Nair sir Surveyor
Type of ship: Product tanker
Ext: Nair sir ,Int: Paul sir
Question. What's world scale
Question. What all factors effect when u as a charter while selecting a vessel
Question. What's SIRE 2.0,what's new
Question. What actions taken by a state when a oil spill happens
Question. Intervention convention
Question. How to get access of information to Iacs publications
Question. What's PIC ,(
Question. What provisions for dealing with dredging material(
Question. Difference n various aspects of
Question. SSAS testing procedures/ What's d frequency ,inline with certificate
Question. Isps certification Procedure
Question. Ammonia fuel ,it's commercial aspect
Question. What information regarding health is
passed to a coastal state when
Question. How u deal with waste generated onboard...n reception facilities, gisis, modules, what's d advantages
Question. what all certificate with respect to ILO,WHO,MLC
Question. what does MSCHOA do.
Question. How does TMSA relate to betterment
Paul sir
Question. Diff between class survey / statutory survey
Question. HSSC ,why hssc needed
Question. Incoterms ( 4 to 5 nos)
Question. condition of class Question. Memoranda
Question. Swastika
Question. Teap A and B
Question. Docking survey
Question. Loadline survey
Question. Extended DRYDOCK conditions
Question. Time interval between under bottom inspection
Question. RO qualification
Question. Condition of assignment
Question. Difference between periodical survey and renewal survey
Attempt 3
Question. Different trading schemes of ships Liner trading. What is consortium
Question. NACFS
Question. IMDG code, GESAMP , Observator status , role of GESAMP wrt IMGD code,
Question. CSC convention, who approves containers , certificate of a container, PES and ACES, various tests for approval of containers,,how to know how much stacking a bottom container can withstand, Containers tracking method
Question. FSS code ,
Question. Decision making
Question. Conventions and interpretation
Question. IACS Publications
Question. Salvage convention,classes of salvage,types of salvages, who sets the tariff rate for scopic,
Question. total loss , construction loss,
Question. any new technology already onboard, how to convince owner to choose MEGI & MEGA
Paul sir –
Question. Sua convention, full details
26 Sept 2024
Ext: Nair,
Attempt 2
Question. Incident onboard? Preventive measure for recurrence
Question. what are the best record keeping practice
Question. leadership qualities of chief engineer
Question. Ocimf
Question. institute cargo clauses
Question. AFS Convention
Question. Marool Annex 6 and certificates and documents in details chapter 4.
Question. Fixed premium insurance
Question. Cyber security in details
Question. Hague
Question. Hague
Question. Charter party in detail.
Paul sir :
Question. how u select anchor and morring which for your ship.
Question. Ms rule with regard to Cogsa and explain.
Question. Bunkering as chief engineer in respect of fuel quality
How will you order bunker in the required quality
Full detail of iso 8217:2024
Difference between iso 8217:2017 and 2024
How will you ensure supplier is supplying the required quality before pumping?
How will you ensure the supplier is approved?
How will you calculate the quantity of fuel?
How will you ensure the quality after bunkering?
How long you keep bdn?
What is the new requirement in bdn?
What all documents you keep with bdn?
If you receive a different quality analysis from your lab what will you do?
Question. How your engine complying with CII?
Question. Cargo contamination system for gas tankers.?
Question. Tank construction and as per IGC, type of designs, pressure settings, materials, Various tank configurations??
Rajappan :
Question. What all the logs you fill electronically, what all the Criteria’s to fill the form electronically??
Question. Latest amendments in solas?? All about IP safeties ?? Different between industrial Persons and special persons?
Question. What Is IS Code?? All about IS code. .!
Question. COF its content
Question. IBC code its content / Latest amendments in IBC Annex II Discharge criteria
Question. B/L types, e B/L its unique compare to paper B/L. How exchange and its merits
Question. Cargo received short or quality compromised how conflict occurs between shipowner and charterer. How it’s mitigated after discharged
Question. HNS convention and its compensation
Question. P&A manual and its contents
Question. MLC with respect to accommodation and work environment / Contents of above where ull find onboard
Question. How will u gauge personality of crew with respect to human element.
Question. Tribology
Question. Vdr
Question. CSM
Question. Suspension and withdrawal of class
Question. Condition based maintanence
Question. Chapter 11-1 solas
Question. Chapter 15 Solas
Question. How to reduce stress
Question. FSA
Question. HK convention and IHM record
Question. Equivalent to MSW in
Question. Grain code
Question. GISIS and it's module
Question. Different ISO Standards and what all it represent
Question. MS Act,what all sections and explain
Question. Maritime Autonous Surface Ship,levels of automation and guidelines
Question. Integrated bridge system
Question. Risk assessment
Question. RO code, explain, section 1,2 and 3.oversight program.
Question. Right ship inspection,what all checks carried out,how right ship score effects the ship business
Question. New ammendments in solas and imsbc,
Question. IMSBC code
dynamic separation and liquefaction,
bauxite carriage,
moisture limit of bauxite how to test
Rajappan sir
Question. MS Act procedure for registration of ships, dimensions of carvings and markings
Internal Rao sir..
Question. difference between rt flex and me engine
Question. grain code basic idea What certificate is issued under the code How does a ship without that certificate show compliance
Question. Loadicator new amendment
Question. Tort//Maritime lien
Internal Rao sir
Question. Utmost good faith
Question. What all particulars will u as a shipowner give insurance company
Question. ESP code why did it come into picture. Not history but just 5 points..
Question. ERM
Question. Alternate fuel...
Question. Eumrv.
Question. Ammonia. Feasibleity and break even point .. he wanted from financial point.
Question. Esp in detail , ammendments esp file and contents.
Question. Audits in detail.. ism audit and NC.
Question. Conflict
Question. Harassment and bully
Question. Official log book entries and importance of official log book.
Question. Imo structure. Imo council and duties. Imo committees and sub committees.
Question. Colreg
Question. how to achieve energy efficiency onboard.
Question. GHG emission control method.
Question. EEXI how to achieve.
Question. Communication Skill.
Question. MS act
Question. How H&M premium decided.
Question. Records kept by Chief Engineer.
Internal Paul Sir
Question. What is CLC
Question. What is bunker convention
Question. How to complete the training of a junior engineer.
Question. solas chap 12 explain. Explain stable conditions of equillibrium.
Question. What happens if margin line immersed.
Question. How loadicator calculates bending moments and shear forces.
Question. What is Gbs. CSR rules explain.
Question. What is Management information system. Explain in detail
Question. Unclos explain in 5 points. Land locked countries rights as per unclos. international seabed authority.
Question. Cost optimisation as CE
Question. MS act contents - Registration of ship?
Question. BMP 5 ? What does MSCHOA do?
Question. PANS ? Other than 96 hr reporting n armed guards what else ?
Question. Organizational behaviour ?
Paul :
Question. Your last ship class ? RINA or DNV which is better ? Why
Nair sir Surveyor
Question. Container ship for onbd deck, how to fight fire ?
Question. How do you know the contents ?
Vgm, who issues
Where can one access the vgm, ,who all can access. Which website ?
What to do if it is
an undeclared cargo ?
Question. Documents for IMDG
What is
Question. Stowage plan
This incident where is it logged –
How many log books onbd ?
Question. What is HNS in HNS convention ?
What are all HNS items ?
In case of HNS ovbd what actions related to HNS! Who is liable !
Question. New technology - told about AMP alternate marine power(cold ironing) what is it for? -ghg reduction
If in case the shore supply in AMP is having some failure what precautions or method is there onbd for uninterrupted power supply?
What are all powered by emg source? ,
Question. GMDSS new amendment in chapter 4 SOLAS
Question. Charter party/Contract of carriage rules difference between them
Question. TQM
Question. Formal safety assessment , what is cost benefit analysis in that
Question. Stress
Question. Ism audit What is Nc? Closing procedure and what time period / Who can close the NC?
Internal: Paul
Question. What is Admirality act?
What act is there related to contract of carriages or Bill of lading
related in
Attempt 2
Ext: Nair
Question. E-docs(electronic documents),who issues?how to find if it is genuine?
Question. HFAC(Human factor Analysis and Classification)
Question. Strict liability
Question. CLC and fund Conventions in detail
:who will pay for compensation when max liability of 750 mn sdr is exceeded.
Is CLC applicable /exempted if a vessel effected by natural phenomenon and grounded leading to oil spill.
Question. BMP 5 and new arrangements onboard for piracy deterrence.
Internal :Paul
Question. Blank forms
Question. wreck convention.
Question. loadicator – function.
Question. salvage article 14.
Question. esp how it is implemented.
Question. csr in depth
Question. interaction training
Question. gbs
Question. SUA convention and protocol.
Question. Leader ship.
Question. CBA.
Question. NSB in detail.
Question. MS act 1958.
Question. Any contract of SCI with ONGC regarding manning operation of vessel. Detail of contract.
Question. Class survey and annual survey what are they inspecting.
Question. What do you think new areas that has to be addressed in unclos and he gave an example as Autonomous ship.
Question. What is mortgage .
who is benefiting in mortgaging.
Question. What is remote survey.
Question. What is running down clause.
Question. What is fatigue.
Question. Car carrier have huge cargo hold. How it prevents flooding.
Paul Sir,
Question. How do you know that you're sms is valid.
Question. What frequency the audits are done
Question. What is Management review .
Nair sir
Question. Difference between ME 10.5 C and 10.6 C
Question. As a CE how would you take out a ship from dock safely, what all r things you r going to check b4 flooding.
Question. Conflict
Question. From today's date till 31st Dec what are the new SOLAS amendments coming into force.
Question. Difference between P&I and other marine insurance.
Question. Difference between PSC and MoU's
Question. What is substandard ship, when you go onboard how you will come to know this a standard ship or substandard ship.
Question. Explain Any new technology onboard the ship.
Question. Maersk Frankfurt Fire - how it could have avoided?
Nair sir.
Question. Charter party agreement.
Question. Brokerage.
Question. Insurance and charter party.
Question. Self loading and unloading bulk carrier.
Question. Liability in ms act.
Msw in world and
Question. Csm what is the difficulty in implementation.
Question. Llmc, liabilities.
Advantages and dis advantages of alternate fuel with respect to
Question. What is voyage safe.
Question. Esp new amendment, what was the before.
Question. Lsa amendment for last 2 years.
July 2024
Nair sir .
Attempt 1 .
Type of ship , engine .
Question. Integrated bridge system.
Question. Ism how to implement on board
Question. How to get cargo for tanker
Question. Cba
Question. Cyber security. How to identify there is breach ?
Question. Prestige Falcon why the ship sink .
Question. Stress management
Question. Annexe 6 VOC
Question. IGC and IGF Relation to SOLAS Chapter 2-1
Question. Duties as CE in ISM
Question. FSA
Question. MLC requirements
Question. Garbage Record Book GRB new amendments.
Ext Nair sir
Type of ship
Surveys or audits attended
Ism audit details
Question. y passenger ships are more safe.. Construction wise.
Question. Things you will check while taking over a ship as a chief engineer when you have very short duration ( 1 hour)
Question. What all courses you have to do after getting class 1 coc before becoming chief engineer
Question. Subrogation , explain with example
Question. Indemnity, explain with example
Question. Running down clause.
Question. Arbitration, conditions for arbitration, arbitrator qualifications
Question. Latest technology in shipping industry
Question. role of class apart from ro? Surveys carried out by class, memorandum , class notation
Question. role of human element in any incident happened onboard? what is human element
Question. wreck removal convention ? define wreck , what are financial securities provided, if any certificate
Question. welfare measures for seafarers, which books to be provided under mlc
Question. certificate required for carrying grain, grain loading manual content,angle of repose, compare stability while carrying grain vs iron ore partially in cargo holds
Question. load line certificate contents,condition of assignment of freeboard,items to be checked during inspection,describe safety of crew related items,issue date of LL certificate ,tests for water tight integrity, new amendment wrt watertight doors.
Question. port of refuge, whom should contact, imo requirements for port of refuge
Question. ILO code
Question. Casualty investigation code, Ms act part-procedure, why preliminary and formal investigation,Gisis,casualty investigation report contents
Question. IMO structure, Council duties, Secretary general duties
Question. CSC convention / Testing of containers/CSC plate details/Who tests the container / How many containers can be stacked on top of each other / Reefer container specification
-VGM and who test , where it is mentioned about the certification of the facilities doing the container weighing/Who approves loading plan / How container freight is judged .
various tests to ensure safety and structural integrity
Question. Types of container Fire fighting , pressure of operation, mist or flow , lead acid battery fire fighting.Why we can't fight with water , is it effective, which Solas chapter mentions container fire fighting .
Question. IMDG code explain
-Dg cargo where to store how to know where to store
-Which manual tells about how to fight the fire .
-Which certificate to carry
-Container tracking, how it's done .
-What you will do if out of size container are loaded .
Question. Docking survey
How to prepare for drydock
What are the things mentioned in work order
How spares are orderd
Duties of contractor and owners.
Question. How will you assess your juniors.
Company's assessment procedure
How to judge the attitude of junior
How to judge his nature
What is the procedure
How much time should be given.
Question. Effective Communication
Question. Diff b/w formal and informal way of communication.
Question. SOS and May Day Difference,
Question. New amendments wrt to CII and EEXI
Question. Well to Wake
Question. Mooring winch new regulation, Solas which chapter
Question. VDR and Requirements.
Question. New amendments with car carrier
Question. Li -Ion battery, how fire happening even it is off, alternate extinguishing medium (AVD) and Its working principle of AVD
Question. Official log book importance and entries, eyewitness.
Question. Examples for ISO and define.
Question. ISO and ISM difference
Question. MR( Managing representative) and DPA difference
Question. Class notation and examples
Question. UMS Class vessel going to have a class survey and you r the CE , wat all checks you do wrt to UMS.( He wants to hear deadman alarm also)
Nair Sir
Type of ship-Chemical/Product tanker
Question. Chemical tanker related
If cargo not in cof how to carry. Gesamp?
COF renewal survey,docs
Action on chemical spill,whome to contact
Why ibc cargoes listed in 2 chapters
Question. What will be updated in seemp
Question. Passage in piracy area
Precautions passing piracy area
Details about SSAS
Question. MS act
Diff btwn act and rule
MS stcw rule.Difference btwn coc cop
Requirements for chief engineer
How an admin will check whether your coc is valid
Who can take action against you for your incompetence onboard
Question. Management info system, How will you make sure your data is valid, Data integrity
Question. Human rights in SAR convention
Question. HNS convention, What all covered. Who will pay
Question. Bunker convention
Paul Sir
Question. Innocent passage
Attempt 1
Nair sir
Which attempt, written results?
Which type of ships and engines are done.
Question. Retrofitting ME to ME LGIP what all to do, safeties, IGF code, Precautions with low flashpoint fuels, Bunkering of low flashpoint fuels
Question. As per MLC minimum standards
Question. Conflict management. how to handle, what to do if its out control, harrasment & bulling realted cross questions, harrasment & bulling came to ur notice what action
Question. Your junior has reported Harrassing and bullying. How you'll deal with it
Question. Single window concept
Question. Bunkering procedure, Quantity, quality, standards, Latest for BDN
Question. TQM
Question. Emergency preparedness under ISM.
Nair sir,
Question. As a chief engr how do you reduce co2 emissions, not techniques which are already included in seemp.. not the alt fules, in present condition without changes or modifications to current machinery.
Question. Unclos what all articles and what it covers.
Question. How to get cargo or chater for your ship, how to quote or fix certain price for u vsl, frm where u get the min rates
Question. cyber security related, what all steps involved in cyber security for your vsl
Question. Flags of convience,
Question. Latest ammendments to solas
Paul sir
Question. What are Class notations, swastika & SUL differences, what all types of notations
Question. What all you find in class status report, what are class certificates & statutory certificates.
Nair sir Surveyor
Nair sir
Question. Any Incident report onboard or in the company. precautions & preventive action.
Question. GISIS, what all information’s
Question. IMO structure full details
Question. BOL, why, if any problem with cargo / BOL will be issued or not ? What other docs related cargo?
Question. Decision making various techniques
Question. nox technical file contents, What ship staff duties with those informations for compliance
Question. OPRC convention explain
Question. CLC, Bunker convention, Applicability, Exclusions, how to take those certificates, new vessel delivered from yard, oil spill, who covers, .
Question. Imsbc: Dynamic separation, group A,B,C and Coal in group B what is chemical hazard.
Question. Grain Code complete.
Question. Psc ship selection criteria.
Question. Code 17 and what if ship sailed in this
Question. Detention appeal Procedure.
Question. Arbitration.
Question. Cabotage Law.
Question. NSB.
Question. Harmonization of survey and any survey which is not included in HSSC survey.
Question. Baltic index
Question. BIMCO
Question. Water ingress system, Dewatering. Piping arrangement. How to test the water ingress alarm. Where the sensor is fitted.
Question. Class status report.
Question. Incident report.. How do u explain to Juniors and prevention in future.
Question. IGF code ammendment in Engine room
Question. Conflict management and if
not succeed what is
Question. LLMC and how it is working.
Question. IP code.
Question. Polar code ammendment
Question. Cargo lost.. How will insurance work.
Question. As a CE how will u know ISM is implemented on board .?
Nair sir
Question. Incident, RCA, which method is used for rca, detailed expressions
Question. How will you construct a bulk carrier, then csr, and GBS... Construction in case of dual class vessel.
Question. Annex 6 chapter 4 explanation. If you join a vessel which is not complying with eexi, actions as a CE onboard.
Question. Stability criteria, damage and intact.
Question. Chapter 12
Question. Esp and latest amendments.
Question. Loadicator amendments
Question. Stability and equilibrium
Question. What's effective communication?
Question. Hns convention full
Question. llmc?
Question. Ms act purpose and chapters?
Question. Lastest regarding situation in red sea?
Question. Latest ammendments regarding GMDSS ammendment?
Question. Unclos flag state duties?
Question. Genuine link?
Question. What's PR. explain PR 28?
Question. Training of jr engineer.
Question. Soft skill of c/e.
External. Nair
Attempt 5
Question. Imsbc / Liquefaction / Dynamic separation / Imsbc latest
Question. Esp latest amendment
Question. Mentoring
Question. Difference between urgency and emergency
Question. BLU code
Question. SSAS
Question. Coal cargo precautions
Question. Loadicator
Question. H&M / H&M required or not?
Question. Flag state responsibility unclose
Question. Flag of convenience, advantages
Question. Ms act
Question. Indian controlled tonnage
Question. Quarterly class listing
Question. Memoranda
Question. Class notations
Types of ships
Question. recent attacks in red sea / dg notice on red sea situation
Question. Container fire fitting.
Question. Imdg un number,who assign, doc
Question. vgm
Question. Diff.btwn marine insurance and car insurance
Question. Mass/ . Fully autonomous ships / Challenges with fully autonomous ships
Question. What certificate not under hssc
Question. FSI, Why done….
Question. UNCLOS….innocent passage
Question. Latest amendment under fss
Question. latest amendment under Lsa
Question. accessing a junior engineer
Question. Nsb
External:Nair sir
Internal:Paul sir
Question. Explain about oil pollution convention?
Question. CLC Tier 1,2 &3 explain?
Question. Who will pay tier 3 compensation, explain limits in all 3 tiers?
Question. Explain RO code?
Question. Explain IMO DCS?
Question. Drydock survey?
Question. Explain drydock contract and Contents ?
Question. MS ACT part 10 explain?
Question. Explain MS ACT part 12 regarding investigation?
Question. Explain salvage convention? Article 13 and 14, Scopic
Question. Explain about world scale & BIMCO ?
Question. Types of charter party? How as owner you will present your vessel to charterer and how freight is decided?
Question. Explain ship broker?
Paul sir:
Question. Explain CLC, Bunker, IOPC fund?
Question. Inventory management.
Question. Innocent passage.what are all the things in it.. Human rights.
Question. Drydock survey. Frequency of DD. For What jobs we are going for DD.
Question. Maritime single window., Sagar settu.
Question. Where u will find the list of cargoes
Question. Recent amendments in FSS.
Date : 23.01.2024
External : Nair sir
Internal : paul sir
What type of ship ? LPG carrier
Question. In LPG carrier main engine retrofit from fossil to alternate in your choice and explain.
Question. MEGI and MEGA engine, differences, advantage and disadvantages
Question Work load management in detail with example, what is delegation, competence
Question. What is Risk, hazards, incident , accidents and casualty. Risk assessment in details , how will you carry and what are all method used on board .
Question. What is harassment and bullying and how to handle and eliminate. What is the complaint procedure and how to handle on board. What are all steps involved as the head of department.
Question. What is effective resource management ? situational awareness ? all with example
Question. Class survey why ? and details of all the survey regarding class
Question. What is P and I club and why ? which are things covered by P and I ?
Question. IGC code lastest Amendments
Question. Why PSC inspection? What are documents check by PSC and which PSC inspection you attended ?
Question. What is official log and procedure for Official log book entry?
Paul sir questions :
Question. What type of ship – lpg carrier tank temperature and pressure. type of tank , MARS , what type of arrangement provided for controlling pressure.
Question. Value of Co2 bottle pressure and hydraulic pressure testing, hydraulic pressure testing procedure
Question. Value of Co2 bottle pressure and hydraulic pressure testing, hydraulic pressure testing procedure
DEC 2023
Nair Sir
Question. Certificate on a container ship which can carry DG cargo.
Question. Recent amendments on container ship for fire fighting on deck
Question. TQM
Question. Occupational safety and health
Question. IMO Guidelines with respect to port of refuge acceptance and refusal.
Question. HSSC. Survey not included in HSSC
Question. Life Cycle Assessment- recent amendments
Question. MS Act Penalty
Question. SOLAS chapter 2/1 amendments coming in force on 2024
Paul Sir
Question. How do you take over a ship as CE. Procedures
Nair sir.
Question. New development from 1st jan 2024. what about 1st jan 2025.
Question. what are noxious liquid substance. Cat x,y,z discharge criteria. Type 1,2,3 how will you know the cargo these ships are allowed to carry.
Question. Sustainable development goals.
Question. Document with respect to annex 6.
Question. formal safety assessment.
Question. Indian controlled tonnage.
Question. Registration
of ship in
Paul sir.
Question. Types of leader ship.
Internal:Paul Sir
External:Nair Sir
Question. Time management
Question. Mass, legal issues
Question. Human reliability analysis
Question. Hague-visby, York Antwerp rules
Question. Man overboard. Procedure to be followed
Question. Condition of class, suspension of class, memoranda, withdrawal of class
Question. Casualty investigation in detail. What is the latest DG circular regarding casualty investigation
Question. AER, CII
Paul Sir:
Question. Document control in ISM
Question. As a chief engineer how do you prepare for dry docking
Question. SEQ survey, form E, certificates associated with SEQ
Question. Statutory certificates onboard
Question. RO code
Question. Container trade? Maintenance in container ship due to time restriction , planning, PMS, CBM.
Question. Cyber security in detail
Question. Subrogation
Question. Indemnity
Question. Contribution clause
Question. Training for junior engineer
Nair sir
3rd attempt
Question. GHG strategy, how GHG strategy measures in bulk carrier
Question. Imsbc code
Question. Isps audit
Question. Organizational behavior
Question. Effective communication
Question. Common law and Civil Law, [Conflict of Laws]
Question. Recent security incidents of shipping , imo stand on this, flagstates stand, how it will affect shipping and insurance
Question. Artificial intelligence, uses onboard
Question. Mutual P&I and non mutual P&I
Question. Seemp part -2
Question. LLMC
Question. latest amendment in LSA code
Question. How will you come to know your vessel is compliant with sox, nox, ghg emission.
Question. Step by step for carrying out internal audit. Where you will find what all documents record to check.
Question. Tort and maritime lien.
Question. Management information system.
Question. Your vessel has suffered grounding your detailed process of action to make it afloat.
Question. What are the survey done by classification society.
Paul sir.
Question. What is SEQ. content of form E.
Question. different surveys related to iopp.
Question. LAS code.
Question. New amendments coming on 2024
Question. H&M insurance and why to take H&M insurance
Question. International sea bed authority
Question. Unclos explain
Question. Personality development onboard
Question. Hns convention applicability
Question. what is the meaning 'On clear grounds"
Question. what is Substandard ship
Question. Coastal state jurisdiction in oil pollution - intervention convention explain
Question. Retrofitting on ships , criteria’s to be followed ?
Paul sir
Question. Chemical tanker types -construction difference
Question. MLC titles and why dmlc part 1
Question. Document control in ISM
Attempt 1
Mr. Nair
Question. what is meant by term ‘management’ ? How to manage people ?
Question. what is the management aspect in ERM ?
Question. what are the elements of ERM ?
Question. what
is admiralty law ? What’s in
Question. What is tort and Maritime lien ?
Question. how as CE to resolve on-board conflict including bullying, sexual discrimination and biased behavior of male colleagues towards a female junior ?
What provision provided in SMS ? Latest amendments in this respect ?
Question. latest amendments with respect to marpol annex II cargo carriage criteria ?
Question. If
RO is already there, why a shipowner May want to go for one more CS ? What is
IACS ? How many members ? Why Recognized Organizations needed, How many RO’s is
recognised by
Question. how as ship Chief Engineer to resolve on-board ship conflict including bullying, sexual discrimination and biased behaviour of male colleagues towards a female junior ?
Question. What documents given by port state control after inspection?
Question. What
is Carbon Factor.
Nair sir
Attempt 3
Question. Liner shipping, tramp shipping difference, commercial difference in liner trade, tramp shipping
Question. How container freight is calculated, On what basis container freight vary, Fcl LCL on booking of container.
Question. Incident on board , injury report how you put human element so that the incident won't happen again
Question. How to motivate crew onboard.
Question. Chief engineer documentation as per sms .
Question. Controlled document
Question. Green house gas emission strategy on board with respect to EEXI and CII , CII what are the new things in CII when you go onboard
Question. X AER how it will have unit
Question. SEEMP part 3
Question. Wreck convention.
Nair sir
First attempt
1. Type of ship, written status
2. Incident on your ship
Question. 3/4 collision clause,
Question. Type of maintenance , What all records to be kept if a maintenance is completed, Planned Maintenance system where it is mentioned
Question. Work load management,
Question. Unseaworthy and unsafe ship he need in detail definition will not do
Question. Difference between annual and 5 year survey what surveyor is checking.
Question. Modern engine he need one fuel used its calorific value and how it is profiting owner / How much carbonless compared to convention fuel.
Attempt 3
Nair sir
Question. Solas chapter 12, each items in details / New amendment regarding loading instrument/Stability criteria after flooding/How stress is managed, how ballasting influences stability and stress reduction.
Question. GBS , explain each tier in details what is achieved by GBS standard for Bulk carrier and oil tankers
Question. How to plan cost estimation for a dry-dock, Cost estimation methods and how to plan a dry-dock and what all items checked in dry-dock
Question. Tail shaft survey, explain each methods.
Question. time charter, records to keep in time charter, cii clause, time charter party forms, checks of ce under time charterer
Question. LLMC exclusions/inclusion
Question. complaint redressal mechanism
Paul sir
Question. Ship registration procedure
Question. Imsbc contents
Lovelesh Johri
Attempt 3
Date 17.10.2023
Internal : Paul sir
External: Nair sir
Little introduction how many years you are with shipping field.. Lng field.. How you feel about this new job after your previous one... I told him all positive about shipping what I really experienced. ....
Internal Paul
1. What kind of ship you sailed? Told bulk carrier,
Any incident that happened to you,
Told about Stowaway incident, then he asked about about
Question. Any new Technology used on board.
Question. Engine room resource management. types of resources under CE,
Question. Oil pollution prevention under MS act,
he wanted section number? / Main reporting centre in
Question. Collision happened between your ship and another vessel.
1. What ship you sailed? told Bulk carrier, He asked about
Question. what all is there in Passenger ship structural safety .
Question. What is the difference between Audit and Survey? Machinery comes under what?
Question. How will you know a Fire system for a ship is effective?
Question. Under which SOLAS chapter this FSS comes? What is mentioned along with FSS
Question. IMDG code, contents, What all is there? How many classes of IMDG are there and name everything?
External: Nair
Internal: Paul
Question. Marine Insurance/Principles of Insurance
Question. bwm , how to confirm d2 standard onboard for uv type bwt plant.
Question. alternative fuel, hydrogen fuel, owners benefits and disadvantages using hydrogen. Some more questions regarding h2.
Question. Qualities of CE, explain assertiveness, empathy.
Question. Cyber security, protective measures other than access control.
Question. seafarers welfare
Question. sid... y sid, when CDC is already issued? Use of sid?
External - Nair sir
Question. Type of charter/ c/e role in time charter.
Question. What did you study properly. HKC &
BWMS. Started with HKC. What all parts in IHM certificate. Which comes first
IRRC or SRP. Who are the authorities in
Question. Behavior based management explain.
Question. Container ship testing procedure. Who does testing. Who approves the testing. What all type of test/Does container have unique no/ who gives. / where it is located.
Question. Structure of ms act
Attempt - 2
External - Nair sir
Result - Repeat
1. Incident onboard
Question. In case of a Medical evacuation and vessel needs to divert, what actions to be taken and what is the commercial implication
Question. SIRE. Reports and grading system
Question. TMSA, KPI
Question. MLC - Certificates and who issues them and contents, audits and what is checked
Question. Young seafarer - what is different for them
Question. What is Engine room team management
Question. Latest technology - ME GA engine explanation, how will you convince the ship owner to invest in this technology
Question. In Tier 3 area gas system shuts down and engine runs on conventional fuel, how will u ensure compliance
Attempt 2 - repeat
Question. What is the most interesting part on ship?
Question. Decision making process? Wrto emcy situ
Question. Interpersonal conflict resolution
Question. Grievance redressal
Question. What is the new clause in c/p regarding CII.
Question. electronic record book. How to show external authority that it is complying with regulations.
Question. Certificate not under HSSC.
Question. Additional safety in b/c.
Question. How u make appraisal report for JE
Question. New technology in shipping
Question. Sagar Setu
Paul sir
Question. Critical equipment where it is mentioned in ism
Question. Ism elements and objectives
Vasanth Ponraj
Mmd Kochi
Ext. Mr. Nair Sir
Int. Mr. Paul Sir
Second Attempt
Result : Pass
General Information like, What type of ship sailed and what type of Engine worked with. Experience as Second Engineer.
Question. What are the latest amendments in IBC Code and Marpol Annex 2.
Question. Quality management system
Question. Harmonization of Surveys.
XQ. Which Statutory
certificate is not in HSSC
XQ. What is an
Anniversary Date?
Question. Cyber security
XQ. Explain all the functional requirements of Cyber security
XQ. How would you make sure Cyber security is properly implemented onboard ship.
Question. How to carry out an Internal Audit onboard ship.
Question. Damage stability
XQ. Why during damage condition immersion is allowed till Margin Line.
XQ. Permeability
XQ. Progressive
Question. Occupational health and safety.
XQ. Why it is required for Seafarers
XQ. Any special factors effecting seafarers, which leads to Stress & Fatigue
Question. SAR Convention
XQ. IAMSAR Manual.
Question. Enhanced Safety measures in Bulk Carrier and Oil Tanker
Internal Mr. Paul
Question. Explain any survey of what you carried out onboard the ship.
IOPP Survey.
XQ. He asked what is the content of FORM B
XQ. Regarding OWS What details are given in FORM B.
Question. Duties & Responsibilities of Coastal State
XQ. What is Innocent Passage.
External: Nair sir
Question. Types of drills carried onboard. Purpose of drills. Why different time schedule for drills?
Question. CIC. Explain in detail? What is included in the MSI report?
Question. FSA
Question. PSC given notice that he is coming onboard? What all preparations will you do?
Question. SUA. SUA protocol. Applicable area.
Question. Salient features of UNCLOS. Contigious zone.
Question. Flag of convenience.
Question. P&I insurance. Which all pollutions does P&I cover?
Question. RO code. Its requirements. How will you come to know RO rules and regulations applicable to chemical tanker?
Question. New technology. Explain wake equalizing duct. What way it will help the owner?
Question. PSC appealing procedure. Concentrated indpection campaign.
Question. SEQ survey explain. Form E contents.
Question. ITLOS
Paul sir:
Question. STCW chapters? Chapter 1 contents?
Question. Anniversary date and window period?
Ext: Nair
Int: Paul
Details about the type of ship sailed, written results, and attempts,
What type of engine? And few details…incident… explained home abou a stowaway incident in my ship… so question related to stow at
Question. what is attempted stowaway?? Insurance who covers and what is the responsibility of master and costal state??
Question. type of tanks and what cargoes you carried?? Inhibitor certificate ?? Tank coating and further cross questions on diffence between Type 1 and type 2 ship?? Why type 1 cargoes cannot be taken in type 2 ships??
Question. fal convention declaration and what is the medical declaration?? And further details regarding ship sanitation certificate....
Question. Where will get the procedures for management review?
Question. Why ballast tk pressure testing is 2.4m in particular?
Mr. Nair Sir
Question. EEDI, EEXI, CII
Question. Alternative fuels
Question. Ism - spare inventory
Question. Seemp 3 wat all r there
Question. What is record keeping??
Question. ICOF, before what code,
Question. Chemical tanker prewash criteria
Question. p&a manual.
Question. Chemical tanker smpep
Question. Hns convention. Liability limit.
Question. Dry docking Surveys /preparation/
Question. tail shaft survey
Question. afs /What is AFS convention / Documents with Respect to AFS
convention/ How will you prepare for AFS survey
Question. Ms act limitation of liability.
Question. Conflict on board action.
Question. TQM.
Question. IOT
Question. Types of maintenance. Onboard
Question. HSSC explain
Question. Delegation
Question. Types of Salvage. Classification of salvage / Salvage- Article 13 and 14, Scopic. If P&I club and owner not paying compensation the will give claim amount
Question. Requirement of emergency drill onboard.
Question. Admiralty Act ,Law
Question. FAL convention - Single window, difficulties in application
Question. Cyber security onboard/Measures to take onboard.
Question. Indian Ocean MOU, *PSC detection review procedure
Question. Substandard ship?, on what basis high risk ship is categorised. Actions to eliminate substandard ship.
Question. ISM conditions for withdrawal of DOC & SMC
Question. CE competency requirement / STCW Chapter 6, 7 contents , COC , COP
Question. Main contents of SOLAS chapter XI :1
Question. ISM audit documents
Question. UNCLOS : Flag state duties
Question. IMSBC : dynamic separation
Question. What is WtW._ Biofuels
Question. How to comply with EEXI requirements for your type of ship/
Question. Engine room team management
Question. How to achieve required CII. Tell what you can do from engine side without any help from others
Question. Why you need H&M... Is it necessary.
Question. Running down clause
Question. Motivation
Question. Fatigue management What is fatigue
Question. How you will motivate your 3rd engg who is on watch
Question. Latest MEPC...
Question. Incident onboard CA PA
Question. Leadership quality
Question. Leadership quality in crisis
Question. Mass code
Question. Solas chapter 2
Question. High voltage precautions.
Question. Propeller curve safe margins
Question. ISPS- what can RSO not do
Question. ISM audits
Question. Difference between survey and audit
Question. MLC work rest hour… weekly
Question. Chemical tanker tank cleaning methods
Question. Warranties in insurance
Question. Oil tanker cargo side discharge criteria
Question. Alternate management
Question. Unclos flag state duties
Question. Vibrations and type of vibration
Question. class notations
Question. Imsbc code
Question. Grain code
Question. Ms act seafarer recreation activities
Question. Motivation / Delegation
Question. Ism safety meeting, masters review.
Question. Solas chapter 12 full in details
Question. Stability types
Question. Eedi, eexi, Cii
Question. Gisis
Question. IOPP annual survey What is the window period for all IOPP surveys ? What if cert was not endorsed due to deficiency and window period crossed. Cert expired? Then How will you go about it ?
New iopp cert validity ?
Question. Decision making techniques as C/E.
Question. explain Human error, how to reduce human error
Question. H&M claim
Question. Contract of carriage .. explain.. what all are the contents ?
Question. AFRA, World Scale ..
Question. Ship broker role..
Question. How is freight rate agreed upon ?
Question. CLC 69 & 92 difference
Question. Objectives of CLC
Question. Alternate fuels
Question. Carriage of hydrogen new guidelines
Question. Hydrogen fire extinguishing medium
Question. Carbon Sequestration
Question. Market-Based Measures
Question. What is management
Question. Engine power limitation
Question. FMEA
Question. What is single window in detail?
Question. Difference between statutory and classification certificate
Question. Loadlines survey preparation
Question. Ms act define liability
Question. data analysis and data analytics difference
Question. Average and particular loss
Question. What is class listing and its contents
Question. MLC living and working condition
Question. Documents regarding IMDG cargo?
Question. Details about VDR and SVDR and Course Recorder
Question. form e contents.
Question. form c,
Question. Sire and CDI inspections
Question. Non mandatory surveys
Question. Organisational behaviour
Question. Manager and leader difference
Question. Engine room resource management
Question. Continuous synopsis record
Question. Salvage, scopic
Question. Fatigue, fatigue mitigation
Question. Oprc, oprc-hns
Question. Nsb organisation structure
Question. Tqm
Question. III code
Attempt No. 2
External : Nair sir
Internal : Paul sir
Question. Incident on board
Question. ME Engine latest developments
Question. Modern Turbo chargers
Question. Casualty investigation code in detail
Question. Situational awareness and situational leadership in detail
Question. IAMSAR convention in detail
Question. High voltage system and cross questions
Question. Difference between VCB and GCB
Question. FIVA valve working principle
Question. Appraisal report as CE
Question. Cyber security elements and in detail.
Question. csc convention in detail / Containers fire fighting VGM / Procedure for Container testing and approval
Question. Parametric Rolling
Question. What are the certificate for oil tanker.
Question. CLC- applicability, what are the oil applicable, size applicability, if u carried less than 2000T bunker in ballast voyage - is that applicable, CLC max liability, /Fund convention- in detail and max limit, /Supplementary fund - in detail and max limit. If claim exceed supplementary fund who will pay?
Question. Dry Dock preparation- in detail. How will u prepare DD Spec, class survey status and its content, what is docking plan, why docking plan etc, trim and list condition during docking?
Question. Official log book- in detail.
Question. STCW courses for CE, and it's chapters.
Question. Dedication and motivation, if the crew not interested In drill, how will u handle, even after he is not interested what action will u take?
Question. MS act- regarding oil pollution, NCA, NOS-DCP etc
Question. EEXI and CII / EPL limits how will u decide/CII rating D & E what to do.
Question. What are the survey done onboard? What are the sewage system surveys, apart from renewal survey?
Question. Anniversary date
Question. GZ curve content, why? Intact stability criteria?
Question. B60 Load line, what is 60 means?
Question. Form B? Equipment for control of discharge- what are the details?
Question. FOC
Question. Strict liability- is that applicable for bulk carrier carries dangerous good?
Question. GHG strategy.
19th Sept 2022
Surveyor: Nair Sir and Paul Sir
Attemp 2
Result : Repeat
Question. Which Ship LNG
Qflex /what is Size of Ship/Length ,Cargo carrying capacity/What great technology onboard
Question. working of reliq
system/ why needed onboard
Question. why tank
pressure increase
Question. is reliq plant
part of csm
Question. how is csh
conducted(continuous survey of hull)
Question. igc and igf code
difference/Already lng was used as fuel before igf code as fuel in boiler...then
why igf code..../Latest amendments in igf code/IGC code details
Question.. sua convention
and sua / How SUA is different from jurisdiction of flag state
Question. what is
convention, protocol, amendments / How protocol come into force
Question. mlc
explain...what is grievance redressel...dmlc 1 dmlc 2 details...have u
seen...what all certificate issued as per mlc
Question. latest
technology used onboard...what is it..
Question. what are
concerns of iot...
Question. what is validity
of afs certificate / What certificate is per afs
there any other survey carried out in between...
Question. what is pr in
connection with IACS
Question. what is class
notation ...
Question. where will you
find details of list of surveys pending for your Ship
Question. Any Incident
related to your engine & how you manage?/ Machinery damage incident.
Question. Costs
involved in shipping, how to optimize
Question. STCW leadership
qualities of chief engineer
Question. GBS
Question. Solas chp XII/
Damage stability criteria
Question. Imsbc code
Question. Ms act -
registry of ship
Paul sir
Question. IACS Ur, ui, pr, csr
Question. Bwts fitted on
board, working principle, bwms code, SDL, test cycles, approval of bwts
Question. Told me that I
will ask about Commercial aspects.
You as an Owner, what all things you
will check before giving vessel to Charter? How you approach charterer? Where will
you get standard Charter rates for your vessel?
Question. Operational
cost, Capital Cost & Voyage cost etc..
Question. CHOOSE A
Question. TELL ME ALL
Question.. CASUALITY
Question. WHAT IS APEX
Question. WHAT IS
Question. WHAT ARE
[Forwarded from Sarvajit]
External Nair
Internal Paul
Type vessel and engine and
Question. How you will as
a ce will prepare a PMS for a new ship
Question. annex 6 certificate
and documents
Question. light ship
Question. cii and rating
22 Aug 2022
Ext; Nair Sir
Int; PaulSir
Type of ship and sailing experience.
Question. Arrangements in Tanker for the Prevention of Oil pollution
Question. Sopep equipments
Question. How Oil pollution is covered– Their Limits. Who are the contributors?
Question. How will you motivate a person who is not willing to work.
Question. What is Motivation and delegation.
Question. MS Act and MS Rules difference Seafarer and Apprentice and comparison with MLC
Question. Any Technology – MASS, Degrees of MASS, What are the key issues?
Paul Sir
Question. Fire Safety Objectives.
Question. Continuous Synopsis Record
Question. Hongkong Convention. Name of Certificates issued at different stages
[01-08-2022 07:54]
[Forwarded from Sreejith Vijayan]
Attempt 2
Nair Sir & Paul Sir
Type of ship
Written result
No of attempts
Question. CSC convention purpose and contents, CSC plate details, Container testing, VGM. How to find whether the weighing station is approved or not, How to track container. How to find the exact location while container in transit? Container latest fire fighting requirements
Question. Solas chapter VII, IMDG code contents, UN number, MSDS and contents of MSDS
Question. Documents for carrying IMDG containers. Any specific marking on IMDG containers to identify whether it is dangerous cargo. In which certificate it is mentioned about the storage locations and requirements of IMDG containers.
Question. Types of containers other than 20&40 foot.
Question. Reefer container maintenance.
Question. Hongkong
convention in detail including IHM parts appendix, tables, SRF, certification
and all. Is beaching allowed in HKC? What is submitted along with SRP for approval
Question. Any convention similar to hongkong with hazardous materials mentioned?
Question. FAL convention. Asked regarding forms, EDI and single window. He asked when will single window will come into force.
Question. Free pratique. What is the actual name of the document?
Question. What is decision making?
Question. What is
convention, protocol and amendment? How to make new convention, protocol and
amendment. How to opt out in tacit acceptance? Who is signatory? How new
amendment come in
Question. E-certificate, E-record book. How to check it's authenticity.
Paul Sir:
Question. What is PSC, MOU, substandard ship, CIC, PSC codes
Question. Which survey attended? IOPP annual survey in detail.
[Forwarded from Sandeep S
3rd attempt
Nair sir
Question. New amendments regarding oil tankers with respect to ghg, How will convince your which owner for better retrofit option
Question. interacting training
Question. mentoring
Question. Wreck convention,
Paul sir
Question. Seq annual survey
[Forwarded from Ajeesh
Nair sir & Paul sir
Question. Solas chapter 12
Question. Stable and unstable equilibrium
Question. Gz curve
Question. Intact stability condition for bulk carrier
Question. Chartering / Ce role in voyage charter and time charter
Question. Charter party conditions
Question. From where Will get freight rates
Question. Arbitration
Question. Stcw chapters
Question. How to access your junior engineer
Question. How to train JE
Question. High voltage system
Question. Types of CB in HV system
Question. Earthing types in HV
Paul sir
Question. IMSBC code, types of cargoes
Question. Latest amendments in IMSBC
Question. Dynamic separation/High density cargo/ stowage factor
Question. Water ingress system on your last ship
Question. Criteria for water ingress system
Question. Criteria for pumping system
Question. SAFCON survey
Question. Duties of CE
[Forwarded from Roopesh N K]
Ext :Nair
Attempt :. 3rd(last attempt also Nair)
1.introduction ,type of vessel asked .
oil tanker , any incident in career
Question. asked about 3/4 ,1/4 liability of H&M and P&I , percentage blame ,he was asking why 3/4 th and 1/4th reason behind,
Question. Pollution liability ,fund and supplementary
fund who will cover even supplementary fund crossed ,
Question. if there is a under water hull damage from where you will get assistance
Question. Crisis leadership : he wanted steps in chronological order.
Question. Difference between Leader and manager
Question. Sections of UNCLOS
Question. enhanced survey.
Question. Docking survey.
Question. Category A machinery space.
Question. as a ce what all docs you check.
Question. as a ce how will you know which survey is coming due ,
Question. class memoranda.
[Forwarded from VIJOSH VIJAYAN]
Attempt 2
Nair sir
Paul sir
Vessel sailed
Question. non conventional ships what are they
Question. vessel size and their name
Question. What do. You mean by supramax vessel
Question. Arbitration
Question. what is mediation, reconciliation
Question. esp code in detail
Question. preparation for load line survey what you will check in the load line certificate
Question. survey status from where will. You come know
Question. bulwark and guard rails difference and their distance between them
Question. Hssc
Question. Iws
Question. IOT where used onboard
Question. imsbc code
Question. eexi
Question. damage stability when carrying high density cargo in bulk carrier
Question. triangle on ship side means
Question. Spoofing
Paul sir
Question. what is blu code. why it's required
[Forwarded from Rakesh R]
External : Nair
Internal : Paul
Question. IMSBC code
Question. What are the working conditions onboard as per MLC ?
Question. Bunker convention
Question. Hague
Question. Flag state inspection
Question. Alternate fuels, Adv and Disadv of using Hydrogen , How Nox is reduced by using H2
Question. CII
Question. Flag of convenience
[Forwarded from Robin Jose]
Attempt 1
Question. Explain a ship incident that u hv encountered
Question. Collision actions as Chief engr, how will you assess damage ?
Question. Engine room team Management?
Question. Engine room Resource management?
Question. Insurance act, type of insurances?
Question. salvage clause in insurance?
Question. What is Principle of salvage? Article 13,14 and SCOPIC clause and insurances applicable to each.
Question. What is CIF?
Question. What is fixed P&I?
Question. How the freight is decided in Tankers? On what basis they are calculating?
Question. IOPP Survey?
Question. How to find anniversary date in the certificate?
Question. Renewal survey window period and reason?
Question. Flag state responsibilities as per UNCLOS?
Question. UNCLOS registration of ships? What is the genuine link between owner and the state?
Question. Pollution responsibilities of flag state as per Unclos?
Question. TMSA
Question. Substandard ship?
Question. PSC Appealing procedure?
Question. How PSC will target your vessel?
Question. Seafarers welfare organizations in
Question. Duties of shipping welfare officer?
Question. IMO GHG reduction measures coming in 2023?.
Question. Difference between OPRC and Intervention convention
Paul Sir
Question. ISM audit in detail?
Question. Management review
Question. Masters responsibility
Question. Audits other than ISM audits
Kumaresan Natarajan, [22-06-2022 08:30]
[Forwarded from Kumaresan Natarajan]
DATE: 20.06.2022
Internal: Mr. Paul
External: Mr. Nair
Result: Pass
Question. Goal Based Standards:
Question. Common structural rules:
Question. What all the codes related to Bulk Carriers?
Question. Right ship inspection:
Question. Charter Party/•Bareboat charter Party/•Charter party Forms/•Requirement for charterparty
Question. MS- ACT
•Welfare of Seafarer
Question. Seafarer employment agreement.
Question. Collective bargaining Agreement.
Question. Personality development.
Question. Competency management System.
Question. Training given to Junior engineer.
Paul Sir:
Question. Extinguisher maintenance – annual, 5 year, 10 year- who gives
Question. Anniversary Date
Question. Audits- company & Ship
Question. Damage stability criteria for Bulk Carrier.
[Forwarded from Aneesh B R]
External:Nair sir
Internal:Paul sir
Result : pass
Question. Duties of Coastal state asper UNCLOS
Question. Innocent Passage
Question. Stoppage during innocent passage reporting procedure
Question. CE Record Keeping
Question. When all you can turn off AIS , reporting procedure.
Question. Cyber Security implementation onboard, functional requirements and guidelines of IMO
Question. ESP Code. Why, Checks during Annual, Intermediate and Renewal Surveys / ESP File, Conditions of Coating, Substantial Corrosion, Latest Amendments, Close up Survey
Question. IMSBC CODE
Paul Sir
Question. Which ship certificate issued after every survey annually?
Question. What is your action when your certificate expires in a middle of a voyage?
Question. Window period of Renewal survey and certificate issue date if the survey has been carried out prior to the window period?
[Forwarded from
Ramprasad kotian]
External: Nair sir
internal: paul
1. Type of
ship sailed?
Question. Certificate under IBC and Annex II, how
will you know , which cargo u can carry on your ship, certificate of fitness
content, type of coating on the tanks? Latest amendments in IBC code? latest
amendments in annex II? persistent
floater, discharge criteria and requirements, ?
Question. Any Incident on your ship,
Question. collective bargaining agreement,
what all the terms and conditions , while signing offer letter?
Question. OPRC & Intervention convention ,
their difference, oprc in MS act. /
Question. Human element for ER management ,
how u motivate, masclow theory, safety culture, resource management?
[21-04-2022 19:55]
Nair Sir
Paul sir
Nair sir:
incident onboard
many questions
with respect to incident onboard
Question. Decision making methods
Question. organizational behaviour
Question. If a second engineer under you u is negligent ,
what action can you take
Question. modern technology
Question. advantage and disadvantage of ME GA/
You want ME GA in
your chemical tanker , How will u convince your shipowner its long term
advantages in commercial point of view
Question. Latest Changes in P & A Manual, ICOF
Question. How will you make sure that your tanks are
clean after washing without any test.
Question. what is persistent floater. why persistent
floaters need a prewash
Question. SMPEP contents
Question. what is motivation/how will you motivate your
3rd engineer
Question. what is Delegation
Question. difference between delegation and job assigning
Paul sir:
Question. What is AFS convention / Documents with Respect to AFS
convention/ How will you prepare for AFS survey
[Forwarded from Ariff Mohammed]
Internal :Ajith sukumaran and Sirish (cross mmd )
External :Nair
Attempt 3: pass
Self introduction
Questions. Types of crude oil and difference
Questions. Cow machine working principle
Questions. GBS CSR ,
Questions. UI,
Questions. Solas chapter XI (1) what are the codes and other mandatory requirements as per that chapter
Questions. ESP,
Questions. CIC,
Questions. CSR,
Questions. IMO NO who issue
Questions. how to cross check the imo no
Questions. Annex vi certificates and documents
Questions. Complete annex 6 including odp,nox,sox, incinerator,voc,bdn etc
Questions. How u prepare for iopp survey
Questions. Electronic record book
Questions. How u convince PSC that your ship is nox complaint/ Types of nox verification methods
Jayaram Shenoy, [23-03-2022 12:47]
23 Mar 2022,
Ext Nair Sir
Int Paul Sir
1.type of vessel sailed
Questions. Collision onboard emergency preparedness
Questions. Ballast water criteria USCG and IMO
Questions. Warranties with example
Questions. Annex VI survey preparation.
Questions. Seemp new amendment
Questions. Organizational behaviour.
Paul Sir
Questions. Fund convention
Questions. Unclos. Dispute in high sea how to deal.
Questions. Satuatory certificate carried onboard your vessel.
Questions. Seemp
Pushpraj, [22-03-2022 16:16]
Pushpraj S Purawat
Nair sir & Paul sir
Attempt 2
Which vessel? Type engine?
Questions. Any Incident onboard? Root cause? Preventive measures? Explain
Questions. Car carrier Firefighting and stability requirements?
Questions. Marine insurance ? Principles ?
Questions. Latest technology in engine?
Questions. MS act in terms of Welfare of seafarers?
Questions. How to assess 4th engineer for promotion? Discuss one skill.
Then Paul sir..
How was your oral..i said 70%
He discussed long time with external and get back
Questions. What are class surveys? Which you follow on ship?
Questions. What is annual survey and how it is different from CMS.
Question. What is statutory survey
Questions. Which all documents under IEEC certificate?
[Forwarded from Baskaran Parthiban]
Ext nair sir
Int paul sir
Result Study well and come back
Questions. Fault tree analysis
Questions. Psc in detail
Questions. Loadline survey
Questions. What is a shipping casualty?
Questions. Official log book entry
Questions. Oil tanker commercial documents
Questions. Bill of lading
Questions. Latest developments
Questions. Autonomous ship
Questions. Psc flag state inspection difference
Questions. Ms act
Questions. Onboard complaint procedure
[Forwarded from M V]
Ext: Nair Sir
Int: Paul Sir
Last vessel main engine specs..
Questions. advantages of ME engine over MC
Questions. Incident report
Questions. Casualty investigation cic and indian, types of investigation and difference between them,
Questions. Interpersonal conflict, what if there's a win-lose situation
Questions. Imsbc - tml, fmp, cargo liquefaction , dynamic separation, various cargoes and their groups
Questions. DD preparation
Questions. Docking plan, GA plan details
Questions. Solas 12 - all details
Questions. Psc duties acc to unclos
Questions. Psc concentrated inspection campaign
Questions. Substandard ship
Questions. PandI club inclusions and exclusions
Questions. Flags of convenience, genuine link
Paul sir :
Questions. IOPP annual survey, difference bw scopes of Annual and periodical surveys, how will u come to know that the IOPP annual survey is due.
Questions. IOPP supplement full details.
[Forwarded from Rahul.c Pillai]
Rahul -
Nair Sir - External
Paul Sir - Internal
3 Rd Attempt
Nair sir
1. Type of ships you sailed.
Questions. Chemical tanker latest Amendments in IBC Code.
XQuestions. P &A manual.
XQuestions. Discharge criteria.
XQuestions. Latest amendment on Marpol annex Il.
XQuestions. Persistant flotter means.
Questions. Risk Analysis methods in detail.
Questions. Voyage charter, chief engineer duties.
Questions. ME LGI, Ammonia fuel engine Ammonia fuel properties.
Questions. Kpi, Worldscale, Baltic index.
Paul Sir
Questions. Ism Audit what are documents Specifically chief engineer needs to maintain.
Questions. What are the actions taken by the chief engineer in case of an emergency.
Pushpraj, [19-01-2022 21:19]
First attempt
External Nair sir
Asked written result
Just 2 days back appeared
Questions. What type of ship? Any incident you faced major/I said car carrier/Explained incierator explosion and casualty of one ship
Questions. What is National shipping board?
Questions. Blue economy-
Questions. SPS code.
Questions. Azimuth propellor
Questions. Passenger ship certificates
Questions. What is functions of cyber security?
Questions. Herald enterprise incident/What changes afterwards
Internal : Paul Sir
External : Nair Sir
Result : Pass
Questions. Explain an
incident or accident onboard.
Questions. Port state
Questions. latest
Questions. Persistent
floater. Discharge criteria of persistent floater.
Questions. SMPEP contents.
Questions. P and A manual
Questions. Chemical and
NLS tanker.
Questions. Do all ports
have reception facilities, where to get details of these facilities.
Questions. Training of
Juniors, skills required for trainer.
Questions. HNS convention.
Questions. ESP for
Questions. Welfare
facilities in
Questions. CLC , meaning
of persistent oil.
Questions. Reporting of
near misses.
Questions. Difference
between H and M , P and I insurance.
Questions. If two ships of
same owner collide, claim.
Questions. In war risk
area is insurance covered.What to do.
Questions. Port of refuge.
Questions. Free pratique.
Paul Sir.
Questions. Safe manning
Questions. ISPS, Security
level, certificate and documents.
Attempt : 3
Internal : Paul Sir
External : Nair Sir
Result : PASS
1) what
type of ship u sailed - car carrier
Question. Explain any incident on-board u faced -
Question. Ro ro ship latest ammendments on stability and other
Question. Roro ship fire fighting and bulk co2 system.
Question. Unclos - what is innocent passage, non-innocent passage and what all
comes under this.
Question. Intervention convention - as per indian
Question. Sua convention.
Question. LLMC - as per MS ACT.
Question. Navigational equipment as per solas chap - 5 VDR, AIS, LRIT all in
detail and its use
specially VDR - how to recover data from VDR
( I
explained which I got frm my master like taking out the memory card and insert
new and by using play back software) but he expects to backup data when in use.
Question. Bridge equipment as per - solas chap - 4 all in detail, working and its
Question. MOB marker (speciality), man overboard what all done and full procedure.
Question. how you do junior appraisal.[ Assessment]
Question. Load line convention - what all checks done
Question. voyage charter - what all thing chief engineer will provide.
Paul Sir.
Question. certificate and documents as per load line convention. condition of
assignment. RCOA, Supplement for RCOA content.
objective, certificates - ship & srf what all
hazardous materials and list Table A,B,C.
Dec 2021
Rahul.c Pillai,
[23-12-2021 06:54]
Nair sir
Question. New amendments to IBC Code.
Question. Procedures and Arrangements Manual contents.
Question. Details of equipments on bridges under SOLAS Chapter 5
Question. Fatigue, how you analyse a person
having Fatigue.
Question. Class maintenance,
Assignment, suspension withdrawal
, condition of class, class relation with IACS.
Question. How you carry out risk assessment on-board.
Question. Vdr and s vdr , how to recover data from vdr.
Question. What is the limitations as per LLMC, How LLMC limitations calculated in
case of an oil pollution incident.
Question. SMPEP in detail. What are all you
do during SMPEP Drill.
Question. Intervention and oprc convention.
Sathyamurthy A K
External: Nair sir
Internal:Paul sir
Question. Polar code surveys involved.
Emergency procedure in polar waters. Emergency preparedness as per polar
code. Certificate for polar code.
Question. HSSC why. Intervals.
Question. Latest development in SOLAS AND MARPOL.
Question. What is ESP explain in detail.
Question. FOC, explain UNCLOS, jurisdiction of flag.
Costal state.
Question. EEDI. EEXI. EEOI. SEEMP. Explain & certificates.
Question. Certificates required for grain cargo.
Question. Cyber security explain onboard measure
Question. Special requirement for BC
Question. Latest technical development name few and explain any one
Question. MLC explain on board implementation, verification and certificates.
Question. Skill development onboard.
Question. Salvage conv, SUA conv.
Question. While taking over as CE, what all document you will check.
Paul sir.
Questions. Explain IMSBC CODE. Last 5 years amendments in IMSBC code.
Questions. What extra precautions in Cat A, B, & C Cargos.
Oct 2021
Nair sir Surveyor
Nair sir
[Forwarded from Aswinth Ram]
External : Nair Sir
Internal : Paul Sir
Nair Sir ,
Questions. Latest in SOLAS and MARPOL –
Questions. Latest technology –
Questions. How will you apply for H&M insurance .
Questions. Why P&I came in ?
Questions. What is SOP ??? How will you make a SOP for Aux engine when going for lay-up?
Questions. HSSC . WHY? And E-certificate ?
Questions. What is interactive training
Questions. EEDI , CII
Question. III code ,why? IMSAS audit, VIMSAS
Paul Sir,
Question. Why ESP? Which all ships applied to ?
Question. Whats is IACS ,
Question. what is CSR?
Question. explain ESP code in details. Substantial corrosion with example. Areas to check. He asked me to explain the table .
Question. Owners responsibility under ESP.
Question. Structure of ESP code
Hridai Antony, [20.10.21 23:42]
[Forwarded from Hridai Antony]
Attempt 4
Ext. Mr Nair
1) Types of vessels sailed
2) Any incident break down happened in your ship. your action , company action , results
Question. As c/e what all precautions before bunkering. vlsfo characteristics .Disputes after bunker how taken care
Question. CSM
Question. Renewal survey ,what is done.
Question. ESP
Question. TMSA KPI
Question. world scale
Question. latest Amendments in solas and marpol.
Question. EEXI ,use of power reserve.
Question. IMO strategy of GHG reduction, levels of ambitions
Question. Alternative fuels advance technology , Ammonia as fuel, Advantage/disadvantages, green ammonia
Question. UNCLoS sea areas, duties of flag state
Question. Types of registry,
Question. Bill of lading , various types.
Question. Admiralty act, maritime lein & maritime claims
Internal Mr Paul
Question. Difference between Audit, Survey and inspection
Nair sir
Ajesh, [25.08.21 08:30]
Internal: Praveen Nair Sir, External: Nair Sir.
Introduction and types of ships sailed. – Bulk and containers. Both internal and external were there during introduction. Only external after that.
External: Nair Sir.
1. What cargoes you have carried in bulk carrier?
Question. Coal in which group in IMSBC code?
Question. What are considerations to classify coal into group B?
Question. What you do in case temperature of coal inside cargo hold increases?
Question. IMSBC cargo groups
Question. Anything else given in IMSBC code other than grouping of cargo?
Question. Certificate/document wrt IMSBC code on bulk carrier.
Question. Grain code contents?
Question. Name of document issued as per grain code? What are the conditions to carry grain if no document of authorization on board?
Question. Any other regulations for bulk carrier? What are CSR and GBS.
Question. Relation between both.
Question. Why class required?
Question. What are functions of class?
Question. Any other rules other than class rules for construction of ships.
Question. IACS, unified interpretation?
Question. Your ships class?
Question. Is it member of IACS?
Question. Any other regulations regarding bulk carrier.
Question. Explain important points from Chapter 12.
Question. How do you test water ingress alarm. What will you do if two holds filled with water?
Question. Recent amendments relating to bulk carrier?
Question. Any amendment for other ships and bulk carrier
Question. Anything in ISM?
Question. What is cyber risk? Elements of cyber risk management.
Question. What is insurance.
Question. Are there any other party giving insurance other than insurance companies.
Question. What are protection and indemnity in P & I?
Question. P& I club coverage and exclusions?
Question. In case of bunker spill who pays?
Question. Any recent technology you have prepared.
Question. Why ammonia?
Question. Green ammonia? Is it practicable to produce green ammonia?
Question. What is MS ACT? Why do you need MS Act?
Question. Any other Act you know other than MS Act?
Question. What is covered under Admirality Act?
Question. What is the rule as per which you are giving your exam now?
Question. What is training? How do you train people on board?
Question. Any course requirement for training.
Internal: Praveen Nair Sir
came online.
Question. You are asked by your company to
carry out internal audit of a ship calling in
Question. Formal investigation conducted by whom?
Question. Why MS bill 2020 required?
Question. why new Act required.
[24.08.21 21:01]
[Forwarded from Gokul N]
Internal: Praveen Nair
External: RVB Nair
Result: Pass
Question. Latest SOLAS and Marpol amendments coming in to force in 2021
Question. Solas amendments specific to car carrier
Question. IMO structure in detail, assembly, council, main committee, subcommittee etc.
Question. Latest technology
Question. Incident Onboard
Question. Cyber security in detail
Question. Hong Kong convention, recycling of
ships in
Question. Damage control strategy
Question. Interpersonal conflict
Question. UN organizations involved in shipping.
Internal surveyor
Question. Lifting gear survey and inspections, which convention talks abt it.
Question. How IACS ensure that member state are
following its
Question. PSC inspection in detail. Paris MOU, PSC inspection codes.
Sam, [24.08.21 15:19]
External : Nair Sir
Internal: Praveen Sir
Question. Liability and compensation for HNS substances pollution. How is Liability decided
Question. MLC latest amendments
Question. CSH and CSM, the machinery surveys which require presence of surveyor, where can we find them. Is CSM class requirement or statutory requirement?
Question. Agreement between charterer and ship owner , Contents of the agreement, examples of any clauses included
Question. Personality development of
Question. SMPEP , action taken in event of HNS spill, actions as a chief engineer
Internal Praveen Sir
Question. Dry dock planning
Question. Qualities required for chief engineers to develop
Question. Condition monitoring of machinery
[16.07.21 06:24]
[Forwarded from Sreejith Padmanabhan Nair]
4th attempt
Ext-Nair sir , Internal- Paul sir
1.Types of ship sailed-Oil /chem
Question. Type of certificates carried
Question. P&A manual, Discharge criteria
Question. Latest amendments in IBC, Persistent floaters, How do you know the cargo carried is persistent floater.
Question. CDI/vetting.
Question. Have you faced any piracy incident....
Discussions on that, SSAS, where to report, Why reporting there, Any guide lines, BMP4
Question. latest technology-said CSnox
Question. Have you done any dry dock, Dry dock budget
Question. Management information system
Question. MLC, dmlc, mlc, will dmlc change once issued, recreational facilities -where it is written about the requirements, requirements of lighting...
Question. what is the min criteria for rpsl
Paul Sir
1.any survey you have seen
Question. DD what all surveys
Question. tail shaft survey
Question. hssc, boiler survey frequency
Question. what all checks before refloating
[Forwarded from Praveen Kumar]
4th Attempt on 15 july 2021
Result: Pass
External: Nair sir
1. Introduction and y not cleared in previous attempts? What root cause analysis you did for this?
Question. salvage. Article 13 and 14 in detail. why you need two such articles when salvor is paid in both cases?
Question. Latest technology? What is the disadvantage of using ammonia?
Question. Asked me type of ship. Said containers. So askd CSC convention.
Question. Latest firefighting in container ships.
Question. Cyber security, when you join as chief enggr, how will you know that cyber security is implemented effectively onboard?
Question. As a chief engineer, how will you allocate jobs ?
Internal: Paul Sir
1. What surveys you attended in your ship?
Question. As a chief engrr, How will you prepare for a class survey?
Question. Safe manning document- where is it given in solas and what is given in solas? Safe manning document as per MLC?
Question. About firefighting in solas, what is the purpose of firefighting given in solas?
[Forwarded from
Namith Vijayan]
Third attempt.
External: Nair Sir
and Thomas Kurien Sir
Internal: Paul Sir
Nair Sir
1. Introduce
yourself, written status, attempt, ship type and engines worked on
Question. When i told B&W ME engine, he asked
whether i was provided with any training prior joining the vessel with ME
engine. I said no.
He asked to explain
how you will take over a vessel with a new type of engine that you are not
familiar with as a chief engineer.
Question. which engine i liked better ME or MC and
Question. Asked about how to judge a liner whether
needs replacement during a routine decarb? Calculation related to liner wear
and decision making as chief engineer?
Question. All codes and conventions related to bulk
carrier? contents of BLU code?
Question. IMSBC code in detail, cargo groups, MV
Jupiter incident, Group B and Group C
cargo examples,
Question. Solas chapter 12 few points, triangle on
ship side indication, what similar mark is there for passenger ship and
Question. Any one latest technology..
Question. CLC and bunker convention difference.
Question. Intervention convention explain. What is
conciliation and Arbitration
THomas Kurien Sir
Question. Why steam turbine was replaced by diesel
Question. How a convention comes into force.
Question. What is amendments and how amendments are
brought into a convention.
Question. Future fuels and a casual discussion on what
new technologies are predicted for future related to emission free propulsion.
Question. Conditions of assignment, Explain reserve
Question. Why load line is needed.
Paul Sir
Question. Is overloading cargo illegal as per MS act.
Where is it given in MS act?
Question. Load line survey preparation.
[Forwarded from Alex Kp]
Nair sir
Question. Latest technology you prepared: told
csnox. Amount of carbon produced per ton of fuel (calculations for sludge tank
Question. Leadership qualities of chief engineer
Question. How you motivate crew on board
Question. HNS convention. How to act in case of chemical spill in Indian costal
Question. Cargo tank inspection
Question. CDI inspection in detail.
Question. Cyber security in detail
Question. Latest amendments in solas and marpol w.r.t chemical tanker
Paul sir
Question. exclusions given in marine insurance policy .
Question. what are the cargo institute clauses.
Question. How H and M and P & I related in insurance.
Valli, [27.04.21 14:41]
[Forwarded from Valli]
M Vallinath
Nair & Paul sir
Question. Ever given incident / As a CE how
will you defend / How will you act in that situations/How you will prove to
underwriters that your machineries are fine
Question. PSSA...who will allocate
Question. How will you fight container fires.
Question. Verified gross mass.. How will check
the weight. who will do that process.
Question. Container tracking
Question. Sua convention....area...Indian
Question. force majeure ....diff
between act of God and force majour
Question. Container Imdg cargo what all certificates
required to carry onboard
Question. Statutory certification and class certificate.
Question. What certificate for container ship you carry.
Question. Form E contains , Form R
from Prabhu Arumugam]
Question. Common structural rule
Question. Esp
Question. Latest amendments related to Tankers
Question. Annex 6 Documents
Question. Motivation
Question. Delegation
Question. Dumping convention
Question. Intervention convention
Question. SEA
Question. CBA
Question. Lifeboat drills why required
Question. Official log book
Question. Nox Technical file
Question. why sampling points required
Question. Ballast tank inspection
Question. How to motivate others
Paul Sir
Question. What is class survey
Question. What is statutory survey
Question. What is annual survey
Question. What is intermediate survey
Question. Explain dry-dock survey
Sam, [21.04.21 13:10]
Nair Sir, 2nd attempt
Question. HNS Convention
Question. HNS convention not in force so in Indian ports
if Pollution occurs from Chemical tankers .....who is limiting liability as per
MS act
Question. Investigation process of Ever given when u go
onboard as Super
How will you
conclude the cause of grounding
Information which
you need to collect for Investigation
Question. What is mentoring, one skill which u will
develop , example ,
Question. Load line survey preparations
Question. Conditions when your loadline certificate
will cease to be valid
Question. Checks during loadline survey with regards to
crew safety
Internal Paul
Question. List of statutory certificates
Question. Regarding HNS convention , liability covered
by which convention
Anandganesh, [21.04.21 16:00]
[Forwarded from Anandganesh]
1st attempt
Question. Stcw ...what are the
certificates. for u carry...why updation
course...what u learnt in upgradttion course.. UNDER stcw which chapters
its coming
Question. Risk assessment. how u
will propose
Question. Interpersonal conflicts
/ Inter personal conflicts, reason and how will
u solve.
Question. Why Ms act History and
Question. voyage time charter..
what are the terms regarding charter
Question. How you proceed for
planned drydock. in details..
Question. Statutory certificates
Question. How imo implementing
codes. process
Abin Joy, [21.04.21 13:15]
Nair sir
Question. Latest amendments..
Question. H & M, who will
provide insurance, why h & m required
Question. cyber security , why it
required, after you joined how you make sure that it is implemented
Question. Situational awareness,
risk assessment
Question. Unclos , port stare
Question. Port of refuge, where
it is mentioned
Question. Communications,
different types, details
Question. Seaworthiness as per ms
Arun, [20.02.21 08:46]
Sudhakar Arun prasan
Oral date : 19 Feb 2021
: Mr Nair
1. Types of ship sailed, route
Question. Latest
amendments in solas and marpol coming in 2021,
Question. What is
the change in the model form of certificate of fitness in igc code, why the new
regulation for gas carrier stability instrument has come when there is already
existing loadicators onboard ? Question. Cyber security , elements of cyber security ,
what are all the measures you take to
mitigate risk onboard ,guidelines on cybersecurity
Question. Ms act
, purpose of ms act , where is the provision of penalities
mentioned in ms act and explain ,
Question. What in
maritime lien , right of subrogation, does seafarer have any lien to vessel if their
salaries are not paid ? indiminity clause ?
Question. Search
and rescue convention in details ,
Question. How do
you assess a seafarer ?
Mr. Paul
Question. Esp
code is it applicable to your ship ?
Question. Survey
requirements of esp
Question. Why
class is required and where is it mentioned ?
Rijo Francis, [19.02.21 11:19]
2nd attempt
Nair sir
Measures to improve eeoi
Question. Piracy
and armed robbery difference.
Question. How to
deal with stoways
Question. SUA
Question. What
all is covered by PandI club.
Question. Indian
cabotage law, reason for relaxation of this law.
Question. Latest
Question. How to comply
with emissions when gas mode fails in ME- GI engine.
Question. What
provisions for preventing methane slip.
Electronic BoL
Provision for security in electronic data exchange.
Question. MASS
Question. CII
Question. What is
green ship
Paul sir
Question. Class
and statutory survey
Question. IOPP
certificate supplement details.
Question. COC and
memorandum with examples
Question. How to
determine capacity of STP
Question. From where
to get info on no of persons allowed onboard.
RENJITHLAL ES, [17.02.21 18:23]
External Nair sir,
Question. CSC,
what's the purpose,testing of containers,safety approval plate,what are the
contents in it/Vgm,how can it be verified
Question. Any
survey,explain? Tailshaft survey -when,howcarried out?what all checks?how poker
gauge measurements taken?
Question. Any
amendments in solas ,marpol ,ism coming this year
Paul sir,
Question. Esp,
How esp different from other kind of surveys?
Question. Are all
Statutory surveys carried out by
Question. Why psc
required?where r the obligations mentioned?
Renjith Thomas, [21.01.21
Internal Nair
Question. Bulk carrier chapt 12 .
Question. Damage stability
Question. Permeability
Question. Imdgc code
Question. Imsbc code .diff grades of bulk cargo
Question. Chief engineers record keeping
Question. Rightship survey .who does .y .what is given
.grading or what .if he finds something what he writes etc.
Question. Bridge equipments for navigation
Question. How to go about man overboard drill
Question. Human behaviour
Question. Ms act .y .what all there
Question. How to take over a new engine if u r new to
Question. Any conflicts in engine room
Question. Margin line
Question. Stability book contents
Question. Bill of lading .types
Question. Recreation on ship
Kalyan, [21.01.21 14:54]
Attempt 2
Ext: Nair Sir
Question. Mass
Question. Cyber
Question. Ship
Casuality Investigation Code
Admirality Law
Question. Mlc on
brd complaint procedure
grievance redressal mechanism for seafarers
Question. if hull
of tanker is breached what provision in Annex 1 gives ship staff to ask owners
for assistance
Question. Fal
Question. h&m
Int: Paul Sir
Hongkong convention, ship breaking act, ship recycling act, eu ship
recycling act, green passport
Question. max no
of persons which can be carried on brd
Vinti, [20.01.21 14:23]
[Forwarded from Jomon]
Nair Sir Questions
Question. CLC
Question. Bunker
Question. Salvage
Question. Scopic
Question. MS Act
Question. Unseaworthi ship
Question. Vessel
got grounding, action as chief engineer.
Question. New
amendments in 2021
Question. EEXI,
Question. Drydock
preparation as chief
Question. During
drydock ships hull some area we cannot paint. Why it is so and what is the
Question. Engine
room team management
Question. What is
total quality management
Question. What is
Question. Who is
a consumer
Interpersonal conflict
Question. FAL
Question. Cyber
Functional requirements of cyber security
Nair sir Surveyor
Vavilala Prasad, [30.12.20 12:52]
[Forwarded from Vavilala Prasad]
Nair sir
Type of ship
Question. IMSBC CODE ,Types of cargo,
Question. GRAIN CODE, contents.
Question. CSNOX,
Question. Chartering, fixed cost, operational cost..
Question. Latest amendments of Solas and marpol.
Question. ESP URZ11 detailed.
Question. Distribution of work onboard, pms..
Question. Risk assessment, methods to reduce risk...
Question. Fixed fire fighting system for bulkcarrier..
Question. Structural failure of bulk carriers...
Question. Drills carried out onboard, how drills are
planned ...
Question. Latest regulation of life boat..
Girish Kumar, [28.12.20 22:01]
Nair sir
Question. Block Chain in detail, how it works in
container shipping.
Question. Cyber security
Question. Parametric Rolling
Question. HNS convention, how will
Question. LLMC what does MS act say about it.
Question. Class survey
Question. Boiler survey routines and how often carried
Question. Why cyber security in ISM
Question. How container tested in stake and racking
A container racking test is
one of the tests conducted during the container inspection to test the container
for its maximum load stacking capacity before it starts warping. The strength
of the container lies on Question. CSC
Question. Fatigue tools used,
Prashanth Shenoy, [06.11.20 17:44]
3rd Attempt
Ext: Nair Sir
Int: Paul Sir
Brief introduction, asked abt
type of ship sailed.
• Questions which you couldn't
answer last time, where you got stuck?
Question. Hongkong convention
Question. Any
casuality onboard:
Question. River sea vessels, inland navigation, inland
water act, coastal vessel act
Question. IMO GISIS
Question. IMSBC Code and IMDG Code
Question. New technology,
Question. Leadership types
Question. Qualities of CE
Question. Latest amendments coming into force
[Forwarded from Deepak Kajla]
nair sir and paul sir
Question. Casualty investigation. what is casualty as
per ms act. who and how casualty is being reported. how casualty investigation
is carried out. procedure to carry out PI. what is the content of PI report.
difference between PI and FI. why FI is being carried out. how coc can be
suspended/cancelled apart from action by judge of FI.
Question. How will u prepare for dry dock and dry dock
Question. How will u carry out isps audit. ssas testing procedure.
how frequently ssas is tested. what is DOS. when it is to be signed. Difference
between security level 2 and 3.
Question. what is BoL. Types of BoL. What is being
handed over to shipper along with dirty BoL.
Question. Requirements of RO
Question. IMDG code. what is IMDG cargo. how will u
store, segregate. What documents are
being given by shipper along with IMDG goods
Question. latest amendments of Solas/marpol coming in
Question. e record books. what are features of e record
book. how psc will verify that
Question. salvage convention. when adopted and enforced.
what amendment is done to salvage convention.
Question. scopic clause. why scopic was brought. What is
the maximum amount salvor can get under scopic. how fair rates are decided.
what is SCR committee. what is the role of SCR.
Ask, [07.10.20 23:09]
2nd Attempt
Nair Sir &Paul Sir
Question. Remote surveys, advantages.. how, surveys are
carried out, document
Question. MS bill current status, Recent amendments in
MS act
Question. Insurance, principles
Question. H&M claims,
Question. wilful misconduct with examples,
Question. warranties,
Question. Marine insurance companies in
Question. PSC detailed inspection, reason, further
inspection..,no more favourable treatment, any detainable deficiency example,
how to proceed.
VELUSAMY, [07.10.20 22:44]
4th attempt.
Previous attempts - what went
What questions you didnt
Who all the examiners before.
Question. Drydock planning. - What all to be estimated.
Question. ISM – dynamic.
Question. Class - Diff between withdrawal and
Question. Different types of surveys.
Question. What is special survey?
Question. Periodical survey.
Question. ESP..??
Question. Primary and secondary NOx reduction
techniques. What all available. Which is superior.
Question. NOx technical file. Contents. How engine components
affect NOx.
Question. Maritime Lien.
Question. RPSL..
Question. Distress seafarer.
Question. HNS convention. How much liability.
Question. Salvage. When came to force. Compensation.
Who gives. What’s the limit?
What type of vessels.
Question. How will you know what all cargoes carried in
your ship? Where will you find the details?
[Forwarded from DD]
03 sep 2020
External - Nair sir, internal - Paul sir
Question. Risk assessment . How you carry out risk
assessment and proceed the job.
Question. Imsbc code , how cargo liquefaction occurs and
effects, shipboard testing, cargo test
interval, tml value
Question. Cyber security
Question. 2/E signed off due to injury. If you want to promote
3e to 2e on what basis you 'll recommend company for promotion.
Question. In evaluation report you’ve put 4e scoring
9/10 and 3/E scoring 8/10. How will you reply to 3/E and how will you judge
Question. eedi, seemp, imodcs, measures to reduce greenhouse
Question. Me -ga engines
Question. Ro code
Question. Psc appealing procedure, form A & B, psc
Question. Condition of class and it's operation and
commercial effect
Question. Statutory certificates, conveyance certificate
Question. Force majeure
Question. P&I deviation clause.
sir -
Question. NC. How to close Nc.
Question. Interim doc and interim smc
Question. Casualty investigation
Question. E migration
[02.09.20 18:57]
[Forwarded from SD]
2nd attempt
external- Nair sir, internal- Paul sir
Question. SOPs for crew change during covid
Question. Provisions given for expiring statutory and
class certificates
Question. Latest upcoming solas and marpol amendments
and x-ques
Question. Electronic record book, authencity
verification and x-ques
Question. ME-GA engines and X-ques, what is regulatory
requirement for carbon content during emergency operation on fuel oil?
Question. P&I insurance, covers &x-ques
Question. Official log book purpose, entries and other
few x-ques.
Question. Remote survey.
18 06
Question. Marpol annex 5 explain.
Question. Latest reg regarding incinerator operation.
Question. PSC inspection, what all check. In case not
happy with any observation what to do.
Question. How and when does a convention becomes a
national law.
Question. What is charter party.
Question. Load line survey.
Question. Imsbc code.
Question. Bimco.
Question. Effective communication what is it.
17 06 2020
Nair 3rd attempt.
Question. Passenger ship certificate.
Question. Special trade Passenger certificate.
Question. Why is a Special Trade Certificate required?
Question. Difference between Passenger ship special
trade and special purpose ship.
Question. IMO no who issue check digit calculation.
Question. Registration of ship.
Question. Difference between passenger ship safety
certificate and cargo ship safety certificate
Question. P&I insurance difference between cargo
ship and passenger ship.
Paul sir.
Question. Marpol certificate what is form a AND B.
Somit Kumar, [17.06.20 16:41]
DATE 15.06.20
Nair sir and paul sir
Question. Guidelines for sign on and sign off as per dg
shipping after covid-19.
Question. What is asymptomatic infection ?
Question. How you will guide your junior eng. in order
to take precaution for covid.
Question. Official log book entries
Question. imsbc code , how a solid bulk cargo become
liquid in the presence of moisture content ? what certificate is needed to be
onboard for complying imsbc code ? how u do test for moisture content onboard
Question. ADMIRALTY code , in
which court cases are solved regarding admiralty code
Question. BWM convention ...plant installation
requirements ?
paul sir :
Question. what is IS code ? when it came and why ?
Question. Difference between underwriter surveyor and
classification society surveyor
Question. how u will close nc ? what is the procedure ?
Question. Definition of preventive action and corrective
action ?
Question. what is force majeure ?
[29.02.20 10:12]
10525 Abhilash Krishnan,
External: Nair sir
Question Nox
technical file contents.
Question tier 3
Question nox components
verification. How to confirm IMO id of components is genue or not ?
Question Incident
. Stowaway onboard. imo guidelines. how to deal with stowaway
Question New
technology. Propeller boss cap fins.
What you mean by torque rich
propeller condition.
Question What
is Liner trade? Difference with tramp type? Multi model transport?
Question Solas
and marpol 2020 ammenmends. Electronic record book. How to verify authenticity.
Question MS act
Latest amendments. what is the difference between young seafarer and
apprentice. who is apprentice?
Question what
is the safe Manning requirements for the vessel. where it mentioned in solas.
Question Seaman
employment office and shipping master duties.
Question Official
language of the vessel. Where it mentioned and requirements.
Question Who
verify verified gross mass of container. Is there any certificates.
Question Do you
have any certificates for provision crane.
Question. Retrofitting with LPG as fuel
Question. Important Time charter clauses
kumar venkataraman, [27.02.20 23:29]
from jothy kumar venkataraman]
Question. latest tech-
Question. Cabotage law
Question. lrit, ais, diff and SOS.
Question. in
Question. afs what new type of paint used.
Question. statutory cert is expired at port, no surveyor
on that part. What is your action.
Question. remote survey
Question. fonar and sampling point Mep guidelines.
Question. Baggage loss at foreign airport. How it covers
n action.
VELUSAMY, [27.02.20 21:29]
Question. Interactive learning.
Question. What is FSI, how flag state inspection differs
from port state or any other inspections.
Question. FSA , how IMO uses this. give eg, ..
Question. P&A manual. What is the discharge and
pumping criteria for different chemical cargoes.
What is stripping test.
Question. New developments/technologies.
Question. Intelligent engine.
Ajith Sir.
Question. PSC found
Question. Condition of class.
Thomas, [27.02.20 14:30]
:-Nair Sir
:- Repeat
Question. Fire Fighting
in containers
Question. IMDG code in detail
Question. CSC convention in detail
Question. EEDI EEOI
Question. IMO DCS, EU MRV
Question. Dry Dock Budgeting
Question. Block Chain Technology
Question. Ship Registry :-Mortgaging, how to close registry
Ajith Sir:
Question. Explain observation, non conformity, major non
conformity deficiency with examples.
Question. how to close nonconformity
[26.02.20 15:40]
Question. In bulk carrier structural requirements as
functional requirements,
Question. GBS, FSA.
Question. MS Act new revisions
Question. Control measures for GHG emissions
Question. Chief engineer role in voyage charter
Question. How will you prepare PMS for your vessel
Question. Abandon ship drill and review, SART,EPIRB,VDR
and SVDR.
Question. crisis management
Sankar, [25.02.20 18:23]
Question. What all will you check in respect to
Question. P&A Manual, SMPEP
Question. Conditions for selecting RO
Question. Steps taken to avoid stress onboard
Question. OHSAS
†hê §åïlðr Måñ [25.02.20 16:07]
(First Attempt)
Question. Vessel Take over(existing) All certificates
and documents to be checked by C/E.
Question. List out all Conventions related to oil
pollution. (Exact name of conventions).
Question. Demise charter in detail. Fixed and Operating costs, who bear
what. Difference between other types of
Charters. Lay time/Lay-can/ NOR in detail.
Question. Registered Tonnage?
Question. H&M insurance
Question. Communication in detail.
Question. Time management principles and implementation
as C/E.
Question. Casualty Investigation as per MS ACT
Kamaraj, [25.02.20 16:43]
1st attempt
Question. hongkong conversation
Question. goal base standard
Question. inter personal conflict
Question. hull &mach insurance, who is underwriter,
item covered, deductible, period of insurance,
Question. dumping convention,
Question. Johari Window how
to use this in inter personal conflict.
[25.02.20 14:40]
Question. EEDI and EEOI, IMO DCS
Question. Marine insurance: H&M , P&I
Question. Selective catalytic reduction nox reduction,
Question. As CE, how will you resolve Inter personal
conflicts between crew.
Ajith sir
Question. CSC Convention.
Question. VGM, Why it is required. Who gives approval
for weigh machine.
by Abhijit Sanjal
3 attempt.
Question. GBS,
Question. HNs convention deep,
Question. organizational behavior,
Question. Ms act... official log book
Question. sulphur cap issues
2. Ajit sir.
Question. dry type egcs
Question. latest technology
[Forwarded from sarin kartha]
Nair sir
Convention and non conventional vessel
Question. How
Convention become law in
Question. Draft
Statement of compliance.
Question. How convention
comes into force
Question. Audit
and survey difference
Procedure in non availability of compliant fuel
Question. Fonar
Passenger ship certificates
Question. RPSL
Question. Difference
between sps and passenger ship certificate
Different types of radar x,s band
[Forwarded from venugopal yarbala]
Ext: Nair sir
Int: Ajit sir
3rd attempt
Question. What is
wreck, what are the actions of coastal state after wreck. explained whole
convention vessel is completely sank,
owner is abandoned how to deal it, to whom you approach for expenses
Question. HNS
convention, whether enforce or not, any regulation for NLS in
Question. IBC and
BCH differences, who categorize NLS substances, What is OS, what are the
regulations for Veg oil carrying who decide it, what is construction difference
for type 1 and others.
Question. SMPEP
contents, if chemical spill happens how to proceed it, where you get
Question. Who
does Cargo insurance, FOB, CIF, What is the responsibility of ship owner for
cargo insurances.
Question. General
average, who is average adjuster
Performance assessment for crew.
Question. Any new
Ajit sir
Question. Company
has mentioned in SMS regarding Performance assessment asking any one technical
term for criteria for asseement
Question. Ship
implementation plan for new sulphur, if your ship is excess non compliant fuel
after jan 20 what is your action as CE
from San Sam]
Nair Sir
Question. Afs convention, is it ratified by india, when
came into force did old ships remove old paint before applying new anti fouling
paint, What's thickness of paint applied? Surface preparation standards? What
are certificates associated with AFC, validity?...
Question. Cyber security, guidelines, implementation
onboard, Electronic document standard, when e documents will come into effect,
will all records mentioned become documents?,
Question. WHO(world health organization) issues which
certificates to ship? Role in shipping?
Question. What are latest amendments?...
Question. Incident on board
Question. Casualty Investigation Code & MS Act.
Question. Preliminary Investigations, formal
investigations started on what basis?.......court, function, who informs, who
all can cancel our tickets....
Question. Imsbc code: content, types of cargo, free
surface effect, cargo shifting, what do you mean by class B cargo is chemically
reactive? What's liquification? Why, how it affects ship stability?..
RAAVI, [22.01.20 14:26]
4th attempt Nair sir,
[Forwarded from RAAVI]
4th attempt Nair sir,
Question. ME-B
Ldcl, cold corrosion,
Question. BWTS, difference between USCG and IMO, any
problems in BWTS
Question. Stress, reducing will you
identify a person is stressed, after identification how will your address his
Question. Dry dock, budgeting, costs involved in plate
Question. Shell expansion plan...what all info you get
Question. Flag state inspection, what special checks he
does other than regular inspection..
Question. latest technology...
Alternate fuels..
Ammonia engines
Question. What is specialty about Flag state inspection?
Question. SEQ and safety construction certificate
Rajeev, [22.01.20 12:52]
[Forwarded from Rajeev]
Ext. Nair
Question. Inter personal conflicts, reason and how will
u solve.
Question. Emergency preparedness, actions when a loaded
tanker is grounded and tank is breached.
Question. LLMC and CLC. claim limits
Question. Issues when using low sulfur fuel. how is low
sulfur fuel made.
Question. As per GBS what is the new requirements for
Question. Job planning, how will u prioritize job.
Question. latest solas amendments
from Ben Joel Cleetus]
20 01
and praveen...2nd attempt
Question. 2020 sulphur cap Difference you will find
Question. Insurances on board ship.
Question. Which insurance deals with mlc
Question. How will u plan works onboard
Question. Incident onboard, L.O analysis, reports,
Question. VGM and how do you track containers
Question. National shipping board
Question. ‘Swachh Sagar’
Chandran, [20.01.20 19:14]
from Anoop Chandran]
Nair Sir
and Paul Sir
Question. As a CE what s your plan of action after take
over to ensure your ship s complying SOx regulations.
Question. Unclos- flag State duties and Responsibilities
Question. Flag of Convenience ?
Question. what reasons Owners are chosing FOC.
Question. Single Use Plastics Indian Flag new rules
Question. Construction of Ship, Role of Classification
Question. What's Hazard ?
A hazard is a substance,
situation or practice that has the potential to cause harm.
Question. Emergency Preparedness.
Question. Cyber Security. Emergency Preparedness in case
of A cyber security breach.
Question. Internet of Things. How s Internet of Things
used in Shipping
Ajit sir
Question. Hydraulic Balancing in Framo System ?
Question. LO analysis report of Framo Oil what all
things you should check in a Chief Engineer point of view..
[04.01.20 20:38]
Nair sir
Question. clc n bunker convention diff, all in detail.
Question. M.S.Act - wreck. what is wreck as per m.s.act?
If master abandoned and no one onboard is it wreck? who ll inform regarding
wreck incase master abandon? who is wreck receiver? were will u find it? and
who is it right now? whether
Question. How will you reduce stress onboard? If one of
them having family problem and having stress onboard, how ll u handle?
Question. latest amendment in oil tanker, in detail.
Question. GBS,what are all tiers? explain all tiers in
detail, why functional requirement has 25 yrs life. what tier 4 industrial
standards talk about. what is car and who will make it and at what basis?
Question. registration of ships? Mortgage of ship?
Question. What does carving and marking notes contains
and is there any size restrictions?
Question. What is CSR and what entries to be made and
Question. What is call sign?
Question. Alternate fuels?
[Forwarded from Anand Singh]
Nair sir
Question. Contract of carriage? what all mentioned?
Question. DF ENGINES?
from Subu Skm]
Question. GISIS database what you will be getting data
relevant to your ship.
Question. WHO what connection with IMO & your ship.
Question. Cabotage law.
Question. What is Maritime law, Arbitration.
Question. Explain about BOL.
Question. Explain CIF,FOB.
Question. Explain MIS.
Question. PSC - CIC.
[Forwarded from Sivaselvam]
Question. Statutory certificates as per Annex VI.
Question. EEOI and EEDI.
Question. Ballast water management. G8 and G9 standards.
Question. Ballast water management. Present status of
D1& D2 standards
Question. Accumulation test.
Question. P&A Manual and its content. And purpose to
have onboard.
Question. Stability booklet and its contents.
[Forwarded from Sreerej Padmanabhan]
Nair Sir
Question. New technology
Question. Incident onboard
Question. Crisis management
Question. Security- other than ISPS
Question. Drydock- cost estimate
from Abdul Mirshad]
External :
Nair sir
01 01 2020
:2nd attempt
Result :
Question. Latest development Engine.
Question. IMDG documents
Question. Lien, Liability and common law
Question. Motivation and delegation
Question. VGM
from vinay raj]
01 01 2020
:Nair sir
Question. Registration of ship(asked me abt registering
Question. new technology
Question. 2020 sulphur.. scrubber types, scheme a and b
and documents, breakdown of scrubber, problems faced with scrubbers
Question. cyber sec in detail. Specific measures and
methodologies used, technology used to achieve the cyber sec
Question. Official log book entries
Question. Trials carried out on ammonia engines
Question. Hydrogen as fuel
Question What is GSISIS
Question UNCLOS duties
of flag state, Flag state audit
Question Technical
improvements to reduce GHG
Question MS
act and its sections.
Question MS
act role of Shipping master, SEO.
Question CLC,
fund bunker convention , limitations
Question Bulk
carrier stability criteria
Question LSA
Question GHG emissions
and controls
Question. Propeller Curve. What are all the margins to be
Question. Wreck convention and duties of coastal State.
Question. A vessel in Indian coast, might be a wreck,
authorities in
Question. BWM G8 and G9 guidelines explanation.
Question. Close up Ship survey. How a Cargo oil tank is
Question. Condition of Class and its implications both
technically and commercially.
Question. MLC convention conditions for work and rest.
What is wrong with the regulation.
Question. OWS what is the criteria for approval as per
MEPC. 107(49)
Question. CLC 69 and CLC 92 differences.
Question. Bunker convention exclusions.
Question. NOx tier 3 Limits. Exclusions for Tier 3.
Nair sir
and Ajith Sir
Question. CSC.
Question. Helicopter rescue and marine evacuation
Question. Block Chain Technology in shipping.
Question. RPSL, went very deep and minute things.
Autonomous Ships
Question. MIS
Question. Firefighting requirements in containership.
Question. What is Arbitration? X questions.
Question. Who fixes the freight of transport?
Question. ME-GI and ME-LGI, went very deep - working,
Question. VGM in containers. Who issues the certificate?
How we know the certificate is original or not?
Question. Requirements to carry IMDG cargo onboard, UN
number, Certificates for carrying IMDG cargo.
Question latest
ammendment in MS Act and what is Indian controlled tonnage?
Indian controlled tonnage.
Question Meaning
of inverted triangle in plimson mark
Question documents
issued after ESP
21.08.2019 Third attempt
Question. collision between two ships what are the
liabilities of the two ships.
Question. drydocking cost reduction as CE how will you plan
Question. dry docking, stability requirements, what all
the documents,
Question. propeller is damaged as a ce what advice will you to
the Superintendent
Question. new modifications in propeller to increase efficiency.
Question. ME
engines, any breakdowns, problems faced in slow steaming & ultra slow
Question. Maritime
Lien and liabilities.
Question. Latest
amendments in MS act, Indian controlled tonnage in detail.
Question. Contents
of Contract of Employment, what are the main points that you have to look for
in it.
Question. FSA
Question. What is
Question Definition. human element/
Measures to reduce human element accidents.
Ballast water convention/ D2 standards? When compliance required for old ships?
Difference between US and IMO standards/What will you do if your ship is not
fitted with US approved plant
Lay time, laycan,NOR
Water emulsion in fuel, EGR
Why NOx is not measured in boilers
Question EEDI
Question FSS code
SOLAS training manual
P and A manual
When to implement BWM as per the iopp renewal survey
BWM plan and what criteria to consider.
IMSBC code
BLU code
how do you know the ship can carry that type of cargo
what is the certificate for carrying grain as cargo
what happens when grain shifts in cargo hold
what happens when transporting cargo with high moisture
what is angle of repose
what is Flow Table Test
If fire in the cargo hold what will you do
What is the main difference between releasing CO2 in engine room and Cargo hold
after extinguishing when will you enter the hold
New developments in Engines
Hague rules
Difference between Hague and Hague-visby rules
new Jason clause
both to blame clause
Differnce between spl trade passenger ship and normal passenger ship
Noise code details
Ro code. Conditions for choosing class
as an RO
Load line survey
Condition of class. Window period. With
drawal of class. Suspension of class.
Question Cabin isulation for noise code. Hml method for
ear muff selection.
Question Imdg code.. Compete very elabrate..... From doc
of vessel to fire fighting packing UN number. The Hms and test procedure all he
needs. How will u carry such cargo
CSS convention
Question CTu code.
Human conflict management
Economics of shipping
sir :
Question Factors affecting rolling in ship
Question why
additional load line marking in passenger ship