one example.

Question.  What is the  difference between maritime lien and claim.




Simon and Paul, 21st Aug


Question.  Bimco

Question.  IACS and its functions

Question.  FAL and forms

Question.  HYDROPEN

Question.  Warranty and Guarantee diff

Question.  Great circle navigation , any other type nav.

Question.  Polar navigation benefits

Question.  Methane slip.

Question.  Li-ion battery Firefighting

Question.  Rescue boat and fast rescue boat

Question.  Dispensation

Question.  Ammonia- scope as future fuel, advantages and disadvantages

Question.  AECS- applicable for whom

Question.  ISM and ISO



Question.  Class notations, Why multi-cross, is multi-cross for all,


Question.  BLU code detail.

Question.  What is the definition of high density cargo. High density cargo restrictions. High density cargo restriction in solas ch 12.

Question.  diff bt audit and survey.

Question.  FSS code detail.

Question.  ESP brief and certificate.

Question.  What is CBDR.

Question.  Angle of loll.

Question.  HSSC.

Question.  LLMC.

Question.  CII calculation Cf

Question.  Why do you need code to a convention.

Question.  functional requirement of cyber security.

Question.  IS code.

Question.  How to know the status of class certificate,

Question.  explain memoranda of class with examples.


Question.  Esp code origin. Substantial corrosion.

Question.  Allowable margin limit how you determine.

Question.  AECS, TEAP part A & B

Question.  GBS common structural rules.

Question.  IMSAS audit.

Question.  Carbon sequestration.

Question.  IMSBC code.

Question.  Chapter XII

Question.  Sua convention.

Question.  Angle of repose.

Paul sir.

Question.  When MLC certificate is there, why dmlc is required.

Question.  IBC code detail.

Question.  DMLC.

Question.  TORT.

Question.  Duties of shipping master.

Question.  Admiralty act detail.

Question.  How you send ship for recyling as c/e.

Question.  type of grade  ss in your ship cargo tank.

Question.  Survey carried out on your ship, explain.

Question.  Esp code detail.

Question.  Hns convention status

Question.  Seq certificate,

Question.  iopp certificate supplement.

Question.  Safe manning document.

Question.  How to compose e/r watch.

Question.  Cii calculation and detail and guidelines.


Question.  LSA code amendments

Question.  IMSBC Code amendments( which site was referred for amendments)

Question.  Angle of repose

Question.  Difference between cohesive and non cohesive cargo

Question.  Purpose of inclining experiment

Question.  BLU Code

Question.  ESP code amendments, example of seperate tank on tanker vessel

Question.  What are the different bulk carrier ships with GT

Question.  Reason why rescue boat is given on stbd side

Question.  What is in rem and in ress

Question.  Angle of ramp, what happens when ramp angle increases

Question.  What is free fall lifeboat certified height, contents of certificate, who gives certificate. Importance for free fall certificate height

Question.  CII, Units, why carbon produced is thrice of fuel consumption

Question.  What are 4 conditions for ship

Question.  Shipping Master duties

Question.  Difference between list and heel

Question.  Angle of loll

Question.  RSO duties

Question.  CSO duties

Question.  SSO duties

Question.  FFA code amendments

Question.  Difference between coc and memorandum of class with example

Question.  High density cargo definition

Question.  High density cargo restrictions on ship

Question.  MMSI No

Question.  Why need Admiralty act when have  P&I



July 2024

Question. Net tonnage and gross tonnage-why no unit

Question. Containers carried on deck how you will accommodate in NT

Question. IMDG code and chapters

Question. Tests on container/


Question. Risk associated with carrying containers

Question. Ship side railings - levels of railings, spacing

Question. Fuel ISO standard, Cat Files limits and how cat fines present in Fuel and from where.

Question. DOC & SMC audit

Question. What are the insurance calls and comes under which insurance.

Question. What are the insurance for vessels, P&I and H&M coverage.

Question. RO auditor Educational Qualification

Question. Qualification of company ISPS internal auditor.

Question. What is CBDR

Question. What is EDP

Question. Audit and survey difference

Question. Class and RO difference.

Question. Container fire fighting equipment Requirements, construction details and How will you fix your water mist lance on 5th tier container

Question. Material of container and where the maximum load carried and material of bottom & Corner casting

Question. what is requirement for BWM

Question. OPRC

Question. what is coastal state

Question. UNCLOS duties of coastal state/continental shelf/Why continental shelf 200nm? Significance of limiting to 200nm?

Question. persistent oil


Question. Nsb

Question. Carbon emission related all kind of questions, carbon sequeration, how carbon collected

Question. OSHAS

Question. ESP code/Close up survey/Documents of ESP

Question. Blu

Question. Ms act general topics

Question. Integrated sms

Question. Igf code

Question. Carbon foot print

Question. Methane number

Question. Situational awareness

Question. CO2 emmision from your ship/Is it Otto cycle or disel cycle when gas fuelled

Question. Lithium ion battery fire fighting in detailed(AVD)


Question. Gt and NT of ship sailed.. defnition of Gt and nt .. y no units.

Question. How to calculate nt of containers on weather dk.. significance of NT

Question. Admirality act

Question. Satuatory certificates and its suppliments

Question. Containership fire fighting new regulations

Question. Functional requirements of cyber security


Question. Controlled document

Question. Seafarer definition

Question. P&I club correspondent functions

Question. Block chain technology

Question. Bill of lading

Question. BLU code

Question. CII

Question. Integrated management

Question. IOT? How it’s useful in engine room

Question. Way bill

Question. AECS


Question. Adoption, ratification, accession

Question. How to prepare ship for recycling.

Question. Why Tanker freeboard less.

Question. Cold corrosion

Question. Carbon factor.

Question. OPRC

Question. Ship statuary certificates.


Question. Preparing SEQ survey., content of form E



Question. Otto cycle and diesel cycle

Question. Serial purpose ship

Question. Great circle navigation

Question. Polar navigation

Question. MASS

Question. Situation awareness

Question. Methane number

Question. CII measurement

Question. Duties of shipping master

Question. Stevador, who brings them onboard

Question. SMS manual types/Apex manual in detail

Question. CO2 of your ship

Question. RPS and RPSL under which act

(come in ms act)



Question. List of all certificates carried on board.

Question. From where you can find how many people your ship can carry?

Question. AFS Convention

Question. How convention come into force

Question. Tacit acceptance procedure

Question. CLC, BUNKER, HNS in some detail

Question. OCIMF? What it does?

Question. SIRE 2.0

Question. CoP 28? IMO strategy? Targets? what does net zero mean

Question. Carbon sequestration

Question. Tort

Question. What is mentoring? How it’s different?

Question. What is Critical spare?

Question. Duties of Chief engineer? Are you confident to takeover as chief engineer?

Question. IOPP certificate contents, Details of Form A,B

Question. CAS

Question. Basel Convention


Question. CLC Convention: hat is CLC?Purpose, How much owner can limit? How owner can limit? What he has to produce to limit liability and where?



Question. Ship registration How name is given, priorities

Question. What is difference between maritime and marine

Question. What is cohesive and non cohesive cargo

Question. Rules and regulations difference

Question. What is RPS

Question. Stcw watchkeeping principle

Question. Closeup survey, who does it and when.

Question. IMSBC

Question. Bulk Jupiter incident, dynamic seperation

Question. Define high density cargo

Question. LLMC, excemptions

Question. Macn, who forms it.

Question. Teap, parts



June 2024


Question. CSC convention/ Container material /Container testing

Question. Blue economy

Question. Hydropen and watermist lance, working

Question. Parametric and synchronous rolling

Question. VICT course

Question. Cyber security.

Question. AIS and LRIT

Question. Situational awareness

Question. VGM , Who certifies it

Question. VDR, S-VDR


Question. AFS convention New marine hul coatings

Question. HNS convention

Question. ⁠Intact stability criteria. ⁠Dynamic stabilty

Question. ⁠Angle of loll

Question. ⁠IS code

Question. ⁠MACN

Question. Jamming and spoofing           

uestion. OPRC

Question. ⁠CLC69,92,Bunker


Question. ⁠Stopia,Topia

Question. ⁠MLC Titles/⁠MLC Certificates

Question. DP vessel function

Question. IMDG Code

Question. Annex III certificates/ All certificates carried onboard

Question. SPS code

Question. Casualty investigation code

Question. Shipping Master duties

Question. NSB

Question. Anniversary date of certificate

Question. Close up survey

Question. C02 emitted per day from your ship

Question. Meaning of "In rem"

Int:Paul sir

Question. Latest ammendment in SOLAS  Chapter XV regarding IP code








Question. preliminary and formal investigation

Question. class notations                       

Question. condition of class and memoranda

Question. IACS .pr ur ui

Question. Broaching

Question. Girder

Question. ICCT. carbon factor,sequestration,credit,mid term measures

Question. management representative

Question. BWMS documents



APRIL 2024

Ext: Simon sir.

Attempt: 3


Question. Certificate of Fitness. supplement to certificate of fitness.

Question. HNS convention. / IBC, IMDG and IMSBC code with relation to HNS.

Question. OCIMF.

Question. SIRE 2.0

Question. IS code.

Question. Stability Booklet contents.

Question. OPRC convention.

Question. IOPP supplements. Form B contents.

Question. Great Circle Navigation.

Question. COP 28.

Question. any spl requirements for Chief Engg to work in polar waters.

Question. why switch to df engines

Question. methane slip how u measure methane slip how to handlr

Question. Bridge equipment / gyro working principle

Question. ⁠Gyro compass working

Question. Innocent passage and continental shelf , seabed authority

Question. Spoofing

Question. How u calculate co2 emission , cf how to calculate

Question. Landmass , economic zone how to determine.

Question. How extension of continent shelf us determined

 Question. Contents of FSS code

Question. Parametric rolling, why mostly on container vessels

Question. Method of calculating GT and NT of container vessel. Why they r without unit

Question. Difference between hague wisby rule and Hamburg rule

Question. Container ship conventions, container testing, material, racking

Question. IACS purpose

Question. Principles of watch keeping, stcw chapters

Question. Undeclared container

Question. Regulations and rules difference

Question. Decarbonisation strategy

Question. Condition of class, memoranda of class

Question. Deadweight, lightweight, Gt and NT how to calculate GT.

Question. why freeboard is less in tanker, how permeability is related to less freeboard, what is permeability.

Question. Difference between warranty and guarantee. Explain with example

Question. Tort

Question. BWT scope, how to comply, what all there

Question. IGF code, IGC code. Difference between both. 

Question. Invar. Where it is used.

Question. GISIS. What kind of information can get what all modules.

Question. IMO Strategy on GHG. What is the new strategy as per MEPC81. What all green house gases. Is methane also GHG.

Question. ESP

Question. BLU code

Question. Imsbc code

Question. High density cargo

Question. Basel convention

Question. ship recycling act 2019

Question. Hong Kong convention

Question. Ais, Lrit and difference

Question. General avg / particular average

Question. AFS

Question. CSC

Question.  CO2 maintenance and test as per FSS

Question. Alternate management system. How long uscg water allowed. Last date of ams. Diff bet imo bwms and uscg bwms.

Question. Ms act. NSB age norms for ship. Passenger ship certificates. Principle of watch keeping. As a c/e how will you assign the personal in e/r watch. Qualification. What is cop. Rating qualification. 

Question. Igf code. Brief.

Question. Document control.

Question. Life boat certificate height.

Question. Macn

Question. Subrogation. Types of subrogation.

Question. Wreck conv. If owner is not willing to take wreck.

Question. Maritime lien, what about claim.




Ext Simon

Int Paul

Question. Collision bulkhead requirements

Question. flammability diagram

Question. IOT

Question. Hazards of butane cargo

Question. Smc audit how u prepare

Question. How u prepare for load line survey as ce

 Question. Vict and Aecs

Question. Functions of cyber security

Question. Contents of nox file. What test methods. Were is the ID number printed on machinery . How do you cross verify

Question. Mepc 81 in brief

Question. How will you train your junior engineer if you join as ce on ship.

Question. Stopia and topia


Simon sir,

Question. Grim vane wheel/Contra rotating propeller

Question. Fss code

Question. CSR

Question. FTP CODE


Question. Rem and Personam

Question. Cbdr

Question. How convention is made

Question. Tacit acceptance procedure

Question. Electronic bdn

Question. Big data

Question. Type of eexi

Question. Deck line use

Question. Type of vibrations

Question. New regulation of container

Question. How container weight is calculated, duty of shipper regarding declaration of vgm.

Question. Weigh bridge calibration by which department.

Question. Container firefighting.

Question. How DWT is calculated from TEU. How NT is measured in container ship.

Question. Carbon factor and source factor.

Question. Carbon capture and sequestration.

Question. Admiralty act

Question. Ms act

Question. LLMC

Question. Diff between fast rescue and rescue boat

Question. Shale gas

Question. procedure to switch off AIS

Question. types compasses

Question. Types of Radars

Question. UR, PR, UI

Question. ECDiS

Question. GWP of Methane in terms of co2

Question. Mentoring

Question. What are Ghg, Name the gases

Surveyor :simon

Attempt -1

Question. Type 1 ,2,,3 chemical tanker

Question. category Xyz

Question. where is it listed what type of cargo can be carried

Question. relationship between type 1,2,3 and cat xyz cargo

Question. difference between IBC and BCH code

Question. carbon factor calculation

Question. carbon sequestration ( how carbon is sent to sea bed )

Question. GHG and strategy of IMO on GHG

Question. LSA code

Life jacket types

Free fall life boat criteria

Free fall hight

What is the significance of free fall height

Question. Unclose fs duties

Question. Rps and functions,who gives licence, who conducts audit.

Question. SEO? In ms act. Where is the nearest seo .

Question. Nsb, functions of nsb

Question. Why Ms act?

Question. Rps and mlc...

Question. Isps code



MARCH 2024


Attempt: 3


Simon Sir


Question. Block chain technology

Question. Blue Economy, IORA

Question. Annex 4 survey and certificates.

Question. Annex 5 what  all certificates are there

Question. GRB  what is requirement , who is maintaining?

Question. ⁠AFS convention and certificates & supplements details. TBT ,CYBUTYRNE effects   and alternate AFS .

Question. Annex 6 all certificates.

Question. AIS / LRIT. AIS & LRIT Differences.

Question. MMSI number and its significance.

Question. Apex Manual

Question. Risk involved in Li ion Battery. What is alternate.. told me to brief.

Question. Tell me about stowage Plan? What all to be Considered? What your role as CE in  that?

Question. What is peril? What all  Perils covered in marine  Insurance? and What is Force Majure?


Paul sir :

Question. Cyber Risk Management                    

Question. CLC brief.




Attempt: 3

Simon Sir

Question. Risks in Container ships,  How you handle those risks

Question. VGM - who approves

Question. Parametric Rolling- How to reduce it.

Question. ⁠GT unit, Container GT calculation, what is 2.83?

Question. National Maritime day theme 2024.

Question. You’re taking over a ship from outside India, you want to register it in India, what is the procedure?

Question. What is the significance of Official Number? Where it is displayed?

Question. ⁠IMO number? Who issue it?

Question. IMO DCS, where it is used

Question. CII calculations, carbon factor? CO 2 production in your ship?

Question. National Shipping Board Functions?

Question. IOT

Question. ⁠Bwms D1, D2 standards ? ⁠How to confirm D2 standard? which test ?  BWMS certificate and documents?

Question. PSC Code 17 ? and which code is used for detention ? PSC detention appeal procedure?

Question. SCR

Question. CO2 bottle pressure, weight , pressure loss  allowance for replacement

Question. FSS  code and FTP code in detail

Question. STCW chapter 8 in detail.

Question. Certification height of free fall lifeboat.

Question. Only certificate a chemical tanker carry and it's details.

Question. ism code certificates.

Attempt 4

Simon sir

Question. Tonnage convention and certificates and validity and why tonnage, NT GT

Question. MIS

Question. MSMD, who gives. And on what basis and what determines difference in levels for same type of ship

Question. National Maritime day and this year's theme

Question. Cop and coc difference

Question. Anniversary date with examples

Question. ISM stcw MLC connections

Question. IMSBC code

Question. Stability booklet

Question. Conventions and codes differences and why each requirement

Question. Average adjusters and what he does

Paul sir

Question. Quarterly class listing details

Question. Drydock requirements

Question. IS CODE

Question. SDR.


Attempt 1

Simon Sir

Question. COP28

Question. Emission factor

question. MLC details, CE role

Question. TEAP

Question. MS Act details, status, other acts

Question. Admiralty Act

Question. VICT

Question. Statutory Certificates

Question. Basel Convention

Question. Spoofing

Question. CBDR

Question. Cyber security functional requirements

Question. Blooms taxonomy

Question. IMDG code

Question. Safe manning document

Question. CAS



Attempt 1

Surveyor Simon sir,

Question. Unclos duties of CE

Question. Macn

Question. High speed rescue boat

Question. CBA

Question. Rpsl

Question. Fal

Question. Spoofing

Question. Subrogation

Question. Shale gas

Question. P&I club and under what convention it is, and if there is anything in India

Question. LLMC

Question. Teap

Question. Age norms for ships and exemption in India



Feb 24

External- Simon


Question. Polar code, polar navigation benefit.

Question. Great circle navigation

Question. ⁠Rhumb line navigation

Question. Celestial navigation

Question. Heavy oil spill in polar water effects

Question. ⁠Loadline survey as cheif enginner, documents to check.Validity

Question. ⁠Imdg code, classes

Question. HNS, relation with imdg

Question. Freefall lifeboat testing, can we test in astern movement?

Question. ⁠Different between rescue boat and fast rescue boat, application.

Question. Why tankers have less freeboard

Question. FSS code contents

Question. ⁠ISM, SMC and DOC

Question. ⁠Stability booklet content

Question. ⁠Bridge equipments

Question. ⁠Gyro compass working

Question. ⁠Solas pack A&B, difference

Question. ⁠Anniversary date



Question. Class notation, IRS, Swastika notation will be applicable to all IRS class ship?

Question. Acts other than MS act

Question. ⁠Maritime lien, examples



Feb 24

Simon sir

Question. Sire 2.0

Question. Iopp survey and supplements

Question. Hns and type of cargo included

Question. clc, bunker, definition of oil as per clc.

Question. Condition of assignment for type A ships

Question. OPRC and connection with HNS and oprc

Question. CII, Cf, Calculation for my ship

Question. IMDG CODE

Question. psc detention and action as CE

Question. Shipping Master definition as per MS act. And it's role.




Jan 2024

Jan 2024


Int:  paul SIR

Result : PASS


(no.of attempt, when cleared written, preparatory course, pre sea, magazines used to refer, sea time, type of ship, trade, company, exp as 2E)

Question. Verified gross mass, requirements of weighing station, what if  no VGM

Question. FSS Code functional  requirement

Question. Hydropen, working, water pressure required, time required to fix it,  will it affect  stability of ship if water  filled in container on 5th TIER

Question. GT , NT Calculation/ How to calculate NT of container on deck / Unit of GT, why no. unit/ GRT , GT what difference

Question. GM of ship, how much minimum required

Question. Arrangements  provided on deck  for draining water

Question. Freeing point, how many in your ship

Question. CSC / Container  testing  methods

Question. Electronic ORB, ORB entries

Question. HNS Conventions and HNS substances

Question. Casualty investigation code and responsible parties

Question. Cold lay up, requirement and manning requirement, why lay up require?

Question. IOPC fund, IOPC fund workshop  conducted at kochi

Question. Explain IMO DCs and CII in detail also as a chief engineer duties and what all to check under  CII.

Question. CII calculations, rating, carbon factor definition  ,formula , Cf of  HFO,

Question. Tones of CO2 produced in your ship, justify your answer

Question. TORT and types

Question. Safe manning documents

Question. How to load container ship                                                       

Question. Cyber security objectives

Question. Challenges facing by container ships


Question. type of cargo in IMDG, what all cargo your ship can carry? Where you will refer, ?

Question. DGL? DOC? Compliances means what? Details provided in DOC? How DOC is applicable to your ship.

Question. Stability full with all curves and calculation with minimum values.

Question. IACS UR,UI....E26, E27

Question. CII calculations. weight why increasing?

Question. Cyber security functional requirements, notation.

Question. mmsi. Mmsi who's giving the number

Question. imo number . How checking

Question. Sire 2.0


Simon sir


Question. Oprc

Question. Iopc fund

Question. Vgm

Question. Tender Ship, stiff ship

Question. Goal based standard

Question. Dry dock preparation

Question. Igf code/ Igc code

Question. Rescue boat ,fast rescue boat .

Question. Subrogation

Question. Tort

Question. CII rating

Question. Imodcs

Question. Multinational crew how you manage.

Question. Mlc titles/Mlc certificates

Question. Hns convention

Question. Ism code objective


Paul sir

Question. Llmc




2 nd attempt

Question. Statutory Certificates and Supplements

Question. Where wil you find max number of person can be carried in your ship

Question. Certificate of fitness details

Question. Iopp certificate, details of forms and which one in your ship

Question. Safety Equipment Certificate details of form E

Question. Radio Certificate details

Question. Mlc certificate and parts details

Question. Isps certificate name

Question. Sewage pollution certificate details

Question. Stowage plan

Question. TEAP

Question. Blue Economy/ IORA

Question. SIRE2.0

Question. OCIMF


Question. SPS Code only name and description.

Question. III code, just details and purpose

Question. RO code , just details and purpose

Question. How will you motivate your crew.?


How was performance?

Question. Innocent passage and all points in UNCLOS


Dec 2023


Simon sir asked:

Question. Difference between risk and hazard.

Question. Container fire fighting

Question. Competency required for junior engineer to become officer in charge of engineering watch.

Question. Where you will find maintenance schedule of FFA appliances? on what basis FFA appliances maintenance will be carried out , who gives schedule of maintenance?

Question. What is free fall certification height? Who gives that and purpose?

Question. What is fast rescue boat? Why you don’t have onboard? , in which vessel it will be present?

Attempt :1



Question. What is coc, cop?            

Question. Principles of watchkeeping? How will you compose watchkeeping?

Question. What is plasma battery?

Question. CBDR?

Question. What is memorandum of class?

Question. What is scopic clause?

Question. What is solas A pack?


Paul sir :

Question. PR 17

Question. FTP code





External : Simon

Question. Note of protest.

Question. Casualty investagiation code in detail. He asked DG comm. Contact no.

Question. why tankers have less free board.

Question. Floodable length.

Question. Margin line.

Question. Ocimf.

Question. Sire in detail and its focus point.

Question. Certificate under marpol.

Question. Iopp certificate form a and b. 

Question. HNS in detail.

Question. OPRC in detail.

Question. What is the fuel consumption of your ship, and how will you calculate co2 emissio. If co2 emmision is  3 times the consumption then why it is 3 times and how its becoming this much.

he asked why he it became 3 times more

Question. qualification of flag state inspector


Question. Alternate fuel.

Question. Disadvantages of ammonia as fuel and can ammonia be used as fuel.

Question. How methane is produced from paddy.

Question. COP28 and its focal point.



Paul sir.

Question. Principle of marine insurance.       

Simon sir,


Question. Sps code

Question. IP code

Question. Intact stability code

Question. Warranty and guarantee difference

Question. CoP 28 WHAT IS IN IT


Question. WHAT IS REM






External : Simon

Question. Types of navigating methods

Question. VGM..

Question. polar code preparation as ce for polar navigation, specially about life boat arrangement and it's compression ratio?

Question. subrogation and types.

Question. ship breaking act.

Question. COP 28,UNFCC, SHIPPING related pledges in  cop 28.

Question. undeclared cargo how to handle.

Question. Container fire fighting methods.

Question. Gt nt of containers calculation. gross mass of a 40ft container. how you fix gross mass of a container.


Paul sir

Question. intact stability code in full.

Question. Imdg code.

Question. Fss code.


18 Dec 2023

External: Simon Sir

Internal Paul Sir


Question. Type of ship –

Question. Cargo carriage temperature/What to do with Boil off

Question. Invar, Special property of Invar

Question. What is Methane slip 

Question. How to reduce methane produced by animal stock

Question. What is Transition fuel

Question. UNFCCC, purpose

Question. COP 28 - Key points

Question. SOLAS new chapter

Question. AECS

Question. MACN

Question. HNS

Question. Risk and Hazards explain

Question. FSS code, Functional requirements

Question. Subdivision stability

Question. BWMS surveys, BWMS certificates

Question. G7 G8 G9 Guidelines explain

Question. Guarantee and warranty explain and difference


Paul Sir:

Question. Criteria for selecting Main Engine - Owners perspective


23 .11.23

Attempt 2


Car Carrier.

Question. CII, Calculation , formula, Cf, Value of Cf for VLSFO, CO2 production in my ship, fuel consumed , why 3 times. rating, improve rating as a chief engineer, compliance & where you will get your ships CII values.

Question. How NOX  is produced, how u know ur engine is complying wth Nox regulation. Onboard methods to check NOX value, said about PEMS and gas analyser and parameter check methods. But he wants to knw how to calculate it if no any devices onboard.

Question. What is GHG, GWP, Examples, How methane is produced and  released into atmosphere

Question. Persistent oil, persistent oil determining criteria.

Question. NoX technical files,  component number  ID location on Cyl. Liner, who provides component ID. 

Question. Principles of watch keeping

Question. Li - Ion Batteries hazards, alternative battery types for Li -Ion, What is Ion, What is Plasma.

Question. Rescue boat and Fast rescue boat difference, Why don’t we have a frb onboard? Where do they use frb.




Attempt : 1


Ship type , yr of Experience

Question. What is Carbon Factor and CII

Question. Renewal survey-Which all certificates renewed?

Question. Iopp survey- Form A and Form B differences and Form B content

Question. Navigational Equipments

Question. Gyro working principle

Question. BWMS requirements w.r t chief engineer

Question. Documents w.r.t to Bwms

Question. Warranties. Differnce between Waranty and Gurantee

Question. GHG- types of GHG , LNG how it produced?

Question. As CE, prepare your vessel for Load line renewal survey

Question. IGF Code, Low flash point Fuel

Question. Inventory Management- Cross questions.He asked  what all things covered in inventory management.

Question. What is Dual Fuel Engine and Trifuel engine?

Paul :

Question. Iopp survey , Documents required

Question. Ro code.



sajeev j nair

External: Simon sir

Internal: Paul sir

Attempt :1 – oil tanker, company? I told Ive changed several companies. Asked why? Said i go wherever i get what i need. So will u to a new company next time? Said yes. He smiled.

Written result- said passed. Asked when? Do u remember the questions? Pls tell them. Then from that he asked,

Question. Have u done PSC inspection?

Question. What do psco gives after inspection? Give an example of a detainable deficiency? As a ce, if u have an objection to the det. Deficiency given, how will u go about?


Question. Carbon factor? How much fo consumption per day?

Question. Rescue boat and life boat difference.

Question. Rescue boat and fast rescue boat. Why don’t we have a frb onboard? Where do they use frb.

Question. BWM conv certificates and docs.

Question. CLC-

Question. what all other conventions related to oil pollution.

Question. What is there for pollution due to noxious substance?

Question. Hong kong convention certificates.

Question. RO code in general.

Question. Audit and survey difference.

Question. Cyber security class notation

Question. Relation between propeller blades and engine units.

Asked are you confident enough to take over as a CE? Said yes. Asked

Question. what if there are conflicts onboard and there are multinational crew onboard?

Paul sir

1. How was your orals? Said i feel it went quite well.

2. Oh, so are you satisfied? Said yes iam.

Question. Asked how do you prepare vessel for DD survey as CE?

Question. Coastal state duties as per unclos-

Attempt no 2 , Simon sir

Question. Parametric rolling

Question. Container ship firefighting

Question. Hydropen

Question. Material of container

Question. Tort

Question. Code and convention

Question. Rule and regulation

Question. Carbon factor and justify emissions

Question. Trifuel engines

Question. Casualty investigation code

Question. Fire safety system code

Question. IGF code and low flash point fuel

Question. Container testing

Question. MLC titles

Question. MLC and RPSL Common

Paul sir

Question. Class , RO

Question. RO code/ Recognized Organizations auditor qualification / Requirements of RO

Question. Root cause analysis


Attempt 3: Simon

Question. MACN

Question. Collective bargaining system

Question. Emmision Trading system

Question. Tonnage tax. what benifit for India.  what benifit for seafarers

Question. whats the per day co2 produced in ur vessel

Question. how the CF value is derived

Question. Cabotage law

Question. Carbon foot print.

Question. RPS - where its mentioned in MLC

Question. RPS -  where in MS act

Question. Shipping master duties

Question. Why tanker less freeboard

Question. List of statutory certificates in ur last ship/whats the validity of certificates

Question. P&A manual

Question. How will you know which cargo can be carried onboard your vessel?

Question. How did they decide the list of cargoes attached to your ICOF



Question. what’s the difference between audit and survey.


Attempt 2




Question. MS Act- Registration

Question. Tonnage calculation, how to calculate Volume

Question. In rem

Question. Admirality act

Question. Tort

Question. How to calculate carbon emissions ( he was asking cf value also)

Question. Critical spare in ISM CODE. How will you identify critical equipment. How quantity of critical machinery spares are decided.

How critical machinery is decided. What are critical spares. company told you to make a list of critical spare how you go about as a chief engineeer. how you decide which items to put in critical spare list.

Question. Watch keeping principles


Question. CAP

Simon sir

Attempt 2

When last signed off

Last attempt details

Experience as 2nd

Type of ship

Question. IBC types of ships, how you come to know which cargo u can carry onboard, who issues ICOF, how does surveyor decide what all cargoes to be added in ICOF

Question. IMSBC in brief

Question. IMDG in brief, classes, under which class does chemical tanker cargo come under, What is cargo class 4, DOC based on what provision, Explain cargo segregation in IMDG with example

Question. FAL in brief

Question. SUA in brief

Question. SOLAS A & B PACK

Question. Main engine unit no. and propeller blade no. should not be same. Reasons?

Question. Emission trading scheme

Question. GISIS

Question. Have u heard about International convention on registration of ships?

Question. Iacs UI, PR, UI

Question. Conflict management


Paul sir

Type of ship, exp. As 2E

Surveys attended

Question. What all surveys are there

Question. IOPP survey how u prepare as c/e?

Question. what is the difference between MEPC 60 and MEPC 107?...Where is it mentioned which type fitted onboard ur ship?






Question. Load line survey, railing height, why?

Question. Tonnage, different types of tonnage, content of tonnage certificate

Question. Fss code, leak alarm pressure, CO2 bottle pressure in Pascal, maintenance. How you are weighing CO2 bottle,

Question. Notation for cyber security

Question. Notation for high density cargo



Attemp : 3


Ship type , yr of experience.

Question. Ammonia property and hazards

Question. Carbon factor

Question. Polar code

Question. Survey and audit

Question. Inspection , rule , regulations

Question. Can you switch off AIS & LRIT.

Question. Different types of survey . Any special for gas tanker

Question. As CE, prepare your vessel for Load line renewal survey

Question. Llmc

Question. Tort

Question. IGF code and IGC code

Question. IMDG code and classes

Question. Why cyber crimes increasing in marine industry. How will you control it

Question. Explain Mentoring.

Question. What is blooms taxonomy.


Paul :

Question. Types of audit in ISM . Renewal audit.

Question. MLC , responsibility of ship-owner towards crew. Were it's mentioned.

Question. Audit and survey.

Question. What all Annexes are covered under LPG ships


Attempt 2:

External : Simon Sir

Internal : Paul Sir


Type of vessel sailed 

What questions were you not able to answer last time

Question. G8,G9

Question. How will you prevent loading of undeclared cargo onboard.

Question. Container fire fighting latest amendment

Question. What is AECS/ What is TEAP

Question. What is Force Majure

Question. What is "in rem"

Question. Problems associated with container ships and remedies

Question. Container testing procedures.

Question. What are critical spares, how will you know critical spares, give an example

Question. What are cold lay-up procedures



Paul sir:

Question. What is CLC and explain,

Question. IMDG explain, What is cargo class 4, DOC based on what provision, Explain cargo segregation in IMDG with example




External.: Mr Simon


Result: Failed.


1. Previous experience, type of vessels sailed n written result. When u completed preparatory.

Question. CII calculations & where you will get your ships CII values.

Question. OCIMF. SIRE 2.0 diff bet sire n sire2.0

Question. Certificates under Marpol.

Question. IOPP certificate in detail .Form B contents

Question. Functional requirements of Gyrocompass.

Question. Warranty & types.

Question. HNS, CLC, Bunker convention.

Simon sir

Question. Gyrocomposs and Magnetic Compass  working principle. why you need both onboard.?

Question. MLC Flag State responsibility.

Question. CIS

Question. Difference between Convention  and code .

Question. OPRC.  Responsible parties..

Question. SUA

Question. why do we prefer POLAR WATER for voyage? Checks and compliance in POLAR WATER as Chief Engineer.

Question. Watchkeeping principle.

Question. Different audit and certificate.


Paul sir

Question. Controlled documents.

Question. additional survey.

Question. Unit of gt.

Question. Panamax, handymax, valemax.

Question. Bonjean curve.

Question. In which BWMA guide lines about chief engineer more concentration required and why. 

Question. Cohesive and non cohesive cargo.

Question. Mlc titles. rpsl reference in mlc.

Question. Role of rpsl in crew repatriation.

Question. Stcw part 3 explanation.

Question. Blu code.

External :Simon sir
Internal : Paul Sir
Attemt No.2
He asked about no of attempts and experience
Question. How dp system work and Dp tolerance.
Question. Ballast water convention guidelines.
Question. Afs convention certificates.
Question. LRIT
Question. VDR.
Question. SEEMP Part 2&3
Question. Co2 emmission factor


Question. Blue economy

Question. IHM details
Question. Spoofing
Question. Safe manning certificate
Question. Stcw code part a and b
Question. Rem and personam
Question. SPC
Question. What is Bmp, bmp 4 and 5
Paul sir
Question. SPS code and certificate.
Question. CLASS NOTATION  and class notation for my vessel.
Question. Fss code and Ftp code



Sunder Singh

Simon Sir:

Question. Types of paint,


Question. SMC audit,


Question. High density cargo carriage..how you can find out,



Question. Tort,


Question. VDR and location,


Question. Loadline certificate supplement and contents



Paul Sir:

Question. Cargo crane survey as CE,

Question. Class notation and types,


Question. Oil tanker discharge criteria

Question. Polymerisation

Question. Hazard,risk

Question. Igf code

Question. Flash point of fuel used in rescue boat?

Question. Teap

Question. Blooms taxonomy

Question. Annex 2 cargoes?

Question. Force majeure

Question. Mlc,rpsl,how connected?

Question. SPC

Question. Afs certificates

Question. Requirements to fullfill calling port of refuge?

Question. OPRC,is service free?

Question. Admiralty act

Question. HNS convention?

Question. Functional requirements of cyber security?




Attempt 3
External:Simon Sir
Internal :Paul sir
which types of vessel, experience
Question. Intervention convention / disputes in intervention convention
Question. HK convention, Parts, certificates
Question. AFS convention, certificate
Question. OPRC, Authorities in india.
Question. TORT
Question. TEAP
Question. AECS
Question. electrochemical corrosion 
Question. CLC, Bunker and HNS convention, difference , what all covers.? liabilities


Question. duties of coastal state
Question. Internet of things
Question. LLMC, liabilities,covers
Question. supplement to IOPP, Form A & Form B .contents
Question. BNWAS
Question. MER september,about his article.
Question. SEEMP II & III


Question. IBC code, certificates.
Simon sir,
Question. Fire fighting of lithium batteries-
Question. Container testing methods
Question. How will you load your ship-
Question. How much tier maximum can be loaded in ship on deck-
Question. NT calculation of container.
Question. Material of a container.
Question. Verified gross mass.
Question. Tank to wake and well to wake. Why two different methodology.
Question. Caustic embrittlement
Question. BMP5
Question. Hydropen
Question. Parametric rolling
Question. Blue economy, IORA
Question. Seemp III

Question. Shale gas and extracting method

Question. ICT
Question. MRCC.
Simon sir
Question. IHM all certificate. Who gave certificate etc.
Question. IMDG Code, ems guide, action taken with IMDG cargo and wher you will refer.
Question. Ballast all convention list.
Question. VGM,  Metrology  depa what is Metrology   
Question. RPS & RPS as per ms act.
Question. III Code.
Question. Blue economy
Question. Fss
Question. Cop coc
Question. UR, UI, PR.
Question. Polar code and advantages.
Question. Great circle.
Question. 3 level of stcw 
Question. Mmsi.
Question. Vict.



External Simon
Internal : Paul
Question. Ballast water convention guidelines G1 to G9
Question. Load line survey , preparation as CE
Question. Intact Stability, Dynamic Stability.
Question. IGF Code ,explain, what is a Low flash point fuel .
Question. Management Information System
Question. Average Adjustor and qualifications
Question. Polar Code
Question. What is " GIRDING" ?
Question. Subrogation
Question. Co2 emission of your last ship per day calculation. How to justify the amount of CO2 produced.
Attempt 3
Ext. Simon
1. When signed off?? When last attempt given? Who was taken? Written cleared?
Which was the question don't answered on last orals??
Question. Code and convention
Question. Stcw code, stcw convention
Question. How to propose eng room watch/ Chapter 8 , watchkeeping contents?? Fitness for duty??
Question. MLC Titles??
Question. Polar code?!
Question. GbS??
Question. Supplement to loadline certificate?? Contents.? What is condition of assignment?? Why tankers with less freeboard??
Question. Seemp II and seemp III??
Question. What is CII?
Question. COC??
Question. Relation between main engine units and propller blades??
Question. Diff bw rescue boat and fast rescue boat??
Exas 2nd en/ how many attemts when signed off. Last time who took and his question..
Question. G7, 8, 9.
Question. ESP when its endorsed.
Question. What is class notation.        
Question. Subdivision stability.
Question. What is carbon factor.
Question. Seemp 3, what diff bet seemp 2 & 3.
Question. diff bet warranty and guarantee. 
Question. Implied warranty. Types of warranty.
Question. Types of insurance.
Question. What is RA, hazard, severity.
Question. HNS conv.
Question. What is oprc. Office.
Question. Sire 2.0.
Question. INVAR.
Question. What is conciliation.
Question. IOPP form A&B. what is there in form B. 





External: Simon sir

Why did you fail last time?

Question. Inherent vice, Subrogation in detail

Question. CSC/ Container testing

Question. Parametric rolling

Question. VGM/VGM/Who does VGM calculations/Who weighs the container? Who authorises it?

Question. Freight station

Question. GT, NT & tonnage calculation in container ship        

Question. RPSL is it mentioned in mlc

Question. Seamen employment office mentioned in which act

Question. ISPS/ISPS code content , chapters and Ship security plan details

Question. Risk with container ships



Paul sir:

Question. IMDG code

Question. Flag state responsibility unclos


Ext simon

Int Paul


Saimon sir

Question. Maritime lien/Court proceedings

Question. OCIMF/inspections under ocimf/Sire2.0 in detail

Question. HNS convention explain.

Question. certifIcates under iopp

Question. FSH code

Question. STCW in detail

Question. latest fuels? Lng details

Question. fuel onboard specifications

Question. OPRC




Simon sir,

Question. Gas tanker types

Question. Cavitation of centrifugal pump and propeller

Question. Multistage cargo pumps for lpg/ Deepwell pumps

Question. Cargo temp & pressure

Question. Critical temp & pressure

Question. Igf code

Question. III code

Question. IOPP form A and B

Question. What r alternate fuels

Question. Oprc hns / What all r hns substances examples

Question. Relation of sopep with oprc

Question. Clc n bunker .... why bunker convention

Question. Intact stability

Question. Stability booklet

Question. Gz curve details

Question. Stcw levels, crew competency at supp level /how to check crew is qualified for watch keeping

Question. Issuance of COP and DC criteria                   

Question. Certificates wrt pollution on your ship

Question. LRIT

Question. Sire 2.0

Question. AECS

Paul Sir

Question. Deck spray, venting of cargo

Question. Mast riser fire fighting

Question. Co2 cylinder pressure

Question. Types of leadership / Examples of different leadership skills






Type of Bulk Carriers

Question. Esp  and survey

Question. HSSC

Question. High density, triangle mark

Question. Fss principle

Question. Fixed fire fighting system, CO2 bottle pressure, hydraulic testing , line pressure test, years also

Question. Coc

Question. Iacs, pr ui ur

Question. Cyber security

Question. Macn

Question. Freefall height, certificate

Question. Age norms


Paul sir

Type of cargo/Which category

Question. Certificate for carrying liquefying cargo/ If master asking about taking cargo without certificate what to do

Simon sir questions

Result : repeat.

Question. CII in details and carbon factor.     

Question. LSA code content and details.  

Question. Certificate and requirements for free fall life boat. Life raft requirements.      

Question. FFA and FTP code.                         

Question. ISM in details . Audit and certification. SMC and DOC audit      

Question. MLC titles/certifications and audit         

Question. Layup, cold layup and hot layup.     

Question. ISPS code content , chapters and Ship security plan details


Jojo Joseph


Simon Sir

Result: Repeat


Question. Why tankers have less free board.

Question. What is permeability.

Question. IMO Gisis

Question. Blu code

Question. TEAP

Question. OCIMF/ Sire 2.0

Question. What is VICT.

Question. Carbon emission factor./ How much is your ship's carbon emission roughly based on per day fuel consumption.

Question. IOPP supplements: Form A & Form B.

Question. SEQ supplements.

Question. What is PR & UR - IACS


Internal: Paul Sir

Question. Explain about PR of IACS

Question. Explain the procedure for changing the Class of a Ship.


Simon and Paul Sir

Attempt No.2

Small Introduction regarding Past attempt and which questions I could not answer, Also asked about written result

Question. CII / What is Carbon Factor?

Question. What is IMODCS?

Question. What is Subrogation?

Question. VICT and TEAP

Question. MLC Survey what they check ?

Question. ISM audit ?

Question. London Dumping Convention / Basel convention

Question. Gyrocompass

Paul Sir

Question. IMSBC code

Question. LLMC



Simon sir.

Question. COP, COC.

Question. BLU code.

Question. STCW Code parts.

Question. SPC/ SPECIALLY COATED COPOLYMERS [PAINT]. TBT paints and draw back.

Question. TEAP

Question. High density cargo + solas chapter 12 requirement for HD cargo. 


Question. Valemax./ size        

Question. Shale gas.

Question. Innocent passage.

Question. Bulk carrier Jupiter case.

Question. What is cohesive and nos of cohesive cargo.

Question. FMP+TML.



Aug 2023


Simon sir

Paul sir

Question. Ship Registration procedure complete, who is registrar

Question. Carbon sequestration

Question. Blue Economy details

Question. Basel convention

Question. cabotage law

Question. high density cargo define me, how you come to know vessel cannot carry,  precaution  

Question. E/R watch principal, As CE how u arrange the watch in detail, total watch keeping personal

Question. what is VCIT??

Question. what is TEAP ??

Question. survey with complete window period

Question. Certificate Expired action??

Question. what is anniversary date ?

Question. High density cargo precautions

Question. Act, Rule, Regulations, ms Act definition

Question. MACN- its duty’s Explain

Question. GUSIS - MODULES Detention is their?

Question. NSB Structure & Duty’s

Question. CLC Details

Paul sir

Question. Quarterly Class listening contents of that

Type if vessel sailed

Question. What is class notation Explain / All class notations are same? Why different? Why can't same?




Internal - Paul

External- Simon

Ship type- Bulk carrier

Question. Largest bulk carrier type?/ Its capacity?

Question. What is GT?X Formula for GT?

Question. Jupiter incident?

X reason?

X Definition of dynamic separation?

X liquification of cargo?

X How could you can avoid those kind of accidents in future?

Question. TML?/FMP?

Question. spoofing?

Question. Integrated management system?

Question. VICT?

Question. AECS?

Question. Carbon sequestration?X types

Question. Nox tiers and values?

Question. IMDG code?

Question. Cohesive and non cohesive cargo?

Question. Afs convention ?

X certificate name?

X validity?

X Leaching?

X why afs?


Question. What all things will you check before a workshop doing repair work on life boat Davit?

Question. How will you confirm that the reapair team is authorised?. Have you ever saw a certificate before?


External Simon Sir.

Question. Johari window.       

Question. Mass code.

Question. High voltage breaker detail.

Question. IGC & IGF Code.

Question. SID.

Question. Carbon foot print.

Question. London convention.           

Question. CII in detail.

Question. Target of GHG By IMO.

Question. Blue economy.



Rahul nair

External: Simon

Internal: Paul

1.         Type of ship. Cargo carried.

Question. Lpg reliqufaction process.

Question. Discharge and temp at different stage Duel fuel tech


Question. Carbon sequestration

Question. Change over from procedure in duel fuel IGC and IGF code

Question. Cii and eexi

Question. Carbon factor/ Burn 30 ton of fuel produce how much carbon

Question. ISM audit. Explain detail

Question. Diff bet P&I and H&M

Question. TORT in insurance


Question. IMDG CODE . NO of parts

Question. Difference between audit and survey.

Question. In wat circumstance the AIS of the vessel is switched off and the procedure followed

Question. COC & MOC


External Paul:

Question. life boat annual inspection and checks.

Question. Dry docking and its financial aspects.




Attempt No. 3

Result :- Repeat

Simon sir:-

Question. What is trifuel engine

Question. Caustic Embrittlement

Question. Titles of MLC

Question. What is average adjuster/What is Qualification of Average adjuster

Question. What is particular average

Question. Polar code

Question. Contents of MS Act

Question. Difference between clc 69 and 92

Question. What is IGF Code

Question. What is Dmlc I & II


Paul sir

Question. Anniversary date

Question. Safety equipment survey/ What is your actions as ce when shore technician comes to survey the safety equipment. / What certificate shore technician must carry?



Ext:Simon sir


Question. IBC code.

Question. Polymerisation

Question. Chemical tanker coating some examples n cargos requiring it .

Question. IBC n BCH code difference.

Question. Subrogation ,types

Question. Shale gas

Question. IWS.-propeller checks

Question. Integrated ISM

Question. Alternate fuels

Question. Ammonia specifications

Question. Ammonia engines

Question. Hongkong convention in detail

Question. CII formula,carbon factor

Question. Biofuels-FAME details

Question. TEAP

Question. Type1,2,3 ships damage criteria n tank locations

Question. Foam fire fighting requirements ibc code .

Question. MASS n degree of Mass,mass issues.

Question. He asked any new stcw coming after 2010?!!Said u don't think it is required when MASS and alternate fuels coming??-dont know what he mean..

Attempt no 2

Ext Simon sir

Int Paul sir

Result Pass

Question. Management information system.

Question. Salvage out of pocket money

Question. Imdg code cargo types and name

Question. Mlc titles and details

Question. Mentoring

Question. Are you confident to take as CEO? How you will motivate your junior.

Question. IGC and IGF Code .

Question. CII and how to calculate it.

Question. Carbon conversion factor. Value of carbon conversion factor of lng, ,lsfo, mdo

Question. Casualty investigation code details

Question. Methanol fuel tank location. Why it is not situated in engine room. How pipeline goes from tank to engine room.


Paul sir

Question. Type and construction of lng tank. Thickness of primary member. How it attached to tank


External -Simon Sir

Internal Paul Sir

Question. MACN

Question. FMEA

Question. ESP

Question. III code

Question. PMSA

Question. London Convention, What does 'reverse' means in reverse list.

Question. Internet of Things, How it is applied in ships.

Question. LRIT/ AIS. Difference between LRIT and AIS

Question. Can we switch off AIS?

Question. Duties and responsibilities of Chief Engineer.

Question. Biofuels.

Question. MMSI.

Question. Anniversary date.

Question. IGF code.

Question. Hong kong convention.

Question. Blue ammonia, Green ammonia, Grey ammonia, Brown ammonia.



Attempt: 2

External: Simon

Internal: Paul

Question. Galvanic corrosion /Galvanic series/Sacrificial anode/Speciality of zinc/Where all use of zinc (as anode)/Where in centrifugal pump casing

Question. Caustic embrittlement / What is embrittlement

Question. Gas tanker related questions.Type of cargo/Carriage temp / pressure/Parameter of cargo comp/Number of tanks

Question. Statutory cert

Question. Condition of class

Question. Class memoranda

Question. Anniversary

Question. DMLC

Question. TEAP

Question. VICT

Question. CLC

Question. LLMC




Type of ship

Question. MARPOL Annexes related to your vessel

Explain Annex6

What is PM

Question. SCOPIC and art 13/14 of Salvage


Attempt 3


Result Repeat

Question. Ms act / National shipping board

Question. CII   / Carbon factor

Question. Block chain

Question. Bulk carrier types / High density cargo precautions

Question. Bulk Jupiter

Question. Imsbc cargo classification




Question. Imdg. Code











June 2023


Question. News related to Titanic now going on / What happened to 5 people

Question. Gt Nt calculation

Question. How the nt of container ship for deck calculation

Question. Hazard on container ship

Question. Parametric rolling .

Question. Tender ship stiff ship

Question. Vgm

Question. Testing of container

Question. GBS / Why GBS for igf code and polar code

Question. Igf code

Question. Rescue boat requirement.

Question. Fast rescue boat. Rescue boat difference. /What is the relevance of length.

Question. Pssa and  special area. Difference .

Paul  External

Question. SMC audit

Question. Ism Element .what is in general and objective.




Surveyor Simon and Paul

Result Repeat

Question. What is ESP

Question. Blu code

Question. Vict

Question. Shale gas

Question. Clc

Question. Tort

Question. Cyber security functional requirements

Question. Blooms taxonomy

Question. IACS,UR PR,

Question. Spoofing,

Question. Block chain technology

Question. High density cargo precautions

Question. Ibc code , amendments and certificate requirement’s, some more x questions

Question. Methanol  colour coding , engine , its advantages..

Question. Ms rule  , act , how its passed, how convention made.. few cross qUes

Question. Lo analysis report , fuel analysis report … wht all will check … cat fine. Things to be done by ce

Question. Human elemnet  and wht all human element factors to be  considered…

Question. Fsa.. and its use

Question. Ui , ur , pr , csr .. abt convention solas and marpol interpretation

Question. Incident onboard…

Question. Hns convention and how how a tanker can claim in hns , clc and bunker conve

Paul ..

Question. class notation





Question. Iii code

Question. Clc convention

Question. London convention

Question. Basel convention

Question. Oprc

Question. Hns

Question. Sire 2

Question. CO2 bottle pressure  , stored state

Question. Teap

Question. Tort

Question. Coastal state duties

Question. Port state duties

Question. Statical stability Dynamic stability criteria/Margin line, Why 76 mm?


Name Reji K R


External: Simon sir

Int: paul sir

Type of ship and exp as 2 nd eng.

Question. Iii code

Question. Duties of coastal state

Question. Wat do u mean by hydographical, meteoroligical in coastal state duties

Question. Port state duties In oil pollution

Question. London convention

Question. Basel convention

Question. Oprc

Question. Hns

Question. Form a contents /Why it is called supplement

Question. Sire 2.0

Question. CBDRR and COP

Question. Tort

Question. Teap

Question. Subrogation and types

Question. Static and damage stability criteria of oil tankers

Question. Margin line , floodable length why 76 mm?

Question. Why tankers have less freeboard? Criteria fr freeboard assumption?

Question. Clc convention, application and area,limitation of liabilities

Question.   Recycling act, contents of ihm, certificates under convention

Question.   CO2 bottle pressure, stored state, weight of stored state, properties of co2 gas.


Paul sir;

Question. familiarization of crew when joining Ship?



External Simon sir

Int Paul

Question. Hns convention

Question. Igf code

Question. Why lifeboat having low flash point

Question. Parametric rolling

Question. Vgm

Question. Non Persistent oil

Question. Anniversary date




Internal. -simon

External- Paul

Question. Solas ch 12

Question. equilateral triangle

Question. Blu code

Question. IMSBC

Question. Esp

Question. Gisis

Question. Vict

Question. Any regulation for registration

Question. Lifeboat ,rescue boat regulations

Question. What criteria for using lifeboat as rescue boat

Question. Class memoranda

Question. Coc with example

Question. Special areas


Question. Stability booklet content

Question. ERS



Surveyor Simon and Paul

Result Repeat

Question. What is ESP

Question. Blu code

Question. Vict

Question. Shale gas

Question. Clc

Question. Tort

Question. Cyber security functional requirements

Question. Blooms taxonomy




External : Simon

Internal : Paul

Question. OPRC

Question. HNS

Question. IGF

Question. Jamming and spoofing

Question. Flag state obligations as per UNCLOS

Question. watch keeping principles

Question. As a chief engineer how you compose watch in your engine room

Question. TEAP

Question. PDMS

Question. AECS

Question. VICT

Question. SPS code /-Is there any convention that says about ship registration?





Attempt 2

Question. What is freight rate and who fixes fright rate

Question. valemax size

Question. supramax, panamax and aframax size

Full form of afra max,

Question. fml, tml, mc, ftt, can test, angle of repose, which is good less angle or more angle of repose,

Question. precautions for heavy cargo

Question. precautions for carriage of timber cargo on hatchtop,

Question. macn, /Meaning of triangle in bulk carrier,

Question. sua full form

Question. diff between pssa and spl area

Question. diff bw rescue and fast rescue boat,

Question. why rboat in stbd side,

Question. he asked what is igf code, I said name and I said it's based on GBS so he asked what is GBS , I defined then he asked what it is replacing and I said prescriptive rules he said ok

Question.  macn

Question. what cwrtif as per mlc

Question. what cerif as per isps

Question.  tort

Question.  subrogation


Question. What is llmc,

What all it applies to

Question. What is class notation

Hav u seen it, where

Give ex.. I said eed, esp, iws

He said u hav only talked about surverys any other info I said Maltese cross for construction, BC for bulk carrier... He was waiting for me to say BC.. cuz he stopped me and said yes ship type also mentioned




Simon Sir

General questions about yourself.

Question. CSM survey.

Question. Who decide Freight for container vsls.

Question. Blue economy.

Question. Cyber security - elements, implementation

Question. Spoofing, jamming

Question. Container material, properties

Question. Container test procedure

Question. VGM/Who does VGM calculations/Who weighs the container? Who authorises it?

Question. GBS - goal based standards

Question. IGF code because I mentioned about dual fuel.

Question. TEAP and META - related to STCW

Question. What all STCW are there? He meant which all year it got amended.


Paul sir

Question. As a CE how will you prepare vsl for dry-docking?/ Surveys in general




Nidheesh S


Attempt 4


Simon sir...

Introduce yourself...exp as 2e... type of ship sailed...exam attempts...

What happened in last oral.... told couldn't perform well...

Question.  Apex manual.... contents ....who makes... who approves....why Apex manual....

Question.  P and a manual who makes n approves... contents....

Question.  Macn

Question.  Floodable length......

Question.  margin line....

Question.  Ism certificates.... audits of smc n explain each one of them.....

Question.  Flag state duties as per mlc.

Question.  Cii calculation.

Question.  Carbon factor. how come 20 tonnes of liquid fuel converted to 60 tones of gas co2....

Question.  iii code

Question.  Scopic clause....

Question.  Scr.... special casualty representative and selective catalytic reduction.....

Question.  What is subrogation

Question.  What is block chain technology and its uses......

Paul Sir....

How much u answered....

What ships you sailed.....Chem

Question.  What cargoes you carried....



Mathaikutty Sunny


Surveyor-simon sir

Question.  big data in shipping and it's applications

Question.  AI and VR applications in shipping and training

Question.  mass code

Question.  container load testing and csc

Question.  calculation of gt and nt in detail

Question.  what is special criteria for calculating nt for containers loading on upper deck

Question.  parametric rolling and synchronous rolling

Question.  polar code in detail / present importance of polar code in ship trading concerned

Question.  CBDR and UNFCC in detail

Question.  IHM in detail

Question.  cabotage law

Question.  IMODCS Full depth

Question.  MLC titles

Question.  Blue economy and pillers of blue economy

Question.  IORA and it's importance in shipping

Question.  Future fuels

Question.  advantages of ammonia and engine design changes required to use ammonia as fuel/MELGI-A engine working and components and safety/challenges faced with usage of ammonia

Question.  GBS in depth and verification and confrmity in full detail

Question.  fuel used onboard and as it is 3.5 percent sulphur, he asked about scrubber maintenance

Question.  carbon capture and sequestration

Question.  INMARCO and what was the scope of the seminar

Question.  What is COP and COP 27 highlights



Internal-paul sir

Question.  VGM






2nd attempt.

External Simon.

Question.  How is LNG extracted, what are other gases in the same series. / Tell about different petroleum Gas. / difference between LNG and Petroleum gas./ Shale Gas. What way it is different./ LNG bunkering .

Question.  IACS , UI , PR , UR.

Question.  IGC code.

Question.  Situational awareness.

Question.  What is C/E responsibility onboard in nut shell.

Question.  SID.

Question.  CAS brief only.

Question.  FAL convention.

Question.  Nox technical file contents.

Question.  Functional requirements of Cybersecurity.

Question.  What is subrogation and types.

Question.  What all insurance a ship owner has to take .

Question.  Explain P & I club.

Question.  Scopic clause .

Question.  What is Gyrocompass. And it’s uses.


Paul Sir questions.

Question.  Carbon factors. Unit of it.  Why so much Co2 is produced.

Question.  CII , EEXI. It’s applicability.

Question.  Flag state responsibilities .


Meo class 1 kochi oral

External: simon

Internal : paul


1. Types of ship u did

Question. Explain aframax tanker. Meaning of aframax panamax, suezmax, vlcc, ulcc

Question. Explain imo statergy on ghg emission

Question. CBDR in detail

Question. Explain any two alternate fuel

Question. IMRF explain

Question. Compression ratio of engines

Question. Rescue boat requirements

Question. Leadership is introduced in which stcw.

Question. Sire 2.0 in detail

Question. Explain ocimf- give few publications

Question. Documents and certificate for marpol annex 4 survey

Question. Bch code and ibc code difference

Question. Requirements for carriage of low flash point fuels, what abt lifeboat,

Question. What are persistent oil

Question. Special area and pssa

Question. ME LGI engine in detail

Question. How human element is addressed

Question. Explain few latest technology to improve energy efficiency.



Rakesh R

Surveyor - Simon Sir


Question.  Preparation for a Drydock

Question.  ESP

Question.  What is high density cargo? How will you identify?

Question.  Functional requirements of Firefighting

Question.  GT , NT DWT

Question.  RPS

Question.  ISM audits

Question.  Safcon. How to check the expiry of a certificate

Question.  STCW Chapter 8. How will you compose an Engine room watch

Question.  Special area and Particularly sensitive sea areas

Question.  Certificate of competency and Certificate of Proficiency

Question.  AER

Question.  Conference of Parties

Question.  Intervention convention

Question.  Multiple loadline

Question.  OCIMF ,sire 2

Question.  BIMCO


Paul sir

Question.  Difference btw Survey and Audit

Question.  Condition of class

Question.  Non Conformity




Akhil Antony

Attempt No.2

Kochi mmd

External Simon sir

Asked for an introduction / personal  and professional life

Question.  Sire 2.0

Question.  Ocimf

Question.  ESG

Question.  IMDG

Question.  IMO DCS , applicability .. what about ships below 5000Gt

Question.  Gisis... Modules .. who will report

Question.  Intervention convention

Question.  HNS convention

Question.  Green fuels

Question.  propeller development / pod propeller

Question.  How digitalization is linked with situational awareness

Question.  EEXI details

Question.  Class memoranda, coc, statutory note

Question.  Rules and regulations explain

Question.  static stability and dynamic stability


Internal : Paul sir

Experience as 2nd engineer/ how confident are you about your result.

Question.  How will you prepare your ship for an ism audit as a chief engineer

Question.  What is anniversary date





MMD Kochi

Ext Simon Sir.

Question.  Carbon Sequestration

Question.  Biofuels

Question.  Alternate Fuels.

Question.  Desulphurisation.

Question.  Careeling of a Ship

Question.  Esp Survey and certification

Question.  Class withdrawal, suspension

Question.  EEDI, EEXI

Question.  Carbon Factor

Question.  Multimodal Transport

Question.  AIS, LRIT

Question.  MLC Titles

Question.  Blue Economy

Question.  Polar Code Prep as CE for Polar Transit


Int. Paul Sir


Question.  CLC 69 and protocol difference

Question.  Innocent Passage

Question.  UNCLoS Coastal State Obligation and duties

Question.  Type B60 Ship

Question.  Conditions of assignment.





Date 23/11/2022

Simon sir & Paul Sir

Questions not answered last time

Question.  EEDI & CII

Question.  Carbon factor & how much last vessel emissions & why so much

Question.  carbon Sequestration

Question.  Admirality Act , different claims, wages not paid & how to go about it

Question.  SUA convention

Question.  ESP file contents

Question.  STCW & parts A&B

Question.  MLC & RPSL common

Question.  MLC certification, DMLC

Question.  Intergrated SMS

Question.  Mentoring

Question.  STTCW Duties of CE


Paul Sir

Question.  Fund convention & limits how much. Difference between clc & fund

Question.  Certification as per ISM & duties of CE

Question.  Difference between Interim & Initial certification



External Simon

Internal paul.

Question.  Carbon sequestration methods (chemicals used and method description).

Question.  Blue carbon

Question.  Second generation intact stability code

Question.  MACN

Question.  SMC survey and when it will be cancelled

Question.  Decarbonisation in shipping (initial strategy,level of ambition,and short term mid term)

Question.  Container firefighting and stability issues.

Question.  Eexi,cii equation and explain

Question.  Carbon conversion factors



Question.  Flag state responsibility in mlc

Question.  MLC/ Chapters in mlc..detailed/

Question.  Who all can issue certificates on behalf of dgs and difference in authorisation of Indian Register of Shipping (IRClass)  and others.

what Indian Register of Shipping (IRClass)  alone can do and What Indian Register of Shipping (IRClass)  also can't do.

Question.  Grievance redressal .who is dgro (designated grievance redressal officer)

Question.  RPS agencies and responsibilities


20 Oct 22

Ext Simon Sir

Int Paul Sir

1.Types of ship sailed.

Bulk carrier

Question.  Types of bulk carriers

Question.  Recollect any recent accident occurred with bulk carrier.

Question.  Damage stability requirements

Question.  Bulk Jupiter accident. Meaning of permiability, angle of repose, dynamic seperation, Transportable Moisture Limit.

Question.  BLU code in general

Question.  ESP / Specific to age of your vessel/ Documentary evidance for ESP

Question.  Solas Ch 12

Question.  As a CE, IAPP Survey preparations/ List of Items under scope of IAPP survey

Question.  EEXI calculation

Question.  CII rating

Question.  Onboard NOx verification methods

Question.  Why need Classification Society

Question.  What is NSB, Functions

Question.  BMP5

Paul Sir

Question.  After joining as CE, how to know about status of survey completed or forthcoming

Question.  Contents of Class Status Report

Question.  Information’s obtained from GZ curve

Question.  Duties and Responsibilities as a Flag State.


Simon sir/Paul sir

Question.  OCIMF/SIRE 2.0

Question.  GBS and why gbs

Question.  Mlc titles, inspection checks.

Question.  Doc/smc

Question.  sps ships/why they are called special personnel and not passengers.

Question.  Stps ships

Question.  wht is isgott

Question.  P & A manual

Question.  London conv.

Question.  Basel conv.

Question.  hongkong conv. list of hazardous materials

Question.  cyber security/spoofing/jamming

Question.  cabotage law

Question.  clc convention

Question.  quarterly class listing contents

Question.  III code / imsas

Question.  Coastal state responsibilities

Question.  What is EEZ , continental shelf , what powers does coastal state have in these areas, is 350 Nm criteria applicable for all countries?


18 October 2022

Simon sir

Type of Ship sailed: oil chem

type of ships

Question.  Category X Y Z with examples / IBC Code latest amendments / What is persistent floater / P&A manuals, Explain / What is Shale gas / What Trainings req as per IBC

Question.  CLC convention/Oil definition as per 69 & 92/Comparison and difference

Question.  Criteria to select RO

Question.  New trainings added to STCW

Question.  EEXI & EEDI/Comparison and difference

Question.  Loadline survey/ Certificate contents

Question.  National Shipping Board

Question.  Who is the current chair person of NSB

Question.  Admirality law

Question.  How to settle maritime dispute

Question.  IMO GHG initial strategy (3 statements)

Question.  CF of Diesel,LFo and hfo

Question.  CII calculator / Calculation

Question.  Why carbon weight is increased more than given fuel.

Question.  Contents of air? What is atomic weight of O2?

Question.  difference between Audit, Inspection & Survey

Question.  Procedure Requirement and example

Question.  LO lab Analysis / What all test onboard vessel and what tests lab will do

Question.  Fiva working

Question.  ESP documents

ESP document or file?

Question.  Latest amendments

Question.  What new training req for JE and how it is conducted


Paul Sir:

Question.  CLC 69 and 92 differences

Question.  Human Element Fatigue and Stress.

Question. Tc design developments

Question. Why hyd pr test with water? Y not pr testing with air or steam pr?

Question. Wreck conv

Question. What can't b incinerated in incinerator?

Question. Annex 6 cert and docs

Question. Accumulation Pr test of boiler

Question. Certificate of financial security

Question. All P&I club calls+Release call

Question. CLC

Question. Compensation Fund

Question. Hong kong conv-req and cert-wants to hear the word "recycling".

Question. Propeller development

Question. EEXI

Question. CII

Question. USCG Ballast water type approval not done. What is the alternate provision?

Question. IAPP Cert regulations

Question. Loadline survey

Question. Why we need classification society?

Question. RO Code


[Forwarded from Ajay Gopinath]


Attempt: 3

External : Simon sir

Internal : Paul sir

Type of vessel sailed on and experience

What went wrong on last orals

Question.  Insurance- types of insurance, IHC, Principles of insurance and explanation, subrogation types and explanation.

Question.  ESP-  a brief explanation on basic things regarding ESP, what all surveys, what is UR "Z"..what does Z represent, UR Z11, What is PR, UI, short explanations on all what documents in esp and what you get after each survey

Question.  UNCLOS- Duties of chief engineer with regards to UNCLOS, Innocent passage , what conditions does it turn out to be not innocent?

Question.  STCW - how to assign watch keeping duties, what all to look out for as CE,

Question.  Spoofing and jamming- types and actions

Question.  SEQ SURVEY- diff in survey req from annuals and intermediate

Question.  LOAD LINE SURVEY - how as a ce will you prepare for load line survey

Question.  OPRC- basics and setups in india


Internal :

Question.  Hong Kong conv, all certificates as per hkc, can you do trade after receiving IRRC


[Forwarded from Ponraj Murugan]


Simon sir:

Attempt 3

Container ship

1.last attempt which questions not answered.

Question.  casualty investigation, who will do preliminary and formal investigation

Question.  Dg shipping organization chart

Question.  shipping master duties

Question.  Container material, composition

Question.  Test carried out in Container

Question.  Does Container has ventilation, how?

Question.  parametric rolling, action

Question.  H&M,P&I Difference

Question.  Clc

Question.  Cyber security, IoT

Question.  Mlc tittle, Dmlc1,2

Question.  mentoring

Paul sir:

Question.  Parametric rolling




[Forwarded from Robin Jose]

Simon Sir

Attempt 2


Introduce yourself

What went wrong with last orals

Question.  IHC [International_Hull_Clauses]

Question.  Hongkong convention in details

Question.  FPSO, Is it coming under MS ship? IGC applicable for FPSO?

Question.  Lithium ion batteries? Advantages and disadvantages? Alternate to Lithium ion batteries / He asked whether magnesium can be used?

Question.  Competency Management? How u analyse it?

Question.  Intertanko?

Question.  Ocimf?

Question.  Tmsa and Sire 2.0?

Question.  HSSC significance and certificates

Question.  Emission Trading?

Question.  Carbon sequestration methods?

Question.  Garbage record book? New amendments to it? Which ship it is applicable?

Question.  How to improved attain EEXI and in ships?

Question.  How bulbous bow affect in improvement in EEXI,

Question.  CII phases and formulas?

Question.  MLC titles?

Question.  CBA agreement?

Question.  Rps and rpsl?

Question.  Renewable and non renewable fuels,

Question.  ship expenses are increasing what are major reasons for it?

Question.  Future fuels?

Question.  Carbon neutral? Which type of fuels are carbon neutral?

Question.  How as CE you will prepare ship for polar transit?

Paul Sir

Question.  Your company has assigned you to prepare for MLC audit how you will check all items?

Question.  DMLC part 1 and DMLC part 2 contents? Who issues it?

Question.  Flag responsibilities as per MLC?





Simon sir

Attempt 1

Result : Repeat

Type of ships : oil/chem

24 /08/22

Question.  Polymerization

Question.  In what all circumstances smc can be withdrawn.

Question.  Difference between audit and survey, what all audits u have done? 

What all audits are there.

Type of Shipboard Audit and its Timing

How u get smc .what is the validity ?

Question.  Contra rotating propeller?

Question.  emission trading.

Question.  CBDR/ Unfcc ? what relation with CBDR

Question.  ECDIS? What is the purpose? Function

Question.  Gyrocompass for what? In detail. What u get from that ? Why true north? Then what  mangnetic compass for what? What u get from that?

Question.  What all green house gases . What u mean by SF6

Question.  Spoofing

Question.  III code how u implement

Question.  condition of assigning freeboard . Who assign that .


Paul sir:

Question.  Annex 1 and 2 applicable for ur ship so , where u can find which all cargo can be carry on ur ship.

Question.  BCH and BCH what is that. Diffrence ? Any other diffrence

Question.  What is the discharge criteria ?






[Forwarded from Pradeep]

23 Aug 2022

Ext-simon sir

Internal -paul


1.Last time not answered  oral questions,lot of cross questions

Question.  Class suspend,class withdrawal class assignment

Question.  flag of convenience, reasons

Question.  soft skills.

Question.  blu code, blu manual

Question.  Imsbc code and problem with bauxite ore, categories,hazards of category c.

Question.  LRIT, purpose, data, switch off procedure, reporting.

Question.  AIS purpose,data,switch off procedure,reporting.

Question.  BNWAS

Question.  Shale gas.

Question.  Esp code, certificate.

Question.  Pratique.

Question.  SAR convention

Question.  IAMSAR

Question.  additinal safety for bulk carriers (not so deep,just regarding WIDAS)

Chapter XII  Additional Safety Measures For Bulk Carriers

Question.  POLAR CODE, C/E important things to check.

Question.  types of bulk carrier and the capacities. valemax

Question.  CSM, CSH


Paul sir

Question.  Ism audits/As a C/E what u check in DOC before a external SMS audit./What you check in certificate.


Simon sir and Paul sir

3rd attempt



Self introduction and about previous attempts.

Question.  What is ics and what they do?

Question.  what is e bill of lading? practical application difficulties, merits and demerits?

Question.  what is EGS(environmental  governance system)?

Question.  what is intertanko and what they do?

Question.  what is ocimf and what they do?

Question.  what is new in SIRE(sire 2.0)?

Question.  what is great circle navigation?

Question.  BLU code?

Question.  Zonal act?

Question.  what is protocol?

Question.  STCW 78,95,2010? Manila ammendment?

Question.  pod propeller?

Question.  why rescue boat on stbd side?

Question.  MACN what is it?

Question.  fire fighting objective and functional requirement?

Question.  what do you do for DCS onboard?


 [Forwarded from NEETHAN]


Attempt no.5

Ext. Simon Sir.

Int. Paul Sir.

1. Introduction, Background and experience, types of ship sailed: All bulk carriers.  what went wrong in orals last time..Which is your weak area....?

Question.  London convention, Basel convention, what is the purpose?

Question.  Types of Marine Insurance

Question.  G.A and P.A

Question.  CLC and Fund convention, Bunker convention.

Question.  What is Blue Card...?who issues....?

Question.  ESP...What is the difference between special survey and ESP?

Question.  CIC code- Who conducts Casually investigation...?

Question.  What are types of Navigation equipments? Types of radar, difference between X-band and S band radar?

Question.  AIS - Can it be switched off anytime...if yes.... When... Whom to inform..?

Question.  What is DG comm and MRCC? Purpose and difference....?

Question.  What is the CO2 bottle pressure and weight..?

Question.  EEDI, EEXI & CII, what is CF value for HFO(approx)


Paul Sir:

Question.  What is GISIS? Purpose and what all do we get in GISIS..?

Question.  Types of Statutory surveys and Class surveys.

Question.  How do you prepare for Loadline Survey as Chief engineer?




Anoop M G, [21-06-2022 16:06]

Date: 21/06/2022

Cochin- 2nd attempt

External: Simon sir

Internal: Paul sir


1) Introduce yourself.

2) Experience as second engineer.

3) when signed off? What was action plan after that wrt exams.

4) what happened in previous oral attempt? Who was surveyor n unanswered qns.

Question.  innocent passage.

Question.  H& M clauses

Question.  coastal state obligations

Question.  DG comm

Question.  where to report if AIS switched off.

Question.  EEXI Equation

Question.  CII

Question.  Carbon factor, how much carbon if 1 ton Diesel oil burnerd,

Question.  Form E content

Question.  UNFCC

Question.  IPCC

Question.  ESP survey in detail

Question. HSSC, advantages

Question. Duties of shipping master




[Forwarded from Varun Govind]

Date: 21/06/2022

Mmd: kochi

Ext: Simon sir

Int: Paul sir

Attempt: 3rd

1. Introduce yourself, how many attempts, Type of vsl sailed (chem tanker)

Question. Example of x,y,z cargos

Question. Cargo carriage... where it is mentioned...what all things are there... Ships of BCH code , where to look for cargo carriage...

Question. Polimirization ....runaway polimirization... effects....how to deal..what type of cargoes example...

Question. Type of chemical Tankers

Question. BWC...in detail...D1D2. Standards

Question. RPSL in details

Question. How to compose engineering watch

Question. Ship brokers... chartering

Paul sir: How was the oral

Question. Fund convention




Kochi MMD

Attempt 2

Candidate name: M.Joseph


External:Simon Sir

Result : pass

1. Self introduction + (last time unanswered questions ... Out of that 3 questions he asked again)

Question. MMSI no .who issue..can we make call?

Question. what is  Multiple load line ?

Question. what is shale gas?

Question. Procedure for De-registration of ships..when u will do De-registration?

Question. What is AFS certificate?

Question. Recent Australian biofouling amendment ?

Question. what is RPS?

Question. Why less free board for oil tanker?

Question. What is admiralty act?

Question. what is HSSC?

Question. can we switch off AIS and LRIT?

Question. what is carbon factor?

Question. What r the alternative fuel ?

Question. What is dgcom?

Question. coastal state duties ?

Question. what is spoofing and jamming ?

Question. Under what section of MS-act covers RPS?





[Forwarded from Paul Chirakadavil]

Ext Simon Sir

Int Paul Sir


Introduce yourself

Question. What is archipelagic baseline ,how is it applicable to Lakshadweep islands

Question. EEZ,Continental shelf and how it's measured

Question. Eexi,eedi,CII

Question. What is the problem with co2

Question. MLC

Question. Alternate fuels ,

Question. IGF ,explain gas safe

Question. ERM

Question. General average, particular average and examples

Question. Stability booklet contents

Question. Bwms standards

Question. Spoofing

Question. Diff between survey and audit



Paul Sir


Question. Types of statutory  surveys and class surveys

Question. Clc and it's application area

Question. Form E Contents

Question. Subdivision load lines in passenger vessels            

Question. Watertight and weather tight doors difference

Question. ISM certificates and it's validity       


[Forwarded from Jayanan Anton]

Internal: Paul sir

External: Simon Sir

Attempt: 03


Question. ESP in detail..? Where ESP is endorsed after renewal survey..? What all you check in ESP renewal survey..? Contents of ESP file..?

Question. GBS.. Complete..??

Question. EEDI EEXI Cii complete

Question. Enhanced SEEMP.?

Question. Gesamp..?

Question. CII rating mentioned in Gisis..?

Question. Detention of vessel mentioned in Gisis..? Detention appeal procedure..?

Question. Nox technical file..?

Question. Eiapp..??

Question. Onboard nox verification method..?

Question.. Basel convention, List of hazardous materials..? Requirement of transfer..?

Question. Green passport..??

Question. Cabotage law..?

Question. Duties of Shipping master & Engineering surveyor in DGS .?


Paul sir:

Question. Objective and functional requirement of fire fighting..?

Question. SEQ survey in detail..?

Question. Form E contents..?



[Forwarded from Sibu]

Simon sir and Paul sir


Kochi MMD

1. Which vessel sailed.

2. Last time which all questions unanswered.

Question. IMSBC  code , requirements, categories of cargoes , TML FMP,  Questions on coal,

Question. Grain code why, stability requirements, characteristics of grain

Question. Stability, details of GZ curve , intact stability, damage stability and conditions of equilibrium.

Question. Polar code requirement, as a chief engineer your responsibility and actions on polar ship

Question. Blu code in details.

Question. GBS in details.

Question. As CE preparation for load line survey

Question. Spoofing , jamming , functional requirements of cyber security, onboard management for cyber security.

Question. NOX technical code, in details, onboard measurements of nox,

Question. COP and COC differences and applicability.

Question. Admirality act, Maritime law.

Paul sir,

Question. Unclos regarding marine environment protection.

Question. Bulk carrier stability, additional safety requirements, chapter 12 in detail, high density cargo, restrictions.



Joseph, [19-04-2022 16:40]

M. joseph

Date of oral:19.4.22

Online oral exam

External : simon sir

Internal : paul sir

Result: repeat

Question. list of statutory certificate

Question. MLC and DMLC  ..how many parts?

Question. market based measures meaning

Question. block technology

Question. carbon factor value of HFO

Question. Shale gas means

Question. IOT meaning

Question. psc detention appeal

Question. latest marpol amendment regarding fuel

Question. psc detention code

Internal : Paul questions

1.What r the surveys have u seen?

Question. Tell about annual survey, what r things surveyor will check

Question. how u come to know the due dates of all certificates?


[Forwarded from Ajesh .]



Simon sir nd Paul sir.

Question. Imsbc code

Question. inventory management

Question. A situation, passenger ship was towing to recycle facility 20knot near to kochi sanked due to flooding , costal state action.

Question. eexi, cii and eedi

Question. Bwms

Question. imo dcs connection with cii, calculation

Question. Express and Implied warranty

Question. Subrogation.

Question. Fal convention regards to pandemic situation. Sop

Question. Blue economy, Sagarmala project.


[Forwarded from AKHIL ANTONY]

Attempt 2

Simon sir


1. Which ship sailed ???

Question. Types of chemical tankers and allocation of tanks ?

Question. What is ocimf ??? Tmsa ? Kpi ?

Question. Why sire inspection required and why upgrade to sire 2.0 ?

Question. Industry 4.0

Question. Why competency management required ?

Question. Igf code ?

Question. As Ce preparation for renewal SEQ Survey ? Documents for seq ?

Question. Inmsar manual ?

Question. Spoofing

Question. Oprc

Question. Why freeboard in tanker is less ??

Question. Statutory certificates as per solas ?

Question. Conflict management as CE ?

Question. Ammonia Engine ?

Question. Cii ?

Question. Emergency fire pump regulations ?

Question. How will you know which certificates and coming due ?

Question. Coc ? Class memoranda ? Quarterly listing of class ? What happens if class is withrawn ?

Question. Mentoring ?

Question. What is proximate cause in insurance ?

Question. Functional requirements of ffa ???

Question. What will you do if your engine is stopped in the midst of ocean ? Action as CE ?

Are you confident to take over as CE !!!


Paul sir

Question. Duties of Coastal state and port state



Sachit Zarapkar, [22-03-2022]

External : simon sir

Internal : paul sir

Result: repeat


Question. What is call sign ? Why required ? Who issues it ?

Question. What is shale gas

Question. What is mmsi number

Question. SPS

Question. Bwms

Question. Certificates involved in mlc

Question. Spoofing

Question. Cii

Question. Ammonia as fuel ? Is ammonia combustible ?

Question. Polar code? How does it helps chief engineer.

Question. Subrogation

Question. If psc has detained ship who will you appeal to

Question. Multiple loadlines




[Forwarded from RjN]


Simon sir

Question. Solas ch XII - in detail

Question. Damage stability criteria for bulk carrier and of other ships

Question. ESP

Question. Solas chapters

Question. Intact stability

Question. Static stability

Question. Dynamic stability

Question. How assign free board / Type A and B ship/ Standard ship- correction

Question. Bulk Jupiter /Question. Can test /Question. Lab test for TML /Question. Liquefaction of cargo

Question. GISIS

Question. STS

Question. Form E

Question. Documents for SEQ survey

Question. IMO DCS : purpose and procedure

Question. Carbon factor - comparison with diff fuel

Question. Future fuel : ammonia in detail


Paul sir:

Question. Innocent passage

Question. Coastal states right on innocent passage

Question. Documents in MARPOL Annex I

Question. Form A contents



Jonnie Wilson, [19-01-2022 14:16]

Ext Dr Simon, Int Paul



Type of Ship

Question. Enhanced Survey Program, Which doc ESP survey endorsed

Question. Emerald star, bulk Jupiter case study

Question. Cargo liquefaction reasons

Question. SUA convention

Question. Hong kong convention

Question. How psc submit inspection report to imo

Question. Can psc fine a vessel. How

Question. If ship enters as a port of refuge, can psc fine?

Question. Imo carbon goals. How

Question. Cii, how to calculate.

Question. How much fuel consumption onboard ur ship

Question. How much CO2 emitted in 1 ton of fuel combustion

Question. Goal based standard

Question. As a CE how to prepare for LL survey, what do u do during survey, docs

Question. Diff bw statutory and class survey

Question. What happens if class is withdrawn?

Question. Condition of class

Question. Imo dcs

Question. Mlc all titles


Question. Hong kong convention. Name all certs. List all hazardous materials.

Question. What annual surveys other than class survey conducted onboard.

Question. Unclos. Flag state responsibility


 [18-01-2022 19:16]

Nimish Srivastava,

Ext . Simon


Question. what is green, blue, brown and grey hydrogen.

Question. What is steam reforming.

Question. Why use coal?

Question. What is the need of gasification of coal?

Question. Carbon capturing technology.

Question. Carbon footprint                             

Question. IMSBC code

Question. PSC. What the use of it.

Question. Blue economy

Question. SAR

Question. ISPS

Question. Methanol as future fuel. Properties of methanol e.g. flash pt, self ignition temp etc problems while using.

Question. IGF code. When we can use low flash pt fuel for lifeboat and emergency gen then why to introduce this code as we are still capable of handling low flash pt fuel. What it is min flash pt DO we were able to use before this code.


Question. New engine technologies,

Question. Hongkong convention

Question. AFS convention

Question. Personal skills of a chief engineer


Paul Sir

Question. Safe manning in details. What all conventions apart from solas says about safe manning

Question. ISM CODE





 [18-01-2022 16:15]

Alex Joseph,

Ext . Simon


1.what type of ship you sailed, chemical tanker types,

Question. P and A manual, which ship can carry which all cargoes

Question. FAL convention

Question. IMSBC code

Question. Resources a cheif engineer have on ship

Question. Blue economy

Question. Mentoring

Question. SUA convention

Question. CII

Question. Certificate of fitness in chemical tanker

Question. New engine technologies,

Question. IMSAS

Question. III code

Question. Personal skills of a cheif engineer

Paul Sir

Question. Hong kong covention



[Forwarded from VINEETH]


Attempt 1

Simon sir n Paul sir

Repeat 🤓


Question. LPG - cargo properties ... temp,  pressure, tank type, density.

Question. CII, what we do with the values , % reduction calculations for A B C D & E... how to calculate...

Question. inclining expt .. what all we calculate

Question. cross curves of stability?? GZ and KN which is called cross curve of stability..? What is assumed KG ..

Question. IMO adoption... what is accession and acceptance.?

Question. cyber security elements .. IOT

Question. Audit n survey ...

Question. psc provisions for fining a vessel ...is there any provision ?

Question. have u seen any ship running on ammonia ? Where u find it .. ammonia fuel .. ...

Question. MGO  MDO  difference

Question. IMO DCS ..

Question. wat is Zero carbon fuel ?? Wat is carbon footprint ? Wat happens wen u burn fossil fuel ?

Question. Functional requirement of fire control system onboard ??



Dec 2021

[29-12-2021 07:46]

[Forwarded from Santhosh Thomas]

Simon sir

Paul sir

Question. eexi eedi, cii, carbon factor

Question. lng properties ,tank pressure, containment etc

Question. national shipping board

Question. Iws

Question. force majeure

Question. bridge equipments

Question. ais lrit

Question. Gyrocompass

Question. Elements of cyber security

Question. Polymerization

Question. admiralty law

Question. citadel requirements


Paul sir

Question. ballast code

Question. duties of flag state

Question. Scopic

Question. what 5 documents to check when taking over as ce



[Forwarded from Surendar Vani]


External - Dr. Simon

Internal- Mr. Paul


Brief introduction about my career

Ships which you have sailed- containers

Question. Tell about recent maritime accidents which container ships involved?

X questions- what's is total constructive loss, how plastic pellets fell overboard, what was the reason?.

Question. how container ship deck fires are handled?

Question. parametric rolling?

Question. Admiralty Act?

Question. ship recycling act?

Question. BWMS discharge standard?

Question. BWM Code

Question. Spoofing and Jamming

Question. list all statutory certificates

Question. IAPP certificate supplement contents.

Question. International Antifouling certificate contents and its validity?

X question - is it a statutory certificate? What does it mean by international AFS certificate?

Question. COC and COP differences, which certificate issued to ratings and who issue it?

Question. SUA convention?


Question. what is innocent passage as per unclos ?


Soma Sathya, [22-12-2021 13:17]

21 & 22

External: Simon sir

Internal: paul sir

Question. Gt and Nt why no unit and wat is for container

Question. Container materials

Question. Test on container

Question. Firefighting on container

Question. Decarbonisation

Question. Carbon footprint

Question. Cii

Question. Imo DCS

Question. Parametric rolling

Question. Ms act in general

Question. Function of NSB

Question. SEQ

Question. Tacit, accession, ratification


Question. Mou details

Question. GZ curve details


Nov  2021


[Forwarded from Anto Basil]

Cleared Orals today.

Thank you very much.


Attempt 4.

Dr.Simon, Mr.Paul internal.

1. Self Introduction

Question. IBC vs BCH code.

Question. IGC and IGF code.

Question. Flash point of LNG.

Question. Methanol Chemical composition.

Question. What would be the direction of Future Shipping .

Question. ESP code

Question. Continuous SYNOPSIS RECORD

Question. Green Passport, ? Who issues?

Question. Parametric Rolling

Question. UR, UI, IACS. PR




[Forwarded from r k]

Simon sir

Paul sir

Question. which kind of vessel you have sailed..

Question. Difference between product and chemical tanker

Question. Difference between IBC and BCH code

Question. what is polymerization..give any example

Question. what is RPSL...what is it's significance?

Question. What is IACS?

Question. what is CSR?

Question. Name all kind of statutory certificate of your ship (tanker).

Question. How the register in india?

Question. How you come to know which all corgo you can load on board the ship?

Question. What is GT and NT?


[Forwarded from Sriram G]

Kochi 22.11.2021

External:Dr Simon sir

Internal: Paul Sir

Attempt : 2nd


Background type of ships ,written result And when last attempt given -


Question. Hong Kong convention

Question. Nav equipment gyro and vdr

Question. Weather routing

Question. Stability instrument oil tankers

Question. Intact stability, damage stability criteria

Question. Dynamic stability

Question. Cyber security functional element

Question. Latest marpol amenedments  annex two

Question. Integrated safety mgmt system

Question. Break even. cost value analysis

Question. Annex vi amenedment

Question. Ghg imo strategies

Question. Market based measures


Paul Sir

Question. Statutory certificate list

Question. Seq form E

Question. IOPP form a and form b contents and applicability

Question. Bwm code - certificates applicability d1d2 standard

Question. Guidelines G8/G9




[Forwarded from Shiva]

Kochi Mmd orals on 18.nov.2021.

External - Simon Sir

Internal- Paul Sir


Question. Latest container  ship safeties?

Question. Fire fighting methods?

Question. GT, NT Calculations

Question. Shanghai Express case, explain .

Question. Green Passport

Question. IACS, UI, UR

Question. UNFCCC

Question. RPSL

Question. Difference between COC-COP

Question. Jamming , Spoofing, phising ?


Question. Noise Code

Question. GHG Measures,


Question. MEPC 76

Question. POLAR CODE

Question. BWM CODE

Question. FAL , latest development?

Question. Elements of STCW

Question. Elements of Cyber Security

Question. “ (MASS)”

Question. Confirmatory Survey

Paul Sir,

Question. IOPP Survey

Question. SAFCON

Question. SEQ





[Forwarded from Jayakrishnan]

Attempt No.2 /Kochi

External: Simon sir

Internal:Paul sir

Type of vessel & Company

Question. Container material & testing

Question. Cross curve of stability

Question. Parametric Rolling

Question. Future fuels & challenges to apply it

Question. High voltage in ship advantage

Question. III code

Question. Johari window

Question. IMO DCS

Question. EEXI, EEOI, CII

Question. IGF code

Question. IACS UR, UI, PR



[Forwarded from Prem Kumar]

Kochi Mmd orals on 17.nov.2021.

External - k.a.simon sir

Internal- Parthasarathi sir

Question.  What all surveys to be done specially to bulk carriers?

Question.  What is sid?

Question. What are the functional requirements of cyber security?

Question. What is the maximum thickness allowed for hull steel renewal as per esp?

Question. what is subrogation?

Question. What is fal convention? Explain..?

Question. What is III code? Explain..?

Question. what is E certificate as per dg shipping circular?

Question. Where will u find form E?. Contents of seq form E.?

Question. What are trading certificate?

Question. What are the advantages of high voltage in ships?

Question. Why equilateral triangle is mentioned in mid ships of bulk carrier? What is the reason for it?

Question. What is multiple load line?  Why it is required?

Question. What is EEXI cii, eedi, eeoi, seemp and imo DCs? Explain?

Question. What is the carbon emissions factor for fuel oil and diesel oil?. What is the unit of it?

Question. What is the formula for cii?


Oct 2021

Rohith N V, [21.10.21 14:57]

Kochi 21.10.2021

External:Dr Simon sir

Internal: Paul Sir

Attempt : 1st


Background info,ships sailed,written result ?

Container and Bulk

Question.  How many tiers of containers you can stack on the ship  ? how stacking load value is determined ? Racking load test ?

Question.  How NT is determined for containers ?

Question.  Any problems with container ships ?

Parametric rolling

XQ how to overcome that ?

Question.  Any special requirements for bulk carriers ?

Question.  Explain ESP? What all documents included in ESP file ?

Question.  Why Inclining experiment and formula ?

Question.  Future fuel/technologies ?

Question.  Properties of Ammonia and Methanol ?

Question.  As a CE what all things to check in a Polar ship ?

Question.  What is COP ? Who issues ? Eligibility ?

Question.  As CE how will you compose an ER watch ?

Question.  Admiralty act , MS Act , how Admiralty act is related to RPS ? Why MS bill not yet passed ?

Question.  Marpol Annex IV certificates ?

Told ISPP , discharge rate compliance , nitrogen and phosphorus certicate for passenger ship

×Q why nitrogen and phosphorus certificate for only passenger ship ?

Question.  IMO emission reduction strategy ?

Question.  IMRB , MBM ?

Question.  Why class is required for a ship ?

Question.  Finally he told I am asking an out of syllabus question , asked about status of shipping in 2050 , how will the new technologies going to affect the field ?



Then paul sir came ,

Question.  Latest Marpol amendments ,

Question.  ESP survey ? Certificates ? Role of owner ? How GBS related to ESP ? What to inspect ? What is SCF ? Is GBS mandatory ?




HK, [21.10.21 00:13]

Internal : Paul sir.

External : Simon sir.

Intro urself....

Wat happened during previous attempt.

Question.  Cyber security n functional requirements.

Questions. Marine insurance n principles n explain in detail each.

Questions. Dynamic stability

Questions. why tankers have less free board.

Questions. MASS.

Questions. ESP in detail.

Questions. National shipping board functions.

Questions. Ms Act 1958..no of parts n sections n changes in new MS bill.

Questions. CAS n CAP

Questions. persistent floaters.

Questions. Alternate fuels... In depth.

Questions. Multiple loadline.

Questions. Mentoring.

Questions. Audits and surveys.

Questions. Administration n class roles.

Internal : Paul sir.

Questions. Esp



[Forwarded from George]

External :Simon

Internal : Paul

Attempt no:1

Result :Pass


Questions. what are additional features of bulk carrier,

Questions. What is the role of Flag state and RO, any certificate issued by admin and not by RO?

Questions. Difference between act, rule, regulation, how act and rule made in India

Questions. Explain IMSBC code

Questions. case study about liquefaction, reasons?

Questions. Navigational equipments on bridge, explain BNWAS, Gyrocompass working principle.

Questions. SUA convention, case study about SUA convention.

Questions. Explain Admiralty act

Questions. Ship recycling act of India, who all are competent and national authority, tacit acceptance procedure

Questions. Tacit acceptance in IMO give examples

Questions. Amendment, accession, ratification, explain.

Questions. Passenger ship certificates?

Questions. Cargo ship certificated on board?

Questions. Multinational crew conflict management?

Questions. Situational leadership?

Questions. What is cyber security? Elements? Jamming? Spoofing?

Questions. Loadline survey preparation as CE?

Questions. SEQ survey preparation as CE?

Then Paul sir came and asked about

Questions. IMSBC,

Questions. TML,

Questions. Bulk carrier additional safety features.

Questions. Role of CE in a ship.



Sunil Chauhan, [23.09.21 11:22]

External :Simon sir

Internal :Paul sir


Result: Golden words😂😂😂

After logging in i was called first and when asked to share screen, was not happening. Tried everything but no success. Then sir asked me to get it rectified and put me in waiting room. I thought the battle is lost. Borrowed another laptop and tried with my friend and once ok then logged in to the link.


Simon sir only took the oral. Paul sir just checked my desktop and nothing else.

Asked to remove everything from the table. Only clear table and chair to be around. Not even charger jacks.

Asked me to convey this to all aspirants.


Simon sir:

1 Introduce yourself.

2 What kind of ships- I replied chemical tanker and container and product tankers. And from here my interview went into Chemical tanker and felt like it never came back, except occasionally.

3 What are types of cargoes

Questions. What are the types of chemical tankers. Their specs. What all cargo carried

Questions. What is palm oil What certificate for carrying

Questions. What are latest amendment wrt chemical tanker.

Questions. What cargo can be carried on ur ship how do you know. Where will u check it.

Questions. Difference between IBC/BCH

Questions. What is P&A manual and what will u find in there.

Questions. What is IMO’s GHG emission targets.

Questions. What is CII and how to calculate it.

Questions. What is CBDT

Questions. What is latest amendment in MARPOL annex 2.

Questions. What is parametric rolling

Questions. Why consumption is high in container ships.

Questions. What is Prewash wrt chemical tankers.

Questions. How will you motivate your juniors.

Questions. What is CSR. how is related to MLC

Questions. What is different in STCW 2010 against 1995 for CE

Questions. What type of chemical can be carried on which type of tanker.

Questions. admiralty act 2020

Questions.  latest in MS ACT (MS BILL 2020)

Questions. AFS convention

Questions. CSR under which convention





[21.09.21 13:00]

[Forwarded from Rakesh J]

External:Dr.K A Simaon

Internal: Paul


1) Introduce yourself

Questions. Onboard any conflict, explain how you solved

Questions. Situational awareness

Questions. Persistent oil, any relation with international convention

Questions. Cabotage, Rofr, exception

Questions. IHM,Ship recycling

Questions. Oil tanker surveys,



Simhadri Sangani, [21.09.21 17:18]

[Forwarded from Simhadri Sangani]

Question.  Amendments of IMSBC code, Carraige of coal, hazards, Fire fighting requirements

Question.  Latest Amendments in ESP code, All survey requirements as per renewal survey, Documents required.

Question.  P&I club, exclusions and how u approach for P&I club for insurance of ur ship...Where u go??

Question.  Bill of Lading? Explain about Negotiable bill of lading?? How u can say it is Negotiable on what basis??

Question.  Record keeping of CE??

Question.  Latest developments of your choice?? 

Question.  Motivation of Juniors and Seniors

Question.  Crisis management??

Question.  Break even and Cost benefit analysis??

Question.  SEQ survey asked by Paul sir




[Forwarded from Ganesh Iyer]

Date 24 August 2021

External  Dr K.A. Simon, Surendranath

Internal Paul VV

Simon Questions:

Question.  Why SOLAS Chap 12 Required.

Question.  What are the contents of SOLAS Chapter 12. He made me tell all points.

Question.  Why 2 alarms for cargo hold.

Question.  Why density is mentioned as 1000 and 1780 kg/m3.

Question.  What is double skin construction for bulk carrier?

Question.  Bulk Jupiter incident? How does Bauxite (Aluminium ore) liquefy, or any cargo liquefy , in general?

Question.  Aluminum ore, Iron ore, Coal etc are not soluble in water, how does it liquefy then?

Question.  What is slurry?

Question.  Decarbonisation, IMO measures, targets? In detail

Question.  What is green ammonia?  What is blue ammonia?

Question.  What do you do with the captured Carbon? How do you ensure that it is not released to atmosphere?

Question.  How is Ammonia used or planning to be used in Marine field since it will not sustain combustion?

Question.  Hydrogen fuel? How can it be used? Fuel Cell explain?

Question.  What is Bio Fuel, Examples? How is it used, advantages, disadvantages?

Question.  Difference between Rules, Regulation, Code, Treaty, Convention, Protocol?

Question.  What is mentoring? What is reverse mentoring?



Surendranath Questions

Question.  What is tort? Give examples

Question.  What is lien? Give examples

Question.  What is liability? Give examples



July 2021

Sreenivas Nair, [15.07.21 15:46]



External- Simon sir

Internal - Paul sir

Attempt 3

* Introduce yourself

Question.  IMSBC code, in detail

Question. Group of cargoes, liquefaction of cargo

Question. Nur Allya and Bulk Jupiter reason for Sinking

Question. Stability requirements, Inclining experiment

Question. IMO GBS

Question. Qualities of a good  CE

Question. Difference between Rule and Regulation

Question. What is IT & IOT

Question. Artificial intelligence and future applications in shipping. What is machine learning, example

Question.  IMO DCS in detail,

Question. How to train you JE on-board

Question. Block Chain technology

Question. Grain code


Paul sir


Question.  Extra safeties for bulk carriers

Question. ESP in detail . Contents of ESP report file




[Forwarded from Valli]


M.V Vallinath

ext : Simon sir

int : Paul sir


1. last time unanswered ques.

Question. BWM USCG standards.

Question. CSC Racking test load.

Question. Container fire fighting regulations, fire lancers, water monitors.

Question. Container material and properties.

Question. Xpress pearl incident.

Question. Mumbai barge incident.

Question. Parametric rolling.

Question. Intact stability criteria. what is the mim stability for the ships.

 Question. Ship recycling act. IHM certificate.

Question. How ships are beached in india. what happens to the P&I h&m certificates.

Question. csc safety plate details.

Question. cabotage law

Question. unclos areas definitions and uses.

Question. Convention how ratification & accession by member state.

Question. Definitions of convention,  protocol, treaty & ammendment.

paul sir


Question. DMLC part 1 Contents

Question. social security measures

Question. base line definition



[14.07.21 06:55]

[Forwarded from GEORGE MATHEW]

Simon Sir  questions

Question. Decarbonization

Question. EEDI

Question. IGF Code.

Question. Ammonia fuel

Question. IOT big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning

Question. Cyber security spoofing and jamming

Question. BWMS D1 D2 D3

Question. IMSBC

Question. ESP

Question. GTL

Question. MLC,

Question. STCW 2010 vs 95

Question. Competency Management system




Paul sir


Question. Bulk carrier chapter 12



Paul Chirakadavil, [16.07.21 15:07]

14 07 21

Dr Simon Ext Paul Int


Question. How to calculate GT of a vessel

Question. Whats the latest method used to calculate GT

Question. what's bonjean curve and its significance

Question. what's hydrostatic curves and its significance

Question. fal convention

Question. fund convention

Question. certificates and documents to be carried onbaord as per marpol annex 4 and 5

Question. difference between dmlc part 1 and 2

Question. ERM

Question. situational awareness

Question. bauxite ore carriage requirements

Question. xpress pearl incident and properties  of nitric acid

Question. trading licence and who issues it

Question. why do we need class for the vessel

Question. statutory certificate to be carried onboard                                                                                                                                                                       



[Forwarded from Abin Joy]

Mmd Kochi 12.7.2021

4th attempt

Brief yourself, written exam status, no. of oral attempts etc

I am sailing in tanker.

Thomas Kurian

1. What are the questions you didn't answer last time. He asked questions from that.

Question. Gas turbine working principle

Question. What is hongkong convention. what are the requirements for ship and recycling facility.

Question. class survey is not taken place in due date then what will happen

Question. Coc as per class

Question. Who will issue Imo certificate..significance



Question. marpol annex 1,4,5 just headings, annex 4 documents, annex 5 documents.

Question. Latest incidents- xpress pearl and mumbai barge accidents in details , nitric acid properties..how fire occurred in xpress pearl

Question. If you work with mixed crew..how you going to motivate them as ce.

Question. Situational awareness

Question. Conflict between two crew..how you deal as ce

Question. Loadline renewal...how you prepare as ce

Question. stcw. ce competence..how it demonstrate

Question. What is polarization ( related to oil tanker)

Paul sir

Question. exception in insurance contract

Question. seq and form E certificate details

Question. Iopp certificate and supplement

Question. what is ICC


April 2021


[Forwarded from Renjith Thomas]

Date 26 April kochi

Int.Thomas kurian n Dr.simon

What happened last time ?

What ships have u done- bulk carrier

Question. Esp

Question. What to do when you go for dry dock

Question. What you do when your ship goes to US?

Question. Why do u need orb? Who can make entry ?

Question. Why bulk carrier strength is less than oil tanker?

Question. Hong Kong convention who is competent authority

Question. Ship recycling act. what is followed now

Question. After Hong Kong convention how will you de registry your ship

Question. Who is The registrar ? Where all done

Question. What is adoption ratification convention accession

Question. 2 AES working 1 not working .will u take over as chief eng.



Paul sir

Question. Statutory survey that has to be done by DG while ship in India.

Question. What is ro code.

Question. What is relation between iacs n ro


[26.04.21 18:35]

[Forwarded from Rijo Francis]

Attempt no :3


Simon sir and Thomas Kurian Sir



Question. SCOPIC and LOF

Question. III Code

Question. How to prepare ship for recycling.

Question. IGF and IGC code in brief

Question. Problems with large container ship.

Question. How will you take over a ship as a chief engineer.

Question. What is IACS, UR and UI

Question. How do you assign watch in a manned engine room as a chief engineer.

Question. Definition of COC and COP

Question. What is situational awareness

Question. Your ship is on a tight schedule and calling frequent ports, how will you maintain your CSM survey.


Paul sir

Question. How to close NC giving example of an NC.



satish, [27.04.21 18:05]

2nd attempt,

Dr.simon and komachery

1.types of ships sailed

Question.  why less freeboard in tankers.

Question.  latest fuel,

Question.  III code.

Question.  multiply load line



[Forwarded from Sameer kaushik]



Attempt 6th

1. Intro

Question.  River vessel act

Question.  Inland vessels

Question.  Mlc

Question.  GBS

Question.  Contra rotating propellers, benefits

Question.  Leadership

Question.  Ms act why , NSB.

Question.  Fire safety, functional requirements

Question.  Sps code

Question.  Liability certificates onboard

Question.  How you will take over second hand vessel in 3 4 hrs time.

Question.  Coc.

Question.  If your vessel goes to US and your vessel has coc , how you will present Your vessel

Question.  Wreck convention

Question.  IACS. Ui Ur Pr Qscs





Second attempt

Dr. Simon,

Type of ship -Bulk carrier

Questions. IMSBC code, TML, bulk jupiter case study, grain code

Questions. Decarbonisation

Questions. Mentoring, diff b/w mentoring and teaching, who need mentoring

Questions. How will you prepare for load line survey

Questions. Role, importance of class

Questions. Advantage of high voltage system

Questions. Contra rotating propeller benfits

[Forwarded from Midhun]


Attempt 3

External :simon sir

Internal :paul sir


Questions. Difference between product tanker and crude oil tanker

Questions. why tankers have less free board

Questions. multiple loadline

Questions. similarities between stcw and mlc

Questions. similarities between mlc and rpsl

Questions. sua convention

Questions. About recent mangalore incident.

Paul sir:

Questions. how do you know what are the products that can be carried in your oil tanker

Questions. where will you get information for scheduled maintenance of your lsa and ffa items for indian ship

Questions. Duties of port state as per unclos

Questions. Explain clc and fund

Questions. what is form E




[Forwarded from Mathews Joseph]


Second attempt Simon sir,



Questions. when will CII  be implemented

Questions. Green ammonia

Questions. GBS

Questions. Functional requirements in cyber security

Questions. Mlc titles

Questions. Load line survey

Questions. BWMS different standards

Paul sir

Questions. Esp and special survey

Questions. Imo DCS and EU MRV

Questions. Documents as pert of LOAD LINE survey

Questions. Eg for any condition of assignment







Abdul Mirshad, [23.04.21 19:14]

M.Abdul Mirshad,


Attempt #3 ,

External: Simon Sir,


Questions. Hongkong convention

Questions. How is ship registered in india.

Questions. Material of container

Questions. what is the problem with large container ship

Questions. Cabotage law.

Questions. STCW - What u mean by training , COP and COC differences,

how will you arrange watch keeping in ER as a chief engineer( operational level +Support level)

How many types of level mentioned in STCW.

Questions. IGC and IGF , low flash points?

Questions. Situational awareness, team work and leadership quality.

Questions. Interpersonal conflict ( Johari window )

Questions. III code ,

Questions. Cyber security.





Paul Sir,

Questions. IACS CSR

Questions. Stability booklet and it's content,

Questions. Parametric rolling.









Dawn Sudhakaran, [23.04.21 14:05]


2nd attempt

Simon Sir

Questions. Difference between Crude Oil Tanker and Product tanker. Why Tankers have less freeboard? What is Permeabilty?

Questions. Framo Cargo System and what all maintenances you carry out.

Questions. Polar Code. Benefits of Polar Navigation. What is Grid Circle Navigation?

Questions. Functional requirements of cyber security

Questions. Internet of Things in Engine Room.

Questions. MLC and STCW comparison. Manila Amendment

Questions. LSA FFA Maintenance. Where can u find the maintenance schedule?

Questions. IGF Code.

Paul Sir

Questions. What is Mentoring?





RENJITHLAL ES, [22.04.21 23:03]


Attempt 5

Simon sir,


-Types of ships sailed

-What happened in last attempts

-(Ship recycling act 2019 -Block chain technology)-last attempt qns

Questions. Evergiven incident,Who is responsible?

Questions. Risk in container ship?

Questions. Competency where it is mentioned?

Questions. MLC new amendments

Questions. Fishing boat accident near mangalore coast,How the investigation will go on?



Paul sir,

Questions. casualty investigation by flagstate,where it is mentioned and as per ms act?

Questions. Flagstate responsibility during casualty investigation (as per UNCLOS)

Questions. Is the Formal investigation for casualties carried out only by court or any authority?



Kiran P Nair, [22.04.21 20:53]

Attempt No2 ,Simon sir

1. Which question u didn't answer?

    I told Hongkong convention

     Asked abt that, ship breaking code and ship recycling act

Questions. IGC code briefly, chapter19

Questions. Certificate of fitness

Questions. Ammonia property

Questions. In brief about cyber threat, measures onboard to control cyber risks

Questions. III CODE in brief

Questions. Scope of IACS.

Questions. BMI

Questions. MEDICAL chest on board , as per MLC

Questions. IGF CODE brief

Questions. Alternate fuels

Questions. Stability booklet contents

Questions. what is ratification, accession



Internal Paul sir

Questions. safe Manning document



Aravind Sankar, [21.04.21 17:48]

Kochi 21.04.2021

External:Simon sir ,Internal: Paul Sir

Background info,ships sailed

Questions. Gas ship basics. reliqufaction. MARVS. What is propane. Its properties.

Questions. III Code . Implementation of III code.

Questions. How Imo convention is adopted and implemented in a county. say eg India.

Questions. Unclos Continental shelf and base line.

Questions. Leadership as CE.How u will be as a leader.

Questions. SOP

Questions. STCW 2010 and 95 changes.

Questions. STCW which section for CE 2E.Why it is same for both.

Questions. IGC code  (how many chapters,briefly about chapters,Ch 19 what all details given.)

Questions. IGF code

Questions. Future fuels.Ammonia as fuel,properties,At what pressure carried.

Questions. Methanol formula and about use as fuel.

Questions. EGCS schemes and certificates.Sensor calibration requirements.Equivalence for S%.


Paul Sir

Questions. IGC certificate content.


Questions. Form E contents.


Questions. Satuatory certificate carried in ship u have sailed.


March 2021

[Forwarded from Lijoe Philippose]

18.03.2021 Kochi

External Simon sir, Internal Paul sir


Questions not answered last time

Questions. CSC convention / CSC plate details / Container racking load test / Racking test value / 20 ft Container gross weight value/ How many tier of containers max / Gt calculation for on deck cargo

Container volume in ft3 / Significance of 2.83

Questions. Documents required for carrying Imdg cargo

Questions. BCH code, What code followed by ships after 1 july 1986

Questions. Parametric rolling

Questions. IMO strategy for Decarbonisation

Questions. New gen fuels

Questions. Characteristics of Ammonia

Questions. Igf code

Questions. Flash pt of Ammonia

Questions. What is low flash pt fuel


Paul sir,

Questions. Parametric rolling

Questions. Preparation for Iapp survey

Questions. Record of parameters

Questions. How to verify nox by parameter method




[18.03.21 22:08]

[Forwarded from Prabhu Anand]

18 Mar 20

Ext- Simon sir


Questions. Aframax tanker, Explain about AFRA

Questions. Leadership Qualities of C/E

Questions. GHG Strategy and candidate measures

Questions. IMRB

Questions. BMI-

Questions. Flag state responsibilities - as per UNCLOS 217

Questions. CSM Survey

Questions. Functional requirements of RO

Questions. Why lifeboat fuel flashpoint is low?What is d value?

Questions. What is the compression ratio of Lifeboat engine and M/E?

Questions. Asked abt super long stroke, ultra long stroke, Diesel, Otto, Dual cycle



Paul sir

Questions. Brief abt CLC 92, diff bet 69 and 92

Questions. Strict liability of owner

Questions. Is Bunker convention applicable to oil tanker? If it so wat r all d Conditions?

[Forwarded from Adarsh nair]

17.03.2021 Kochi

Ext. Simon Sir.. Int. Paul Sir


Questions. Previous Questions not answered.

Questions. Type of ship sailed..

Questions. Asked imsbc code in detail. Bulk jupiter incident.. Reasons for capsizing etc.. Difference between collapsing and capsizing.

Questions. Spoofing and jamming

Questions. Blue economy

Questions. Leadership skills of ce as per stcw

Questions. Negotiation

Questions. Conflict management

Questions. Latest fuels..

Questions. Explain green ammonia engine..

Questions. Explain about swot analysis

Questions. What do you understand by disrupting technology

Questions. Cyber risk definition, what are the different threats..

Questions. What is Mass..degrees of mass..

Questions. What do you mean by knowledge management..

Questions. Fal convention..

Questions. As a chief engr how will you prepare for load line survey..

Questions. What is the difference between water tightness and weather tightness..


Paul Sir

Questions. What are all the certificates you need to carry in bulk carrier..

Questions. What do you mean by GISIS..

Questions. Explain about CSR..

Questions. What is form E..

 [Forwarded from BKT]

17.03.2021 Kochi

Ext. Simon Sir.. Int. Paul Sir


1. Self introduction.

2. Previous Questions not answered.

Questions. Approach of PSC, if your vessel have COC.

Questions. IBC code, Type of cargoes, Where to find names of the cargoes can be loaded.

Questions. Relation between IBC and IGC code.

Questions. BCH code

Questions. CII

Questions. BMI

Questions. Latest fuels, Told Ammonia, Methanol, Hydrogen,

xQ About ammonia fuel and Engine

Questions. Conflict management

Questions. Competency Assessment as per STCW

Questions. Ballast water management, G1, G2, G3


Paul Sir

Questions. III Code

Questions. Where to find Max no of persons carried onboard






Feb 2021


Prem, [22.02.21 14:12]


1st attempt

Kochi MMD

Ext. Dr. Simon

Int : Mr. Paul

Questions from Simon sir :

1. Asked about types of ships sailed- only Bulk carriers

Questions. Special surveys and codes related to Bulk carriers. Explain IMSBC/Cross questions in category A, B and C/What is angle of Repose..

Questions. Regarding cargo coal, he asked what is self ignition.

Questions. Explain about ESP/What is the allowable corrosion limit as per ESP

Questions. FAL convention

Questions. Force Majeure

Questions. SUA convention

Questions. Citadel and high risk areas

Questions. Difference between STCW 1995 and 2010 (only major differences)

Questions. Crew COP issuing criteria and who will issue COP

Questions. Leadership qualities as in STCW 2010.




Dayakarreddy, [22.02.21 11:56]

Ext :Simon sir ,internal : pal sir



Questions. Explain about IMO

Questions. IACS

Questions. who is RO

Questions. Alternate fuels explain

Questions. LNG FUELS explain

Questions. Aframax means

Questions. Goal based standards

Question. Dual fuel engines





Simhadri Sangani, [20.02.21 10:02]

[Forwarded from Simhadri Sangani]


Dr Simon, 3rd attempt

Questions. Last ship, Types of cargoes carried, Coal loading procedures n hazards. Bauxite ores loading procedures. Where u find  list of solid bulk cargoes . Testing procedures for TML.

Questions. IMSBC code, MV Jupiter incident n causes

Questions. IMO DCS, EU MRV, difference

Questions. RPS in detail

Questions. STCW latest amendments...mainly wants regarding leadership n competence.

Questions. STCW ,COC n COP difference.

Questions. IGF, IGC

Questions. Human element, Leadership qualities, Evaluation of competence.




[Forwarded from Mithun Somaraj]

Mithun Somaraj

Oral date:18-02-2021

Mmd: Kochi

Simon sir


Questions. Lloyds latest form

Questions. SCOPIC clause, where is it incorporated?

Questions. Registration of ship in India

Questions. Where to put marking and carving?

Questions. GT and NT?,why no unit ?

Questions. Survey of tonnage? How it is done?Related to registration

Questions. IOT , Big data

Questions. Hong Kong convention, who is certifying in india?

Questions. decarbonisation of shipping,National action plan

Questions. IGF code

Questions. CLC convention

Questions. FUND convention




Renjith Gopinathan, [18.02.21 21:59]


Simon Sir


Questions. Audit, inspection, survey

Questions. Strategy & tactics

Questions. Fatigue and how to mitigate

Questions. Casualty Investigation

Questions. Where to appeal for PSC detention, If outside india to whom you will appeal

Questions. If you think PSC detention unreasonable how will you approach inspector as chief engr

Questions. Cyber Security and its functional elements            

Questions. How as a chief engr resolve 2 engineers fighting each other

Questions. Human element in STCW

Questions. LNG and LPG properties, what is difference?

Questions. How to maintain cargo temperature in LNG tanks.

Questions. Simplified Measurement of NOx, when all conducted and by whom and where recorded.

Questions. What is Spoofing


Paul Sir

Questions. Cyber Security and its functional elements. What are the threats.

Questions. Prepare for SMC audit as CE

Questions. Social Engineering

Questions. IACS, its functions. UR & UI

Questions. CSR, relation with IACS


Britto Louis, [17.02.21 16:28]

Ext Simon Sir



1. Types of ship you sailed.

Questions. Difference between bulk carrier and chemical tanker.

 Questions. Chemical tanker types with examples of cargo carried.

Questions. Can Ammonia be carried on chemical tanker which code deals with AMMONIA.

Questions. Discuss ammonia as future fuel.

Questions. Explain decarbanisation.

Questions. What is green house gas.

Questions. EEXI and CII explain.

Questions. ISM and cyber security .

Questions. Spoofing

Questions. What is common between MLC and RPS.

Questions. AIS and LRIT Difference.


Internal Paul Sir.

Questions. What special survey carried on bulk carrier.

Questions. What is major difference between ESP and other survey.

Questions. Does chemical tanker comes under ESP

Questions. What are all surveys can only be taken by flag state and not by any RO or classification society




Simon sir. Paul sir.

Questions. Block chain tech in containers.

Questions. Alternate fuel

Questions. Which engine is using alternate fuel

Questions. How will you assess the competency of jr engineer.

Questions. What programmes you have for jr eng other than TAR boo,

Questions. As ce how will you prepare for loadline survey

Questions. Docs for annex 4.

Questions. GHG

Questions. what is reference baseline for strategy

Questions. Container NT calculation.

[Questions. Units of GT, NT.

Questions. What is stacking and racking test in containers.

Questions. How much height containers can be stacked.

Paul sir.

Questions. Parametric rolling.




[Forwarded from M K]

Kochi Orals 21.01.21

Ext: Dr Simon Sir

Int: Paul Sir

1. Your background & type of ship sailed.

2. What type of chemical tankers sailed?

Question.  Is ESP applicable to Chemical tankers?

Question.  Types of chemical tankers. Explain Type-1, 2 & 3 construction wise.

Question.  Definition X,Y,Z and OS type, examples of each.

Question.  Where you find onboard what cargo you have loaded? How you know which cargo can be carried onboard?

Question.  IBC code & BCH Code.. Difference

Question.  HKC/EU SRR

Question.  Ship recycling act. How it is different from Ship breaking Act.

Question.  Who is the National Authority/Competent authority in India related to Ship Recycling Act.

Question.  What is spoofing?

Question.  Requirements of CE as per MLC.

Question.  Leadership & managerial skill of CE.

Question.  Situational awareness.

Question.  Decarbonisation.

Question.  Green house gases. GHG

Question.  Alternate fuel. Methanol disadvantages.

Question.  IGF Code.

Question.  IOT in shipping.

Question.  ISM latest amendment. How cyber security can be addressed in SMS.

Paul Sir

Question.  Elements of ISPS.

Question.  What all surveys in any annual survey. What all surveys in intermediate surveys.




Roshen Manuel, [20.01.21 16:03]

Simon sir

Question.  Polymerization of cargo

Question.  p&a manual

Question.  marpol 2021 ammendment

Question.  load line survey preparations and associated certificates. What is the requirements for the railing. Why gap is different?

Question.  eedi, eexi, cii, eeoi, seemp part 1&2, carbon factor for different fuels. Asked about atomic weight of oxygen

Question.  define carbon foot print

Question.  imo GHG strategy and how they are implemented

Question.  motivation and training of ER crew

Question.  annex 4 ammendment 2021

Question.  passenger ship certificates and survey. Working of STP

Question.  define unseaworthy ship


Paul sir

Question.  power failure during manoeuvering. As a CE how will you proceed as per ISM




[20.01.21 08:01]

[Forwarded from Ajay]

Internal : Paul sir

External: Simon sir

Attempt :3

Cochin , 19.01.2021


Type of vessel . Container

External.Simon sir

Question.  Container fire fighting . Using fire lance how will u  fight fire on top tier containers and many x questions.

Question.  Parametric rolling.

Question.  Tonnage determination for containers above upper deck. Why no unit for GT.

Question.  Deglobalization.

Question.  IGF and IGC code.

Question.  Situational awareness.

Question.  Human resources management.

Question.  MLC latest ammendments.




Paul Sir

Question.  who is responsible for safety of containers .

Question.  Safety Approval plate.. who approves it.


[Forwarded from Arun S]



Simon Sir


Types of ships sailed?

Question.  what is AFRA


Question.  ESP code, Amendments

Question.  GBS general outline

Question.  Ship recycling act of India

Question.  Latest Amendments in Marpol. Solas and  ISM

Question.  MEPC 75

Question.  IMRB and IMRF functioning

Question.  Force Majeure

Question.  GT NT calculation

Question.  Training junior engineer


Paul Sir

Question.  why Class for a ship,where is it mentioned







Thomas Kolady, [30.12.20 20:04]

[Forwarded from Thomas Kolady]


External: Simon sir

Internal: Paul  sir

1. Questions not answered in last attempt

Question. ESP CODE in detail and latest amendments

Question. IGC code & latest in IGC code/

Question. IGF code

Question. MEPC 75

Question. Mentoring JE

Question. Memorandum and COC




Paul Chirakadavil, [29.12.20 19:34]


3rd attempt

Simon Sir

Question. Seemp

Question. Attained EEDI and relation with Seemp

Question. EEXI

Question. IMRB and its funding

Question. Decarbonization

Question. alternative fuels

Question. Safety Provisions in IGF for alternative fuels

Question. IMO GHG goals

Question. Safety measures for using methanol as fuel

Question. safety system in dual fuel engine in particular about the protection against unburnt fuel

Question. sua convention

Question. define Force majure

Question. Polymerization

Question. continental shelf as  per unclos

Question. Annex 4 documents to be carried onboard/ annex 5 documents to be carried onboard / Annex1 documents to be carried onboard

Question. passenger ship certificates



Paul Sir

Question. difference between class and statutory survey/ is class mandatory

Question. documents to be presented for seq survey



Narayan G R  Reply

Forwarded from Narayan G R


2nd attempt Simon sir and Paul sir.

Type of ship sailed.

Question. Aframax Details.


Question. Continentalshelf, importance, details, difference between eez and continental shelf.

Question. Force majure.

Question. Polymerisation

Question. IGC CODE Ammendments

Question. Annex V.Annex IV certificate details.

Question. Marpol latest ammendments.

Question. Amount of C02 produced per tonne of HFO burned.

Question. Safemanning document.details.

Question. ESP Details


[28.12.20 18:48]

[Forwarded from Sujith Balakrishnan]


Ext.Simon sir

In. Paul sir


Question. Latest upcoming ammendments in marpol annex vi, about eexi, cii

Question. Attained & required eedi

Question. Ms bill 2020

Question. Passenger ship certificates./ passenger ship certificates , passenger ship load line , special trade passenger ship certificates.

Question. Decarbonising in shipping

Question. Ship recycling act

Question. Bunker convention

Question. About sid ( identity document)

Question. Carbon foot print

Question. Chemical tanker types, cargo category, examples


Kingston V, [28.12.20 12:45]

281220 simon sir

Question. IGC

Question. IGF






Question. IBC?

Question. BCH?



Question. Hybrid scrubber system

Question. Co2 emission limit

Question. What u achieved by using dual fuels

Question. Certificate of fitness

[26.11.20 09:24]

[Forwarded from Vikas]


Kochi MMD

External: Dr.Simon sir

Internal: Paul sir


Question.  Principle of composition of watch keeping in ER.

Question.  Future fuels and properties.

Question.  Future ammendmments in Marpol

Question.  Criteria of discharging of chem tanker and what is new with Y category prewash requiremnts.

Question.  Decarbonization in depth.

How can shipping decarbonise?

Question.  MASS, new ammendment. How IoT is usefuel in MASS.

Question.  Loadline survey requirements. What all actions as CE

Question.  Shale gas.

Question.  Polar code in general

Question.  IGF code in general.






 [26.11.20 08:52]

[Forwarded from Logesh R]

Date 24:11:2020

Attempt - 4th

Simons /Paul sir

Type of ships sailed - container & car carrier

Question.  Cause for herald of free enterprise

Question.  Estonia ship accident causes

Question.  Jettison of containers

Question.  Fire flighting in containers

Question.  How to calculate the NT & GT of container ship which has 5 container stack above the deck

Question.  Container materials

Question.  Methonal and ammonia fuel properties

Question.  Decarbanisation

Question.  ME-GA engine

Question.  ME-LGI engine

Question.  IGF code

Question.  IMO zero carbon emission

Question.  Tri fuel engine

Question.  polar code

Question.  Ship recycling act

Question.  How to motivate multinational crew






VAIBHAV SHARMA, [26.11.20 08:48]

Question.  types of natural gas . Properties of LPG, LNG .how is reliq carried out. What is shale gas ,

Question.  passenger ship certificates , passenger ship load line , special trade passenger ship certificates.

Question.  sulphur cap in general .

Question.  cabotage law- only general

Question.  SUA

Question.  polar- type of ships

Question.  Autonomous ships MASS - general

Question.  ship registration

Question.  MLC certification

Question.  what is bio fuel

Question.  Container fire fighting

Question.  GHG- Kigali agreement , Vienna convention



Question.  nox tech file in detail

Question.  EEDI tech file contents

Question.  GBS

Question.  gas ships principles








Vimal Chiyyarathu, [25.11.20 22:12]

Kochi MMD,


3rd Attempt

Ext: Simon sir

Int: Paul Sir


Brief introduction, asked abt type of ship sailed.


• Questions which you couldn't answer last time with Nair sir

Question.  New amendment in Solas will eif in 2021 ?

Question.   what is ESP

Question.  what is d new amendment in annex 2?

Question.  * difference between IBC and BCH code

Question.  what is the difference between audit / survey / inspection ?

Question.  De sulphurication / decarbonisation/deglobalization.

Question.  * what imo strategy ? what is IMO short term ,midterm ,long term measures ?

Question.  * what eedi,eeoi,seems,and eexi

Question.  * what is unfcc?

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international environmental treaty adopted and implemented by countries all around the world in 1994 to address the issue Question.  Future fuel ?

Question.  * asked me about methanol fuel properties ?

Question.  * how to store methanol ?

Question.  EGCS  types? * Brief explanation?*Discharge criteria Of discharge water ?

Question.  How to motivate multinational crew ?

Question.  Mentoring of junior engineer?

Question.  what is AFRA ?

Question.  what is difference between aframax tanker and suemax tanker ?



Paul sir

Question.  iopp survey and certificates ?

Question.  what is the triangle in bulk carrier near the load line marking ?


[25.11.20 11:16]

[Forwarded from Shanmugaram]

Attempt 3


Nair sir  , Simon sir , Paul Sir


Question.  Types of chemical tankers .

Question.  Difference between oil and chem tankers

Question.  decarbonisation

Question.  igf code related methanol

Question.  mlc vs rpsl and common features

Question.  CO2 per ton fuel oil

Question.  Ism audits

Question.  Statutory surveys , passanger ship extra certificate



[07.11.20 11:46]

[Forwarded from Sameer Pn]

Dear friends,


EXT :Dr KA Simon

INT : Mr. Paul.




1. Introduce yourself

2. Types of Ships done, experiences on kind of engines and as 2E.

3. Why could not clear in previous attempts, Questions askd and asked me wthr I have learned from previous mistakes done, I said yes and askd me some of my previous attempt

questions such as

Question.  HK Convention

Question.  E ORB Authentication

Question.  Segregation of containers as per IMDG Code.

Question.  SUA Convention

Question.  Common in MLC and RPS

Question.  Need of Polar code, What is the benefit for ships in passing thru polar region ?

POLAR code      X what is special about polar code?      X What all included?     X advantage of it? When is going to come?        

Explain to him about category of ships, equipments required, polar water training manual, polar water cerficate, new route opening, tourism, saving 4500 miles etc

Question.  CE role onboard

Question.  Stcw 2010, What all changes?

Question.  Negotiation skills

Question.  ER Resource management.

Question.  Methane slip

Question.  GHG Emission and IMO Strategy, what is

Question.  What is GWP, Kigalee agreement, It's Time lines  What is indias role?

Question.  NT Calculation

Question.  What does Code on safety containers talk about.

Question.  What is Parametric rolling

Question.  UR S11 A.


06.11.20 19:30]

[Forwarded from Mani]


Kochi MMD,


External-Simon Sir,

1. Introduce yourself and what all ships you did?

2. What happened in last attempt?— what questions asked.

Question.  Explain an incident on ship and as a Chief Engineer how will you proceed.

Question.  Explain casualty investigations. Procedure in India to do investigation. Whom to contact? How you contact?If death happen on ship how to do formal investigation.

Question.  Chemical tankers types? Category X cargos list? Where you find onboard what cargo you have loaded? Explain type 1,2,3 - construction wise? Pre washing conditions of all types ships?

Question.  What is BOL? BOL types?

Question.  IOT? Explain OT and IT?

Question.  What is block Chain? Examples as per onboard? Smart sensor?

Question.  What Blue Economy?

Question.  What is Goal based system? What is CSR?

Internal- Paul Sir,

Question.  What all survey except statutory survey?

Question.  What is CSH?

Question.  What is condition of class?

Question.  How you know what all surveys due when you join ship? Where you find overdue jobs ?

Question.  Explain in DB tanks what all you check during survey?

Jim Paul George

Date:- 5-11-2020

External :- Dr. K A Simon

Question.  Casualty investigation.What do you mean by casualty.

Question.  Indian vessel in Indian port limit. Had fire on board which you successfully extinguished. What as a CE you will do.

Question.  MASS, Autonomus Ship

Question.  Registry of Ship.

Question.  Contents in certificate of registry

Question.  IMO number and it's significance.

Question.  List of Bridge Equipments. Difference in both radars

Question.  How will u motivate your juniors

Question.  As a CE how will you prepare your ship for load line survey.

Question.  Contents of stability booklet.

Question.  What are conditions of assignment

Question.  Teamwork importance

Question.  What are the future fuel/ Methanol as future fuel advantages and disadvantages.

Question.  What is decarbonisation and what you know about it.



Internal:- Mr. Paul

Question.  What is class status report. What all things you can find in it. What is condition of class. And why is it called condition.

Libinston, [04.11.20 18:31]


External : Mr.Simon

Internal: Mr.Paul and Mr.Praveen

4th attempt


Self introduction

Which topic you was weak in last attempt

Question.  FAL convention

Question.  Honk hong convention bill 2019,

Question.  Registration of ship, who will issue official number, imo number, how imo number last digit calculates.

Question.  Flag state, port state? purpose of psc.who govern psc, psc qualification.

Question.  Fuel for future

Question.  Methonol fuel disadvantages ,how can produce.

Question.  Mentoring j.e.

Question.  CE Qualification in management .

Question.  Unclos sea areas and purpose.

Question.  MLC certificate  and documents

Question.  Rpsl who issue and purpose

Question.  MLC rest hours requirement


Paul Sir

Question.  Annual survey,  what you will check and certificates.

Question.  csr who will issue and during which survey who will check.

 [Forwarded from Ben Joel Cleetus]

4th attempt ...07/10/2020

External..Simon sir

Internal... paul sir

Question.  Mentoring of junior engg

Question.  ER resource management

Question.  Polar code

Question.  IGF code

Question.  Passenger ship statutory certs

Question.  EGCS in detail.

Question.  ME GA

Question.  Appeal against psc detention procedure

Question.  IOT in shipping

Question.  DOC

Question.  Amendments 2020

Question.  CS Nox




[03.09.20 16:14]

[Forwarded from Matt Antony Pallan]

External :Simon sir

Internal : Paul and Praveen sir


*Ships sailed

Question.  Lpg pressure ,temp, other properties and reliq sys

Question.  Bullying and harassment

Question.  verdict of Enrica lexi and also the Maurisus case.

Question.  Ballast water convention

Question.  IGF code

Question.  Methanol engine safeties.

Question.  Goal Based standards

Question.  Seafarers Wellness


Internal Praveen Sir

Question.  Retrofit lpg fuel injection in gas carriers.



Joe Thomas, [03.09.20 15:38]


Simon Sir, Praveen Sir,Paul Sir.

Introduction and type of ships

Question.  Container Fire Fighting

Question.  Container Material

Question.  What all details you can find on containers

Question.  Wakashio Vs Enrica Lexi Judgement.

Question.  GT and NT formula

Question.  RPSL and MLC common areas

Question.  Situational Awareness

Question.  Harassment and Bullying

Question.  Passenger Ship Safety Certificates and any certificate required for CE

Question.  Interpersonal Conflict

Question.  Multinational Crew any Issues faced

Question.  Any incident onboard and lessons learned

Question.  Wellness Onboard

Question.  Negotiation and Dispute resolving

Praveen Sir

Question.  Bunker Convention

Question.  PMS requirements






Aby Peter, [03.09.20 15:20]

3 rd attempt...Passed..

Simon sir


Question.  Hongkong convention

Question.  Registration of ship as per MS act,  cancellation of registry

Question.  Weight of a seafarer used for calculation

Question.  Goal based standard

Question.  Condition of class

Question.  Audit and survey

Question.  IOT

Question.  Big data

Question.  Sulphur cap

Question.  Training of junior engineer

Paul sir


Question.  Documents for loadline survey


VAIBHAV SHARMA, [03.09.20 14:34]

Simon and Paul .


Question.  types of natural gas . Properties of LPG LNG .how is reliq carries out. What is shale gas ,

Question.  passenger ship certificates , passenger ship load line , special trade passenger ship certificates.

Question.  sulphur cap in general .

Question.  cabotage law

Question.  SUA

Question.  polar- type of ships

Question.  Autonomous ships - general

Question.  ship registration

Question.  MLC certification

Question.  what is bio fuel

Question.  container fire fighting

Question.  GHG- Kigali agreement , Vienna convention


Question.  nox tech file in detail

Question.  EEDI tech file contents

Question.  GBS

Question.  gas ships principles


[03.09.20 13:47]

[Forwarded from Enosh Joy]

03.09.2020                                     Simon sir and Paul sir


Question.  Definition X,Y,Z and OS type, examples of each. X Question.  Discharge criteria for each..where it is given X Question.  Tank stripping residues qty

Question.  IBC BCH difference

Question.  Tri fuel engine

Question.  Technical features of LNG  and Methanol as fuel...in detail

Question.  IOT...IT OT in detail AI.. machine learning..deep learning algorithms.. ANN (artificial neural network)

IOT – done

Question.  FAL overview.. purpose..FAL forms

Question.  MS act overview...2016& 2019 bill... about the revamped version..

Question.  RPS in mlc and Ms act...Ms rules 2016 RPS..

Question.  Certificates under MLC

Question.  MASS.. degree..RSE... development in msc 100&101.. X Question.   interim guidelines in brief

Question.  Main engine stopped midsea..actions as CE...


Paul Sir

Question.  Chemical tanker type 1,2,3 definition difference... construction, capacity..

Chemical cargoes can be very dangerous, most of them being flammable and/or toxic, some of them extremely so.