CONTACT 7718065806
Inter Arbind
chaudhari Sr
Question. Seq survey preparation
Question. Bunker spill outside ship actions
Question. Drydock preparation
Question. Condition monitoring system
Question. lifeboat annual survey
Question. Use of intermediate survey
Question. Definition of new ship
Int - Gupta
Result Repeat.
Question. IMO Structure, working.
Question. Type of charterers, accident in bareboat charters actions. At the end of charter, what action.
Question. Condition monitoring system
Question. Seq annual survey.
Question. Short voyage MLC violation
Question. Unseaworthy and unsafe.
int- Mr. Chaudhary. ext- Mr. Gupta
General company info and type of ships sailed,experience as 2e and after cl 2
Question. How to make out ism being followed onboard.
Question. Crew not rested and short voyage, actions as ce.
Question. DD preparations
Question. uscg insp in next port when last port psc inspection took place. How to prepare for uscg. actions if uscg finds mistake in orb.
Question. Preparation for LL annuals as ce
Question. TC H&M insurance, what to submit and why it got rejected.
External -Gupta Sir Internal-Arbind chaudhari Sir Result:Repeat
Question. ISPS implementation as a CE.
Question. 1SM Implementation onboard as CE, How elements of ISM are implemented
Question. PMS system requirement and CMS system difference.
Question. Flag state responsibility,
Question. Aft end vibrations after drydock
Question. IMO structure, how IMO works, purpose of IMO
AUG 2024
Int- Arbind chaudhary Ext- R K Gupta Attempt - 2 Result - Repeat
I Wanted only specific points to tell in I the start of the answer itself.
Question. IACS and how to get it's I membership?
Question. IOPP survey, preperation as CE
Question. Why certain vessels are targeted by psc?
Question. Substandard ship
Question. Grounding in way of ER, action as CE?
Question. ME L.O sump level going down, reasons?
Question. COC.
Question. How to determine sludge tank capacity?
Question. Role of classification society.
ATTEMPT 1 EXT- GUPTA sir INT - Choudhary Sir.
Result - Repeat
Question. How will you know ISM is being implemented onboard when you join as CE?
Question. CIC, latest CIC, preparation as per CE for latest CIC?
Question. Why ESP, class and flag not doing there job, accidents were happening before and now also, then why ESP?
Question. Class requirements to approve a PMS system?
Question. Why vetting?
Question. Why FSI?
22nd Aug 2024 Internal: Mr Chaudhary Ext: Mr R k Gupta Attempt: First Mmd : Mumbai Result: Passed Vessel baground: VLCC
First asked about vessels sailed, how many months exp as 2E, which company?
Question. What is management review ? Why is it done ? Inputs and outputs of mgmt review.
Question. Types of charter party? Checks done by chief engineer after completion of bareboat charter ?
Question. What are various surveys done by classification societies? What checks are done in the intermediate survey ?
Question. What is root cause analysis? What is meant by primary root cause ?
Question. What is CSM? What all items are included in CSM ? Is domestic fresh water pump included in CSM ? Why not ? Why me fresh water pump is included but domestic fw pump not included ?
Question. What is TMON? What is a TMON file? What all included in TMON file ? What parameters/temperatures are recorded daily?
Question. After drydocking , heavy vibrations observed in the aft end. What could be the reason ??
Question. What is Coc and what is class recommendation ?
Question. Isps implementation on a new ship as chief engineer.
Amit Gupta
Senthil Sir
Question. MLC in details, implementation onboard ship, documents, cofs etc.
Question. ISM MNC and NC definition and examples
Question. Alternate fuel,
Question. Carbon capture and related concepts and technology.
Question. ESP
Question. Action as CE in the event of 15 ppm equipment not working.
Question. Fire fighting system for ER and details about co2 systems.
Rasik Patil
Gupta sir
Question. Root cause analysis How to carry out
Question. Reason for increase consumption for any day
Question. What you will see when you will get log book at noon
Question. Enhanced survey program
Question. Measures to enhance bulk carrier safety
Question. Isps code,
Question. Imo no. Official no.,
Question. Dry dock preparation,
Question. Handling rest hours violation,
Question. Fuel consumption increase in one day reasons
Gupta sir and Choudary sir,
Question. Ism code,
Question. management review,
Question. coc,
Question. tmon notation,
Question. types of charterer,
Question. p&i covers,
Question. hull and machinery,
Question. types of insurance,
Question. fuel oil consumption goes high on one day reasons,
Question. class periodical survey, why intermediate is needed
Valmik Bedare
External -Gupta.
Internal-Arbind chaudhari
Question. ISPS implementation as a CE.
Question. MLC documents.
Question. what are detainable deficiencies in mlc.
Question. ME turbocharger breakdown how to prepare for h&m claim.
Question. Collision in way of engine room aft end action as CE.
Question. Bunkering preparation and documents related to bunker.
Question. How will you prepare for Marpol equipment for PSC inspection.
Question. As a CE how will you prepare loadline annual survey.
Oct 2023
Int nair sir. Ext gupta sir.
Internal. Nair.
Ext gupta.
Internal — Pravin Nair Sir
External — Gupta Sir
first attempt
Question. Explain MIc titles/if crew wages are not then under mlc where it is defined.
Question. what is annex 6, under annex 6 what documents you maintain, how you control emmisions from ship.
Question. co2 calculation for engine, how you decide how many bottles to release for engine room fire
Question. co2 flooding procedure, checks you carry on co2 room.
Question. checlists on board, explain procedure for enclosed space entry, checks before entry and during entry, tests carried for gases.
Question. quality checks for fuel to be bunkered. what you check in bdn before bunkering.
Question. fire in engine room how you react.
Question. with respect to emmision control what you do on engines to reduce nox , sox.
Question. bunker plan.
Praveen Nair Sir,
Question. What is significance of DP system/ Difference between DP 1 and DP 2/ Why DP 3 required if we have DP2 to system
Question. MLC and title
Gupta Sir,
Question. What is Marpol/Details about Annex 1 and Annex VI - / How you reduce the air pollution – details.
Question. Ship side shell plate renewal, testing
Question. M/E not starting reason
Question. Ballast tank capacity, inspection and entry
Question. Pre bunkering procedure
Question. If oil spill occurs what will you do as C/E -
Question. SEQ survey with respect to E/R –
Question. Crank case explosion, reason, protection, prevention/ How to test crank case relief V/V of crank case
Question. ISPS, why we have and security levels
Question. ISM in brief and chapter.
Question. Portable fire extinguisher inspection and testing.
Mumbai MMD
Int- Senthil
Introduction background .company, pre sea etc
Question. Why is vetting required ?
Question. DD preparation, requirements
Question. when joining immediately captain says vessel has to depart, what checks to be carried out prior departure
Question. How to prepare for inspection as per Marpol annex 6, all records as per this
Question. document and records as per MLC
Question. ESP
Int Senthil-
Question. Actions if supplied by offspec bunker fuel
Question. latest amendment / adoption to GHG as per MEPC 80
Sylvester Andrade
External: Gupta sir
Internal: Senthil sir
Started with CDC verification and background
Question. Inclining experiment
Question. MLC why came Into force. Also ILO
Question. MLC record keeping
Question. FO consumption lncreases. Reasons. Detailed one
Question. Ship grounding in the way of ER, in detail as c/e
Question. Noon report
Question. SEQ survey specific to CE
Internal: Senthil Kumar sir
External: Gupta sir
Attempt :2nd Result: Repeat
Experience As 2 nd Engineer.
Experiences on vessel.
Question. How to implement ISM for a newly taken over ship as a CE?
Question. PSC has targeted your vessel. Why? No previous observations or NC by any other PSC. PSC visit not overdue for that MOU
Question. F.O consumption increases suddenly one fine day during sailing. Reasons? Weather is fine.
Question. Drydocking? why is it reqd.
Question. Prohibited area.
Question. PSSA./Special Area
Question. TMON notation. Why records are maintained.
Question. Types of Class surveys. Why is it required? What different checks are carried out in an Intermediate survey as compared to Annual survey?
Kundan Kumar
14. 08. 2023
Mumbai MMD
External: RK Gupta
Attempts: 4th
Question. Ism Implementation.
Question. Dry docking requirements & DD preparation.
Question. ESP?
Question. CIC? Latest QC.
Question. When you join as CE and out going CE tells you that 1 AE out of operation and Spares ordered .action as CE?
Question. Ship Recycling Convention and Documents?
Gupta sir and chaki sir
Question. Ism implementation what is there In sms how will you check sms is implemented element-wise
Question. Periodic surveys of Class. Why doing intermediate when annual done
Question. Condition monitoring scheme
Question. Seq survey preparation
Question. Concentrated inspection campaign, how to prepare.
Question. Action as a chief engineer oil spill during bunkering
Question. Imo no. And Official no.
Question. Subrogation
June 2023
Shashank Singh
Internal: Senthil sir
External: Gupta sir
Mumbai mmd
Attempt: 2
Result: Pass
Brief introduction and
ships done.
Question. New amendments to RORO ship regarding fire safety.
Question. Ballast water management code, all guidelines, in full detail
Question. Noise code details. What is major conversion as per noise code.
Question. NOx code in detail, major conversion as per that
Question. Latest in shipping,
Question. If ship doing short port voyages, cannot maintain work and rest hour,
company not giving extra hands, and cannot do away with maintenance. What to
Question. Difference between carbon intensity, C02 emission and GHG emission.
Question. Difference between zero carbon and net zero fuel.
Question. Difference between restricted area and prohibited area.
Question. What is HSSC
Sirish Sir. Gupta Sir.
Question. how many imo codes.
Question. propeller material.
Question. H&M claim.
Question. as a c/e ISM procedure.
Question. General adjuster and H&M.
Question. life boat type.
Question. rescue boat requirement.
Question. prepare e/r for a/e main bearing failure as a c/e claim H&M.
Sirish Sir. Gupta Sir
Question. MBM
Question. how to ensure effective implementation of ISM onboard
Question. difference between IMO & Official number/ Why imo number is not used as Official number
Question. Call Sign & it's importance
Question. Dry-dock preparation/ why we use to conduct survey in drydock
Question. Action as CE on vessel grounding
Question. PSSA
Question. Operational and technical measure
Question. Methods for GHG emission
Question. Maritime lien
Question. Latest paint scheme
Question. Eiapp
Question. IBC code
Tejjas Pangarkar
Internal Shirsh Sir
External Gupta Sir
Result Passed
Mumbai MMD
Introduce Yourself with cadet Ship and tell me technical Background.
Question. What is ISM code ? As per SOLAS is it applicable to which ship ? How will you implement ISM onboard ?
Question. What is the Solas requirement for drydock ? Is Indian administration allowed extended dry dock scheme ? How will you prepare your ship for drydock?
Question. Please -tell me history about Scopic Clause ?
Question. What-is-the area/region assigned in
CLC convention ?Tell me in this convention ? What ship it is applied ? Is
Question. What are the amendments in marpol annex 6 ? Why it is important to introduced correction factor in CII ?
Question. There is a collision with your ship with another ship and your ship damaged near engine room tell me only and only chief engineer part of responsibility?
What checks will be done by you before starting ME after collision to move your ship to urgent Dry Dock ?
Rapak Trivedi
3rd attempt
Gupta sir and senthil sir
Gupta sir asked, Introduction
One AE not working you are joining as ce and outgoing ce
told this what will be
Question. ESP code
Question. Grounding in way of engine room ,action as c/ee
Question. Co2 emission reduction measures
Question. vessel got collided action as c/E
Question. main engine turbocharger damaged report to HM insurance
Question. What is latent defect
Question. pms requirements
Senthil sir
Question. modifications on main engine for- methnol fuel
Question. fire action as ce
Question. types of marine insurance, what is 3rd party liability insurance
Question. coc memoranda difference
23rd March 2023
Mumbai mmd
External -RK Gupta Sir
Internal - Senthil Sir
Question. ISM implementation on a new ship
Question. SEQ survey, , annual survey checks on lifeboat.
Question. Imo number and Official number difference .
Question. Documents in Isps
Question. CBDR
Question. When does a class withdraws its certificate.
Question. RO CODE and it's contents .
Question. Collision around engine room Actions as a CE .
Vaibhav Desai
Internal Senthil sir
External Gupta sir
23 Mar 2023
Gupta sir
Question. Isps implementation on ship
Question. Pssa
Question. Ism implementation on ship
Question. Csm
Question. Esp code in brief
Question. Honkong convention in brief
Question. Why Vetting it is carried out?
Question. Difference between vetting and audit and class survey
Senthi1 sir
Question. Orb entries
Question. Ghg implementation values
Question. How u know your vessel equipment are redundant and won't fail when needed
Alston Ambrose
Mumbai MMD
23rd March
4th attempt
Internal : Sirish sir External : not sure.
Question. Imsbc code amendments. Dynamic separation 'definition. Explain a little bit more about dynamic separation.
Question. Cii rating e action as Chief engg,
Question. Market based Measures,
Question. Unsafe, unseawothy ship, def and difference with examples.
Question. Lifeboat falls off mid sea, action as Chief engg. Is the ship unseaworthy or unsafe. Dispensation required? How to sail out from next port.
Question. Variable geometry tc. Why u need it.
Question. Exhaust gas recirc, tc bypass.
Question. Cyber security guidelines. Ism code exact wording on cyber security.
Question. Deck log book contents.
Question. Nox amendments. Latest Nox areas.
Question. Eiapp certificate. Who issues, who endorse, validity.
Question. Bill of lading. Types copies etc. What will u check in bill of lading before signing.
Question. Worldscale. I couldn't answer
Question. Bimco. Basics.
Question. Slip.
Question. Performance. Hull fouling.
Question. Vibration Fwd end what to check.
Question. Static and Dynamic stability def. Why u need static and dynamic stability.
Mumbai MMD
Internal : Shirish Sir
External : Gupta Sir.
Question. List ESP amendments implemented on 1st Jan 2021?
Question. List NOx Amendments implemented on 1st jan 2021?
Question. What's bimco and role?
Question. What all things logged in Deck logbooks and-What's important for you as CE?
Question. You as CE took over ship and relived CE signed off, next day you found bunker short by 10 days, action?
Question. What's MARPOL Annex IV, latest amendment to Chapter IV? '
Question. What's CII„ SEEMPs all part?
Question. You joined a ship. ship CII rating is 'E' , action as CE?
Question. You witness anchoring operation and found anchor dropping speed is high, what's reason and action as chief engineer?
Question. What's Slip, how to calculate Slip, what's significance of Slip ? action as CE when - slip positive high and slip negative high?
Question. What is change of flag? Procedure of change--of flag? What Survey and scope?
Question. Why owners want to do change of flag? What's Flag of convenience and advantage?
Question. What's propeller curve? Important information for CE? Torque condition symptoms, reason for torque rich condition?
Question. Documents required under Load line survey? As CE prepare ship for load line Survey?
22 Feb 2023
Internal : Mr Vikrant Rai
External: Mr R K Gupta
Mumbai MMD
Question. New acquisition... How to implement ISM
Question. Short Voyages... Rest hour violation... Action
Question. Clear grounds for PSC for detention
Question. Collision in E/R space ... Action
Question. M/E F.O consumption increasing... Reason and action
Question. Latest paint scheme requirements
Question. Periodic surveys of Class.. window period for intermediate...
Question. Diff between annual and Intermediate
Then Mr Gupta handed over to Mr Vikrant Rai
He asked
Question. Docking requirements
Abhay Rana
Attempt no. 2
Shirish sir and Gupta sir
Type of ship - Bulk Carriers
Question. IMSBC Latest amendments. What is Dynamic Separation
Gupta sir
Question. ESP.
Question. Scopic clause
Question. SEQ SURVEY prep as chief Engineer/ Life boat prep for annual survey
XQ. Where will you find the list of
equipments to check for the survey
Question. what is Condition based monitoring. How you will do condition based monitoring of liner
Question. Preparation for IOPP SURVEY
Question. What is 3/4th liability.. who will pay whom. Rest 1/4th who will pay.
Question. Give some example of clear grounds for detention.
Vinod Monga
MMD Mumbai 20 Feb 2023
External: Gupta sir
Internal: Shirish sir
3rd attempt Passed
All questions were asked by Gupta sir only,
Question. How will u check ISM effectiveness as a c/e?
Question. SEQ annual survey full, all the checks & preparation as a c/e? * what additional items in renewal survey?
Question. Definition of PSSA ?
Question. Definition of Special area as per MARPOL?
Question. Drydock; he asked have u done drydock
Question. Vsl is doing frequent ports and unable to adhere to rest hour requirements, what action u'll take as a c/e?
Question. Principles of GA with example?
* who will contribute to GA?
* Contribution calculation process?
Question. What is the main purpose of Load line survey?
* what is the main purpose of Load lines?
* what is the main purpose of Multiple loadlines?
Question. Why RO code required?
Question. Action as a c/e to Improve CII Rating ?
Question. Act of god?
* what do u mean by Wreck ?
* Convention area?
* what is Opt in / Opt out?
MMD Mumbai
Attempt 1
External • Gupta Sir
Internal • Shirish Kumar Sir
Asked for CDC photo verification and verified my Indos number. Sailing experience.Company.Technical Qualification.
Types of Ship - Oil / Chem tanker.
MMD Mumbai
External Mr Gupta sir
Internal Mr Shirish sir
Back to back 7 th Attempt - result repeat
Start with intro and type of ship
Question. As a chief engg how u will make sure ism is implemented onboard ?
Question. Company taking over new ship how ims is implement on ship ?
Question. What is General average ?
Question. What is Tmon file? Content of Tmon file ?
Question. What is the need of vetting inspection?
Question. During voyage vessel fuel consumption increase by 2t/ day reason for that
Sandeep Rawat
Mumbai MMD
Internal: Sirish sir
External: Gupta sir
Attempt :1
Gupta sir start with my introduction- type of ship - Tanker, tecnical background,
Only Gupta sir asked the questions
Question. how to implement ISM as C/E on a ship recently take over.
Question. ESP
Question. why vetting is required?
Question. scopic clause ( why scopic is required)
Question. preparation for Load line survey as C/E.
Question. on what basis PSC Detention the ship?
Question. ship touch the bottom in way of E/R, action as C/E.
Question. ME fuel consumption is raising gradually Action as CE.
Bhagyashree Ogale
22/02/2023 MUMBAI MMD
Ext: Gupta Sir
Int : Vikrant Rai Sir
Gupta Sir
- Intro-types
of ships, sailing experience, pre sea training
Question. isps
implementation on old ship but new company/Security documents and certificates
Question. IMO number
Question. Drydock
responsibility as chief engineer
Question. ship ran aground
and collision in way of E/R
Question. what is
condition monitoring?... How to apply it to ME Liner
Question. Vetting.. Why
done every 6 months?
Vikrant Rai Sir
Question. BWMS failure
before entry into port
Question. If you are at port
for very long and port doesn't allow you to discharge sewage and grey water,
what will you do?...
Fabian Mascarenhas
Ext: Gupta Sir
Int: Vikrant Rai Sir
Gupta Sir: -
1. Intro Types of ships done, Sailing experience after class 2, pre sea training.
Question. You are joining a ship as C/E. How will you check the effectiveness of SMS onboard.
Question. Explain ESP in details. Which type of ships it carried out. What docs to maintain onboard
Question. Define Clear Ground for PSC for detention.
Question. Suddenly you find your M/E FO consumption has increased. Reasons and actions.
Question. What is Condition Monitoring. Give all details. How to apply on ME Liner.
Question. Explain various surveys. What is CSM. what all surveys C/E is allowed to do?
Question. LOF and SCOPIC explain.
Question. Vessel has run aground in way of E/R action as C/E?
Vikrant Rai Sir
Question. Your vessel is on short run and there are continuous Rest Hour Violations. You informed company and Company is telling to manage somehow. Your action as C/E?
Internal - Vikrant Rai
External - Gupta
Question. ISM implementation for a new ship
Question. Vetting
Question. Condition Monitoring. What is there for cylinder liner.
Question. Scopic
Question. ESP Code and why this is for bulk and tankers?
Amit Paliwal
Attempt no. 2 Mmd Mumbai
Internal shirish sir
External Gupta sir
Question. How will you implement ISM code on ship / on new ship
Question. Act of God
Question. Condition monitoring. Examples of condition monitoring
Question. Imo no.
Question. ESP
Kar sir
Question. Principles of total quality management
Question. MEPC 70 guidelines regarding fuel data collection. How frequently to send data?
Question. Various marine insurance policies
Question. Nox technical file. How to implement nox measures onboard
Question. Solas chapter 2-2
Question. Eexi/CII
Internal: Shrish Kumar Sir
External:R.K Gupta sir
Ashutosh Kumar Sir Old Surveyor
Question. How class is assigned to vessel
Question. Important checks to life boat engine
Question. Importance of IMO number
- who gives
- when given
Question. What is subrogation, principal of subrogation.
Question. What is Vetting inspection- what is its importance- why it's done
Question. What is Special Areas
Question. Vessel in short voyage, frequent rest hours violation, work rest hour can't be maintained what will you do
Kolkata surveyor:
Question. Discuss rescue boat embarkation , launching, recovery procedures. / What is rescue boat ahead speed / What is recovery time of rescue boat.
Question. As a CE how to comply with EEXI on your vessel.
Question. Action you will take as a CE when crosshead bearing is damaged.
Internal-shirish sir
External-gupta sir and ashutosh some
name like that
Attempt-2 nd
Shirish sir started with- introduction Experience
Question. cii-why it required, how can reduce, what’s diff rating. eexi-why required, measures to reduce
Question. alternate fuels- explain about Ing
Gupta sir
Types of ship
Question. PMS system- want complete ..all details like requirement, surveys
Question. scopic clause-why came, how calculated, what is LOF
Question. one ae not working ,action as ce
Question. imo no -specialty
New external-masked
Question. Solas ch9
Question. ism implementation,
Question. diff audits, who done in
Question. how ensure ism implemented,
[U joined as CE . how will you know the effectiveness of ism implementation & whether it is implemented]
Question. G8/G9 guidelines, procedure
Question. bill of lading-
Question. exhaust vv inoperation.
Aravindh Jayaraman
*It: MrShriSh Ext Mr.Gupta
Ship intro
Question. isps implementation as c/e?/ docs carried wrt security
Question. What is csr ? what all in 3 forms?
Question. rest hr. violation due to short voyages, action as C/E?
Question. vetting purpose?
Question. Running down clause, 3/4th collision clause?
Question. defn Of special area?
Question. Esp why it came
Question. New amendemnts in ibc?
Question. Persistant floater?
Question. Whats all in wall wash test?
Sheldon Fernandes
Mumbai mmd
1st attempt
Shrtsh & Gupta
Question. U joined as CE . how will you know the effectiveness of ism implementation & whether it is implemented
Question. U joined as a CE vessel about to sail out in short time. Your actions as CE.
Question. Turbocharger damaged on your how will your prepare for claim and your actions
Question. Which is ship recycling convention? all docs ? How many parts? Contents of each part?
Question. Details on
of disputes.
Liju Daniel
Gupta sir/ Sirish sir
Question. Joining new vessel for company. procedure for implementation of ISM
Question. Vessel run aground. / emergency
preparedness. / who keeps records Of timing. / emergency procedure in
Question. What all class surveys on board
Question. seq and safcon in details
Question. Port not able to supply non complaint fueL Procedure
Question. IMO number and its importance
Question. Scopic clause in depth
Question. GA and PA in details
Question. RO code
Question. III code
Varun Kumar
MMD Mumbai
23 Nov 2022
External: Gupta sir
Internal: Chaki sir
2nd attempt
All questions were asked by Gupta sir Started with experience, Tech background.
Question. How will you check effectiveness of ISM when joining a ship
Question. MLC detainable deficiency
Question. IMO No who and when it's issued. What's the use of it.
Question. PSSA
Question. EEDI – EEXI
Question. CMS explain
Question. TMON complete - requirement and regulations
Question. SEQ survey complete - Check as Chief engineer - Forms and contents/During SEQ fixed fire fighting in engine what's all checks u will carry out - certificates
First Attempt
Mumbai MMD
First internal asked about the written result and asked when I passed
Then Gupta sir
Asked about experience and technical background.
Asked about ship type: l told Gas carrier
Question. How to implement ISPS onboard. What contents in SSA, How its made. SSP
Question. Preparation and check for loadline survey as CE
Question. ESP why bulk carrier ? Why tanker included, what all checks, substantial corrosion
Question. AE not working during taking over from another CE. What u will do?
Question. Hongkong convention
Question. MLC How PSC can detain the vessel
Question. Ship grounded. As a CE what all checks u will do?
Question. Tmon, what all records, what all things included.
Question. AFS, New paint.
Forwarded from Vinod M Nair
External: Gupta sir
Internal: Chakki sir
2nd attempt Passed
started with experience, tech background, started with
Question. ism implementation asked specific details for implementing
Question. ism deficiencies by psc
Question. mlc, implementation
Question. how psc can detain about mlc,.
Question. loadline survey checks
Question. act of god
Question. fund convention in detail
Question. new advancements in afs paints problems with tbt
Utkarsh Jain.
Gupta sir/ Chaki sir
23 Nov
Question. Tell me about MLC 2006
Question. Detainable deficiencies as per MLC
Question. What are class surveys? What are intermediate surveys / What are annual surveys
Question. What is tailshaft monitoring?
Question. What is condition based monitoring?
Question. Detainable deficiencies as per ISM?
Question. Vessel damaged in engine room side. Action as CE.
Question. What is SCOPIC.
Question. What is IMO no.
Question. Which all ship exempted from IMO number
Mmd mumbai
External gupta sir
Internal chaki sir
Question. Ism code in detail, how to make sure ism is implemented on board effectively.
Question. Action as CE in an event of grounding.
Question. CAPA purpose
Question. Latest annex vi ammendments.
Question. Imo ghg strategy
Question. cii and seemp part iii
Question. Esp code in detail. Chapter of solas?
Question. Pms requirement.
Question. Action as CE if fuel consumption has increased.
Question. IMO No. And Official no., who issues them.
Attempt 1
Shirish kumar and Gupta
Type of ships & exp as 2e
Question. how to implement ISPS on new ship in organisation.
X. basis of preparing SSP.
X. Howto implement
Question. PMS requirements
Question. ESP
X. When it starts where it fits in?
X. Docs as per ESP
Question. What is tailshaft monitoring
Question. Act of God in shipping
Question. Safety equip annual survey prep.
X. Wat all to check.
Gupta sir and sirish sir
Ships as 2E, total exp as 2nd
also technical background
Question. What is act of God? Give examples, how is It covered in insurance?
Question. Tmon, file content, why the notation is given? What all is recorded in file? What is there in lube oil analysis reports{impt} which tells you the condition of bearing?
Question. You have joined a ship how will you check effectiveness of ISM?
Question. PMS, how is it prepared?
Question. Preparation for SEQ survey in detail. / Lifeboat survey preparation as CE (during SEQ)?
Question. Annual and intermediate class survey? Difference?
Bakshish Singh Bhamra
Gupta sir and shirish sir
Attempt no. 2
Question. DD prepration xq what all checks before and after
Question. ESP complete
Question. Condition monitoring.
Question. IOPP survey / checks in er / deck
Question. cond of assignment,
Question. Ism implementation
Question. CLC 92
Question. what is persistent oil
Shirish Kumar
Question. Edd / Iws
Question. CAS /CAP
Ankit Sawhney
Chakki sir Gupta sir
Attempt 1
Result - Repeat
Question. ISM implementation as CE. Just joined as CE.
Question. What is FSI, PSC, Vetting Inspection. Why need vetting when we have fsi, psi & class inspection.
Question. what is condition based monitoring. Bearing wear down..
Question. Fund convention. Who will contribute. Why required. Ship owner when can exempt from liability.
Question. Vessel grounded in way of E/R. Actions as C/E.
Question. Why PMS is required? What inputs to PMS?
Question. U joined as chief engineer, master said short notice for sailing. Actions as C/E. Old C/E signed off.
Pankaj Ghildiyal
Attempt: 1
Written result: awaited
Internal: chakki sir External: Gupta sir
Question. What you know about ISM code, How you implement ISM onboard, what measures you will take while implementation
Question. How ISPS set on new ship, how you will implement it, what certificates are there.
Question. Marpol annex 6 how to comply onboard, what psc officer will check so that he will know that marpol 6 is implemented.
Question. How will you carried out load line annual survey, what are things you will check on deck, documents to check. condition of assignment
Question. What you understand by unseaworthy ship.
Question. PMS what are things are there, and how it is made.
Question. Nox technical code, various methods.
Mmd mumbai
Gupta, Shirish, Mehrotra
Question. Ism implementation on new ship
Question. Fsi need
Question. DD preparation
Question. Annual / intermediate survey
Question. Procedures for extending special survey
Question. Sea margins
Question. Clause of subrogation
Shirish sir
Question. E record book complete Mepc circular
Aravind Kamaraj
Mumbai mmd
Mr. Shirish, Mr. Gupta, Mr. Malhotra.
Attempt:2, PASS
Started with Introduction Ship type, Experience, company.
Question. Container VGM
Question. MLC 2006, explain,
Question. Rest hrs violation,
Question. Critical equipment, How to find, methodology, Ism element
Question. HTS advantage and disadvantages
Question. Tacit acceptance.
Question. General average principles.
Question. F. O consumption going high 2tonnes, reasons as CE.
Question. FAL 46 explain
Lav Sawant ( Int Wankhede Sir,
Ext Gupta Sir)
Question. ISPS. As a CE
how will u implement ISPS on a new ship? What is SSA and SSP?
Question. Condition of
Question. Why vetting is required
when we have inspections, PSC and audits?
Question. DD in next 6
months, what preparation as CE?
Question. Condition
monitoring system
Question. FO consumption
increased, reasons?
Question. Types of class
Jayant Narkar ( Int Wankhede
Ext Gupta )
Question. As a C/E how
will you know ISM is implemented on ship?
Question. SEQ survey in
Question. CSM survey in
Question. Condition
Monitoring system
Question. M/E oil sump
decreasing - action and reason
Question. Scopic clause
Kushal Parvatkar (Int:
Wankhede Sir, Ext: Gupta Sir)
Question. Why PMS onboard?
Contents of PMS.
Question. grounding in ER.
Actions as CE
Question. Annex VI, Chap
IV. Attained EEDI, Attained EEXI and CII
Question. SCOPIC clause
Question. ISM
implementation. What are functional requirements?
Question. A/E T/C damaged.
How will you prepare for H&M Claims?
Question. MLC 2006,
Chapters of MLC, Rest hours
Question. SEQ survey
Question. If one generator
is not working, will you take over as CE?
Question. Recycling of
ships, contents of ship recycling plan
Question. FUND convention
Question. ESP
Abhishek Sikarwar (Int:
Vikrant Rai Sir, Ext: Gupta Sir)
3rd attempt
Gupta sir,
In. Vikrant rai
Question. Ism implementation on new ship
Question. CIC for STCW
Question. Condition monitoring
Question. Check on life boat under seq as ce
Question. engine 1 is inoperational u will take over as ce and what checks u will do on generators.
Question. Survey carried out by class scope of intermediate.
Gupta Sir, Vikrant rai
Question. What is ism code, what is risk assessment?
Question. What is Cic.
Question. What is CSM.
Question. Explain PMS.
Question. Safcon survey.
Sanjan Ralph Cutinha ( Int: Wankade
Sir Ext: Gupta Sir)
16.08.22 Gupta Sir:
Question. Why Vetting carried out
Question. How will you know ISM is implemented when you Board ship?
Question. ME T/C damaged, how will you report to H&M?
Question. FO Consumption gradual increase. Reasons?
Question. Drydock requirement ? As a CE how will you prepare for drydocking
Shibu Sadashivan (Int: Vikrant
Rai, Ext Gupta Sir)
Question. How will you
carry out risk assessment onboard ship?
Question. CIC
Question. CMS
Question. Vetting
Question. Load line survey
Question. PMS
Question. Risk associated
with transport of cargo
Ajinkya Khamkar ( Int: Vikrant
Rai Sir, Ext Gupta Sir)
Question. ISPS code in
detail. New ship implementation of ISPS code.
Question. CIC, latest in
Question. STCW in details.
Ship is going to visit Paris MoU port, how will you prepare wrt STCW CIC?
Question. CSM - which
items CE cannot survey?
Question. Iopp survey in
details. What inspector will check in ORB?
Question. Why vetting?
Already so many inspections.
Question. M/E sump
reducing reasons
Question. Collision
resulting in hull breach in way of ER. Actions as CE
Question. Different new
fuel options
Question. Sludge tank
Question. Ship is going for
recycling. How will you prepare as CE?
Question. Difference
between CLC and Bunker convention.
Santosh Thorat
Int -Vikrant Rai sir. Ext- Gupta sir
1st attempt
Question. ISPS
introduction. Xq -How to implement isps on old ship Xq -difference between SSA
and SSP
Question. CSR introduction
Xq.- How to update csr
Question. TMon notation
Question. CSM
Question. why vetting even
if psc inspection
Question. grounding in way
Question. cic on stcw
Vaijesh Vaijesh Shinde
Attempt 2
Internal-Wankhede Sir
External-Gupta Sir
Question. Action as a CE during taking over, one the generator non op
Question. Tmon file, what all we are checking functional
Question. what is Esp, what action by class if thickness is in limit. But may increase by next survey.
Question. condition monitoring
Question. Collision in way of E/R, what all u will check.
Question. In Time charterer, Speed not getting.
Question. Fuel Consumption increased what is
Rohit Rana
Mumbal 20/06/22
Int Gopl
External Gupta sir, Upendra Sir
Result: Repeat
Question. What is Vetting Inspection? Why its done when you have Class and Flag? By whom its done?
Question. What is ESP? Who does it? Is it a Class Requirement? Why did it start? How it provides additional safety?
Question. How will you prepare a report for H & M claim for M/ET/C failure? On what grounds will the claim be rejected?
Question. How do you implement ISM Code onboard? How will you confirm it is implemented properly?
Question. What are the requirements of PMS?
Question. CII Ratings? GHG and CO2 Goals? What will the S/O do if he gets an E Rating?
Question. Difference between FSI and PSC?
Question. Active substances as per BWMS?
Question. Challenged water as per BWMS?
Murali Jayaraman MMD Mumbal
Attempt no 1
Written cleared
Internal: Ashish sir
External: Gupta sir
General introduction type of vessel and experience
Question. What is mlc and what is the criteria for rest hours as a chief engineer how will you confirm rest hour is maintained and consider yourself in a situation there is too much violation and it's
Question. Ism elements and what is sms and how will you check effectiveness of ism
Question. How will you come to know you're crew is complying with ism and sms when you join as chief engineer
Question. Csm and what all inspection a chief engineer can do and why only some items chief engineer can do and what about restriction of other items any reason
Question. Fund convention (he expected for what reason it came and on what criteria of CLC will it go to tier 2)
Question. what is scopic
Question. Duties of flag state
[Forwarded from Vivek Hiremath]
Date : 20.06.2022
Internal : Gopal Krishan Sir
External : Gupta Sir, Upendra sir
Gupta Sir:
1. Introduction : Experience as 2E, Type of vessels,
Question. What is DOC? What is SMC? How it is issued?
Question. How will you implement ISM onboard?
Question. What is Masters review? What is Masters over riding authority, Give an example.
Question. What is MLC, 2006, History, How many Titles? Which is Title Number for Rest Hours?
Question. Vessel on short Voyage, Rest violation of all crew, how as CE to manage this?
Question. Vessel suffered collision in way of engine room? CE actions (He wanted answer starting with ISM - Emergency preparedness - Collision checklist)
Question. Vessel will be going to Drydock in 3 months? What preparation will be going on now on ship ?
Question. What are flag state duties ?
Upendrea Sir:
Question. Oil tanker has caused bunker pollution, under what convention compensation will be applicable?
Question. Definition of Oil as per CLC 92, definition of Shipowner how is it different from Bunker convention
Question. Who issues CLC certificate, who issues COFS?
Question. What is Fund convention what are its limits, who contributes to this IOPC fund ? What is supplementary Fund? when it came into force? What are its limits?
Gopal Krishnan Sir
Question. What is EEXI, What is EEDI, What is difference between these two. What are the phases involved, what is reduction factor?
Question. What is CII, What are various ratings?
Abhay Sinha, [20-Jun-2022 12:55 PM]
20 June 2022
Int: Gopi sir Ext: I think Gupta sir
Attempt 1
1. Introduce. First attempt?
Question. First time joining vessel how to check ism implemented in short time
Question. Vessel fuel consumption increasing I'm voyage. Actions? Checks?
Question. Tmon? What is there in the tmon file?
Question. Load line convention. How to prepare for annual inspection.
Question. Iopp survey how to prepare. What documents to keep ready.
Question. Imo structure. How many members in council. Types of ratification. MSc mepc functions how many times they meet. Latest meet What was in the latest meet.
Kushal parvatkar, [20-Jun-2022 2:34 PM]
Questions -
Internal: Gopal
External: Mr Gupta and Mr Upendra
Result: FAIL
Question. ISPS In detail
Question. What do you mean by sub standard ship?
Question. Scopic clause? Why should ... scopic clause
Question. What is CLC ?
Question. What is persistent oil?
Question. What is ESP? close up surveys/ What is Unsuitable plate?
Question. Different type of H&M insurance?
Question. What is the most critical insurance?
Question. Things covered under H&M insurance?
Question. Things covered under P&i insurance ?
Question. What is GA? In detail?
Question. Principle of insurance? What is subrogation?
Question. What is express and implied warranty?
Question. Primary and secondary methods to reduce NOX
Question. things to check when grounding of vessel?
Question. contingency plan .
Question. drills for grounding
Jayant Narkar, [20-Jun-2022 4:26 PM]
Int Gopi
Ext some Gupta sir, upendra sir
Result: repeat
Started with intro
Question. Latest developments on AFS
Question. accession and ratification
Question. As a chief engineer how will implement isps? what certificate needed under isps
Question. Requirements of PMS
Question. Iso 8217 latest revision
Question. Express and implied warranties?
Question. unseaworthy ship
Internal vikrant rao sir, external: Gupta sir.
Attempt: 2nd
Vikrant sir asked company, years as 2nd eng, when I said 40 months, he said to Gupta sir I will start.
Question. What plan is there onboard for emission control.
Question. Bilge transfer pump not taking suction what you instruct to 2nd eng.
Then he transferred
to Gupta sir.
Question. Scopic clause.
Question. Docking requirement.
Question. ESP in detail
Question. Extended dry dock.
Question. HSSC tell me what all you know.
Vikrant sir told me you have answered commercial part nicely,
but technical side you cannot answer properly. He muted his mic and talked to
Gupta sir. Then again started asking me.
Question. Causes for peak pressure fall down,
Question. boiler water accumulator test why it is done.
[22.08.21 08:26]
[Forwarded from Arup K]
Senthil sir- internal, gupta sir - External,
any two convention regarding carriage of cargo, since I am in lpg the question went to IGC code finally.
Question. what is condition based monitoring .
What are the advantage and disadvantages , how to go about condition monitoring .
Question. pms system on board your ship, which regulation governs it , what y?
Question. damage survey ?
Question. types of audit and how to go about it , went to audit schemes validity of certificates ,what are the type of certificates under ism then went to CA, PA and all?
Question. dry docking everything about before , after ?
Question. ship grounded in way in engine room how to go about that?
Question. OWS nonfunctional before reaching port ,hw to go about that?
Question. LPG cargo handling procedures ? Complete reliquefaction , regasification , cargo properties , MSDS of cargo , parameters for cargo plant , loading discharging ,
Question. M/E fuel consumption increased at sea . What are the reasons ?
[Forwarded from Siddharth]
23rd June 2020,Mumbai
Gupta sir , Mukhopadhya sir
what type of vessel - intro
Question. Ice class , notations , Polar code , structural features
Question. How will you maintain- carry on IOPP , survey , other x ques ( he worded the ques very strangely)
Question. ORB - wrong entries - how will you make sure entries are correct ( he meant bunkering details )
Question. Fund - various tiers
Question. GA - examples -
Question. ME LO comsumption increased all of a sudden
Question. PSC - why - if FS is there - single most important item in ER w.r.t detainable deficiency
Question. FSI inspection- importance , frequency
Question. IACS - purpose,
Question. Rest hours violations- short voyage- what would you do ?
Question. Drydock in detail
from Sabyasachi Palita]
- Mr. Gupta and Internal Mr. Mukhopadhyay
Question. ISPS Implementation in new ship and
role as CE? What certificates.
Question. What is MLC? How minimum wages are
Question. Role of flag state in MLC/
Question. There is collision with another
vessel around machinery space area. What is
Question. Dg crankshaft damaged and to be
replaced. What u will do and how will u
prepare for insurance claim?
Question. What is CBM?
Question. What is CSR/ why it came and what
all contents?
External- Mr Gupta and Internal-Mr mukhopadhyay
Question. Ism code why, purpose
Question. How will you implement ISM as chief
engineer. Scenario-new ship to company how to proceed.
Question. Class survey types, renewal survey.
when exception is given.
Question. Tailshaft TMON notation
requirement / Survey requirement
Question. CMS requirements. Difference between
PMS and CMS. Why CMS advantage over PMS
Question. Unseaworthy and unsafe definition
and difference. How by seeing u can say it is unsafe ship.
Question. Master’s review
Question. MLC 2006 salient features .How min
wages is decided. Which all party involved in wage deciding.
[Forwarded from Satya Tiwari]
Mmd Mumbai (online oral)
Ext- Gupta Sir, Int- Mukhopadhya Sir
General intro exp as 2E, What type of ship u have done, Written Cleared or not. And Number of attempts
Question. IAPP certificate annual survey preparation as CE, what is written on it
Question. Iopp annual survey preparation as CE, what is written on it
Question. what is your understanding about ESP why it came and all the details about ESP, documents and how survey preparation is done
Question. preparation as dry dock u have enough time say 6 months
Question. Document for Load line survey, condition of assignments , standard ship
Question. main engine fuel oil consumption has gone high, no computer say not ME engine how u will come to know that main engine is consuming more fuel and why.
Question. ows stopped working before reaching port action as CE,
Question. oil content meter calibration requirements
[Forwarded from Satya Tiwari]
Mmd Mumbai (online oral)
Ext- Gupta Sir, Int- Mukhopadhya Sir
General intro exp as 2E, What type of ship u have done, Written Cleared or not. And Number of attempts
Question. IAPP certificate annual survey preparation as CE, what is written on it
Question. Iopp annual survey preparation as CE, what is written on it
Question. what is your understanding about ESP why it came and all the details about ESP, documents and how survey preparation is done
Question. preparation as dry dock u have enough time say 6 months
Question. Document for Load line survey, condition of assignments , standard ship
Question. main engine fuel oil consumption has gone high, no computer say not ME engine how u will come to know that main engine is consuming more fuel and why.
Question. ows stopped working before reaching port action as CE,
Question. oil content meter calibration requirements
vikas pandey, [24.02.21 20:27]
1st attempt
Senthil sir, gupta sir, one more didn't identify him
Result -pass
1. Introduce yourself (gas tanker background)
Question. Code associated with gas tankers
Question. IGC code / IGF code in detail
Question. IGF code fuel line requirement.
Question. Inventory control. How you manage inventory onboard .
Question. Name 4 code and convention with full form forgot STCW full form
Question. Types of expenses
Question. Describe capital and operational cost.
Question. You have installed scrubber on board what cost it will come under
Question. Ism chapters , what is doc, interim doc..4 types of ship will there be 1 doc
Question. unclos article 94
[22.02.21 07:49]
[Forwarded from Mohammed Shoaib Mhaskar]
Gupta sir
Senthil sir and one more
Question. Tests on mooring winch
Question. Brake holding test in details
Question. Onboard PMS requirements
Question. You are taking over as CE and due do unavoidable circumstances vessel has to depart in short time, action as CE what specific things you will ascertain.
Question. SMS reviews/ What exactly in it/Importance, input and output Frequency
Question. ESP, why came to existence/What are ship under it/Why tankers/
Question. Paint scheme/Latest in paints/What paints are used in ER
Question. IWS what is it/Requirements for IWS/
Question. Divers observe a dent in shell plating how to locate on ship plan
Question. What is shell expansion plan and its nomenclature
Question. What is garboard strake
[Forwarded from Varun Kotian]
oral date:18.02.20
MMD:mumbai(Attempt 1)
senthil sir & Gupta sir
Question. Modification of motor ship to Gas injection system(LPG)
Question. IGF code & IGC code details
Question. Collision at aft near main engine area what checks you will carry out
Question. Load line survey checks
Question. Compliant fuel not available in port ,your actions.
Question. EEDI EEOI ,chap 4 requirements, Nox tech file , Requirements.
[20.11.20 12:44]
[Forwarded from DP]
Internal: Mukhopadhyay Sir
External: Gupta Sir
Question. Tell me about MLC. Why did it come into force.
Question. Young Seafarer requirements
Question. Training of JE
Question. ME all units exhaust temp high. Reasons and action
Question. Propeller damage, indications and impact on ME if blade tip is broken.
Question. AE crankshaft damaged, how will you present case to H&M
Question. Requirements for onboard PMS system.
Question. Preparations before entering dry dock. Job specs etc etc
Question. Tailshaft survey. Interval for withdrawal. Checks.
Question. PSC boarding is imminent. How will you prepare to avoid detention.
Question. How to prove to PSC that earlier entries made in ORB are correct.
Question. Surveys under class. Scope of annual survey. Why intermediate required if annual is there.
Question. Preparation for annual loadline survey. Conditions of assignment. What checks on ballast tank air vent.
Question. Liabilities covered under P &I, limit for oil pollution damage.
Question. Clear grounds under PSC. Detainable deficiency.
Question. Onboard compliant handling procedure
[19.11.20 16:19]
[Forwarded from @ Rawat]
Internal dont know..may be mr gupta..
Question. Master review..internal audit..who can be auditor.
Question. bwmc..documents under it.
Question. iopp survey preparation.
Question. P&I limits..
Question. grounding in way of er.was waiting to hear changeover of seachest.
Question. esp..when does it start..i told after 4th annual..wasnt satisfied..gave all possible combination but didnt seem satisfied..documents required..
Question. 1Ae not working..action
Mr mukopadhyay
Question. how to go about raising nc..told him will proove that we used machinery as per makers instruction etc..was satisfied
Question. one unit giving prob abd rough sea outside..was wating to hear nc and ca pa..
[19.11.20 14:06]
[Forwarded from Bimlesh Kumar]
Date 18/11/2020 Attempt 6
Question. Applicability of solas
Question. Electrical officer came drunk from shore,what action as chief engr
Question. Agenda of mepc 75
Question. Fuel consumption rise in last 2 days,action as chf engr
Question. Nc,observation,mnc ,all about this
Question. Marpol regulation latest amendment for bulk carriers in 2019
Question. Competency required of chf engr as per stcw
Question. Noon report
Question. No favourable treatment
Question. P@i liability,insurance
Question. Raining while taking bunkers,action as chief engr
Question. Emergency generator not working,actions as chief engineer for sailing out
Question. Compulsory documents carried on board related to safety, not the certificates
Mr Gupta 2020 Question
& Answers
[21.08.20 16:05]
[Forwarded from Rajesh Kumar Singh]
Mode- online @21 August 2020.
Internal- wankhede sir External- Gupta sir.
Result- pass
Question. What do understand with word administration?
Question. What is MLC.
X- Documents under MLC.
How ML certificate issue?
Question. Annual load line survey.
X- purpose of it.
Question. What is seq .
X Question. - For passenger ship what certificate issue.
Question. PSC inspection & its need. Also tools of PSC.
Question. FSI and PSC difference?
Question. Flag state enforcement where mention.
Question. flag state responsibility
Question. ME fuel consumption increase gradually action as c/e.
Question. What is slip. It's significant.
Question. Fund conversation. Its liability limit.
23.01.20 16:58]
[Forwarded from Vijay Vadlakonda]
Dgs ext : Gupta sir Int : Kamath sir
4th Attempt, Pass
Question. As C/E How will you prepare ship for loadline survey
Question. Esp, applicability
Question. What is substantial corrosion, how will you tackle substantial corrosion
Question. How you carry out Risk assessment
Question. How will you prepare for SEQ survey
Question. What is parametric rolling
Question. Aux engine crankshaft damaged, how will you prepare for h& m claim
Question. Which ship will roll more
Mr Gupta 2019 Question & Answers
[Forwarded from kartikanil]
Orals at Dgs kanjurmarg
Date 23 Sep 2019
External two guys ,don't know there name initially.
One was Mr Gupta other don't know his name.
Internal Mr vikrant rai
Started with general checks,admit card ,cdc check,back ground, types of
1. Critical equipment as per ism,how to identify
2.isps implementation on new aquistion
ship and XQ ssa,ssp
3.clc in detail
4.out of 3 generator,1 out of commission,will u take over,what u will u
5.Loadline assignment ,how it is
assigned ?
6.esp in detail
Other external came in between
2.suspension of class /withdrawal
of class
3 grounding in way of engine room what action
4 iopp renewal survey preparation
5.orb entries
[Forwarded from Siddey Shirodkar]
19 09 2019
Ext Gupta.. Int Vikrant Rai.
1) ISM implementation on new ship.
2) DD preparation as CE
3) TMON.. What all there in the file.
4) Scopic
5) rest hours not complying action as chies engineer
Was not able to satisfy. He kept
stressing company not listening.. Even after Master review.. And all other
6) flag state duties
7) Scope of surveys.. Int survey interval and how done.. Annual..
8)grounding in way of engine room.
9)Documents as per MLC 2006.. I was stating all the documents.. Then he asked
what abt certification...?
Vikrant rai
Why scopic needex
How to close NC.. Here specifically he wanted.. why technique.. Asto why
it is occurring..
Royston Dsouza
Dgs,Gupta sir and barik sir
1) Isps implementation on new ship.
Contents of CSR. Certificates issued
2)ME FO consumption high action as chief engineer
3)One AE out of operation ,have to take over ,steps as chief engineer.
Answered as per rajiv sir.
4)ME turbocharger out of operation, action as chief engineer to present
H and M claim.
5)CMS why is it required
6) PMS implementation on onboard as chiefengineer
7)No compliant fuel available at port steps to be taken
8)Collision in way of engine room steps as chief engineer
Second round Barik sir
1) Alternative fuels,which is better
2) Which takes presedence Safety or security and where is it mentioned
3)Non compliant fuel steps to take, Details of Fonar form
4)Latest regulations on lifeboats.
5)If vessel is carrying Non persistent oil amd spillage occurs,will CLC
cover if not which.
Rajiv CE, [27.08.19 12:56]
[Forwarded from Sameer
Old mmd
Gupta sir
First attempt
1. Intro
2. Isps implementation on new
3.vessel collision in the way
of engine room.
4. Ows failure before port.
5. Hauge and visby salient
6. Bwm
And few more
[27.08.19 13:54]
[Forwarded from अंकुर जोशिलकर]
Old Mmd
Gupta Sir
1st Attempt ...
1st candidate
1. Introduction, sea service
as 2E & Checked documents PP and CDC
2. HSSC .
3. Vetting and PSC ... explained
VIQ, VPQ ...
4. CSR ... explained how
amendments are carried out , documents numbering
5. Fundamental of SMS ...
explained wrt ISM code and SMS functionality also but not satisfied
6. ESP... when ESP came into
picture and in details ...
7. ME lube oil combustion
increased ...
When I started starting with
purifier overflow ... he stopped... say no no
8. Substandard ship ...
Then said wait outside ...
Forwarded from Gaurav Nasikkar]
1 St attempt
Result : Pass
Pratishtha bhavan
1) Green ship your understanding ?X questions
2)Unclos understanding X questions
3) SMC survey, interval and X questions
4) DOC, procedure
5) implementation of ISM
6) Non compliant fuel after 1 Jan 2020, your actions as CE ,X question
7) Passenger ship definition as per SOLAS
Barik sir left in between
Mr. Gupta and other gentelmen continued
8) ILLC, survey, X questions
9) M/E LO consumptions increased during voyage, reasons, your analysis
as CE, X questions
10) How will you train your fresh J/E
11) Noon report
12) grounding/collision in a way of Engine room, your actions as CE
Mr. Barik came back in between, and told to wait outside and started
after few minutes started again with his questions.
Akshay Jagtap, [20.08.19
Akshay Jagtap:
20 Aug 2019
Q.1 Ism requirements regarding
crtical equipments ?
Q.2 To take over vessel as
chief engineer @ short notice ?
Q.3 SEQ survey preparation as
chief eng ?
Q.4 Training to give to newly
joined trainee engineer ?
Q.5 Checks on lifeboat ?
Q.6 Need of SCOPIC Clause ?
Q.7 Prepare vessel for scrap ?
Q.8 Action as chief engineer
for collision in way of engine room ?
Abhishek Roy, [22.07.19 18:34]
Surveyors- internal Mr. Kamath, external mr. Gupta
Attempt no. 1
result - Pass
Type of ships done-LPG carriers
Company right now employed with - stenna bulk- northern marine,
He asked about recent stenna oil tanker ship capture by iran navy, the
stenna impero. I said it is sad that we have to go through this also.
He asked what will you do in this scenario- i said immediately inform
flag state, port state, p&I, follow contingency plan, as a CE only follow
what is ordered of, don’t be hero.
2- on the basis of this please elaborate ISPS implementation on a new
ship, documents under ISPS
3- TMON notation, meaning, what we record.
4- total experience from class 4 in months, then asked if Main engine
system oil consumption increasing too much, why
5- after take Over outgoing CE informs one out of the three gennys not
in order, my actions
6- difference between port, flag, coastal state.
7- what to do in case ship has non compliant fuel, FONAR, LOTS OF cross
questions, discussion, who to blame and all for non complaint fuel
8- ESP code. I said i am not proficient in this as i have not done tankers
or bulkers just told basic stuff
9- in case of grounding actions as Chief engineer
After this they said to have lunch and come back when called in. After
2.5 hours both of them called me in and said you are pass.
Both of them gave time to answer. All are normal questions.
SG, [22.07.19 17:32]
[Forwarded from SG]
DGS, 22/07/2019
Ext: Mr. Gupta
Int: Mr. Kamath
Result: repeat
Brief introduction, types of
vessel worked on, experience as 2/enng,
trading route.
Basic education
Then starts oral
1.ISPS, how to verify its
implementation on board?
SSP, xq on sister ship SSP same
or not? When to change sister ship SSP?
2. Difference between RO and RSO?
3. Why need class? Role of
4. Different types of surveys.
Difference between annual and intermediate survey?
5.Difference between inspection,
audit & survey?
6.Flag state duties?
7. Grounding in the way of E/R,
action as a C/E?
8.F.O consumption increased?
Action as a C/E for Checks and finding reasons? Types of slip?
9.DD specs, how to prepare? Prepare for a S.W pipe? Method for checking the welding of a newly
fabricated pipe?
Syam Sankar, [28.06.19 13:28]
Dgs 28/06/2019
Gupta, Pal and Vikrant Rai.
1. Intro
2. ISM, Emergency Preparedness, Chapter in SMS
3. OWS malfunction just before arrival port. Role and actions of CE.
4. Grounding of Vessel. Role of CE. They want all details as per
contingency plan and Checklist.
5. Classification society Survey types nd window periods. Window period
for intermediate survey.
6. General Average.
7. SCOPIC clause in detail. Difference of Salvage as per Article
13,Article 14 and Sopic clause.
8. Class annual survey. They want to know what surveyors check in
particular and wrt load line convention, what all docs need to be prepared and
what surveyors may inspect.
9. Role of PSCO.
10 substantial corrosion
Mukesh Mishra, [27.06.19 18:59]
Gupta sir and barik sir,
3rd attempt....PASSED.
Gupta sir, very comforting ,humble and senior surveyor, started with my background
And experience
1.ISM elements and understanding .
2.ESP ..Details ,how and when,survey report content
3.substantial corrosion action...
4.Difference between Psc and vetting inspection.. will you identify and declare any equipment as emergency equipment
and definition of emergency equipment.
6.As a chief engineer, you are filling ORB but Psc has pointed out your
entries are wrong ,it's related to day to day operation and company is making
sure you are doing ....what's that one thing? And remember your dates, code , reporting format, declaration are matching
with sounding book and declaration are accurate. one what basis he is saying,
your entry is wrong,?
7.As a C/E action in case of grounding,
8.T Mon notifications, when and why...procedure?
10.condition monitoring tools and method .
Barik sir... very Humble human being and being a pricipal surveyor very
busy, usually ask 2 to 3 question, basic understanding based question,
Similarities between Doc and Smc certificates,
Importance of training to junior?
M.N. SHAIKH, [27.06.19 11:44]
[Forwarded from M.N. SHAIKH]
Oral at DGS, 27June 19
Surveyor: Not sure but surely not Pakrassi and Vishwanatha
Introduce you self
1. Why different code for different ships
2. How and why does the noise code came
3. What should be the focal points in Ballast Water tank
4. What all amendments came in 2019
5. Definition of Length as MS Act?
6. How does the results of Audit put? X Qs- What is Observation, NC and
7. What are the methods to tackle the NOX.. X.Q.What is the limitation
with EGR.. Can it be applied on all type of ships
Manohar Singh Rathore.
Old MMD Mumbai
Attempt- 5th
Result: Repeat
Intro etc.
1.Ism implementation and checking effectiveness of ism onboard?
2. ME Crankshaft damaged , procedure for H&M claim?
3.Grounding in way of Engine Room , action as Chief Engineer?
4. Critical Equipments , Critical equipment spares , Critical Operation
on board vessels and corelation of each of them
in ISM and how its handled.
5. One AE out of operation and Master wants to depart vessel on short
notice , you taking over as New CE , detailed action plan?
6.Safety equipment Survey prep. As CE and details of all Cert. and
documents related to Life boats?
7. ME LO consumption increased , reasons?
Round 2 Mr.Brarik-
(Failing Question )
8. As you must be knowing that ISM came into existence bcoz of Herald of
free Enterprise incident.
——-What all ship construction rules regarding the specific RO-RO ferries
were developed after that incident and how these rules avoided future accidents
on these vessels.
AVNISH AGGARWAL, [18.06.19 22:50]
17 06 2019
Dgs kanjurgmarg
Gupta/ V Rai
1)How will u check effectiveness of ISM implementation.
2)what are the responsibilities of shi owner for safe operation of ship.
3) general average, particular average
4) CLC vs bunker convention
5) u joined as ce and ship is about to sail at short notice, how will u go
6) ship is going to ECA area, action as ce, difference between fuel
changeover procedure high to low/ low to high
7) difference between annual and intermediate survey
8) dry-dock criteria
Some more q , will post if recollect
Abhinav Chaudhry, [18.06.19 10:32]
Abhinav chaudhry
Dgs Kanjurgmarg
External-Mr.Vikrant Rai
1. Your ship has taken a new ship, how will the ISM implementation take
place and your duty as C/E in that. √
2. MLC 2006. What are it's main criteria regarding onboard ship working.
Minor and young seafarer criteria. All regarding young seafarer training
requirements. √
3. Difference between FSI and PSC. √
4. M/E turbocharger damaged. How will you proceed for claim and what
will H&M do. √
5. M/E crankcase lube oil loosing oil, your action az chief engineer.
Answered about leak through stuffing box through carry over, leak in tank going
to cofferdam space, as soon as I said purifier leak shared his head in disagreement.
Said this 4th engineer will answer. Why is this wrong, I said alarm is there to
detect, he said yes. There is some other reason, in this answer your thought
process is not correct. Said you know the answer but need to correct the
thinking in this. X
6. 1 A/E damaged your action as chief engineer. No spares available for
that AE. √
7. Load line annual survey is going to take place, your action as chief
engineer. √
8. What is a Substandard ship. √
Few more can't remember those two were almost correct.
2nd round Mr.Virant rai with Gupta sir.
1. What is the drydock interval. Tell me all the criteria.√
2. Marpol annex 1 applicable to which ship. √
3. What about Solas applicability .√
PANKAJ GHODKE, [27.04.19 10:25]
Attempt -5th
Internal- shekhar sir
External- gupta sir
Date -26-04-2019
1. Question Action as CE before joining ship if one AE totally out of
2. Question TCM notation all methods in detail
xquestion latest class notation
3. Question Aux boiler derating n all settings with
values. Accumulation pr. Test procedure in detail.
4. Question New ship condition monitoring implementation procedure
in detail as a CE..........
5. Question Technological innovations towards emission control and
IMO studies for GHG reduction
X quest- what MEPC 73 includes for the same.
6. Question MOC n steps in MOC
X quest about changes in sms
7. Question What is ESI
8. Question What is the complete role of CE for drydock
preparation and just before entering drydock
9. Question BOL types and contents have you seen it onboard
and latest new type of BOL its benefit
Brij Raj Singh Tanwar, [24.04.19 23:52]
Mr. R.K. Gupta
1. Question How will you check ISM implementation on a vessel on which
you have joined as a CE ??
2. Question How will you Implement ISPS on a new vessel ?
3. Question What are the specific intervals for class surveys ?
4. Question OWS is in operational before reaching a port, no spares to
make it operational, actions as CE ?
5. Question One of the AE is damaged, you have joined as a CE and master
gives a short notice for sailing, actions as CE ?
6. Question What are the latest developments in Annex VI, everything
which is already in force and will be coming into force?
7. Question Grounding in the way of ER, actions as CE ?
8. Question CLC , why it came into picture and all in detail ?
Orville Carvalho, [24.04.19 17:50]
Gupta Sir
5th attempt
1) Question contents of sms
2) Question responsibility of class
3) Question ship in port, compliant fuel not available for next
voyage. Ur action as ce
4) Question what is cms and contents of pms
5) Question action of ce for collision in way of engine room
6) Question Seq survey and contents. Where will u find it
7) Question specifications for ordering bunker
8) Question ESP survey explain starts from which year
Kishan Shah, [24.04.19 16:14]
[Forwarded from Rohan]
Second attempt
Gupta sir
result - repeat.
1. Question Have you seen company SMS manual , what are the contents
in SMS manuals.
2. Question What is substandard ship , what is unseaworthy .
3. Question You are showing ur ORB to PSC surveyor by looking
at it he tells it's wrong what is possible reason.
4. Question Ship grounded what is your action as CE.
5. Question Have you seen your ships contingency plan what are
the contents.
6. Question Tell me about recycling of ships , what you
understand .
7. Question Fo consumption is high what is your action as CE.
8. Question SEQ survey explain.
9. Question What do you mean by continuous monitoring.
Ankit Kumar, [19.04.19 18:45]
Sorry guys for late posting of questions.....
Date : 16/04/2019
External: Gupta Sir, Internal: Vikrant Rai Sir
Both of them were taking oral together
Started with: Experience as 2 E, type of ships and how many Dry docks;
1. Question Preparation for Drydock as C/E?
2. Question Main engine T/C damaged at sea, how will you prepare for the
H&M insurance claim, documents required , what is the specific
thing the H&M surveyor will see while carrying out survey of damage?
3. Question Inputs to Master’s Review? Need for master’s review?
4. Question Prepare your ship for recycling as CE? All documents and
certificates needed?
5. Question Ship on short voyage not able to maintain rest hours, yours
actions as CE?
6. Question As soon as you join a ship as CE how can you find tht SMS is
properly implemented onboard?
7. Question All the surveys carried out by class? Why needed
intermediate survey when annual survey is there? How to carry out intermediate
8. Question ESP in detail? Inspection of ballast tank?
9. Question M/E system oil consumption increased , as CE how
will u find the reasons?
10. Question FINAL DECIDING QUESTION : You join as CE and
outgoing CE told you that one of the 3 Aux eng is out of order, will u take
over as CE?
Anselmo Faria, [17.04.19 13:36]
Gupta sir! 16th April
1. Question How will u carry out ISPS audit on a takeover ship.
2. Question Diff between Vetting and PSC
3. Question Why ESP is carried out ,when it will start?
Question How will u carry out SEQ survey as CE.n Xqst what u will
check in L/B, what are the different test on the L/B .
5. Question FO consumption of ME has increased while at sea?Action
as CE.
6. Question Why sea trials are carried out?
7. Question The port u r visiting don't hv low
sulphur fuel ur Action as CE.what is
FONAR. content of it.
8. Question Ship grounded what
is ur action as CE
2nd Round Kamath sir,
Asked my name, from where, which company r u sailing with ,since
What type of ship u have sailed? Told him Crude oil
,product tanker n Gas Carrier.
So his fav topic is all abt Gas carrier
Question Where is the cofferdam on the gas carrier?Xqst y it is
Question What are the safeties on gas carrier ?
Question How fixed DCP extinguish fire on the deck.what it does?
Question What are the uses of blowers in compressor room n el motor room
.where is the suction n discharge in both the room ?
Question What are the two ways
to discharge lpg cargo.he mean to say like heating the
cargo and discharge with booster pump.
Question Mixing the cargo at the manifold at what proportion?
Question What is the type material used
for hull construction for gas carrier
Question What is the temperature it should withstand.
Question How will u do grade change from ammonia to lpg n lpg
to ammonia
Question What is the difference between statutory certificate n
class certificate? Name all statutory certificate. Why they are
Question What is Protocol ? Why der is a protocol
when convention is der. Name some of the protocol
Question What is FONAR
Dilip Gupta
Sorry for late posting
1. Introduction
2. ISM functional requirements and how to prepare for new ship
3. Preparation for drydock
4. Heat no.?
5. Renewable sources of energy
6. List of safety conv. Latest in FAL
7. Chemical Tanker: distance betwn outside shell and cargo tank
8. Admiralty Law
9.Aft end vibration
Shekher sir
1. FCP
2. What you understand my non-compliant fuel.