Oct 2023


Optimization of hull Forms is recognized as means to improve energy efficiency of ships.

Discuss scope and impact of optimization of the following in improving energy efficiency of ships: - (i) Forebody optimization (ii) Aftbody Optimization (iii) Twin Skeg Design





a) What is the purpose of annual surveys?

b) Give a list of items that would be examined by a surveyor during annual survey.

c) Also explain condition of class. What impact condition of class has on a ship's commercial VS. technical aspects? .






With reference to PSC enumerate on the following

a) regional co-operation/ agreements b) Future of PSC c) Is PSC an effective tool for ship safety?







Explain the following modern methods of turbo charging —

a) Pulse converter system b) Sequential turbo charging c) 2 stage turbo charging d) Variable geometry turbo charger.






Exhaust emission control is a major global issue and under serious consideration by world shipping. In this context, comment on the following: -

a)         Tier 2 and 3 emission regulation on main engine

b)         Primary NOx reduction vis-a-vis secondary NOx reduction measures.

c)         SCR for NOx Emission Reduction.

d)         Scavenge Air Moisturizing & Exhaust Gas Recirculation for ME.









What is the aim and function of GISIS? (Global Integrated Shipping Information System of the IMO).

Recently GISIS updated its module on fuel oil to help compliance with Annex VI.

Discuss the usefulness of this module for reporting and analysing information on compliant fuel oil.








a) What is LLMC and what is its purpose? Which are the two heads of claims for which limitation is stated in this Convention? Who can limit liability under this convention?

b) Explain the terms: Plaintiff, Defendant, Privity and Unlimited liability.






Describe the background and relevance of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001.

Define the following under Bunker Conventions and explain how they differ from other similar Conventions such as CLC'92.

a) Pollution damage b) Bunker oil c) Time limits for claims d) Exclusions







a) Discuss principles and the steps of root cause analysis. Differentiate between proximate cause and root cause.  

Accident causation models often state 'active failures' and 'latent failures. Giving suitable examples discuss these terms.  









