FEB 2021




(a) As a Chief Engineer Officer of a tanker vessel, how do you ensure protection of the environment by compliance with the various Regulation of MARPOL, Annex I for prevention and control of pollution at sea?

(b) What are the different pollutants mentioned in Annex VI of MARPOL; State various requirements for compliance under Annex VI of MARPOL.







(a)Wliat are the key features of UNCLOS with respect to environment protection?

(b) Briefly explain following:

Territorial Sea,

Internal waters,

Contiguous Zone,

Exclusive Economic Zone,

Continental Shelf,

High Seas.






With respect to Energy Efficiency Design Indcx(EEDI) explain in details the following:

Required Energy Efficiency Design Index

Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index





Explain the following maritime terms:

Charter Party


Bare Boat Charter

Bill of Lading

Lay Time, Demurrage and Off-Hire.





Illustrate the salient factors for “onboard training and sta Engineer needs to laid out in STCW Chapter III. Underline the specific roles a the perform towards satisfactory training ol engine room pcrs training Regulation. What will be the criteria for evaluating competcnce for by a Chief Engineer?





Discuss the Principles of Marine Insurance. Explain each ol the principle with suitable examples.





Explam Abraham Maslow’s Theory of Motivation. As Chief Engineer on board, stress the issues you will address for lack of motivation, differences in attitude and to increase sense of competitiveness for better management and effective control?







Discuss the additional risks of bulk carriers and tankers which have necessitated the enhaneed Survey Programme(ESP) for these ship types.

State the major requirements of inspections under Enhanced Survey Programme(ESP).







Describe the background and relevance of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001.

Define the following under Bunker Convention and explain how they differ from other similar Conventions such as CLC’92:-

Pollution damage

Bunker oil

Time limits for claims
